Hollywood's Not America by musicmel

Olivia Jacobs and Julia Gray have grown up together in San Francisco. They lived two houses apart, in an uppity neighborhood that they themselves snubbed against most times when asked what part of town they lived it. They loved their parents but they were completely different from them. Their parents would attend country clubs meetings and parties while Olivia and Julia would attend every concert that came to town or every fashion event.

Olivia's parents both were lawyers, owned the biggest law firm in Northern California. Julia's parents were both doctors. Olivia had a passion for photography, while Julia had landed a contract with Victoria's Secret. Olivia had taken the very pictures that landed Julia's contract. So things worked hand and hand for them. Living near their parents left them no freedom so it was time for them to do what they wanted. It was time for them to make their own choices. Good or bad.

Hollywood was full of fake and insecure people. Their jobs were going to be full of celebrities and wannabes, could they deal with the drama that comes along with them? Could they survive the pressure of their jobs? Could their friendship survive the obscurities of Hollywood? Could either of them actually find love in a place like this? Could Hollywood change who these two are deep down? Could their secrets ruin everything?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Celebrity/Celebrity, Drama
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: No Word count: 19664 Read: 15696 Published: Dec 25, 2009 Updated: May 05, 2010
Wedding Day by musicmel


            Weddings were supposed to be a joyous occasions full of happy tears. But this wedding day was anything but a joyous occasion. This wedding day had heartbroken wrote over it.




I never thought that when this day would actually come I would be in an office working on photos of a man I just slept with that wasn't my husband to be. I was supposed to be in the salon getting my hair done or at the Church about to walk down the aisle in my white dress. The idea that I would be sitting in an office crying over the death of my fiancé on my wedding day was not something I ever thought I would be doing.

"Olivia, I didn't know you were going to be in the office this morning. I was just heading over to the shoot." She stops in her tracks when she realizes that I was crying. "Olivia, what's wrong."

My head was down and my hands covering my face. "It's my wedding day."

"I'm sorry what?" She says.

"Today was my wedding day." I shake my head in disbelief. "Well the day that should have been my wedding day. Today was supposed to be the day I married the love of my life. A wedding that we were taking two years to plan, so we would be comfortable to pay for it and it would be perfect... It's today."

She closes the door and sits down. "I think you have some things to explain to me."

"My fiancé died a little over a year ago. Today was the date we set for our wedding. High school sweethearts, we spent nearly nine years together."

"I'm so sorry Olivia. Why would you schedule today as one of the shoots."

"I didn't. They were already scheduled. Plus, at some point I have to move on. After all I am the one still alive."

"I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I can do for you... So this is why you wanted to be home early tonight."

Oh my god, I completely forgot that I planned on meeting Justin tonight never putting the two together. "Something like that." I wipe my face with a tissue. "I will be fine. I will be right behind you heading to the location."

"Do you need anything?"

"That's a loaded question. But no... I'm good."


Twenty minutes later I was on location which was right on the beach. I was working with none other than Britney Spears today. I had to laugh because who else would have to work with the person she is currently sleeping with's ex girlfriend on the day she was supposed to marry her fiancé. Only me. She seemed to be in a foul mood. I was also informed that she wanted to relay the message that next time we have a location someone other than a studio to please inform her so she could arrange for her children to be occupied. The last time I checked the contract I signed said no children on the set. I don't work well with children screaming and crying. But I guess since she is Britney freaking Spears she can do what she wants.




            I love waking up in the arms of this man. I'm more comfortable with him than I have been with anyone in my entire life. It suddenly hit me what today was. I jump up out of bed.

‘Oh my god.' I whisper to myself.

Trace must have heard me because he is now asking, "what's wrong?'

"Today was supposed to be Olivia and Austin's wedding. How could I have forgotten? She has got to be a mess. I'm such a bad friend."

"Olivia is getting married today? I thought you said..."

"Today was supposed to be her wedding day but it will never happen now."


"Austin died. That's why she has been so heartbroken. I thought I told you."

"You never said why and I never pressed the issue. You should go be with her today."

"If I was a better friend I would have planned a day full of things to keep us busy."

            I was such a bad friend. How could I have forgotten? Today of all days. We had been planning for that wedding for as long as I can remember. I have a lot to make up for now with her. I hope she isn't in pieces.




Four hours after failed attempts to get any kind of shots that looked decent I tell her assistant to please remove the children from the set. I have a schedule that I need to stick to today and this has to be finished in the next couple hours. I cannot get the pictures I need with her chasing after her children. She had to be professional for just a moment. I honestly didn't care if I ever worked with her again.

She walks over to me and says in the rudest tone, "I'm sorry are we interrupting your schedule today. Heaven forbid you have to stay after a couple hours."

"I'm sorry that you seem to think this is about me, but it's not. Yes I have a lot that needs done both here and at the office but I would really like to get these shots done before the sun goes down. I am however also sorry that you or your people could not read the contract about children on the set."

"Last time I checked, I was Britney Spears and I will bring who ever I want on set. Is this photo shoot interrupting your day or something you don't seem to professional?"

I was shocked by her comment. "Do you really want to know what my problem is today? Because I don't really think you do. I'm being the most professional I can be today under the circumstances." She makes some snide comment about how tough my life must be to take pictures all today.

"This shoot is done with and I'm done with you." I turn to put my camera back in the bag. I had enough of her comments today and her unprofessionalism.  There is only so much I can handle.

"This has to be done today. I don't have another day to finish this. What could seriously make your life so complicated today that you can't do this? Suck it up."

