The Starlet by ialwayzbesingin
Past Featured StorySummary:

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Eventually, everyone has a breaking point, especially in Hollywood.  For Justin Timberlake, it’s been five years in the making, and he can feel himself cracking more and more everyday he has to work for London Pierce.  With various job offers on the table and a way out of his nightmarish job for the first time, he starts to think there is more to life than looking after a Bulimic, eccentric Hollywood superstar.  There’s only one problem, though.

He can’t make himself leave her.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: Season 8
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Humor, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: No Word count: 67388 Read: 23357 Published: Dec 29, 2012 Updated: Jul 12, 2015

1. One by ialwayzbesingin

2. Two by ialwayzbesingin

3. Three by ialwayzbesingin

4. Four by ialwayzbesingin

5. Five by ialwayzbesingin

6. Six by ialwayzbesingin

7. Seven by ialwayzbesingin

8. Eight by ialwayzbesingin

9. Nine by ialwayzbesingin

10. Ten by ialwayzbesingin

11. Eleven by ialwayzbesingin

12. Twelve by ialwayzbesingin

13. Thirteen by ialwayzbesingin

14. Fourteen by ialwayzbesingin

15. Fifteen by ialwayzbesingin

16. Sixteen by ialwayzbesingin

17. Seventeen by ialwayzbesingin

18. Eighteen by ialwayzbesingin

19. Chapter 19 by ialwayzbesingin

20. Twenty by ialwayzbesingin

One by ialwayzbesingin
Author's Notes:

I shouldn't be starting ANOTHER story right now, but I can't help myself. I hope you like it :)




“You’re going to have to make it again.”

She narrows her eyes at me as I slide it back across the counter.  “What’s the problem, sir?”

“Just use this.” I sigh harshly as I pull the measuring spoon out of my back pocket.  “It has to be exactly this much sugar.”

“You work for somebody don’t you?”

I flash her a tight smile, and she seems to get it, goes to make the coffee after that.

It’s a relief, but I know it won’t last long.  When I get back, I’m sure there will be another project waiting for me.  Is it what I asked for? Not really.  When I was hired, I thought about how great it was going to be, working for one of the most sought after celebrities in America.

After a month though, I knew it was nothing more than a grueling, thankless job.

If somebody asked me who the most selfish person in the world is, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell them that it’s London Pierce, or well...Sarah Moggins, but nobody is supposed to know that.  Nobody is supposed to know about a lot of things when it comes to her, and that’s my be discreet and cater to her every desire.  Trace always asks me why I stay, says that I could probably get a good job working for somebody else.  I ask myself that same question a lot too, and actually, I’ve had a few job offers this year.  Great ones, that I know could help me achieve what I really want to do....break into the spotlight and become an actor myself.

But I turned them all down, and I guess that’s because part of me knows that if I were to leave...she wouldn’t have anybody else.  She may be a complete bitch, but she still needs somebody to take care of her, since nobody else will.  Her people seem to cease and desist as soon as they can, and they tell me all the time that I’m the only one who has the stomach to handle her.

I guess they’re right, but I’m a lot more resilient than most.  I’m not like these rich yuppies.  I didn’t come from money.  I came from a poor family that had too many kids to feed, was out of the house by the time I was eighteen. I moved out here, to LA, and worked my way up through the bowels of society.  I’ve waited tables, worked at kiddie arcades, I was even one of those guys that stands on the sidewalk, wearing a big sign or ridiculous costume to lure people into a business.  Eventually I was able to meet some people, get a halfway decent job, and obtained enough credentials on my resume so I could work for the elite.  A year after working in the industry, I was referred to Sarah.  She had just made a name for herself (not her real one of course), finished filming her first big movie, and it was decided she needed an assistant to help her with her busy schedule.

I was offered an interview, so I took it, because it was a huge opportunity despite all the bad things I heard about her.

“You’ll do I guess.”  She said to me.  “Just make sure you don’t call me Sarah in public.  It’s Ms. Pierce or London.”

And that was that.

Five years later I’ve become somewhat of an expert at scheduling, errand running, and keeping somebody else’s life organized.  Hell, I could probably write a book about it.  My social life doesn’t exist, outside of my best friend, who I rarely see.  I don’t get holidays, or weekends to myself.  Even if it’s my designated day off, I’m still on call, and I usually find myself doing work rather than relaxing.  I live in her house, travel with her, and she sees to it that I’m always doing what she wants and never the other way around.

At times, I feel like I’m her little lap dog.  If Poppy wasn’t around, I’m sure I would be the one she called ‘schmoopsy poo’ when she got bored.  I would have to put up with it too, not complain, or it could cost me my job.  It’s not that I’m afraid of being unemployed.  I’m good at finding work.  I guess I’m just afraid she’d tell anybody that would listen, that I was unreliable or untrustworthy, anything to deter them from giving me a job.

I’d have to move back home, and that’s the last thing I want to happen, so I stay and put up with the shit she deals out to me everyday.

“Two thirds of a teaspoon, right?”  She says it to me when I finally get back to the set.

I’m panting harshly, desperately trying to catch my breath, because I ran.  She gave me fifteen minutes, and after five years, I know all too well that she times shit like that.


She takes the coffee, sniffs it, stirs it, and takes that fateful sip.  I hold my breath.

“It’s cold, Justin.”  She rolls her eyes and pushes the cup back in my face.  “God, go put it in the microwave would you...oh...just forget it.  I can’t stand twice heated coffee.  Thanks for nothing.”

I take it from her gently, my teeth gritted, and at times like this it takes everything in me not to go off on her.  “Sorry, London.”

“Just check my phone messages in the trailer.”  She waves me off, in disgust, and goes back to looking at the empty movie set.  “Oh, and don’t forget to pick Hailey up.  After you drop her off, make sure you come right back here.”

“Will do.”

“And if she asks to come here with you, make sure you don’t give in.  I don’t have time to deal with her clinging to me today.”

“Fine, London.”


“I mean...” I trail off and suck in a breath, before exhaling slowly.  “Yes, London.”


She goes back to ignoring me.

I do as she asks, thankful to be rid of her for at least an hour while I check her messages and compile a list of everything she’s been asked to do.  I keep my eye on the time during this process, making sure I’m not late to arrive for the best part of my job.

Besides Trace, I think Hailey is probably my best friend, even though she’s only nine.  She doesn’t act like it though.  From the time I met her, when she was four years old, she acted like a little adult.  We have conversations that most children never have with people twice their ages.  She teaches me things I never would have thought about otherwise, like how to cope with a father you only see about every two years, and how to deal with a mother who treats you like you’ve always been a mistake since you were born.  She goes to a really fancy school in Beverly Hills, an all girls academy, that teaches her to mind her manners and speak like a intellectual.

If you ask me, I think she’s been robbed of her childhood.  As sad as that is too, I wouldn’t expect anything less from Sarah.

One thirty hits and I rush out of the studio so I won’t be late picking her up, thankfully not getting stopped by Sarah, because she’s filming a scene.  I get into the luxurious Mercedes, the one that I chauffeur her around in half the time, and drive the twenty five minutes to the Archer School For Girls.  I see them all lined up out front as usual, in their stuffy looking black jumpers, and I quickly park so I can get Hailey out of that prison as fast as I possibly can.  I’ve never told Sarah, of course, but her daughter absolutely hates going to this school.  She says the teachers are mean and most of the girls are stuck up.  

It amazes me that Hailey hasn’t gotten an ego like her classmates, with a mother like Sarah.

“Hey Monster,” I smile when I walk up and reach the spot where she’s standing.  “You ready?”

She groans and wraps her arms around my legs before looking up at me.  “Get me outta here, Justin.”

I laugh a little, and ruffle her blonde hair slightly before gently pulling away and taking her by the hand.  “So school wasn’t good, I guess?”

“Let’s not go there.”

I smile, and open the door for her when we reach the car.  “Sounds like a plan.”

“Can I visit with my mom?” She asks me hopefully, once we’re on the road again.

I clear my throat and try not to look over at her.  The last time she asked me that question, and I did that, I ended up giving in, even though Sarah told me she didn’t want her around that day, either.  “She’s in the middle of filming.  She said she’d see you later.”

Not a sound, not even a sigh, and I can’t help but finally look at her.  It hits me right in the gut, seeing that cute little girls head hanging so low.  I know she’s trying really hard not to cry.  She hates crying too, tells me its a weakness.

She needs to get out more.  

“Hey, maybe we can do something.”

I shouldn’t.  Sarah will kick my ass if I don’t come back to work.  


Her brown eyes have completely lit up at the idea of doing anything entertaining after school.  She never does.  I know her routine.  I pick her up, drop her off at Sarah’s massive house, and leave again.  I know that sometimes a couple of girls from school will come over to play, but the friendships never last.  She doesn’t keep friends for long.  She has a hard time being social.

Gee, I wonder why.

“Yeah,” I say, against my better judgement.  “How about we have a pizza and go to a movie?”

“You really mean it!”

I laugh, happy that I’ve been able to brighten her mood.  “Of course I mean it.”

“I love you, Justin,” she smiles.  “I love you a lot.”

“Well, I love you too, Monster.”

Yeah, I’m glad I made the kid happy, and I would never break my promise to her right now.

But I know there will be hell to pay later on, when I see Sarah again.
Hey, you’ve reached Justin Timberlake, please leave a name, number and detailed message so I can get back to you...

I click the phone off, grit my teeth and shake my head furiously.  

“Where the fuck is he?”

I redial, nearly breaking a perfectly manicured nail because I’m pressing the keys so hard.

The studio’s limo was out on a job, and so I had take a taxi home.  Anything could have happened to me in that car with that strange man.

