Comments For Lolita
glowbug917 (Signed) on Jul 17, 2009 12:21 pm (...light of my life, fire of my loins...)

God, you know the way to my heart. Lolita? One of my top five books of all time. I re-read it at least twice a year. And you referenced it at all the perfect moments, so this comes across as actually a really beautiful and poignant piece instead of just smut. Which makes me all kinds of happy, because personally I really just can never getting into reading sex just for sex's sake. There has to be more to it, and there is, to this, so I love it.

And now I must go re-read Lolita again, haha. 

Author's Response:

*shameface* I've only read it once so I wasn't really sure of all the reference ^^; But I'm glad it passed your scrutiny. And thanks ♥♥ I really had a hard time giving birth to this narrative. I'm glad it paid off :3

I'll probably do the same after I get my thesis to finish itself off =o=;

Tina (Anonymous) on Jul 17, 2009 05:38 am (...light of my life, fire of my loins...)
Loved it, and it's interesting to read stories about much older Justin.

Author's Response: Thanks dear ♥ Same here. I've just begun my love affair with Older!Justin XD;

SJane (Signed) on Jul 16, 2009 10:35 pm (...light of my life, fire of my loins...)
I enjoyed this very much well done

Author's Response: Aww~ Thank you for reading and reviewing dear ♥

SomethingBlue42 (Signed) on Jul 16, 2009 09:27 pm (...light of my life, fire of my loins...)
Wow I really liked this! I love the language you use. "he beckoned to her with a gesuture" and "He places a hand on the inside of your thigh, stroking and tracing circular patterns on your skin" And I like the premise! I found it interesting that Justin was so much older than he is now. Not a lot of people write him older much less that much older. I kind of inferred that it had something to do with Lolita but alas I haven't read that yet so I could be wrong. Now I need to read the book so I can get the more subtle nuances lol. Great job!

Author's Response:

Thank you ♥ I was having a hard time writing out the narrative because I didn't want it to slip into purple prose. I'm glad it paid off in the end.

I've recently grown a fascination for a much older JT. I have to admit it was prompted by your story (Un)Tying the Knot ^^; It lead me to imagine what'd he be like in the far future. I don't know why but I sorta imagine him more to be like the next George Clooney or someone similar like him.

Hahaha ^_^ I really was trying to draw attention to the original novel. Though I must confess to not really using a lot of allusions to the story ^^;;;; I've only read through it once and I'm not well-acquainted with it enough to do that. But you should read it 8D I always find Nabakov's narratives interesting to read.

Thanks again for reading and reviewing dear ♥♥♥

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