Bang, Marry, Kill (Chris Version) by TeamChasez
Summary: Chris overhears a conversation between Melissa and her friend that he wasn't supposed to hear. But he's glad he does.
Categories: Completed Het Stories Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick
Awards: None
Genres: Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 7510 Read: 483 Published: Mar 21, 2019 Updated: Mar 21, 2019
Story Notes:
This story has nothing to with the JC version. Just the same pretense of the game 'bang, marry, kill'.
Chapter 1 by TeamChasez

"Bye! Bu-bye now! Bye!" Rachel Weatherly called as she held the door open for the five men to walk through. When they and their entourage were gone, she shut the door. "Now..."


"Did you ever see five worst dressed men in your life?" Melissa Bass couldn't contain her laughter any longer. She fell back onto the couch, clutching her belly as she laughed and laughed. "What the hell was JC wearing?"


"I don't know, but some poor animal had to die for him to look that ridiculous." Rachel laughed as she moved away from the door and back into the main room.


"Some poor unfortunate soul had to sit and bedazzle Lance's jean jacket into flames."


"I'd like to throw it into the flames."


"Joey and Chris were the only halfway decent ones." Melissa wiped the tears from her eyes with the sides of her fingers. Chris's laptop was open on the coffee table in front of her. Hers was on the fritz at the moment, so Chris let her use his. "I thought they couldn't get any worse than last year."


"They outta fire their wardrobe people."


"I think they like looking this ridiculous."


"It doesn't matter anyway. Even dressed with a dead animal around his neck, JC will still have every girl lining the streets outside, in attendance, and watching on TV wanting to fuck him. Does Chris know what you're using his laptop for?"


"Hell no!" Melissa gasped, her eyes widening. She was sure the ground would open up and swallow her whole if Chris every found out she wrote fanfiction about him and the group. The guys knew it was out there. They read some of it until they happened upon a story that put them in relationships with each other. Joey had wanted to pour bleach in his eyes. Later on, Melissa had gone back to the website they found and read all the ones with Chris and Joey together. "He thinks I'm just e-mailing Momma."


Rachel snorted and grabbed a pack of peanut M&Ms from the mini bar and tore the package open.


"What the fuck man!" Melissa exclaimed staring at her friend. "Those are $14! You are eating $14 M&Ms when we could just go to the shop on the corner and get them for 75 cents."


Rachel stared at the yellow wrapper in her hand and paused. She then shrugged and tossed another M&M in her mouth. "You know damn well they tore in to their own mini bars. If they have an issue they can blow me."


Melissa giggled as she stood up from the couch and made her way into the kitchen where the bottle of Vodka sat along with two shot glasses. "Are you sure we want to play this game?"


"Sure why not?" Rachel said as she leaned against the counter, finishing off her candy.


"For starters, I don't feel like dying." Melissa said trying. "I mean the first rule is drink when you see a belly button. Need I remind you that last year Lil Kim wore a sticker over her nipple? We're gonna be dead before the actual show ever starts. How is Lance gonna explain to my death to Momma?"


"That I was a terrible influence on you."


"Well she already knows that." Melissa laughed at Rachel's aghast face. "Like you didn't know."


"I'm a terrible influence? Me! Has she met Joey and Chris? Does Momma Bass know exactly how much of a terrible influence those two are?"


"What are you talking about? Joey and Chris are perfect gentlemen." Melissa snorted in laughter. "I can't even say that with a straight face. They are on their best behavior when Mom is around."


"Of course they are. If they acted normally when Momma Bass visits, she'd snatch both you and Lance back to Mississippi so fast."


"She would not!" Melissa laughed. "Though she does pray really hard for us each night."


"I bet she does." Rachel says dryly. "You need all the help you can get."


"Me!" Melissa gasped. "What about you?"


"What about me?"


"Lusting after JC like you do." Melissa grinned when her friend blushed. "Even with that ridiculous outfit, I saw you drooling."


"Can you blame me! Did you see those pants he wore? They weren't leaving anything to the imagination!" Rachel moaned and bit her knuckle.


"When was your last confession?"


"Ain't no amount of Hail Mary's can save me."


"The priest would be horrified to learn the thoughts that float around in your head."


"My head?" Rachel raised an eyebrow at her friend. "Let's talk about you."


"I don't know what you mean." Melissa tried to brush off Rachel's comments, but she could feel the blush already beginning.