It smelled funny in there too and there was a piece of gum stuck to the ceiling.

I had to scrub myself for an hour in the shower to feel like myself again.

One ring, and then...

Hey, you’ve reached Justin Timberlake...

I’ll fucking kill him.

Well, no, I’ll fire him first, and then I’ll kill him.

Did he quit?  No, no he wouldn’t.  He couldn’t.  He’s stuck with me this long, and I mean...Hailey is with him....

Speaking of my daughter, I guess I should be concerned where she wound up too.

I guess I’m too angry.  Too angry to care because my assistant has gone awol and I have all this shit I have to do.  None of my appointments are straightened out for tomorrow.  I don’t have my detailed list of them in chronological order or Justin to stand here and read them off to me while I sip my tea, steeped for three minutes and half a packet of Sugar in the Raw, a touch of cream in my special cup that Justin prepared for me.

I can’t do any of that myself! I wouldn’t even know where to start.  God, what if I miss that Barbara Walters interview I’ve been working so hard for? What if she called...what if she thinks I’m blowing her off?  It could end my career.  

My career is over, and it’s all his fucking fault.

God, I’m gonna puke.

And I do it, but it’s better anyway.  Too many calories at lunch today, and I’m still trying to burn off that baby fat from my pregnancy nine years ago.  I was overdue for a nice big hurl.

I flush, and sink down to the floor, attempting to catch my breath partially from the hurl and partially because of how angry I am.  I close my eyes and think back to a time before Justin was around.  How I was a broke struggling actress with a daughter to feed and no support.  Was I different then? Was I as harsh with people, was I as angry?  I don’t know, I can’t remember because that version of myself has been gone since my daughter was three years old.  I fell into the movie biz, and started doing stupid comedies that weren’t exactly praise worthy, but got my name mentioned to the right  people.  A year later I was cast in my role of a lifetime, with George Clooney, and my career just...took off.

Now, I’m one of the biggest superstars in America...a Hollywood starlet if you will.  Next month, I’m even doing French Vogue, and releasing my perfume line to the international market.  I can’t wait to go.

Justin was referred to me a few months after that movie premiered.  My agent found him through one of his contacts, told me he was very intelligent and was the type of person I had described to him originally when the idea of hiring an assistant was brought to the table.  To be honest, I haven’t had much to complain about.  Of course, I’m the type of woman who keeps people on their toes.  You have to be like that in this business, otherwise you’ll get stepped on, walked all over, and I refuse to take that kind of crap from anyone, especially my employees.  I would never admit it to Justin of course, but he’s been the perfect assistant up until now.  He follows orders, races to get his tasks completed, and he takes care of my daughter on the side so I don’t have to hire a nanny.

In fact, this is the first time he’s ever done something so out of line.  Maybe something happened...

I just can’t seem to make myself believe it though.  Whenever somebody does something like this, it has to mean that they’re betraying me for their own selfish desires.

I’ll kill him.

When I step out of the bathroom again, I immediately hear my front door opening and shutting again.  The sound of my daughter throwing her crap on the ground and running through the house echoes in the foyer, and then I hear Justin’s voice come next, telling Hailey to pick up her things.  I rush through the hall and out to the foyer, determined to back him into a corner before he can run and hide from me.

“Let her leave her shit there.” I say to him darkly, hands on my hips as I narrow my eyes at him.  “What do you care anyway?”

Justin swallows hard and takes a couple of steps backwards.  “Hi, Sarah.”

“And just where the hell were you this afternoon?”

He shrugs.  “I picked up Hailey. Then I took her out for pizza and a movie.”

“Oh how sweet.”

He just stares at me, because my tone was less than believable.

“Did it occur to you, Justin, that I would be stuck at the studio?”

“I...I thought somebody would have brought you home.”

“The limo was out.”

He continues to stare at me.

“So where did that leave me you ask? Well, they were so kind as to call a cab company to pick me up.  So I had to ride in a dirty, disgusting, cab.  With a strange, disgusting, man, who now knows where I live!”

r32;r32;“I’m um..I’m sure they wouldn’t have let just anybody drive you home.”

“That’s not the point, is it Justin!”

He hangs his head low.  “No, no I guess it’s not.”

“I might have to move now! He knows where I live! There’s no telling what can happen from here!”

I see a hint of a smile on his face, before he bows his head and rubs his hand across his mouth.  It’s obvious that he thinks this whole thing is a big joke, because he’s trying not to laugh.  “If I fire you right now, will it be funny to you too?”

He looks at me long and hard, the light in his eyes fading away to nothing.  “This close to French Vogue, Sarah?  I mean, if you fire me it is what is it, but I have no idea who you’ll be able to hire and fill in this close to the trip.”

He’s right.  He’s right and I hate him for it.  I really do.  I’d be lost without him at this point, while everything is coming together for me career wise.  My agent would agree too, tell me I can’t afford to lose such a competent assistant at this juncture.

I have no choice but to keep him on the payroll.

It’s not fair.

“Fine...fine I guess I need you, for now.  Consider this a probationary period.  When we get back home, we’ll sit down and discuss your performance.”

He smirks.  “Whatever you want, Sarah.”

“So...getting back to the point, what made you think it would be okay to take my daughter out, feed her crap and force her to watch crap too?”

“I took her to that organic pizza place, and we saw a Disney movie.” He rolls his eyes.  “The kid had a rough day at that school you keep her at.  I wanted to make her feel better, that’s all.”

“Well you’re not her parent.  I am, and I’m the one who says where she can spend her time.  She should have been home, doing her homework and practicing her piano.”

“That’s no life for a kid.”  

He blurts it out, but then a look takes over his expression, like he knows he forgot himself.  

“It’s the life I want for her,” I say darkly.  “Don’t do it again, or I’ll have you out on your ass, regardless of what’s going on.”

“Noted,” he nods.  “Next time I’ll check in with you.”

“Hmph.”  I turn on my heel and walk away from him.  Naturally I can hear him following behind me, as always.  He’s used to it, knows to never leave my side unless I tell him it’s time.  “So did you check my messages or were you too busy gallivanting around LA?”

“I have a list for you.  Do you want tea now or later?”

I sit down on one of the bar stools that surround the kitchen island and cross my arms.  “Of course I want my tea now.”

He just nods, and gets to work.  I watch him, how methodical he is about making it for me.  He has it down to a science with the steeping, and stirring, and sugar pouring.  Something inside of me’s like he’s my slave, not my assistant.  Five years he’s been doing this very same thing almost every night of the week, and he never, ever complains.

Come to think of it, he never complains about anything I make him do, and I don’t think it’s because he’s scared of me either.

I don’t really know what it is.

You don’t deserve him.

Maybe it’s true, but at the same time, I can’t afford to be without him, despite my threats.

I can’t afford to be without him...or is it that I’d miss him?

It’s too scary to think about.


I look back over my shoulder and see Hailey standing there, already changed into her pajama’s like a good kid.  I manage to smile for her, as only I can.  “Yes, Hailey, what is it?”

“Will you lay with me for awhile?”

I feel his eyes on me, and when I look back at Justin, I find that he’s leaning against the kitchen counter, surveying the conversation I’m having with a smirk on his face.  I send him a glare, but he just laughs and goes back to his tea preparation.  

“I can’t tonight,” I tell her.  “I’m busy going over things with Justin.  Mommy has a big trip to plan.”

She frowns.  “You never want to lay with me anymore.”

“I have to work, Hailey.  You know that.  How else can I afford to give you all of these wonderful things?”

“Never mind.”  She says it softly, and then walks out of the kitchen without looking back.

“Don’t worry,” Justin finally says after several moments of silence.  “In a year she won’t even ask you anymore.  Then you won’t have to deal with it.  It’ll be like you never had a kid at all.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”  I ask him roughly as he slides my teacup over to me.

“Exactly what it sounds like.  You want her out of your hair, and you’re definitely on the road to success.”  

He takes a seat across from me and plops a notepad down on the island top.  I see that his scribbled writing goes on and on, and that means we definitely have a lot to go over tonight.  

“Are you trying to say I don’t care about my daughter?”

“Oh no, I’m not trying to say that.”

I nod.  “Good, because if you did say that...”

“I know you don’t care about her.”

My eyes widen and I feel my cheeks burning as I look up at him again.  He’s staring me down this time, his eyes narrowed, his expression serious.  I know he’s not playing around, I know he cares about Hailey, but at the same time my relationship with her is none of his business.  “You have a hell of a nerve.”

“I’ve worked for you five years.  I know everything about you, everything about your daughter.  Not once in the five years I’ve worked for you, have you ever taken her someplace as simple as the movies or out for pizza.  In fact, I haven’t seen you spend more than a couple of hours with her a week.  You barely talk to her, Sarah.”

“I’m busy! You know I’m busy!”

“It doesn’t matter how busy you are!”

He’s never yelled at me before today.

It shocks me so much that I can’t even say anything.  All I can do is sit here and stare at him.

“Look, I’m busy too...busier than you are.  I have no life, because I’m running yours, and I still have time for your daughter.  I mean, is that fucked up or what?”

“She’s part of your job.”

“She’s not.  My job isn’t to be a nanny.  I’m your assistant.  I spend time with Hailey because she’s a good kid that deserves to have somebody in her life that loves her.”

“I love my daughter.”

He leans forward, so his face is directly in front of mine.  “Then start acting like you do.”

“Where’s this all coming from?” I pull back slightly, so his breath isn’t as hot in my face anymore.  “You never seemed to care one way or the other, before.”

He shrugs.  “I’m not going to be around forever.  I want to make sure she’s going to be okay with you.”

I snort out a laugh.  “I’m not firing you yet.”

