Hollywood's Not America by musicmel

Olivia Jacobs and Julia Gray have grown up together in San Francisco. They lived two houses apart, in an uppity neighborhood that they themselves snubbed against most times when asked what part of town they lived it. They loved their parents but they were completely different from them. Their parents would attend country clubs meetings and parties while Olivia and Julia would attend every concert that came to town or every fashion event.

Olivia's parents both were lawyers, owned the biggest law firm in Northern California. Julia's parents were both doctors. Olivia had a passion for photography, while Julia had landed a contract with Victoria's Secret. Olivia had taken the very pictures that landed Julia's contract. So things worked hand and hand for them. Living near their parents left them no freedom so it was time for them to do what they wanted. It was time for them to make their own choices. Good or bad.

Hollywood was full of fake and insecure people. Their jobs were going to be full of celebrities and wannabes, could they deal with the drama that comes along with them? Could they survive the pressure of their jobs? Could their friendship survive the obscurities of Hollywood? Could either of them actually find love in a place like this? Could Hollywood change who these two are deep down? Could their secrets ruin everything?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Celebrity/Celebrity, Drama
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: No Word count: 19664 Read: 14618 Published: Dec 25, 2009 Updated: May 05, 2010
Chapter 8 by musicmel
Author's Notes:

I have been working on other stories and I seriously just put this one on the back burner there ever was. I'm not trying to make excuses, I seriously didn't think anyone was interested in this story. So after a few people made it apparent they wanted more, here is more. I hope you like it! Thanks :)




Almost every single person in my office has turned their back on me. I have never in my life felt this kind of betrayal. They all now believe that I have no only got the accounts I have because of Julia, they believe that Justin had a hand in getting me the contract with Jive. But if they really looked at the details and the fine print, they would see that it was actually the relationship with Justin that got me released from that contract. If it weren't for Justin, I would file a wrongful termination of contract lawsuit against Jive and watch as the label crashed and burned. He was signed to that label and I didn't want to him his career in any way. After all I still currently had my job. Regardless if I liked the way things happened, there was nothing I could do.

            Our afternoon meetings were never a fun task by any means. Today of all days, I dread the fact of sitting in this room with these people. I took the same seat I always do. I opened my laptop and opened a blank word document, my notes were going to be focused and organized today. Not the crap I have been doing for the last couple weeks.

            John was the last one to enter the room. He shut the door behind him, stood at the head of the table staring at everyone, dropping his stack of notebooks on the desk, causing everyone to get very quiet. "A lot has happened in the last month and a lot of you in this very room seemed to have not only pointed fingers but assumed some of the most outrageous things." I suddenly felt everyone staring at me. I didn't need this today. John continued his speech, "The last time I checked, this was my agency and I decide who gets the jobs or not. Last time I checked not one of you in this room has the right to point fingers, maybe you should know the details before running your mouth... The Jive contract was pulled from this agency because of conflict with interest. The decision was Jive's and Jive's alone. However that entire situation was none of anyone's business other than mine and the agent in charge of the account. Under no circumstances was the contract removed because of the lack of talent the photographer has. In my opinion that photographer has a talent that I haven't seen in many many years. If you would like to continue to bagger her or her name, there will be consequences.

            Someone I thought I had a great working relationship begins to speak as the blood in my body starts to boil. "So, John your saying it's ok to sleep with clients to get your name higher on the list?"

"Lara," John said, looking directly at her with fire in his eyes, "I suggest you leave those comments to yourself...-"

            I felt myself beginning to boil above ground level. I couldn't sit there and be quiet and if she wanted things revealed, I can do the same. I interrupt him and began to speak in a calm tone, but getting angrier with every word. "John- let me handle this. Since everyone in this room is obvious to the fact that it's about me." I turned to Lara, "I think it's very hypocritical of you to sit here and not only judge my character as a person but also my ability to photograph clients. But the fact that you have been in a very lengthy affair with a married man that happens to also be one of your clients, is ok." Everyone sat in shock including her. "I starting seeing someone that I met at a party, that happened to end up being a client. My involvement and relationship with Justin Timberlake had nothing to do with my career. Clients are clients at the end of the day and what I choose to do outside of this office, that doesn't affect my work, is none of your business. Name dropping in this business will get you no where if your work doesn't back up those names. I know that I am very good at my job and that's a threat to some of you and I get it, I really do but don't hatred because I seem to be having some success is pathetic on your part." I look over a John, "I'm leaving. I don't know how much longer I can handle the pettiness that rests in this room."

"Olivia." He says. "If I lost you with this agency..."

"I'm sorry John. I don't know what I'm going to do just yet but I can't be in this room or in this office anymore today." I gathered up my things and left the room.




            I wanted to be off this set so bad today that I was screwing up every line I had to say. I however didn't want to go home, Which is in part why I was having a hell day. The director was pissed that I couldn't handle this small task of delivering lines. On any other day I have been able to handle this but today, I just can't do it.

Trace has been on my case for weeks about this situation with Olivia. There was nothing I could do now. It was over with. Olivia throwing the fit she has with this is beyond childish. I had no idea that she was going to lose her contract with Jive. I wanted to keep her on for the Maxim shoot but a decision had to be made and everyone else thought it would be best to separate her name with mine. I couldn't figure out why it was such a big deal to her. It wasn't like she wouldn't get another job. She is an amazing photographer; getting jobs were not going to be a problem for her.

