elle-miranda (Signed) on Dec 03, 2015 11:14 pm (Blueprint)
KISSING. WANT MORE KISSING. also, maybe want more excerpts of Blueprint. AU JC. MOOOOORRRREEEEE! :D

Author's Response: There will be more lots of stuff but first I think they need to talk. And for JC to take a shower. 

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Nov 25, 2015 09:54 pm (Blueprint)
Loved this chapter :D

Author's Response: Yay! Can't wait to give you more!

Ashley (Anonymous) on Nov 24, 2015 07:05 pm (Blueprint)
I really like JC's characterization in this story. His and Kyra's relationship feels very real and genuine. Can't wait to see what happens now that JC surprised her in Boston again! 

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm really glad that you're connecting with this version of JC and that their relationship feels natural. Thanks for taking the time to review I really appreciate it.

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