“That doesn’t mean I won’t find something else better to do with my time on my own.”

“Is that...are you threatening me?”

He sighs harshly.  “You’re not understanding the point of this.”

“Am I supposed to?”

“Let’s just get down to business, all right?”  

He starts to flip through his notes, and I sip my tea, trying to process everything he said to me, and force my frustrations away so I can focus on work.  

“So there somebody else you’d rather work for or something?”

“Sarah...let’s just...”

“No, I want to know.  I’m curious.”  I flash him a sarcastic smile.  “I’d love to know who would want to hire an idiot like you.”

He shakes his head.  “I shouldn’t have even said anything.  I’m not getting into it with you, okay? Just leave it alone.”

“Well you brought it up, so lets have it!”

He glances up at me, as if he’s debating it.  “I turned them down, if that’s what you’re so curious about.”

“Turned who down?”

“It’s not important.  I just had offers, good ones, but I decided to stay.”

He looks back down at his notes.

“Oh so this is the part where I promise I’ll start to be nicer, or something?  Did you script this yourself?”

He laughs at me.  “No, and you being nicer would never happen.  I don’t want anything from you, Sarah.  I’m concerned for Hailey’s happiness but there’s not much I can do about it.  You’re going to do what you want, despite my best efforts to give you a wake up call.  Now, let’s get to work, so I can go to bed at a decent hour.”

“Five years and you’ve never said anything like this to me before.”

He shrugs.  “I don’t think I’ve ever been this angry at you before.”


“Number one,” he says, reading from his notepad.  “You’ve been asked to be part of a fundraiser for Breast Cancer.  In or out?”

“Why are you angry at me?”

“In or out?”

I ball my fists up, ready to punch him.  “When?” I say it through clenched teeth.

“Week from tomorrow.”

“Who’s going to be there?”



He notes it on the paper.  “Number two...”


“Number two.  They want you to read for a new romantic comedy next Friday morning, but you’re supposed to do Ellen.  So we need to figure out what you want more.  The role or the publicity.  I say go for the reading, since you’ve already done her show twice.”

“Why are you angry at me?”

“I’ll call Ellen and cancel.”  He makes another notation.  “Number three...”

“Fucking damn it!”  I pound my fist on the table.  “Answer me!”

“Sarah, why do you care?”


Christ, I really don’t know.  Why do I care? I’ve never cared what he’s thought of me before.  I treat him like vermin, like I’m too good for him, and that’s been fine with  me up until tonight.

What the hell is going on?

“I...I don’t know,” I finish saying.  “I shouldn’t.  I don’t really want to care...I just...I don’t know.”

“I’m angry at the whole situation.  How you treat me, how you treat Hailey.  I’m tired, Sarah.  I haven’t had a vacation since I started working for you, but it doesn’t even matter.  I’m used to it, and I guess I was stupid to think I could get through to you.”

“I’ll live how I want to live.”

“Yeah, I know.”  He looks down at the paper again.  “Number three.  Barbara Walters wants to do that interview, finally.  She says she can do it the beginning of next month, but that interferes with the trip to France, so what should I tell her?”

“So I’ll give you a vacation then!”

He stares at me, his face drained of color at the idea of a vacation.

It hits me hard that I’ve never given him one.  That’s harsh...yeah, it really is.  I need to wake the hell up.

Because I don’t want to lose him.

“You wouldn’t make it past the first day,” he mutters.  “What am I going to tell Walters? You’ve only been drooling over this interview prospect for months.”

“Cancel what you have to.”

“French Vogue?”

“When do you want to take your vacation?”

“You’re going to cancel French Vogue?” He laughs.  “You can’t be serious.  I’ll call Walters and see if we can reschedule her thing so we don’t have to cancel the trip.”

“Fine, whatever. When do you want to take your vacation?”

He stares at me, his pen paused on the paper, mouth a gape, like he can’t believe what he’s hearing.

“I’m serious, Justin.  You deserve at least a week after five years.”

“So I’m just supposed to leave all of this on hold to sit around for a week?  Have you forgotten that I live here too?  I won’t be able to stop myself from handling things.”

“So go somewhere.”

He laughs at me.  “You’ll be calling me the first day.”

“I’m...I’m capable.”  I clear my throat nervously.  “I’ll still have Ray to handle some things, and I can...I can keep track of stuff on my own for a week.”

It all sounds great, but in reality the whole idea makes me nervous as hell and I can feel another hurl coming on.  Justin is security blanket at times.  Even though I have body guards, having him at my side always reassures me.  When I get nervous, as I tend to do very often, he’s right there with my coffee and unrelenting smile.  When I get tired, he’s right there with a pillow and an uncanny place for me to take a short nap.  When I’m hungry, he’s by my side with a bag of food.  When I’m sick, he whips out his emergency doctor kit and gives me exactly what I need The crazy thing is, most of the time, I don’t even have to say anything.  He just knows what I need, regardless of the situation.  It’s like when a baby just know what to do.

Still, despite all of this, I treat him like a piece of garbage everyday, and I’m fine with it.  

So’s he.

That’s really starting to bother me.  God, maybe I’m having a life altering experience or something.

When Justin starts laughing again, I know he thinks I’m as incapable as I feel.  Maybe he’s right though.  Maybe I’m incapable of making appointments, or handling my career on my own.  I’m usually too stuck in my own little bubble to see things clearly like he can, and I guess if it wasn’t for everything he does...I’d be nowhere, career wise.  

“No.  It’s fine,” he shakes his head and starts jotting things on the notepad again.  “I don’t need a vacation.”

“Well you were complaining enough about not getting one!”

“I was frustrated with you.  I should have known enough to keep it bottled up inside of me like always.  Really, just forget about it.  I’m not about to keel over or anything, it is what it is.”r32;

“You really have no faith in me,” I moan.  “You think I’m an airhead, don’t you?”

He looks up at me, sighs, but still flashes me that genuine smile of his.  He always gives it to me, no matter how much I’m berating him, no matter how long my lists of tasks for him seem to be.  I just don’t get it.  I don’t understand how he puts up with me.

Fuck, I just admitted it to myself.  I’m the most difficult, selfish person in the world.

But it’s safer this way.  I know that better than anyone.

“Sarah, I don’t think you’re an airhead.”

Out of everybody, he’s the only one who chooses to call me Sarah when we’re out of the public eye.  Everybody else seems to find it easier to just call me London.  Not him.  I think he hates that name.  

I do too, but Ray says it’s more appealing to the public and looks better on the big screen.

“I just know how you can get,” he continues.  “One thing goes wrong and it’s the end of the world.  You couldn’t handle say...if somebody needed to reschedule.  You’d probably curse them out, and lose the interview or cover photo shoot all together.  You can’t afford it, and so...I’m going to stay right here, on the job.”

“Maybe I can hire a temp.”

He cracks up.  “I’d hate to bestow this job on anybody, even if it is only for a week.”

I frown.

“C’mon, focus,” he says, his laughter fading away.  “Let’s go over this itinerary for your week in France.”

“Why did you decide to go into this type of work anyway?”

“Day one...”

“Justin, come on.”

He groans.  “I’m not going to get to bed tonight am I?”

I shrug.  “I’m just curious.  I mean, it’s not exactly the most glorifying job...chasing me around and making sure I don’t fuck up.”

“I fell into this job.  Before I worked for you, I was an assistant to a lot of directors and producers.  I chose to be a PA to get my foot in the door so I could move onto to bigger things.  Isn’t that what people do in LA?”

“Mostly...yeah, I guess so.”

He nods.  “Okay, so day one...”

“So what did you really want to do?”

“Why the sudden infatuation with my personal life, Sarah?  You never cared before.”

“I guess I just...maybe I should have asked you a long time ago.”

He smirks.  “It really doesn’t make a difference, does it? I’m here to do a job and you’re here to be London Pierce, superstar.”

“Maybe I just don’t think it’s fair that you know everything about me, while I don’t know anything about you.”

“It’s my job to know everything about you.”


Great comeback.

He sighs, and leans back in his seat.  “If I give you a little insight can we move on with work?”

“I guess that’s a good compromise.”

“I wanted to be an actor, so I came out here.  I had a few auditions, but it wasn’t working out, so I started doing odd jobs around town until I fell in with a couple of people who brought me into the industry, and here I am today.  Satisfied?”

“Is that the Cliffs Notes version?”

“It’s the only version you’re getting.”  He sits back up and sighs, before looking down at his notes again.  “Day one...France TV 4 wants to do an hour segment on their morning show with you, then you’ve got some radio interviews, and an appearance at Le Bon Marche for the perfume line that evening.  Ray promised them you’d do a signing for a hundred purchased bottles.  If security does their job right, we can probably have you out in about two...two and a half hours.”

I feel a smile pull at the corners of my mouth, and I start to look at him, really look at him for the first time ever.  I can’t deny that he’s handsome with those blue crystal eyes and killer smile, his curly, sometimes frizzy, light brown hair.  I’ve never thought of him in that way before, but it’s the truth.  I know he works out too.  I’ve caught him in my gym on numerous occasions, shirtless, lifting weights on the bench press, or running on the treadmill.

He definitely has the body for this business, that’s for sure.

God, no.  No I can’t think of him like that.  He’s my damn assistant.

And besides, Hailey’s father promised he was coming into town next week.  It’s another chance, another shot at making things work with him.

It’s the only thing I wish for, but it never seems to work out.  Probably because I’m not good enough for him.  I’m trying to be though. I’m trying to be that woman that he wants, for the sake of our daughter.

“Sarah, did you get all of that?”

“Huh...oh yeah...”

He laughs sadly.  “Right, and I’m supposed to take a vacation.”

“I got it...TV, radio, signing, bullshit.  I can handle it.”