"Riiiight," Rachel drawled. "I'm lusting after JC. But you, my friend, have a little ménage-a-trois in your head with Joey and Chris." She laughed as Melissa's face turned into a full fledge blush.


"I can't help it." Melissa groaned. "They are both so..." she moaned. "God I want to do bad things to them."


"If Momma Bass could hear you now."


"Momma wasn't faced with Joey and Chris."


"Talk about a confession." Rachel said dryly.


"Shut up. We aren't even catholic." Melissa smacked her friend in the arm. "Besides, what would your grandfather think about his only granddaughter lusting after some singer?"


"I'd say he'd put me on an oil rig in the middle of the Indian Ocean, but he knows the type of men on his rigs. He wouldn't want his precious princess defiled."


Melissa snorted. "Does he know that ship sailed a long time ago?"


"Shit he thinks I'm being defiled every day on a tour bus by five guys."


"You're such a whore," Melissa giggled.


The girls settled in to watch the MTV Video Music Awards on the couch from their hotel room. It was in the middle of the guys' off time. The next leg of their No Strings Attached tour was set to start in a little over a month in North Carolina. Since the awards were in New York City, they had come up for an extended period of time. When Rachel wasn't crashing at the Bass house with Lance and Melissa in Orlando, she lived in New York. When Melissa and the guys had shown up last Friday, Rachel had spent all her time with them at the hotel instead of her parents' house. Melissa couldn't wait for the tour to start back up again and she could see her best friend every day.


By the time the red carpet was over and the award show started, they had a buzz going on thanks to the drinking game they concocted.


"Alright," Rachel said after the opening performance ended. "New game. Because if we keep this up, we will die in a pool of our own vomit."


"Thank God," Melissa putting her shot glass down. She hadn't even finished the shot she was supposed to take. "I may never drink again."


"The fuck you won't."


"What's the new game?"


"Bang Marry Kill."


"I'm killing you for making a deadly drinking game."


Rachel rolled her eyes. "It builds tolerance."


"You think your grandfather will buy me a new liver on the black market when mine quits working because of tonight?"


"Alright, here's how it works," Rachel started, ignoring her friend's question. They both knew the answer anyway. "For each category, we're gonna bang, marry, kill the nominations."


"That mean we'll collectively bang the group? Kinky. Alright. I'm in." Melissa said and watched as the first award popped up. "Alright Viewer's Choice." Her lip curled at the nominations. "Uhm... Bang *NSYNC. Marry Britney. Kill Eminem."


"Guess the Real Slim Shady isn't standing up for you." Rachel laughed. "I'd bang *NSYNC, Marry Christina. Kill Sisqo. If I have to hear that song sa-sa-sa-song again, I'm gonna kill myself."


"This game is pretty boring," Melissa said after a few more categories were through. "It's the same people in these categories. Okay... I have an idea. Bang marry kill: Kid Rock, Fred Durst, and Eminem."


Rachel curled her lip in disgust. "My God. Those are the worst choices ever!"


Melissa laughed. "Now Weatherly."


"Uhm, Kill Eminem. He's too angry for me. Bang Kid Rock. Marry Fred Durst. He seems somewhat normal. Your turn. Let's hear ‘em Bass."


"Bang Eminem. I love me some Marshall Mathers."


"Did you feel that disturbance? That was Momma Bass." Rachel giggled. "Marry and Kill?"


"Kill Fred Durst. I just don't like him. Marry Kid Rock. He seems like a nice guy."


"Yeah. Kid Rock seems like the kind of guy you'd bring home to meet Momma." Rachel snorted.


"You think it's so funny. Imagine what your grandfather would do if he knew you were shacking up with Fred Durst."


"I'd tell him I did it for the nookie." The girls burst in to laughter. The award show was long forgotten. "Alright, next," Rachel said when they recovered. "Britney, Christina, Jessica."


"Kill Jessica." Melissa said immediately. "She's a dumbass. I'd probably have to teach her where to lick." She grinned at Rachel's snort. "Bang Christina. Then bathe in penicillin. Marry Britney."


Rachel nodded. "I'd have to kill Britney. I don't want Justin's sloppy seconds. Bang Christina. She looks like she'd know what to do in the bedroom. Marry Jessica."


"She's an airhead!" Melissa exclaimed.


"It will be entertaining."


