Dreams Do Come True by musiccrazedjazzy
Summary: What happens at a Meet and Greet?
Categories: Completed Het Stories Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: General
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 798 Read: 576 Published: Apr 19, 2012 Updated: Apr 19, 2012
Chapter 1 by musiccrazedjazzy
Author's Notes:
Yes, I know another one, but I thought you'd enjoy this one.
She looked at all the faces around her as she thought, 'this is it, at least one of my dreams is coming true.' Shaking her head, the young woman watched as more people entered the room. A few minutes later a gruff looking man entered the room to announce that the special guest would be arriving in five minutes. Her mind went to memories of being a teenager and wishing that this dream would come true, but at that time it had not. The young woman was pulled from her memories by a tap on the shoulder.

A tall red headed woman smiled as she introduced herself "Hi, my name is Donna and you would be?"

The young woman bit her lip nervously "I'm Courtney how are you?"

Donna shrugged her shoulders as she sat down on the seat next to Courtney, with a light giggle she replied, "Ehh, had to wake up at the crack of dawn just so I could get here on time, but other than that I am fantastic. How about yourself?"

Courtney played with the ring her best friend had given her as she nervously replied "not too bad, just nervous."

As Donna nodded her head, she watched Courtney twist the ring on her finger "yeah, I would be too if it was my first time meeting the man himself. I remember my first time like it was yesterday." Donna sighed with a dreamy look on her face.

Courtney gave a small smile "yeah."

Just then the same Gruff man came back through the doors to announce the arrival of the man everyone in the room was anxious to meet.

Courtney relaxed as the man gave a small wave to everyone. With a smile she leaned over to Donna and said, "I remember he was skinnier when I first met him, but that was over ten years ago." Just then the man's eyes landed on Courtney and winked to her,

Donna's smile faded "wait, do you mean to tell me that you know him?"

Courtney shrugged with a small smile "I don't know..." at that moment the man slipped up behind Courtney and wrapped his arms around her "do I know you babe?"

The man's eyes twinkled with mischief "I don't know should I call my other wife?"

Donna's jaw dropped as she noticed the diamond ring on Courtney's hand. No words could escape her mouth.

Courtney's smile faded "Donna, Im sorry I should properly introduce myself." She removed herself from the mans arms. "My name is Courtney Marie Chasez, and no this isnt my first time meeting JC obviously, but I have never been in this setting before. You know a meet and greet setting." She explained with a grin.

With a nod Donna shook her head with a light laugh "wow, I don't know how you don't go nuts with these people fawning after your husband."

Courtney looked to her husband as he made his way around the room to greet everyone. She smiled "I love him, he's been my best friend for years, so it's become second nature for me to pretend like im a fan. Although I truly am nervous because this is the first time JC and I have come together to an event like this, usually we are sitting at home watching reruns of MASH on Nick at Night." She giggled at the thought.

Donna's face lit into a grin "how cool. So are you two announcing your marriage today?"

As Courtney nodded a thought crossed her mind, with a smile she whispered to Donna, "yes, that and the fact that JC is doing performance on ABDC."

Donna shrieked which caused everyone to turn in her direction, to cover her excitement she faked pain "don't worry I just stubbed my toe. Go back to mingling." She turned bright red with embarrassment.

Laughter poured from Courtney's lips "ok that was classic." With that she continued to laugh.

Donna shook her head as she replied in a hushed tone "well, when you tell a JC fan that he is going to sing on national TV, of course said fan is going to freak now leave me alone." She faked annoyance.

JC came back to the two women and said, "Court, it's time to get sexified for this interview that you are so excited for. Who knew you were a huge fan of Carson Daly Donna, it was nice to meet you." He turned to Donna and gave her a hug before taking Courtney's hand.

Courtney nodded "ok, yes Donna it was great meeting you. We will talk after the show ok?"

Donna nodded her head as she hugged Courtney. A single thought came to her mind as the couple left. 'well, I guess my dream really did come true.'
End Notes:
Hope you liked it.
This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=2381