Hollywood's Not America by musicmel

Olivia Jacobs and Julia Gray have grown up together in San Francisco. They lived two houses apart, in an uppity neighborhood that they themselves snubbed against most times when asked what part of town they lived it. They loved their parents but they were completely different from them. Their parents would attend country clubs meetings and parties while Olivia and Julia would attend every concert that came to town or every fashion event.

Olivia's parents both were lawyers, owned the biggest law firm in Northern California. Julia's parents were both doctors. Olivia had a passion for photography, while Julia had landed a contract with Victoria's Secret. Olivia had taken the very pictures that landed Julia's contract. So things worked hand and hand for them. Living near their parents left them no freedom so it was time for them to do what they wanted. It was time for them to make their own choices. Good or bad.

Hollywood was full of fake and insecure people. Their jobs were going to be full of celebrities and wannabes, could they deal with the drama that comes along with them? Could they survive the pressure of their jobs? Could their friendship survive the obscurities of Hollywood? Could either of them actually find love in a place like this? Could Hollywood change who these two are deep down? Could their secrets ruin everything?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Celebrity/Celebrity, Drama
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: No Word count: 19664 Read: 14618 Published: Dec 25, 2009 Updated: May 05, 2010
Beginnings by musicmel



What was wrong with Julia and I? Why can't we talk to each other anymore?" Since she has moved out, I have seen her maybe a handful of times in two months. I missed her. I missed someone just being around. I missed the idea that someone could stroll through that door and give me some company. And now, I sit alone in my apartment every night that Justin isn't in town and lately it's been a lot. When he finally does come back into town, I'm on location somewhere and don't get to see him until we crawl into bed with each other.  I enjoy that time but I would really like to spend some time with him before he is gone on tour. I know it's coming up quicker than I would like it to. I try to not even bring it up when we do have a moment together.

Hearing his voice on the other end of the phone just isn't the same as the warm embrace of his arms around me. I really think sometimes I would have been better off alone and not have the attachment of a guy that is gone all the time.

Case and point. He is flying home today, he has been gone for over a week and I'm flying to work in Las Vegas to work for the next couple days. We may cross paths in the sky, but I won't see him until at least three days from now. As much as I care about him I still have this empty pit in my stomach.

I will be fine. That's the same thing I used to tell myself growing up. I always had the front of, "I'm Fine." Inside I could have been dying or in a million pieces but I was always fine. I carry this front with me still today.

I slump into my seat on the plane even further. Tears begin to fall down my face. I had no idea what I was going to do when it came to him. A relationship would never work.

"Excuse miss are you alright." The woman sitting next to me with the southern voice asks.

Shaky but able to speak, "Yes, I'm fine."

"You are crying. You are not fine."

"I'm really ok... I actually can't believe I'm crying over this."

"Do you miss someone?"

"Yes. Is it that obvious?"

"You simply look sad. That's normally because you miss someone or something. When will you see this person?" She asked.

"It may be a while."


"Yes. Work makes us be separated most of the time."

"I'm sorry to hear that. You really love that person."

"Something like that." Love...I didn't love him.



            My show was a hit. The opening numbers were highly impressive. The network as issued us a full season. Promotion has been put into full swing. Every single day I am doing something for this show. Photo shoots for every entertainment magazine in the country, interviews all day every day. My manager says that once the show airs a couple episodes that my schedule should balance out some. I was only seeing Trace and my bed a couple hours a night. I was running on nothing to get through the days. As glad as I was to have this job, I didn't know how long I could run on empty.

Today's schedule was anything but simple. Five am wake up calls suck. There is no other way to put it. I was up and leaving for the set by six. I was schedule to shoot scenes until around lunch time then I was off to a photo shoot for entertainment weekly for several hours before back to the set to finish up some scenes.

Being on photo shoots for Victoria Secret's was nothing compared to what I have to do now. I had to focus on me and not the swimsuits they were shooting. It was a new task for me. Shooting scenes is a hurry up and wait process which annoyed me. I wanted to get things done and move on to the next task, but that was not how it worked.