Melissa rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Kevin, AJ, and Howie."


"You bitch! Where are Nick and Brian?"


"Not available." She grinned as Rachel sighed dramatically.


"Uhm... Kill Kevin." Rachel scrunched her nose. "Bang AJ. Marry Howie and cheat on him with Nick."


Melissa laughed. "It's Bang Marry Kill. Not Bang Marry Kill Cheat."


"I made an addendum. Kevin, AJ, and Howie."


"Bang Kevin. He's hot. Marry AJ. Kill Howie."


"Interesting. But I guess no one in the group is a fuzzy bear like Joey and Chris. Still can't believe you're banging Kevin. He's as skinny as JC and you're always telling me you want a man with meat on his bones."


"I'd worry I'd suffocate him if I was on top."


"Joey and Chris will give you more cushion for the pushin'," Rachel giggled. "Justin, Joey, or Chris."


"You bitch!" Melissa exclaimed. "You take that back right now. Exchange one of them for JC."


"Okay," Rachel grinned. "JC, Joey, or Chris."


"I hate you." Melissa muttered. "Kill Justin. He's an egotistical little shit."




"Bang Joey. Is there a stipulation that I can only bang him once? Is it one and done? Or do I have a 24 hour period and can bang him as much as I want?"


"Lord, all of Momma Bass's praying will not save you."


"These are valid questions!" Melissa insisted. "Marry Chris," she grinned slyly. "So I can bang him all the time."




Chris grabbed his laptop from his bag. He sat it on the table in his hotel room and opened it up, hitting the power button. While he waited for it to load, he grabbed a drink from the fridge. It was early afternoon and all was quiet. Lance, Joey, Rachel, and Melissa were off sight seeing in New Jersey. They had offered the invite to him. He'd not only given them a no, but a hell no. The last place he wanted to be was Jersey. Justin had flown back to Florida yesterday. He wasn't sure what JC was up to. If he had to guess, still sleeping.


It was their last day in the city. They were flying back to Florida tomorrow. At least he, Lance, and JC were. Joey was staying in town a few days longer to catch up with family. Melissa was staying as well to hang out with Rachel. Too much testosterone she had told them. That was usually the case when they were off tour and Rachel wasn't around.  


Taking his water back to the table he saw the laptop had finished loading and there were open windows on the screen. He frowned and tried to remember what he had been working on last. He always saved and shut his computer down. Very rarely did he just snap the lid shut, sending it to sleep. Chris couldn't remember the last time he used his computer. Yesterday he'd been too busy trying not to cut his head off from the hangover he was suffering through from the VMA after parties he'd attended. He could barely stare at a TV screen for most of the day much less a computer screen. The last time it had been in use would have been...




Chris remembered then that he let Melissa use his laptop on Thursday. She'd been on it when he had left for the award show. When he was among the living on Friday, Melissa had knocked on his door on her way to lunch and gave it back to him. He had sat it down on the couch and went back to bed to die a little more. This was the first time he had been on it. Melissa must have left windows open. It wasn't like Melissa to not shut his computer down properly.


Before he closed the open windows out, he looked at them to make sure they weren't anything important. He did not need Melissa reigning down on him because he closed without saving. There were a couple webpages open. Random pages that he didn't even try to figure out why Melissa was looking at them. Sometimes he found it safer not to know what was going on in her head. The final open window was his webcam. Not only was it open and his face looking back at him on the screen, but there was an untitled video saved.


He hit the x to close the video out and was prompted if he wanted to save the video or not. He hovered over no before deciding to look at the video just in case. The video started and he watched confused. He tried to make out the picture but the video wasn't centered on Melissa and Rachel. He could see them popping in and out of the video screen. Never once did they look at they screen. It was like they had no idea they were being recorded.


The video was roughly thirty minutes. He spent most of it laughing at the conversation between the two friends. He learned a lot more about either one of them than he ever wanted to know. He couldn't wait to show them the video. First he was going to show the guys. It was too hilarious not to share. The video had given him teasing fodder for many months to come.  


The video picked up once the girls started Bang Marry Kill. Chris made a mental note to blare The Thong Song as much as possible on the tour bus to annoy Rachel. "Normal my ass," he muttered listening to Rachel speak about Fred Durst. He made another note to drop just how un-normal Fred really was when Rachel could hear.


"That fuck..." he said listening to Melissa say she would bang Eminem. "Lance what the hell is wrong with your sister."