“How about we finish this tomorrow.”  He picks up the notepad and slides off his seat.  “It’s been kind of a crazy day anyway.  We both need to sleep.”

“Okay, I’ll make us breakfast.”

“You have to be at the studio for nine...”  He trails off, shakes his head.  “See what I mean?   You need me here.  Not as your friend, but as your assistant, and that’s why I choose not to get personal with you.”

I can’t say anything.  I feel horrible, but he’s right.  I don’t even know where I’m supposed to be tomorrow, or what time, and arriving late to set is never good, no matter how famous you are.  “Maybe you’re right.”

“I know I’m right.”  He starts to walk past me, but pauses and squeezes my shoulder a little, like a good friend would.  “Just...get some rest, all right Sarah?”

“Make sure my coffee is ready before we leave in the morning.  I want it from the cafe, and it better not be cold,” I say, in my usual tone, hating myself for it, but knowing that this is the way things have to be.  

“Will do.  Night Sarah.”

He walks off, disappears into my massive house, and I know I won’t be seeing him again until the morning.

Two by ialwayzbesingin
“She said you could go on vacation?”

“She said it, but she didn’t really know what that would entail.”  I take a huge bite out of my scone and another big gulp of coffee.  “I’m not going anywhere,” I say, after I chew and swallow everything.  “If anything, I think I cracked her open just a little bit, and that’s better for Hailey.  I don’t care how she treats me if it means she’s paying more attention to the kid.”

“You’re warped.”

I shove the last of the pastry in my mouth and wash it down with the rest of my coffee before jumping to my feet, and Trace follows suit.  “I know what I’m doing.  Hailey needs her mother and London needs to wake up and realize that before it’s too late.”

“Yeah but...I mean, she was handing you a vacation.  We could have gone to the islands and met some fine, fine ass women, man.”

I laugh a little, and start to walk.  He follows quickly, because he knows the deal.  It’s rare I get to spend my lunch hour away from Sarah, but she’s in a meeting with Ray and her publicist, and that allowed me to step out finally after eight hours of being with her.  Naturally, the terms were that I drop off her dry cleaning and pick her up a coffee from the specific place that she likes, but I can deal with that.

“I don’t have time for women, Trace.”

“This is why you’re warped.  You spend way too much time with that woman, and she doesn’t even appreciate it.”

“She appreciates her own, fucked up way.”

I couldn’t sleep last night.  Every time I closed my eyes our conversation began to echo in the corners of my mind.  I can’t deny, it was the first time, ever, that she talked me like I was a human being and not a sloth.  I’m not sure what got into her.  Maybe it was me.  Maybe all the things I said made some kind of a difference.  I mean, this morning she greeted Hailey at the door and kissed her goodbye when the limo arrived to take her to school.  That was a change, she never does that.

But she’s treated me exactly the same as always today, barking at me when her coffee wasn’t the right temperature this morning.  Giving me an order to re iron the shirt that her housekeeper had taken care of the night before, because she found a fold in the bottom hem.  This morning on the set, she complained that her foot hurt, and so I had to draw up an epsom salt soak in a bucket for her like a groveling idiot.  I was forced to sit in the trailer with her while she soaked it, jotting down all the tasks she wanted me to add to my list, to be completed by the end of the day Friday.  All of this set production back about an hour and a half, and the director was in a shit mood the rest of the time we were there.  He came up to me when we were leaving, and told me that I needed to try and get London to be ‘more cooperative’.  I just laughed at him, and when he laughed too, I knew he thought the idea was impractical.

I can deal with it though.  I can deal with it all.

“I mean, she’s hot.  I can’t deny that she’s hot,” he says with a sigh.  “She knows she’s hot too, and maybe that’s why she gets away with the way she treats people.”

“She’s got issues,” I say it casually, because I know I can’t get into details.  “It’s all a front.  I’m the only one that really sees her for who she is.”

“Issues.” He snickers.  “Poor London Pierce, she has millions of dollars.  What a terrible life.”

I shrug.  “Sometimes the money isn’t everything.  You know, I think...I think if she could find the right guy, she wouldn’t even want to be in this business anymore.  I think acting makes her feel more secure about herself.  She can go out into the world and she doesn’t have to think about who she really is, and having people fall all over themselves to please her, makes her feel powerful instead of useless.”

“Well you’re provoking her,” he points out.  “You fall all over yourself to make sure she’s happy.”

“It’s my job,” I nod.  “Sad as it is.  She needs somebody like me to take the crap that nobody else will put up with.”

“Yeah, I know,” he nods.  “I guess I just don’t understand why you take it.  I mean, DiCaprio wanted you, so did Cage and Kidman.  You were crazy to pass all of that up to stay with her.”

I know.  I know and sometimes I think back on it and almost regret not taking those opportunities when they arose.  All three of them were more than nice to me.  They all had good personalities, and praised me for the work they knew I did for London.  I know if I had gone to work for one of them, my life wouldn’t be as stressful.

Cage even said, the offer is always open for me if I decide to come around.  Out of the three, he offered me the most money and the most benefits.  Offered to show me the world, and possibly help get my acting career started when the time came.

But then Sarah would be left all alone, and last night proved to me, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that she would lose everything if I wasn’t around.

That still doesn’t answer the question of why I stay, though.  Despite all of her psychological issues, the bottom line is...she treats me like crap, and I put up with it.

I could say that I stay for Hailey’s sake, but I don’t know.  I just don’t think that’s the whole reason.

The thing that hit me the hardest in bed last night, was that I might care about her a little too much.  I feel like my emotions are on the borderline with her and they have been for a couple of years now.  She’s just so damn helpless, and her ex treats her like shit, comes around and acts like he might want to get back together and spend more time with Hailey, only to bail on them both few days later.  It kills Hailey, and it completely pulverizes Sarah.

I hate that guy, but she just keeps letting him in, over and over again.  In fact, he’s coming into town next week.  He’s a lawyer, used to have his practice here in LA, but moved it to New York City after Hailey was born.  I’m not sure about the circumstances of that, but it probably had something to do with him leaving her for another woman.

I swear, it’s where the bulimia stems from.

Nobody is supposed to know about that either, not even me, but I’m too smart.  I’ve heard her in the middle of the night, in the early hours of the morning.  I’ve heard her in the bathroom during her breaks in the middle of the day, when she thinks nobody else can hear.  I always stand outside the door when she’s using the bathroom in public.  I’d never want that day to come where somebody else would find out the truth of what goes on with her, and so I don’t allow anybody access until she’s through.

I worry about it, about what it’s doing to her...but I know if I confronted her, she’d go ballistic.  Something like that is so private to somebody like her, so personal, that I know I have to back off.

But if she pushes it, keeps going at the rate she’s going, I know...I know something bad could happen eventually.

I try not to think about that part so much, just focus on not letting anybody else find out about it, so a scandal doesn’t arise.  It’s the last thing she needs right now, with so much success surrounding her.

“This is just my place for right now,” I finally say.  “When the time is right, when I’m completely done, that’s when I’ll leave.”


I roll my eyes as we step into Sarah’s favorite cafe, and I order her drink of choice quickly before racing out the door.  “I’ll call you, okay? I gotta get back to work before this gets cold.”

“You’re really pathetic.”

“I know.  But I’m still your best friend.”

“For some strange reason, yeah, you are.”

I smirk, and wave, before hightailing it down the block.  I wish I could stay right there and shoot the shit with him for the rest of the afternoon, but it’s out of the question if I want to keep my job with Sarah.

And like I said, for right now...I do want to keep it.

She’s standing outside of the office building with Ray when I walk up.  They’re arguing, but when aren’t they?  As always, I step right up to her and smile, in an effort to ease the tension.  “Columbian Roast, London.”

She looks at me, and snatches the coffee from my hand.  “Took you long enough to get back.  Do you realize it’s been more than an hour?”

“Look,” Ray speaks over us.  “It’s a good idea, great for publicity...”

“I told you I don’t want to do it, Ray! Damn it!”

She stomps her foot and I eye her manager a little bit.  “What’s the problem?”

“All they want her to do is host a charity basketball game down at Staples.  What’s the big deal?  You’ll get exposure.”

“I’m an A-lister!” She yells at him.  “I don’t host charity basketball games!”

“What’s the charity?”

She shoots me an evil look.  “Don’t you start running your mouth, Justin.  Go get the damn car.  I’m having Marcia pick up Hailey.  You’re going to bring me around Rodeo this afternoon.”

Shopping. With London.  What a dream come true.  Not only will I get to carry her bags, sit in front of her dressing room with a pile of clothes in my lap while she tries them all on, but I’ll also bare witness to the wonderful way she treats ‘common people’.

It’s one of my favorite things to do with her...

“Just consider it, London.  It’s a big deal.”

Ray shoves a booklet at her, which has a picture of some sick kids on the cover.  I peer at it more closely, and have to groan inwardly.  It’s for St. Jude’s.  If she passes this up it’ll be all over the news and radio.  People will think she’s a heartless bitch.

“London...I really think...”

I start to say it, but then she turns her head towards me, very slowly, and her glare is so icy it sends chills up and down my spine.  “Justin, what did I tell you to do?”

Ray stares at me with a sympathetic look, as if to say, I’m sorry I roped you into this job with her.

But it’s not his fault that I said yes.

“You told me to go get the car.”

“Mhmm, yes, and so what does that mean?”

“That I should go get it.”

“Then just do it! Stop standing around like an idiot and wasting my valuable time!”

I nod.  “Of course, London.”

She stops her foot again, and deters her attention back to Ray.  They start arguing just like before, and I decide to it’s better to walk away and do as I’m told.