            On location in Vegas with the slot machines surrounding the background was a great way to spend the day, right? Not so entertaining. I was working with a new up and coming artist named, Michelle Brown. She had an amazing voice and she had a thing for my boyfriend, which only made me miss him even more. I knew that she had no idea what she was doing by mentioning his name but it was like ‘Ahhhhh.' She was simply excited that she got to meet him while in New York City last week however that last thing I wanted to hear was someone else getting to spend time with him.

Attempting to interrupt her basically to shut her up about Justin I say, "Michelle, let's try and get you on top of that machine. And I will blur the background out and have the lights going in towards you." I wanted to get her back focused on work because I had to finish her shoot today and I had a second one lined up for tomorrow and I wanted to at least see some of this city while I was here.

"Olivia, have you ever met Justin Timberlake?" she asks.

I have done more than just met him sweetheart. "Yes... Yes I have. I worked with him a couple months ago."

            She isn't the easiest person to take pictures of. She keeps making this weird pretending to be sexy face. Even after I have told her twenty five times to relax her face she doesn't stop.

"He is amazing right? Not to even mention he is drop dead gorgeous. I heard he was finally single again..."

I really wanted her to shut up. "He is an amazing artist and he photographs really well."

"That man is drop dead sexy. How can you think he just photographs well?"

"Michelle, that's my job."

"Oh, yea that's right. Well I hope to get the hook up with him. That would be purely amazing!"

            Did she just say purely amazing? I wish I could see him right now, that would be purely amazing. I think I wouldn't be so blah if he was here. I just want to see him, hold his hand, hug him, and feel him next to me.

            Finally after seven I call for a wrap. I had everything I needed. And hopefully I wouldn't have to listen to someone else talk about the one person in the world I would like to see right now.




            As crazy as my schedule has been I have really slacked on trying to reach out to my best friend. She has called me so many times and I can't seem to return her phone call. It wasn't on purpose, every time I picked up the phone to call her someone else had come up. Then I would forget and each day it would be put off to do the next day.

I was going to call her and I was going to do it now, during dinner.

Ring. Ring. Ring. "Hello stranger." She says.

"Hey, sorry. I have been crazy busy. How are you?"

"Not so good but I'm glad my work day is over. I thought I was going to see some of Vegas tonight but I'm so tired I think I'm going to head back to my hotel and crash."

"How long are you in Vegas for?"

"Just three days... how is everything going in the big television world?"

"Busy. I don't know how much longer I can run on empty. I'm tired but no one else seems to think that it makes a difference."

"Lack of sleep will be worth it in the end."

"I keep telling myself that. I hope so."

"So, other than work, how are you?"

"I don't really have anything but work going on right now. Trace is of course with Justin right now in NYC so it's a little lonely but I'm dealing..."

"So you understand what I am going through right now."

"Yea, but they fly home today."

"And I'm in Vegas."

"Oh yea... I forgot." Feeling a little guilty I got quiet. "When will you see him?"

"He should be in L.A when I get home." She says with a slight pain in her voice. "I just miss him."

"I understand that...Hey I hate to cut this short but I have to get back to set. When you get back in town we should get together. Double date with the best friends."

"Sounds great. Have a great day."





            The temperature in Las Vegas had to be close to a hundred degrees. I was tired and I wanted to go to bed. I missed Justin. What a way to spend my downtime in Vegas. I stopped at a grocery store on the way back and picked up a twelve pack of beer and headed back to my room. I was going to sit and watch the sun go down off my balcony and have some ice cold beers. That would sure settle me down a little.

            With 3,309 rooms in this hotel you would think that I could have found someone to talk to occupy some of my time. But instead I stare at my phone, just waiting for it to ring. How pathetic of me, but I knew that Justin had said his plane landed at 8:05 and it was already 8:30 so I was getting a little nervous. I jump to way too many conclusions before I ever have to. Finally a small picture of Justin and I came up on the screen. A picture we took while lying in bed one morning. I get giddy excited.

"God I miss you!" I say as I answer the phone.

"I miss you to. I can't wait to see you."

"I can't talk about this... How was your last day in NYC, better than the last couple days?"

"Much better, I swear sometimes I would like to throw people into walls, maybe they would listen a little better."