‘Britney, Christina, Jessica.'


"Alright," Chris grinned hearing Rachel's next three. He nearly swallowed his tongue when Melissa started talking about licking. He pressed a hand against his dick as it started to take notice. "Mel and God she's gonna kill me..." he groaned at the picture in his mind.


He perked up hearing his name and rewound the video a few seconds.


‘In the group is a fuzzy bear like Joey and Chris.'


Fuzzy bear? Chris wondered what that meant. The next category had him sitting up straight.


‘Justin, Joey, or Chris.'


‘You bitch! You take that back right now. Exchange one of them for JC.'


‘Okay. JC, Joey, or Chris.'


‘I hate you. Kill Justin He's an egotistical little shit.'


Chris couldn't stop himself from bursting out in laughter. He was laughing so hard he had to pause the video before he missed the rest of Melissa's words. When he recovered enough, he pushed play again.


‘Bang Joey. Is there a stipulation that I can only bang him once? Is it one and done? Or do I have a 24 hour period and bang him as much as I want?'


Chris frowned when he heard Melissa's words. That wasn't what he wanted to hear. He didn't want to hear Melissa barter for more than one romp in Joey's sack. It didn't matter when he heard Melissa's next words.


‘Marry Chris. So I can bang him all the time.'


The grin was wide on Chris's face. He rewound the video and played that clip over and over and over again. He wanted to make it his ring tone. Every time his phone would ring it would say, ‘Marry Chris. So I can bang him all the time.' Then he'd let every call go to voicemail just so he could hear the words as many times as possible.


‘Watching JC move his hips like that is enough to make me orgasm.'


Chris made another note to tell JC just what Rachel thought of his hip movements.


‘I wonder if Chris can move his hips like that?'


"Oh baby, just you wait," Chris said with a smirk. "I'll show you just how good I can move my hips..."


‘If the camera had showed him during that dance move, I would have needed some personal time in the bedroom.'


‘If the camera had showed Chris during that move you would have been humping the TV.'


The video went blank right after the NSYNC performance for which he was grateful. The vulgarity that came out of Melissa's and Rachel's mouths was worse than anything he had ever said.




"What do you mean you're not going back to Florida today?" Melinda stared at Chris, exasperated. Behind her JC and Lance stood, their bags already packed. Lonnie, their bodyguard, stood with them.


"I've decided to stay here for a few more days." Chris grinned as he thought of how he was going to spend the days ahead. The video he found on his computer yesterday hadn't been deleted, but saved in a hidden folder. The last thing he wanted was for Joey to come across it and hear Melissa wonder how many times she could bang him or how she'd leave him as out of breath as he pretended to be in their performance. At least not until Chris had her completely turned to his side.


"You couldn't tell me this before we were supposed to be heading toward the airport?"


"Sorry?" Chris said sheepishly with a smile.


"I thought you couldn't wait to get back to Orlando?" Lance asked, staring at Chris. He could tell his friend was up to something. He'd been acting weird since he saw him last night at dinner.


"Something came up." Chris grinned. ‘Something is definitely going to come up later.' He couldn't tell Lance that considering he was thinking about his sister naked and spread out on his bed while he showed her how good his hips moved.


"What's going on?" JC eyed Chris.


"Nothing. Jeez guys, I can stay here by myself you know. I'm 28 years old."


"You need the most supervision out of us all," Lance laughed as he shouldered his bag. It was fine with him that Chris stayed in New York. It didn't matter. They had nothing coming up.


"Fuck off," Chris rolled his eyes as everyone started filing out of his room. Before JC could leave he grabbed his arm. "I e-mailed you a video. Just make sure no one's around."


"If it's a video of your junk again..."


Chris rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You're gonna want to see this. Trust me." He let go of JC's arm when the younger man nodded and shut the door behind him. He rubbed his hands together and grinned as he turned from the door.




The elevator doors opened on the twelfth floor. Melissa stepped out, fixing the shoulder strap of her purse when it fell. Chris's text had said to meet him at his room at seven. She hadn't even known he was still in town. Thought he had flown back to Florida with JC and Lance like he was supposed to. There had been no talk of him staying in town like Joey. It was confusing. Even Rachel hadn't been able to offer any insight. A shrug of the shoulders was all she had gotten from her friend.


