theusagirl (Signed) on May 15, 2020 01:32 pm (Chapter 3)

"To sell on ebay??" LMAO Joey!

Marlene is the ultimate control freak though, something must be done!

Author's Response:

I love you thought that line was so hilarious. Bekah often points some winners out to me - things I didn't think were funny writing that she got a real kick out of. So thank you! I love when I add a tiny bit of humor into these serious stories.

Glad you're still enjoying! :)

ShadesofNsync (Signed) on Mar 19, 2020 10:42 am (Chapter 3)

I am LOVING this story! Cannot wait to see how (or if!) JC gets out of this.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! It's one of my favorite stories I've written, so I'm glad you're enjoying it!

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