"Seriously, you want to go there." I drop my camera bag onto the chair, "Ok let's go there. Today, today was supposed to be my wedding day. However my fiancé died last year, so today is a not such a good day for me. However I have a job that needs done so I am here and I didn't let it affect my day until I walked on set to someone who seems to think she owns the fucking world and thinks it revolves around her. For a moment maybe you should think about someone other than yourself."

I turned and walked off the set. I was done with her. Jenny rushes to find me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just need a moment."

"You should call Jive. I don't care if she is Britney Spears. She shouldn't speak to someone like that. Everyone is here for the same reason."

"Oh, I will have a talk with my agency and Jive. I won't deal with her acting like that."

Within an hour I had an executive from Jive and one from my agency on set. If she wanted to throw tantrums I was going to involve the big shots. I won't tolerate it at all. She sent one of her assistants over to me to apologize. Claiming she was having a rough day. The bitch couldn't even come over herself.

I send a text to Justin. "Where are you?" He calls my phone instantly.

"Hey, what's up?" he sounded concerned.

"I need to see you."

"I'm not in town yet. I'm at the Airport about to board my flight. Is everything ok?"

"No, everything is not ok. I just needed to release some frustration."

"I wish I was there. I would help you out."

"I think... I will make it a couple more hours."

"I'm sorry you're having a bad day."

"You have no idea what today has been like. No idea at all."

"I'm sorry I can't be there for you. My flight comes in at 7:14... meet me at my house then. I will text you the address."

"Don't worry about it, everything is fine. Just don't make any other plans tonight. You are going to be a busy man tonight."

"I will see you in a couple hours and I will make up for not being there right now."


            There is a woman in a black business suit headed towards me. It had to be someone from Jive because I had no clue who she was. She proceeds to apologize for Britney's behavior and make up for the bitch that she was to me but honestly I didn't care at this point. I can only do so much.





There is something wrong with Olivia. She never would storm off a set like this. Today of all days she shouldn't be working. She should have taken a personal day off from work and mourned at home or with me. I feel so bad that I forgot. I should have done something for her.

"Olivia." She rushes over to hug me. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"I don't want to talk about it. I want this day to be over with so I can go on with my plans tonight."

"I thought maybe we could spend the night watching old comedies and lounge on the couch."

"Julia, I already have plans with someone. I just don't want to deal with anything else today. Today is not the day for any of that."

"I'm sorry I forgot... I should have been there for you all day."

"Julia... please."

            I can't tell if she is mad at me or just upset or maybe a mix of everything that has happened today. I would sit here the rest of the day if I have to, I need her to know that I would always be here for her.




"I never thought this day was going to end..." I mumble to myself as I drive through the gate of Justin's gated community. He should be home by now, it was 7:55. It only took about twenty minutes to get from the airport. As much as I wanted to leave the set early and tell that bitch where she could go, I stayed and finished everything then I walked off set. I didn't care if she knew we were finished or not. I got the shots I need, I was done.

I pull in front of his garage and park next to his car. I didn't even get to the front door and he is standing in the doorway. "Hi." So needless to say, we weren't even in the front door when I had him pinned in the door frame. I needed him so bad. "Do you want to eat first?"

"No..." I continued to kiss him, deeper and deeper. "There's no one here right?"

"Nope, all alone." He says

"Good... I can take advantage."

Taking advantage is exactly what I did. Once the exhaustion kicked in I gave up. I collapsed on the bed and sank in the smell of him. Nuzzling my nose into his neck, wanting to savor every minute.

A wave of emotion came over me like a chill on a windy day. I close my eyes and try to force the thought of Austin to the back of my mind. Our wedding day, my white dress, the church, his death, his funeral, his face. I can hold it back anymore, the tears begin to stream down my face. Justin pulls me close to him, "What's wrong?"

‘Nothing, I'm fine. Let's go get some food. I need to recharge."

"There is something wrong and you're not telling me. Please just tell me."

"Trust me when I say this, you don't want to know."

He sits up on the bed. "I want to know. Please tell me. Whatever it is, it's been on your mind all day."

"Today is my wedding day."I blurted out. I drop my head, tears rolling down my face.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Today is the date set for my wedding."

"I... I..."he stumbles with his words.

"My fiancé died last year. This was just supposed to be the day we were supposed to get married. The church was booked, the dress was bought, the invites had been picked out, and then he just died..."

"You never said anything."

"The last thing I wanted to talk about was my dead fiancé. I don't mean that rudely but I didn't want to talk to the person I was currently sleeping with about the death of someone that mean the world to me."

"How did he die? If that's too personal, you don't have to answer it."

"We were in our apartment in San Francisco. He had just finished making dinner. We were talking about how much work he had to get done before his flight to New York City the next day. One minute he was talking to me the next he was laying on the floor, unresponsive. He died instantly from a brain aneurism."

We both sat in silence for a moment. Then he spoke, "I'm sure you have heard this a million times, but I'm sorry."

"I'm trying to live in the here and now. I know that Austin would want me to move on and be happy. He wouldn't want me to live in depression the rest of my life. I know that a part of him will always be with me. I spent a decade of my life loving him but I have to move on at some point."

"You were together ten years?"

"Almost. We were together in high school and all through college. We had lasted through it all."

"Things make sense now."

"What things?"

"Why you don't let people in so easily. "

"I let you in easily."

He shakes his head, "I mean into your heart. Into your world. Into the real you."

"You have no idea how lucky you are Timberlake. I have let you more into my life than I ever thought I would have."

"Do I have a shot of making it into your heart?"

This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=1642