Melissa walked down the hallway toward Chris's room. The same room he had been in all week. She had no idea was he extended his stay in New York City. Had no idea why he wanted to see her. It shouldn't be confusing. It shouldn't be causing her to overthink. They had hung out plenty of times over the years by themselves. Most of the time because no one else could take their brand of crazy for too long. No one could say they didn't have fun.


Coming to a stop at Chris's door, she knocked and waited for him to answer. She hoped he didn't want to go out. She wasn't dressed to go anywhere. She looked down at herself, dressed in jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt and converse shoes. ‘At least nowhere high end,' she thought. ‘I could go for some Chinese though.'


"Hey," Chris said as he pulled open the door. "You made it."


"Of course," Melissa said as she stepped into the room. "I had Rachel's driver drop me off."


Chris snorted. There was never a shortage of jokes about Rachel's wealth. While he would still crack those, there were plenty more added to his repertoire since he watched the video. Earlier JC had sent him a text wondering why he hadn't shared the newly acquired information with him before he had flown home when he could actually do something about it. Chris wasn't about to make it easy for him though.


"So what's up?" Melissa asked sitting her purse down on the table. "I thought you were flying back with Lance and JC. What made you change your mind?"


"I came in to some knowledge that enticed me to stay."


"And what knowledge was that?" Melissa asked still confused. Chris was looking at her like he knew some deep dark secret. That was impossible. Unless... "What did Rachel tell you?"


Chris smirked as he walked toward Melissa. "Rachel hasn't told me anything. You on the other hand..."


Melissa's eyes darted to the left and to the right. The right was a wall with a connecting door behind Chris. It used to lead to Lance's room. Before he checked out and left. To the left was another door. She gulped. It led to Chris's bedroom. The door to the hallway was behind Chris. Behind her was the sliding glass door that led to the balcony. On the twelfth floor it did nothing for her either. "Wh...what did I tell you? My God, did you come into our room after the awards? I was drunk off my ass! Rachel made up some vodka drinking came. I was drunk before the first award was presented."


"I didn't go into your room after the awards," Chris said as he got closer to Melissa.


"What are you doing?" Melissa breathed. She stared into Chris's eyes, unable to look away. His cologne wrapped around her and she fought against closing her eyes and taking a sniff. He always smelled so sexy. "What's going on?" He was standing directly in front of her and she had to tilt her head up to continue holding his gaze. 


"I'm helping you with your scientific research..."


"What?" Melissa's brain was only working at half power. With Chris standing this close she was lucky she was still able to remember to breathe. At this point she was certain she wasn't even doing that correctly. There was a pain in her chest warning her she wasn't getting enough oxygen but she couldn't seem to rectify the problem.


"Your scientific research..." It did something to him knowing that he had rendered Melissa useless.


"I'm not... I don't understand."


"You were wondering on Thursday," Chris started, staring into Melissa's eyes. Her pupils were huge against the yellow-green backdrop. The blacks nearly swallowed the color. "During our performance if I could move my hips like JC." He watched her eyes widen in surprise. He swayed closer, barely moving at all. Melissa's eyes dropped to his lips before meeting his gaze again. A blush appeared on her skin. "Do you want to find out?" He whispered.


"Yes," Melissa breathed.


Chris lifted a hand and ran his fingers lightly down her cheek. His fingers barely brushing skin as he cupped her chin. He moved closer yet though his lips were still not touching hers. Their breaths mixed. He heard the hitch in her breath and watched as her eyes fluttered close. Desire rolled through him. His dick was already hard and pressing against the zipper of his jeans. He'd been needing relief from the moment he watched the video. His dreams had been filled with the woman in front of him and everything he had ever wanted from her.




At her needy whisper, Chris pressed his lips to hers. One taste of her lips and he was hooked. He couldn't get enough. When her lips parted at his incessant probing, he wasted no time. His tongue shot into her mouth, exploring every recess as he sought the intoxicating taste. His tongue moved with hers; stroking and teasing.  He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against him. Her breasts smashed against his chest. He broke the kiss, smiling as Melissa whimpered and chased his lips.


Melissa blinked her eyes open, breathing heavily. Her chest heaved as she tried to draw in the oxygen that Chris had stolen from her. Her lips tingled from his kiss. She could taste him on her lips and in her mouth. She wanted more. She needed more. Desire pooled. Her panties already damp. Her pussy clenched and unclenched as it sought more; as it sought relief. "Chris..." she breathed again. Her brain was mush. She was having a hard time trying to form what she wanted to say. What she wanted to do was grab his face and pull his lips back to hers.