I’m just the lowly assistant, after all.
“I swear to Christ, I’m going to change managers.”

Sarah plops the coffee down into the leather lined cup holder as I pull away from the curb.  It took her another forty five minutes before she stopped screaming at Ray and finally decided to get into the car.  I had to laugh to myself before she got inside here with me.  She said I was wasting her time, but then she didn’t even get in the damn car.

How do I survive this?

Why am I not working with Nick Cage right now?

No clue.  Not a fucking clue.

“It’s for a good cause, London,” she scoffs, mimicking Ray in a low voice.  “People will think you have a big heart, London.  Fuck, like I have time for a bunch of kids, right?”

She’s looking at me but I’m not looking at her.  My gaze if fixed dead ahead, one hand gripping the leather encased steering wheel, the other on the stick shift.  

“Justin, am I right?”



“Where are we going?” I mutter.  

“What do you mean by sure?”

I finally look at her.  Her eyes are wide, her face flushed from yelling for over an hour.  “It’s whatever you want, Sarah.  It’s your career.”

“Damn right it’s my career.”

“But if you blow this off, don’t come crying to me when your reputation gets trashed by the media.”

“I’m going to say I have prior obligations.”

“People have done that in the past with St. Jude’s and they didn’t get much farther along after that.  I’m just giving you fair warning, that’s all.  Do want you want to do.”

She’s silent.  When I glance at her from the corner of my eye, I see her picking her fingernails and biting her lip furiously.  She knows I’m right, knows Ray is right, but one thing Sarah hates more than anything else is admitting she’s wrong...that somebody else knows what’s best for her.  

“They’re going to make me wear a basketball jersey.  I’ll look so tacky.”

“That’s what you’re worried about?”

“I’m a fashion icon.”

I look at her, at a loss for words.  “You’re ridiculous, you know? Those kids are lucky if they make it through the rest of the year and you’re worried about looking tacky?”

She stares at me.

“You could bring Hailey...maybe you could host the thing together.  It would make you look really good, spending time with your daughter and those kids, don’t you think?”

“I...” She trails off and presses a finger to her lips, deep in thought.  “I guess I never considered that.”

“Yeah.  I know you didn’t.”  I shake my head and focus back on the road again.

“Okay....okay I guess I should do it,” she sighs.  “I know I should.”

“Congratulations,” I mutter.  “Now can you please tell me where we’re going?”

“Just give the car to the valet when we get there.  I’ll lead the way.”

Of course.

“You know, you could totally do Ray’s job,” she says after awhile.  “You come up with some great ideas, Justin.”

A compliment.  Something I’ve never heard come out of her mouth before today.  I look over at her, see her smiling slightly.  She’s gotta be bi-polar or something.  I know it.  “Twenty minutes ago you were screaming at me to get the car and calling me an idiot.  Now you think I come up with great ideas?”

She shrugs a little.  “I’m...I was angry.  I blew up at you and...well...yeah.  I’m...I’m...”

“You’re sorry?”




“I think that’s the first time you’ve ever said it.  Are you sure you’re okay?  Should I bring you to the ER?”

“Keep pushing it,” she grunts.  “You know, I was being nice...or...I was trying to be nice to you.”

“Well gosh,” I say stupidly.  “I’m beside myself.  London Pierce herself...thought about my feelings.”

“Screw you.  Just get me to Rodeo, already.”

And I follow the order.  I don’t feel like arguing with her anymore, because I’m still trying to get rid of all the aggression that built up inside of me when she called me an idiot in front of Ray.  I’ve never completely blown up at her before, told her exactly what I think about her, but I came really close earlier today, and just now here in the car.  I can’t do that either.  It’s unprofessional, and I don’t know how she would react if I said all of it to her and drove her emotionally into the ground, considering she’s so mentally fragile as it is.

But I’m not supposed to know that either.
Three by ialwayzbesingin

I push my clutch against his chest, and he reluctantly takes it from me as we venture into the store.  Justin trails behind me obediently, like a good little servant, and a part of me feels like a queen for just a few seconds before I realize that it’s him I’m doing it to.

I’m a horrible person.

“Miss Pierce!”

Yvonne rushes over to me, and we do an air kiss.  I don’t mind coming to this store so much, because the same people are always here and they help me with my selections the right way.  One of her people rushes to lock the door on her command too, and so I know I’ll be able to shop in privacy, away from tourists and the like.

“Wonderful to see you darling.  Let me show you the new line for fall..”

I follow her into the back room, where they keep their new collections that only people like me get to see first.  I glance back over my shoulder to ensure my assistant is still with me, and motion him to sit down on the bench against the wall, which he does without a word.

He looks pissed, but I guess...

I guess I was a little over the top this afternoon.  I called him an idiot in front of my manager, and...I shouldn’t have.  I know that now.

Ray just sprang the stupid basketball shit on me.  He knows how much I hate doing things like that, and instead of backing down, he just kept putting more and more pressure on me to comply.  I guess St. Jude’s is a big deal and everything, but I only gave in to avoid getting bad press.  

Well that, and I guess a part of me wants to prove to Justin that i’m not such a horrible mother after all.  I want him to know that he’s the one that’s wrong...that I do care about my daughter. I still think it’s a great idea, hosting the game with Hailey.  We’ve never done anything like that before, and it will make us seem so close, and that’s good for my image.  I might get picked up for one of those heartwarming motherly roles and get the cover of People.  The title will read London Pierce: Inside America’s Sweetheart.

Then I’ll get that Oscar worthy role I’m so desperately seeking.

“Just try all of these on, London.  It’s the latest from Milan and Paris.  I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.”    Yvonne smiles brightly as she carts a rack full of outfits towards me.  

“Wonderful.  I need some new things for my promotional events,” I smirk.  “Justin, wheel that into to the dressing room for me, will you?”

I see his chest rise and fall harshly, before he pushes himself to his feet and walks over to where I’m standing, my clutch still in his hands.  “Sure thing.”

“Is that your assistant, London?”  Yvonne asks, once Justin has disappeared behind the curtains.

“He is.”

“Justin...something, right?”

I give her a strange look.  “Justin Timberlake.  But how do you...”

“Well, I probably shouldn’t be gossiping...” Her eyes shift around the room cautiously, as if somebody else could be listening in.  “But Nicole was here the other day, and she told me about him.”

“Nicole?”  I cock my head to the side.  “Kidman?”

She nods.  “She told me she interviewed your assistant over the phone...loved him, said she offered him the best salary for him to come work for her.”

I feel the rage boiling inside of me.  Naturally, why would he have told me? He didn’t want me to know...especially because that bitch got the part I was after last summer.  I hate her.  “He told me he turned down a job,” I whisper.  “But he didn’t say who he talked to.  I blew it off as nothing.  I didn’t was her.”

“Well you better just watch out,” she warns.  “People know a good thing when they see it, and you have a real gem working for you right now.  If you’re not careful, he might get snatched up from under you.”

“Thanks Yvonne,” I smile tightly, and cross my arms.  “You can go.”

“Happy to help.  Let me know if you need anything else.”

“Of course.”

I wait until she’s gone, before letting my smile fade to nothing, and then I storm toward the curtain, brushing it aside harshly so I can get to the dressing rooms.  I see Justin right away, seated on the plush bench beside the three way mirror.  His arm is outstretched towards me and the first of many outfits is hooked onto his fingers by the hanger.  He’s not looking at me.  I know how much he hates shopping.

I don’t care right now.  I’m too pissed to care.  Sure, I knew he’d been offered jobs but I figured they were low key, definitely not up to my pay scale.

Now I guess...I guess I feel threatened by the truth, even though I try to play it off like he’s not so important to my career.

He is.

He really is.

I snatch the outfit from him, making sure to pull down on his arm for good measure, and drape the clothing over my arm.

“What the hell, London?”

“What the hell?” I snicker.  “Oh Justin, please.”

He gives me this look like I’ve gone insane.  “Are you on something?” He whispers.

“When were you going to tell me that Nicole called you?”

His eyes get a little wider, and he quickly looks away from me.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Spare me.”

It takes him a few moments, and then he sighs, finally seems to cave in.  “So I talked to her...what’s the big deal?”

“I told you I didn’t want to associate with her anymore! Not after she stole my part!”

“You didn’t associate...”

“You associating with her is the same fucking thing!”


I stop my foot angrily.  “No! No no! I won’t listen to your damn excuses! Am I not good enough...or something? Jesus!  I pay you...I pay you enough and I give you a roof over your head.  Hell, I offered you a vacation too!”

“I told you, I turned her down.”

“I don’t care if you turned her down!  You obviously were willing to listen to what she had to offer! What if she comes back with another offer!  A better offer! What happens then? Where will I be if you bail before Paris? Huh?  Bitch stole my part and now she’s going to steal my assistant too!”

He sits back against the wall and lets out a harsh sigh, before closing his eyes.  “Just relax, London. I’m going to Paris.  I’m going everywhere you go.  So go try on your clothes.  I’ll be here when you’re done.”

I put my hands on my hips, absolutely infuriated that he’s blowing it all off like this.  I mean, it’s a big deal.  She’s a bigger star than I am, and if she steals my assistant it will make me look like a damn fool.  My ranking will fall from the rafters and I’ll end up doing some infomercial for Proactive...


“You’re going to open your eyes and help me pick out a wardrobe for Paris.”

One of his eyes opens a crack.  “I think you’re capable.”

“I don’t care.  You’re doing it.  You’re earning your paycheck today.”

“Like I don’t earn it anyway?”

“I swear to God, I’ll fire you.”

He laughs at me, and both of his eyes open this time.  “Fine, London.  Whatever you need me to do.”