"Tense much?" I asked sarcastically knowing I really shouldn't because I don't get to see him but I did it anyways.

"Just a little... So how has Vegas been treating you?"

"Vegas is Vegas. I'm in my hotel room, thirty nine floors above the ground looking at the skyline with an ice cold beer in hand. I guess Vegas is treating me pretty good."

"Where are you staying?"

"Mandalay Bay." I answered.

"It's beautiful there. The view is amazing."

The door bell rings. As I am walking towards the door I say to him, "Hold on a second my room service is here..."

"Liv, I got to go I will call you when I get home." He was short with me. I guess something came up.

With a deep sigh of remorse I open the door. "Justin" The words escape my mouth before I even realize that he is actually standing on the other side of that door.

He rushes through the door, shutting it to press my back up against the wall and begins to kiss me.

I take my lips off of his, "You're supposed to be in Los Angeles... why... how...  you're here, in Las Vegas?" my eyes well up with tears.

"I have to be in L.A tomorrow night. I'm going to fly out in the morning. I wanted to see you."

"I don't even care how why or anything... This place has the best room service I have ever seen."

"We can go somewhere to eat if you want."

"No, I already ordered food. I will call and order you something as well."

He releases me, he was frustrated. "I just wanted to go out into public with you... just somewhere."

"Justin, you know we can't do that." It was always the same argument.

"We can. You just choose not to." He turns around.

Please let's make me feel bad about this. "We can blame that on me. It's fine."

He turns back to me, "What time is your shoot tomorrow?"


"Perfect. We have many hours of alone time."

            He takes the beer I have in my hand and chugs it. Then he takes my hand and leads me over to the couch. Kissing the side of my neck, "How was your day, Ms. Jacobs?"




            Stepping foot into the condo that Trace and I share was an amazing feeling. I knew that his plane would be arriving just as I got off the set and we would spend at least a couple hours together. My plans however were not his plans. He had told Justin to come over for dinner and watch some sporting event that was on TV. So much for getting some alone time with him.

            The door opened and I expected to see two manly guys carrying luggage and a case of beer but instead I see a wonderful man carrying a dozen of roses with his suitcase on the floor. He was alone.

"Where is Justin?" I asked, confused.

"In Vegas."

"With Olivia?" I smiled.

"Yes. He couldn't take it anymore."

"I'm glad he went. Not only because she has missed him terribly but because it gives us some time alone."

            Trace was a total sweetheart. He knew exactly how to treat a woman to make her feel like she was the only thing in his world that mattered. Our work schedules have been crazy lately but we were managing to still be able to spend some time together and keep our relationship intact. In our situation, luckily we are both in L.A. for ninety percent of our work.





            Justin leaving this morning to make his eleven o'clock flight was a hard task. I didn't want him to leave but I was glad that he could spend a couple hours with me before heading back to L.A. I had to continue to tell myself that I would see him tomorrow. My flight leaves early in the morning and I will be home before I knew it. I can handle this. What I couldn't handle was another day on set with Michelle.

            I was pulling my cameras out of the bags and getting ready to start shooting when she walks up to me and says, "Do you know who I saw getting the room service in your hotel room this morning?"

"No I don't, sorry." I say as I continue what I was doing.

She suddenly has a cocky attitude, "Isn't it funny how we were just talking about how amazingly talented Mr. Timberlake was and yet you knew more about him then all of us do."

"I don't know what you are trying to say Michelle however I have some work to get done before we get started today." I said with confidence. I couldn't let her even think I was going to cave in. There was no way she could prove he was here. At least I hope she couldn't.

"How long have you been seeing Justin Timberlake outside of the office?"

"I don't know what this is all about however Justin and I have been friends for quite some time."

"So he didn't fly in from New York City to see you."

"No, I'm sorry he didn't. He was in Vegas and had breakfast with me. It's not a big deal."

"I beg to differ. When I have breakfast with a male friend they are wearing more than a pair of boxer briefs."

I knew that she knew, but I was playing it cool. "Michelle. I need to get started. I have a lot to get accomplished today."

            My heart was racing. This girl had a big mouth not to even mention that she was infatuated with the idea of Justin. There was no way she was going to keep this a secret.

This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=1642