So she did.


Cupping the sides of his face, Melissa brought Chris's lips back to hers. There was nothing soft about their kiss. It was hard. Noses got in the way. Teeth mashed. She didn't care. She moved her lips with his. She was ravenous. She was starving. She needed him. She opened her mouth and he followed suit. His tongue entered her mouth and she closed her lips, sucking. He moaned. His hands ran down her back, over her ass. He pressed her hips against him. She shuddered feeling his hardness against her belly.


When she released his tongue, she entered his mouth, searching, exploring like he had done earlier. She wasn't done until every last bit was touched. She nipped at his bottom lip and was rewarded when his hips jerked against hers. She moaned into his mouth. Dropping her hands from his face, she ran them down his back. When she reached his jeans she gripped his belt loops pulling him tighter against her. With a slight movement of her hips, she had him moaning again.


"Fuck," Chris broke the kiss. It was his turn to breathe heavily. "I... I had this whole thing..." He hissed and his eyes shut when Melissa grinded against his dick again.  "But I can't.... fuck..." he groaned.


"What's the matter Chris?" Melissa smirked, moving her hips again.


"Can't think... when you do that." Chris needed to pull his head together. He would find relief soon. Right now it was all about Melissa. He grabbed her hips and pushed her back. It was better when she wasn't pressed up against his dick. The fact that he didn't want her pressed up against him was wrong. It all felt wrong. He wanted to press her against the wall and grind in to her. He wanted to strip her down and show her he knew how to lick. There would be no pointers needed.


Before she could distract him again, he kissed her again. His tongue sweeping into her mouth. When he broke this kiss, he trailed his lips across her cheek to her ear. He drew the lobe into his mouth, sucking gently. The movement drew a gasp from Melissa. He vowed to make that sound come from her lips every day. She tilted her head, giving his access to her neck and he took advantage.


While he nipped and sucked at her neck, Chris moved his hands to her sides and beneath her t-shirt. The skin was warm and it quivered beneath his touch. Lifting his head, he pulled her shirt up over her head and dropped it forgotten to the floor. The clasp of her bra was in the front and with a flick of his wrist, her breasts were falling into his hands. He wasted no time and dropped his head taking a nipple in his mouth.


"Chris..." Melissa breathed. She carded a hand through his hair, cupping the back of his head. She held him to her breast as he lavished one nipple with his mouth. His hand kneaded the breast while his mouth sucked and licked. With his other hand he ran his finger around the nipple and over, drawing it into a taunt peak before he rolled it between his thumb and forefinger.


She moaned and pressed her legs together searching for relief. When Chris drew her other nipple into his mouth, she let her head fall back, releasing another moan. "Chris..." her fingers tightened in his hair. Her grip was more than likely painful. She didn't care. She didn't want him to stop. She wanted to hold him there.


Drawing back Chris reached for the button her Melissa's jeans. With the zipper lowered, he slid his hands inside the denim and pushed both the jeans and her underwear down over her hips. He dropped to his knees in front of her. A shudder worked through him when he caught the scent of her excitement. Unable to stop himself he leaned forward and buried his face into the dark downy curls that surrounded her sex. He breathed deeply and trembled. His dick twitched in his pants. He pressed a fist on his dick in an attempt to ward off his own pleasure. What he really wanted to do was pull his dick from his pants and enter Melissa in one movement.




Standing, he captured Melissa's lips again as he pulled her naked body to his. His hands trailed up and down her back, as his tongue plundered her mouth again. He moved forward, walking her backward toward the couch in the room.


Melissa's legs hit the back of the couch and she broke the kiss. "You want me to ride you on the couch, you're gonna need to lose your pants."


Chris's brain stuttered to a halt. The image came to his mind. Him naked on the couch. Melissa kneeling over him, her knees on either side of his hips. His dick deep insider her. Her hands gripping the back of the couch as she bounced in his lap. His hands on her hips helping her movements. Slamming her hard down on his dick. He shuddered.




He sat her down on the couch and knelt in front of her.

"Oh..." Melissa breath as Chris parted her legs and moved between them.