I glare at him, and storm away.  I’ll show him.  I’ll show him that I’m better than her.  I quickly strip down to my bra and panties, putting my heels back on for good measure, and storm back out into plain view.  The instant he sees me his eyes go wide, his face turns pale, and his breathing starts to get all weird, like he’s having an anxiety attack.

“What the hell are you doing!”

“I don’t think Nicole would do this if you went to work for her.”  I smile for him, and do a little runway back and forth across the small dressing area.  I feel his eyes on me the entire time...especially when I bend over.

“Would you please put some clothes on!”

‘What’s wrong, Justin?”  I straighten myself out and flash him a dazzling smile.  “Too much for you?”

He swallows hard and wipes his forehead with the back of his hand.  He’s sweating.  I guess seeing me this way, practically naked, has made him very nervous.  It’s so comical.

It’s also kind of cute in a boy next store sort of way.

I wonder how many times he’s had sex?

“Can you please put some clothes on?  I’m asking nice as I can possibly ask you London.”

“Fine,” I groan.  “You’re no fun.  I doubt you would have been Nicole’s type.”

He covers his face with his hands and groans into them.

Mission, achieved.  Now, he’ll think twice before ever interviewing with her...or anyone else, ever again.

Damn, I’m good.
“This one.”

I continue to hit the back of my head against the wall, my eyes partially closed in case she pulls another stunt.  “Gorgeous.”

“That doesn’t sound very sincere.  You’re barely looking at me.”

My employer was in her bra and panties a couple of hours ago, strutting around like this was strip club and I had some dollar bills to dish out.  To any normal man, seeing London Pierce in her lacy bra and thong would seem like a dream come true.  Not to me though.  Not to way, because she’s my boss, I live with her, and put up with all the stupid shit she dishes out to me every day.

This was by far, the most extreme thing she’s ever done to teach me a lesson, and I still have no idea how to wrap my brain around it.

I mean, did she need the reassurance that I wasn’t going to sell out to Nicole so badly that she felt stripping was the best option?

She has issues.  I’m right about that, if nothing else.

Of course I wouldn’t have gone to work for Nicole.  For one, I promised myself if I ever did stop working for Sarah, that I wouldn’t work for another woman ever again.  They’re too damn unpredictable.  Second, Nicole’s salary offer was weak anyway.  Just a couple of thousand more a year than what Sarah pays me.

If I go to anyone, it’s going to be Cage, and I’m hoping that information never reaches Sarah’s ears.  Seeing her freak out about Nicole concerned me. The thought of losing me terrifies her, that’s more than obvious now, thanks to her stripping charade.

So what happens to her if I actually do it?

I shudder at the prospect.

“Justin, look at me!”

She’s whining and I sigh, but do as she’s asked.  Thankfully, she has real clothes on this time.  A really nice dress that would be perfect for her perfume event.  In fact, it’s the nicest thing I’ve seen her in all day.  “I like it.”

Her eyes narrow.

“No, I really do.  Seriously.” I flash her my most sincere smile that I only bring out when it’s necessary.  “You should get that one for the perfume promotion.”

She slowly walks over to the three way mirror, and gazes back at herself for several moments.  I see her smirk slightly, but then it goes back into hiding.

One of her main problems is, she has no fucking self respect.  

“You really like it that much, Justin?”

I get up this time, slowly walk over to where she’s standing, and look into the mirror along with her.  “I think you look beautiful, Sarah.”

Her eyes go wide.  “Justin...”

“Nobody is around.  Relax.”

She bites down her lip, and that small smile creeps out again.  “Do you think Alex would like this...for dinner?”


“He called me last night,” she tells me, her eyes gleaming.  “He says he wants us to have dinner when he comes to town.  Just us.”

“Oh.  Well I mean...if that’s what you want.”

“I think he’s changed this time.  Really changed.  He says he’s been thinking a lot about me and Hailey.  I think he wants us to be a family, finally. Isn’t that great?”

I nod, but don’t say anything.  I can’t.  I can’t because I don’t have the heart to tell her it’s all lies.  That he’ll do the same shit he does every time he comes out here.  He’ll take her to dinner, take her home, have sex with her, and be gone in the morning.

But if I say that, she’ll just go into another tirade, and to be honest, I’m just about done with today.

“You’re a guy so your opinion counts.  If you were taking me out to dinner, would you like this dress or would you think it’s too much?”

“I already told you I liked the dress.”

“Yeah but...what if you were taking me out?”

“London, I wouldn’t take you out.”

She frowns.  “What...”

“Look, I can’t think of you that way.”  I walk back to my beloved bench and take a seat.  “You’re my boss.  They have laws about that sort of thing, don’t they?”


I laugh.  I have to, because I’m so tired and frustrated.  “Wear the dress.  If I didn’t work for you, I’d probably love to take you out while you were wearing it.  Satisfied?”

“You really know how to fuck up an afternoon, Justin.”

I nod and smirk.  It’s nothing I haven’t heard before.  “So what does Hailey think about Alex coming out?”

She shrugs.  “I guess she’s excited.  She hasn’t said much to me.”

Right.  Because she’s probably more scared about seeing her father than anything else.  “Can I ask you something?”

She huffs and starts to unzip the dress from the back, and I pray she doesn’t strip again.  “If you have to.”

“What’s going to happen to Hailey if Alex pulls his usual crap?”

She scoffs.  “Justin, come on.  He’s not.  He promised.”  

“But what if he does?”

She shakes her head.  “Just stop it.  He’s different.”

“How can six months change a guy like that?”

She pauses on her way back to the dressing room.  “He deserves a chance.”

“How many, Sarah?”

She turns to me, and there’s this look in her eyes. One that wants to give in, tell me she hasn’t really thought about it because she’s too scared.  But she has too much pride to do all that.  The frown takes over her expression all too soon, and she sighs roughly.  

“You’re supposed to call me London.”

She disappears behind her designated curtain without another word.

I guess that’s all she’s going to say about it, but did I really expect more from her?
Four by ialwayzbesingin
Author's Notes:
Thank you everybody for reading :)
Twenty five thousand dollars later, we finally left that store, and Sarah told me she was too tired to do any more shopping.  When she came out of the dressing room in her street clothes, she seemed really drained, like she was sick.

I guess what I said about Alex may have gotten to her, and even though I meant well, the things I said didn’t effect her the way I wanted them to.

She went right to bed when we got home.  I went up after a couple of hours, knocked on her door and tried to get her to have some dinner, but she wouldn’t answer me, and didn’t reemerge from the bedroom until the next day.  The rest of the week was uneventful, to say the least.  She barely spoke to me unless it was work related, and of course, she was nastier than ever.  She ran me ragged, adding more tasks to my spreadsheet than I ever had before.  It was on purpose of course.  She couldn’t stand the fact that I shared my opinions of Alex with her, and I was mentally prepared to take the heat for it.

I think it made her angrier, when I completed the list without batting an eye

Sarah at her nastiest is better for me, crazy as it sounds.  Definitely better for me.  I was able to catch up on some paperwork for Ray because of her stubbornness, return a ton of phone calls on her behalf, and set up more appointments for the France trip.  I have a detailed outline of everything I’ve done, and tomorrow morning on the way to the set, I plan on going over all of it with her.  Today is out.  She took Hailey shopping for a new dress to wear for Alex when he comes tomorrow, and I was more than thankful when she told me I wouldn’t be needed for the excursion.  She took Roy, her personal security guard with her instead, not hesitating to give me a list of things to do so I wouldn’t ‘waste her payroll while she was out’.

Same old Sarah, but at least she’s spending time with her daughter today.  I’m a little proud of her, actually.

“Peace today, Justin?”

I look up and smile for Marcia as she passes by me with the laundry.  She’s been Sarah’s housekeeper for almost ten years now.  I think she sticks around because Sarah pays her well and lets her do her own work.  I’ve never seen her talk to Marcia like she talks to me in the five years I’ve been here.  She’s older, maybe in her late forties.  I don’t know if that has anything to do with it, but I’m happy that at least one of us doesn’t have to be berated every day of the week.  

“For now,” I say, and return my gaze to my laptop screen.

“Mr. Bigshot is coming in tonight,” she smirks, as she starts to fold a few of Hailey’s tees.  “Sarah said he was getting an earlier flight.”

I click the mouse to send an email, before I allow myself to smile.  “He’ll be here tomorrow night, then.”

“You read my mind well, Justin.  Maybe you should be my assistant too.”

“I doubt I could get the creases out of the laundry quite like you do.”

She laughs.  “I’m going to fix some lunch.  Hungry?”

“You cook like my mom, so of course.”

She rubs my shoulder a little bit before that sympathetic expression takes over.  She’s the only one who knows out here.  I haven’t even told Trace.  I guess...I felt like I could talk to her about it, because she reminds me of my mom just a little bit.

“How is she these days?”

“I talked to my dad last month.  He says she’s at the lowest point she’s ever been.  He goes and sits with her sometimes, but she doesn’t remember anything.  He tells me that she gets scared of him sometimes, because she thinks he’s a stranger.”

“Did he ask you to come home?”

I force a smile for her, although, I really wish I could tell her I don’t want to talk about it right now.  “He wouldn’t.  He knows how it is with Sarah.”

It’s an excuse.  I know if I went to Sarah and told her I had a family emergency, she would complain, but eventually she would tell me to go.  I’m not worried about Sarah.  I guess I’m just not ready.  I’m not ready to face the fact that my mother won’t know who I am if I go back home.

She was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s while I was still in high school, and it progressed rapidly.  By the time I left home, she barely remembered her own name, and it took her awhile to remember who I was.  I have five brothers and a sister, and so, it meant my father was the one who had to work three jobs to get the mortgage paid and keep the lights on, put food on the table.  I left home because I couldn’t handle it, and I didn’t want to burden my dad with another mouth to feed.  Since my employment with Sarah, life has been easier on them.  I pay for my mothers clinical care so he can handle the rest of the bills.  We speak on the phone about once a month.

