The Seven of Clubs by theusagirl

I have been watching "The Breakfast club" for a few times this past week, and I decided to write something similar to it, of course its a very different plot, and a different year. And instead of five students, its seven. Two girls, and five boys..who barely know eachother, and each have their own head. Two popular girls, one with a bad attitude, a perfectionist, a football player, a basketball player, and one with problems at home..

I'll see how this goes..if anything goes wrong with this, I can always remove it.. :)

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Group
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 7204 Read: 2976 Published: Jun 05, 2012 Updated: Aug 14, 2012
Chapter 2 by theusagirl
Author's Notes:

In this chapter Chris opens up about his past to Christina and Jean, but doesn't reveal too much.

I do not know Chris nor his family, all other characters are from my creation..

JC continued to write on his paper, but he too quickly dozed off, he could hear the other girls sitting next to him talking.


“So why are you here for?” He heard Christina say..


“Well, I threw a paperball at a teacher, that’s it actually, stupid isn’t it?” Jean told her.


“Wow, that’s dumb, I got here because I smart talked the teacher, I talked back to her and everything, you don’t seem like the kind of girl who should get in trouble.” Christina said.


“That’s what they all say, I’ve seen you around, though you were never in any of my classes.” Jean replied.


“That’s true, I have honors classes, the only fun program that I have is a music class.” Christina told her.


Jean’s eyes lighted up, “Music class? What block do you have it on?”


“Block 5.”


“I have Block 7, I never knew you were into music, do you play any instruments or something?”


Christina was quiet for a moment than spoke up, “I sing actually.”


“Really? I sing too, do you sing any good?”


“Well, I guess so, the teacher tells me that I’m a natural.”


“My teacher tells me the same thing, and I would like to listen to you sing.” Jean told her.


“I would like that, but not in front of these guys.” Christina muttered.


Jean didn’t know that Christina and her shared similar interests; they both liked to sing, but never really showed it.


Chris was overhearing their conversations, “What are you girls talking about?” He yawned and rubbed his sleepy eyes and went to where they were seated.


“Nothing that suits you.” Christina snapped.


“Aww, I’m hurt, you girls were talking about music right? I like music, I have a few rock cassettes and CDs in my bag.” Chris took his bag and dumped it on the table.


“Don’t put your junk on our desk.” Jean cried.


“It’s not your desk; it’s the school library’s desk.” Chris smirked.


Jean gave him an eyeroll, but Chris continued his rant.


“So anyway, here they are, this one is my favorite, but little innocent girls like you can’t listen, it has explicit lyrics.” Chris whispered.


“Oh please.” Christina scoffed.


“We aren’t interested in your crappy music, so put that away.” Jean told him.


“Its not crappy, some of them aren’t, it has a nice acoustic guitar feel.”


“Does it look like we care?” Christina asked.


“I guess not, you girls are just like my crappy ass parents, who don’t even freakin care that I exist.” He flipped the middle finger at them, rose up from the seat, gathered up his things and went to go sit on the stairs.


The girls were silent for a moment, the noise caused a stir and caused the other guys to wake up from their slumber.


“What’s up with him?” Lance said with a yawn.


“Nothing he’s just being rude that’s all.” Christina asked.


Jean just nodded but was thinking of what Chris said about his parents.


“Do you think we were too hard on him? I mean, he only shared a couple of CDs with us, but it wasn’t anything.”


“Look Jean, if you have a soft spot for him but go ahead, I know a rude guy when I see one.” Christina said.


Jean looked to the direction of the stairs where Chris was sitting, she rose up from the seat and went to where he was.


“Alan?” Her voice came out tiny, barely a whisper.


“What.” Chris sighed.


“Look, I’m sorry if we acted this way to you and we-


Chris cut her off, “I’ve been wounded before, it doesn’t bother me really.” He snapped.


Christina was listening and decided to go join Jean and Chris.


“Music is the only thing that can relax me, besides doing drugs.” Chris continued saying. “And when I overheard that you little princesses were talking about it, I kinda wanted to join you.”


Christina and Jean never saw this coming, but when Chris was talking, it was like he wanted to open up to them, like he had no one else to talk to, and if he did, they wouldn’t listen to him anyway because of his crazy lifestyle.


“Alan, do your parents treat you bad?” Christina said, she was beginning to feel sorry for him.


“They ignore me that’s what they do, my dad especially, he doesn’t care about me.” Chris muttered, he was slient for a moment but didn’t continue talking.


JC was listening to the conversation as well, he, Joey, Lance, and Justin were all there. Just then the doors of the library opened, Mrs. Pumperknickle came in, her lips still pursed.


“Didn’t I tell you all not to move out of your seats?” She hissed.


JC spoke up, “If we don’t move, our legs would fall asleep and can cause a bad circulation, that would be far worse don’t you think so?”


Mrs. Pumpknickle glared at him but quickly changed the subject, “It’s lunchtime, you guys all go ahead and get your lunches, a security guard is in the cafeteria waiting for you.”


“Yay.” Justin said weakly. He grabbed his jacket from the table and his bag, Joey got his, and everyone grabbed their belongings and headed to the cafeteria, nobody said a word to anybody.

End Notes:

Next chapter, they would all be in the cafeteria..

Thanks to those that have been reading and reviewing, hope you are all liking the story so far..

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