"You don't need to teach me where to lick," Chris said as hooked his arms beneath Melissa's thighs and pulled her to the edge of the couch. With her legs splayed, he stared at her pussy, glistening already with her arousal. He was consumed by her scent. He couldn't wait any longer.


Melissa cried out when Chris's tongue licked a line right up her center. Her hands fisted in his hair. The strands were just long enough for her to grip. She moaned loudly as Chris's tongue circled her clit and he drew it into his mouth. "Chris..."


The grip in his hair was painful, but Chris ignored it. Choosing to concentrate on bringing Melissa to an orgasm. Using the hold he had on her legs, he pulled her closer to his face. Her bottom was on the edge of the cushion. Licking his lips, he dove back in. He licked around her opening before pressing his tongue deep inside her.  The position caused him to nose her clit. Her scent was all around him. He was consumed. He shuddered again. With one hand he reached down and unbuckled his jeans. His dick was so hard it pushed his zipper down without help. He palmed his dick and pulled it from his briefs. It was hot and hard in his hand. Pre-cum leaking from the tip.


"God... Chris..." Melissa moaned. Her hips moved and jerked as the pleasure built. Her fingers still tangled in his hair holding him in place. "Fuck..."


Chris pulled away. He forced himself to stop stroking his dick. Lifting his hand, he plunged two fingers inside her, groaning as the muscles gripped the digits. She tightened around him and he again found himself wanting to sink his dick in to her. "God you feel so good on my fingers..." he whispered as he pulled his fingers out. He moaned at the sight of them - all slick with her juices. He plunged them back in, groaning along with Melissa. He looked at her with her head tossed back her eyes clenched. Her bottom lip was drawn between her teeth. "I should have spread you out on my bed..."


"Later..." Melissa breathed moving her hips to the rhythm Chris has set with his fingers. It wasn't enough. What she was chasing was just beyond her reach. She needed more. "Chris...please..."


"What do you need?"


"Put your mouth to better use. I thought you didn't need me to tell you what to do."


Chris's eyes widened at Melissa's words before he smirked. "Oh sweetheart, you don't need to tell me what to do."

Melissa's fingers gripped in his hair, tighter than she had before. "If you don't put your mouth back on me, I'm gonna push you do the ground and not give you the option. I will ride your face until either I come or you pass out from lack of oxygen."


Chris moaned at the image. Melissa taking control, pushing him down onto the carpet and sitting on his face. His mouth watered. His dick hardened, producing another drop of pre-cum. "Fuck Mel. Promise me you'll do that."




Replacing his fingers with his tongue, Chris moaned against her as her taste once again exploded in his mouth. Her hips moved against his face and he pictured those exact movements with her riding him. He could clutch her thighs with his arms, holding her down; holding her pussy to his face. He didn't want to breathe. He wanted to be consumed with her scent. He licked her clit drawing a moan from Melissa. His cock bounced in his lap, ready for its turn. While he assaulted her clit, he slid three fingers inside her. Her muscles clenched tightly around him. Her hips twisted in his one armed grip. He could hear her breath coming out in quick gasps and he knew she was close. God was he ready for her to come. Withdrawing his fingers, he tightened his grip on her hips, holding her center to his face. In this grip she couldn't move. She was at the mercy of his tongue. He plunged his tongue deep inside of her one more time before he drew her clit back into his mouth and sucked hard.


Melissa came with a scream. Chris held her through her orgasm, never letting up. He continued sucking and licking her clit as she cried out, nearly sobbing.  When her hands started pushing at his head, he ceased the assault on her clit. He licked her folds, dipping his tongue back inside of her, tasting her cum. He shuddered against her.


Chris was done waiting. He reached up and pulled her to the floor in front of the couch. The bed was only a few steps away but he couldn't wait. He needed to be in her right now. Frantically he tore off his shirt and pushed his jeans down his legs, kicking them off. Seconds later he was entering Melissa is one long stroke.


Melissa moaned loudly at the penetration. She wrapped her arms around Chris's shoulders drawing him down to her. Her legs wrapped around his hips, holding him tight. A convulsion worked through her. Chris moaned in her ear as she clenched his dick.


"Shit," Chris moaned, dropping his head to her shoulder. The shudder that started with Melissa worked its way through him. All the way down to his toes. Lifting up onto his elbows he flexed his ass, sending his dick further into Melissa. They both moaned.