We were never that close.  It was my mother that I had the bond with, but she’s been gone for a long time, and I made sure to tuck all that deep inside me so I could continue to live my life, unaffected.

Sometimes, when Sarah makes me the angriest, I wish she could switch places with me for a day.  Maybe then, she would know what it’s like to have real problems.

“Well, no matter what Sarah says, if you need to go home for a couple of weeks, make sure you put your foot down.  She gets too caught up in herself to realize we both have lives too.”

“I will.”  My tone is less than sincere.  “And hey, at least you go home at night.  I’m stuck with her.”

“Lucky me.  I’ll spare you the horror stories of the things I find tucked into her sheets.”  She picks up her laundry, and walks into the kitchen.

I chuckle lightly and look back at my computer.  I gaze at the picture set as my background before I click on my minimized window.  My mother and I, down at the lake when I was about fifteen.

I haven’t thought about her in awhile.  Not like that.

I miss her.  I miss her a hell of a lot.

But I have no time to dwell on what life would have been like if she didn’t get sick.  I have work to do, and so, I maximize the window and continue on with my emails.

One hour and a toasted ham and cheddar later, the doorbell rings.  I check my phone, but there’s no text from Sarah saying she’s on her way home, just as I thought.  Marcia is upstairs somewhere, vacuuming, and so I get up to answer the front door, taking care to look through the peephole before I open it.

I feel sick.

“Hey Justin.”  Alex smiles in that arrogant way i’m used to, and brushes right past me into the house.

I guess he wasn’t kidding about that early flight.

“Where’s Sarah and Hailster?”

I slowly close the door, and take a long breath before I answer him.  “Shopping.”  I walk past him this time, and back to the table where my work is spread out.

“Well, get her on the phone.”  He runs a hand through his short spiky blonde hair and gives me a commanding look.  “Tell her I’m here and I’m waiting.”

I snort out a disgusted laugh and pick up my Blackberry, not caring if he can hear me or not.  I speed dial Sarah’s number, and wait.  It takes three rings, but then she picks up.

“What is it?”


I hear her groan and mutter something under her breath.  “I’m not up for games, Justin.  I’m right in the middle here with a frustrated nine year old.”

“I’m sure Roy is the one that’s right in the middle.”

“Get to the point.”

“Alex is here.  He wanted me to let you know.”

“He...he is?”

“Sure enough.  It’s crazy right?  I could barely believe it myself,” I say, sarcastically.

“Oh...God, well did you make sure he’s comfortable? Did you have Marcia give him something to eat and drink? Jesus, Justin...”

“He just walked in the door.”

“Tell him I’ll be there in twenty minutes.  Don’t you dare give him a reason to leave either!”

She hangs up on me.

I shake my head slightly, and look back at Alex.  He’s leaning against the wall, playing with his phone.

“Twenty minutes,” I tell him.

“Great.  Bring my bags upstairs would you?”  He starts to walk into the living room, but then pauses and looks back at me.  “Oh, and if you open the garment bag, you’ll find a couple of suits and dress shirts.  Run those down to the cleaners for me.  On the way back, stop at the florist and get me a bouquet for Sarah.  Make sure it’s something tasteful.  Get back in an hour.”  He pulls his wallet out and removes a bill...a ten.  “Here’s a little something for the trouble.”

Is he kidding me?  I may take that crap from Sarah, but I’m definitely not going to take orders from a punk like him.

“Thanks for the...generosity, but I have a ton of work I have to do.  I can’t right now.”

He laughs at me.  Cracks up, in fact.  “Oh, you thought that was optional?  I’m giving you an order, and unless you want to lose your job, you’ll do what I tell you.” He shoves the ten back into his wallet like I’m going to miss it.  

It takes every ounce of professionalism inside of me not to flip out and deck him one in the face.  I feel like I’m holding it all back for Sarah.  If Alex leaves because of me, she’ll never get over it.  I’m not in the mood for that type of heat either, and so, I decide it’s best to go run his stupid errands so I don’t do something I’ll regret later on.  “My mistake.” I get up from the chair silently.

“You’re still the cocky little shit you always were,” he smirks.  “Maybe Sarah needs a change around here.”

I’d like to tell him that the only change she needs, is for him to leave and never come back, but I can’t do it.  I just nod at him, and leave.  I have to.  I grab the car keys off the hook in the foyer, and burst out of the house.  I see the luggage I’ve been ‘ordered’ to take inside at the bottom of the stone steps, five bags in all, and I can’t help but wonder how long he’s planning to stay.

If I have to live in the same house as that guy, I’m quitting.

It takes me three trips up and down Sarah’s massive staircase before I’m done bringing his majesties luggage inside.  I tossed it into the room, literally.  One bag even broke open when I flung it, causing the contents to spill all over the floor, but I just laughed, and moved on.  

I’m carrying the dry cleaning out the door when Sarah pulls into the driveway and I stop in my tracks, wait for her to get out of the car so she can ask me what the hell I’m doing.

I can’t wait to tell her.

“Justin, what the hell are you doing? I told you to make Alex comfortable.”  She slams the car door once Roy helps her out, and waits for me to answer her.

“I’ve been ordered to take these to the cleaners.”  I walk down the rest of the steps and over to the Mercedes I always drive.  “I’ll be back.”

I open the car door and throw the clothing onto the back seat, slamming it angrily before I send her a sharp glare.

“Well he...he asked you to do it?”

“Ordered me.”  I open the drivers side door.  “He also said he’s waiting for you, so you better get inside.”

“Daddy’s here?”  Hailey’s eyes are wide when she comes around the other side of the car.  I can tell how excited she is, but I wish she wouldn’t set her hopes so high.  

“He’s inside,” I nod.

She doesn’t say anything else, just bounds toward the house and throws the door open so she can run inside.

I truly hope, for her sake, that he sticks around this time.

“I doubt he ordered you,” Sarah continues, with a roll of her eyes.  “You’re just exaggerating.”

“Fine.  Believe what you want, Sarah,”  I raise my hands in a surrender motion.  “I’ll see you.”

“You know...I really don’t appreciate your attitude, Justin. I’m under a lot of stress right now!”

I ignore her, get into the car and slam the door.  She’s standing there at the window though, knocking on it, still yelling at me.

I peel away.  Sure, they’re will be hell to pay later.  But...maybe this is it.

Maybe this is my breaking point.  The one Trace and I discussed.

Maybe now that Mr. Wonderful is here to stay, it’s time for me to move on.  

I stop at a traffic light and eye the button on the steering wheel that will allow me to dial out on my phone.  I know Cage’s number is stored in there, and he told me to call him anytime I felt like it.  I could tell him that I’m willing to start working for him, after Paris.  I’m too nice of a guy to desert Sarah for the trip, of course.  I could get her through it, and then I’d be free to leave when we came back.

It could work.

I might have a way out of this, finally.

I debate it for another second as the light turns green.  I step on the gas and then...

I send the call through.
Five by ialwayzbesingin
Author's Notes:
Thanks for reading so far :)
“So, how-how was the flight in?”

He continues to stir his drink around, and doesn’t look up at me.  “The usual.”

I smile, swallow hard, but try not to lose my composure.  Things are going well, and I can’t afford to turn into a nervous wreck now.  Alex spent the whole afternoon talking to Hailey, playing games and reading to her.  She was so happy.  I can’t remember the last time I saw my daughter that way, and it told me that Justin was wrong about him.  Alex has changed.  He’s so much more willing to spend time with Hailey and it’s only been one day.  He never acts like this.  Usually he ignores her.  It’s a good sign.

Now we’re out to dinner...just us, like he promised me.  I wore the dress that Justin said I looked beautiful in, and Alex hasn’t said anything negative about it, so that means he approves.

Maybe we will get back together, after all.

“So I was thinking.”

I perk up slightly as his eyes meet mine.  “About what?”

“About Hailey.”

I smile and feel my cheeks get a little hot.  “She’s really glad you’re here, baby.”

He laughs slightly and gives me a strange look.  “Yeah...anyway, I was thinking that maybe we could switch off.”

“Switch off?”

“Well she’s older now, you know? I’d like to try this dad thing out for a few years, raise her with me in the city until she’s ready for college.”

My heart flutters.  God, finally.  Finally, he’s coming around, realizing that he loves me and doesn’t want to be without me anymore.  That slut he left me for must be long gone.  He knows that he’s been missing out on a great thing, and I can’t wait for us to all be a family again.

It’s like my dreams are coming true.  I have the career, and now I’ll have the husband too.

“Oh! Well, I’m filming, and I have some international promotion coming up for the perfume line. But once all of that is out of the way I’m sure we can relocate to the city with you.  It sounds great.”

“Oh um...”  He strokes his chin and leans back in the chair slightly.  “Listen London...”

“Sarah,” I say to him gently, reaching across the table for one of his hands.  “You can call me Sarah in public.  You know that.”

“Oh well, okay.”  He laughs nervously and clears his throat.  “Sarah...I mean, you and I...we did a great thing together once.  We made that little girl and you know I’ll always have a special place for you in my heart.  I’ll always love you for giving her to me.”

I suddenly feel like a million daggers have been plunged into my heart all at once.  I hate to admit this, because it’s only the first day, but I have the worst feeling.  One that’s telling me he never intended on getting back together with me at all.

He’s after my daughter now.  He wants to take her away.

I don’t know what to think, or what to do.