I walked through the front door of the condo we now shared and the first thing he asks me is, "Did you call Olivia today?"

It irked me that this is all he was worried about. What about me? What about my bad day? I was after all his live in girlfriend not Olivia who is dating his best friend. "Are we going to continue to argue about this? Why are we arguing about Olivia? There's nothing I can do."

"She was your best friend Julia. Why can't you see what's wrong with that situation?"

I dropped my bags on the floor in the kitchen, grabbing a drink out of the refrigerator and beginning to chug the ice cold alcoholic beverage. "I think you're talking to Justin about this too much."

He snapped his head up at me, "I'm done having this conversation with you. I'm leaving."

"Trace... I didn't do anything wrong." I begged, trying to convince him.

"No, don't..." he said raising his voice. "You were wrong to make the choice you did. You know you're wrong, that's the hardest part about all of this, admitting you're wrong. At some point you are going to come off this high horse of yours and realize that you have lost everything."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"I don't know right now." He turned and walked out of the door.

            What did he mean he didn't know right now? How in the world could my issue with Olivia be the reason my boyfriend and I were fighting and possibly going to end our relationship over? I had done nothing wrong. I know the decisions I made were the right ones. Why couldn't anyone else see that?

            I sat on the couch drinking beer after beer until I was at the point where I couldn't walk straight to the fridge for another. I passed out on the couch and woke up there with a massive hangover. My solution was to check another beer. It worked. I got up and went to set as I was supposed to. Today was going to be a better day. I would apologize profusely to Trace and I will get my lines correct today.





            I sat down behind my desk exhaling a deep breath of frustrated air. I looked around the office. Pictures I had collected over time. Photos I had taken for this agency that John had framed and sent over to me. One particular of Justin, the photo that the label argued with me on using but ended up being the image they used for the entire tour promotion. That was single handedly my favorite photo I had ever taken. The photo of Michelle Brown, used as her album cover, she fought with me about taking that photo on top of the slot machine. But when I blurred the unnecessary things out and left the colors and the illusion of Vegas in the image, it was the perfect shot. There on my desk sat a photo of Justin and I from an event a couple weeks ago, a black and white photo, perfect by all accounts of the word.

            "Olivia..." I heard John say as he cracked open the door.

I looked up at him, I had tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry I stormed out of there. I know you were sticking up for me but..."

He stops me, "They were in the wrong. Particularly she was in the wrong. I know you have a lot going on and there is not much either of us can do but I can't lose you at this agency. You have the biggest accounts to date. If I lost you, I would lose them. I have never had so much positive feedback from clients until you came to work here. You have the talent and the desire to work that others will never have."

"John, I don't know if I can stay here and deal with all the drama. It's just not worth it..." I pursed my lips together; trying to hold back the tears I thought was going to flood down my face. I thought it I didn't talk anymore that feeling would go away.

"Is there anything I can do to keep you?" he said softly.

Right at this very moment, there wasn't anything that can help with that question. But I needed to think things through rationally, I couldn't quit because of others that couldn't focus on work and on my personal life. "I need a couple days to clear my head. I don't have anything scheduled until Monday. I would like to take the rest of the week off and figure out what I need to do."

"Take as much time as you need... Olivia." He says as I look back up at him. "Matters of the heart come first, if you love this man and it's not a right now thing. Follow your heart."

"Thank you. I will be at the shoot Monday. I may not come in the office Monday but I will be at that photo shoot." I placed my computer and all my personal things, including the photo of me and Justin in my bag. "One more thing, there are people that would kill to have a job for this agency and get to do what all these people do every day in which they take granite for. Maybe it's time you do a little house cleaning..."

He nodded his head, he agreed.

            I pulled up to the driveway of Justin's house. His car was in there. I was glad I would get to see him. I needed something I just wasn't sure what it was. I parked my car, walked up to the front door, and used the key on my key ring to unlock the front door. The air conditioner was on full blast. I dropped my bag in the kitchen and looked around the house. He didn't seem to be anywhere. I walked up the stairs slowly and I can hear the light snore of his deep sleep. I step in his bedroom and see him laying on his side of the bed, asleep. His phone wasn't plug in, the blinds weren't drawn, it looked like he literally crashed when he walked in here. I took off my layers of clothes, leaving just my panties and a tank top and crawled into that bed next to him. Sliding my left arm under his waist and wrapping my arms around him tightly pulling him as close as I could. I rested my chin along his shoulder, breathing in his natural scent.






            "What is your issue lately? You can't seem to hit your mark, your forgetting the lines, what happened to the wide eyed woman we met in NYC?" The director rants.

"It's early." I said, trying to defend myself.

"It is early, however that's your call time. I'm here and I'm fine. I'm doing my job. Deal with it. Maybe you should have gone to bed earlier knowing you had to be up so early. Go get yourself together." He turns to everyone, "Everyone take twenty."

            I had to get myself together. My at home life was a nightmare and my professional life is on the verge of being worse than a nightmare.

            My trailer was quiet, there was no one around. I reached in my bag and pulled out a small bottle I was keeping for later tonight. I mix it with my orange juice, chug and refill. I would get through this day if I just relaxed. I needed something to relax me.

            My assistant on set comes into the trailer, "I have something that can calm your nerves or just make you forget about everything else."


            I walked back to set refreshed and ready to work.


End Notes:
Review, let me know....
This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=1642