"Fuck me Chris," Melissa opened her eyes staring up into Chris's. "I've wanted you for so long," she confessed. She gave a soft moan when Chris pulled out and entered her again. "I've had so many fantasies... Later... I'm gonna suck your cock."


"Fuck yeah," Chris breathed and pushed into her. He shivered picturing her on her knees in front of him, her lips stretched wide around his cock.


"You like the thought of me sucking your cock huh?" Melissa moaned in his ear. She drew the lobe into her mouth, biting gently. Chris's hips snapped into hers causing her to moan. "When I ride your face later, I'll suck your cock. Just before you're about ready to come, I'll slam my pussy down on cock, taking you all the way in one motion. I'll ride you until you're screaming my name."


"Fuck..." Chris moved his hips faster, feeling his balls tighten up. He was on edge before his dick even caught sight of her pussy. Her words in his ear were setting him on fire. "Mel..." He mashed their lips together. There was no finesse to the kiss. It was raw. His hips rapidly moved in and out of her as he chased his orgasm.


"God Chris..." Melissa moaned, clutching his shoulders. Her nails dug into his skin. Tilting her head back caused Chris to latch onto her neck again. She'd worry about marks, but she was too far gone to care. "Chris..."


Skin slapped against skin. Breaths mixed and intertwined. Moans echoed one another. Chris was on a furious pace. His hips pistoned in and out of her. He leaned back on his knees and watched as his cock disappeared inside of Melissa. He licked the thumb of one of his hands and pressed it against Melissa's clit. The response was instantaneous. She arched her back, her muscles clenched around him, elicited a groan from him.


"God..." Melissa moaned, splaying her legs wider, opening herself up further to him. "I never...oh God..." she moved again as Chris continued his movements. Her breath hitched.


"Never what?" Chris gasped, coating his thumb in more spit before rubbing her clit again. The slickness allowed for better movement.


"Come...twice..." Melissa groaned and moved her hips, searching. "Fuck Chris... please..." she begged.


It took everything Chris had to hold off coming at Melissa's words. He doubled his efforts on her clit. His thumb moved back and forth over the nub and in circular ministrations. "Fuck..." he groaned. She was clenching his dick so hard. "Come for me Mel... God let me hear you..." he panted. "Come on my cock..."


Melissa's orgasm was ripped from her. She came with a loud moan. Her muscles locked and her body convulsed.


"Oh fuck..." Chris snapped his hips into Melissa once, twice more before he came with a groan. His hips jerked with each shot, drawing broken moans from his lips. "Ah... ah..." he breathed. His body quivered; both from release and exertion. He felt himself fall forward before he could catch himself, but it didn't matter. Melissa was there waiting with open arms. She wrapped her arms around him and drew him to her breast.


It took Chris more time than he would have liked to admit to recover. He pushed himself up on his elbows and stared down at Melissa. Her hair mused. Her lips swollen and bruised from his kisses. Red marks from his facial hair on her neck and breasts. He wanted to take her again. His dick gave a valiant effort, but it wasn't happening for him. Instead he leaned down and kissed her. This time the kisses were soft and gentle.


"How'd you know?" Melissa asked, when the kiss broke.


"You or Rachel must have hit the keys on the laptop because you recorded yourselves Thursday." He watched as Melissa's eyes widen and a blush cover her face. "That was by far the best thing I have ever watched."


Melissa groaned. "Oh my God..." She closed her eyes in embarrassment as she thought about everything that could have possibly been captured on the video.


"There will be no more Eminem on the bus." He grinned at her groan. "There will be plenty of Christina." He wiggled his eyebrows.


"Pig," Melissa laughed.


"There will absolutely be no banging Joey. Once or as many times as possible in 24 hours."


"Can I still kill Justin?"


"Of course." Chris chuckled. "He's an egotistical little shit." He waited until she met his eyes again. "You are, without a doubt, going to marry me."


Melissa's lips parted in shock at Chris's words. "What?"


"You can kill Justin every day of the week and twice on Sunday," Chris said. "But only my name is reserved for banging and marrying." He covered Melissa's growing smile with his lips. He licked at her bottom lip and she opened for him. He stroked her tongue playfully. Lifting his head, he smiled at her. "So do I move my hips like JC?"


Melissa grinned and wrapped her arms around Chris's neck. "I'm gonna need to conduct more research before I can give you a conclusive answer." She stopped his response with a kiss.

This story archived at