“We’re just not right together, you know that don’t you?”  He finally takes my hand, and squeezes it gently.  “You’ve made it, Sarah.  You’re a star now, and that means you’re busy too.  We wouldn’t have time for each other anyway,” he nods, trying to get me to agree with him.  

“But...Alex...”  My voice quivers and I look down at our locked hands.  “You said...”
r32;“I said I wanted to take you out to dinner so we could talk,” he tells me seriously.  “I never said anything about getting back together.  I’m sorry if I confused you.  I should have been clearer.  I’m still with Corinne, and I came here for Hailey.”

My mouth hangs open for a long time, and he just stares back at me, waiting for my response.  “Corinne?” I rasp.  “But I thought...”

“We’re trying to work things out.  I’m doing the best I can to change who I am for her.  All the times I came out here and we...ended up in bed wasn’t what I should have done.  I know that now, but I want to make sure you and I can stay on good terms, for our daughters sake.”

I snort out a laugh and shake my head.  “I can’t believe I’m hearing this right now.”

“I love her.  Hell, I’m about to ask her to marry me.”

It hits me right in the gut and practically knocks the wind out of me.  My lips tremble, and I have to suck in my bottom one, do everything I can not to start sobbing in front of him.

Hearing him say that hurts so fucking bad, and I can feel the hurl beginning to force its way out of me.

Once again, I’m not good enough for him.

I’ll never be.

“I know it looked like I was staying for a while, but I only brought the extra luggage because I have a business trip after this visit with you.  I wanted to take Hailey with me.  I have some business in Washington State and then I’m flying to Tokyo Friday night.  I thought it would be the perfect time for us to bond without Corinne.”

“So let me get this straight.” I fold my hands on top of the table and give him a long, hard look.  Naturally, he doesn’t seem phased.  He never is.  “I’m just supposed to hand Hailey over to you after nine years of raising her all on my own?”

“C’mon, Sarah,” he smirks.  “You and I both know that she’s practically raising herself.  You’re too busy for a kid.  The move will be better for her, and for you.  She’ll finally be out of your hair and you can focus on other things.  I’m doing you a favor.”

“But I...”

“You’ve had nine years with her.  It’s my turn,” he pushes.  “Please don’t make this harder than it has to be.  Remember, we decided to keep this out of the courts from the beginning, for her sake.  I don’t want to do it, but I’ll fight for custody if I have to, and I that what you want? A media circus surrounding you...Hailey?  What about when all kinds of crap starts surfacing in the media about you?  I’d hate to think how it could effect you professionally.”

“What kind of...what could you possibly have on me?”

“Enough to bring you down.” He winks.  “Is fighting for a child that you barely pay attention to, worth all of that embarrassment, Sarah?”

I hang my head low, close my eyes, and try to think of something, anything that will drive him away, leave us alone.  I know Alex though.  I know him better than anybody, and when he wants something, he’ll stop at nothing to get it.  I feel like he’s backed me into a corner.  I’m trapped.

I don’t have a choice, unless I want to lose everything, because I’m sure whatever he has on me is enough to give me a bad rap.

I admit, I did a lot of...risque things in my early years, to make a name for myself.  Things I’m not proud of.  Things I was stupid enough to tell him about, and the tabloids would eat it all up if he went to them with those stories.  Directors don’t like to cast actors that have scandals hanging over their heads, either, and I’ve come too far to be out of work now.

She’ll be better off with her father.  Right.  I have to believe that.

Maybe Justin was right.  Maybe I don’t value Hailey enough.  I couldn’t, if I’m willing to give her up for the sake of my career.

“Will I...will I still get to see her?”

“Of course you’ll see her,” he laughs.  “We’ll alternate holidays.  It won’t be as bad as you think, I promise.”

I lick my lips, press them together.

Is this right?

I’m so fucking useless.  As messed up as it is, I wish Justin were here.  He’d have the answer.  He always does, even when I don’t want one.


I look up at him, into those blue eyes that I used to get lost in for hours.  He was different then.  We both were, but things have much.  I’m nothing to him.  Worthless.  I’m the mother of his daughter, and that’s the only reason he associates with me at all.  He doesn’t care about London Pierce, trendsetter, up and comer, A-Lister.

He thinks I’m a washed up loser.

“Okay,” I croak.  “It’s the best thing for her.”

“I knew you’d understand.”  He smiles brightly and reaches into his jacket pocket, fishing out a folded packet of papers moments later.  “I just need you to sign a few things, you know, for formalities.  Wouldn’t want an saying I kidnapped her or something.”

He’s laughing, but I’m not.  

“You never said I had to sign anything.”

“It’s a lawyer thing.”  

That smile of his doesn’t fade as he pushes the papers towards me.  The packet is about eight or nine pages long, detailing the terms of Hailey’s custody.  The better part of me knows I should have my lawyer look over this.  He’s warned me before never to sign anything unless he’s present.

But I Alex, because he’s the father of my child.

“All it’s saying is that you’re letting me take Hailey to live in New York.”

“It takes nine pages to say all that?”

“You know...all that legal terminology.”  He hands me a pen.  “Just sign the back page.  Save yourself the stress of all this mumbo jumbo.”

“Do you promise to take care of her, Alex?”

“She’ll be in good hands,” he nods.  “I swear.”

I don’t hesitate.  I just sign on the dotted line, because I want the best thing for Hailey, and right now I don't think it’s me.

“Great.”  He snatches it away from me before I can lift the pen completely away from the paper.  “Thanks for making it easy, Sarah.  You did the right thing.  Oh, and that check...I’ll take it the third week of every month.”

I’m confused.  “Check?”

“Child support, of course.  It’s all in the contract that you just signed.  Seventy five thousand a month, plus fifty percent of the profit of any exclusive endorsements that you sign on for, and any franchise merchandise that you market.”


“Oh, about that lawyer thing.” He smiles, and picks up his menu again.  “Just a little tip I learned in law school.  You should always make sure you know what your signing, regardless of who’s telling you it doesn’t matter.”

“ can’t do this!”

“I just did.”


“Now.”  He opens his menu back up again.  “Whats good here?”

Oh fuck.

Oh shit.

I slump down in my seat, and feel the tears trailing down my face within seconds.  This wasn’t about Hailey at all.  This was all a little scheme he conjured up, not only to steal my daughter away from me, but to get a cut of my earnings, probably so he doesn’t have to work anymore.

How could I be so stupid?

I’m a God damn fool, and now my daughter is going to pay for it.
I never made it to the dry cleaners, or the florist.  But I don’t think I ever intended to anyway.  Instead, I pulled into an In and Out Burger, ordered some lunch and spent an hour on the phone with Cage.  Naturally, he was thrilled that I decided to come around, and told me that starting after Paris was perfect.  He said he would set up a place for me while I was gone.  He’s getting me an apartment, said its ridiculous that I’m mandated to live with London, that I need my privacy and time to relax just like everyone else.

I really like him, and for the first time in years, I’m actually looking forward to something.

But I have to get through the rest of this first.  I’ve been going over and over in my head how I’m going to break the news to Sarah.  I figure it’s probably best to do it before we leave for Paris, otherwise she’ll be a complete basket case when I leave.  This way, she’ll have a few weeks to interview some people and find that one special pion that will follow her orders and put up with her shit.

 After the phone call, I continued to play hooky, because I knew if I went back to that house and faced Alex I would probably kill him.  I called Trace, and we ended up having a leisurely dinner with a few of his friends, and some of his employees from the graphic design firm that he owns.  He was shocked I could come. I’m never able to.  There were people there that I probably would have been good friends with, if it wasn’t for Sarah.  I’m starting to realize how important having a social life is after all these years, and Trace was never more happy for me when I told him about my career change.  He says it’ll be good, that I might actually have time for women, meet somebody, and find out what I’m missing out on.

I hope he’s right.  I mean, of course he’s right.  I have to meet people and make time for myself.

There’s just been something nagging at me, all day, telling me that Sarah needs me, and she won’t be okay on her own.  It’s just not my problem though.  Not anymore.  I can’t do it...I can’t put her life over my own anymore.  It’s not healthy.

Maybe my leaving will finally wake her the hell up.

When I got back to the house, I fully intended on getting an earful from Sarah, and some stupid shit from Alex.  They weren’t home though, and when I asked Marcia about it as she was walking out the door, all she said was that Sarah asked her to stay with Hailey until I got home, because she was going out to dinner with Alex.  I figured that, and so I told her I was sorry she had to stay late, and I’d see her tomorrow.

Hailey was asleep when I went to check in on her, and Poppy the Pomeranian was curled up at the end of the bed, giving me a little yip when she saw me peeking my head through the door.  I decided not to wake her, even though I barely saw her at all today.  We usually have an after dinner ritual of watching a movie, reading a book, or playing a game.  I guess today was a lot for her to handle.  Seeing her father is always a big deal.  She gets overexcited, tries to be the perfect kid for him, and she can’t concentrate on anything else.

I hate it.  I hate him, and the way he makes his own kid bend over backwards to please him.

He’s like Sarah, but a million times worse.  She may be a crazy bitch, but she would never make her own kid grovel.  It’s not in her blood.

She just makes me grovel instead.

It’s about eleven when I hear them return.  I flick the TV off, and get up, ready to greet Sarah at the door...take her coat and purse, like I usually do.  It occurs to me that I don’t really need to...that I barely work for her anymore.  It’s just routine I guess, instinct, after five years of doing the same thing.  

“Alex, please!”

They burst through the door, completely disregarding the fact that I’m standing there at all.  Sarah is in that dress, the one she tried on for me that day that I said she looked beautiful in.

I wasn’t lying.  She really did.  It’s hard to admit, because...I’m so fed up with her most of the time, but she really is a beautiful woman.  She just doesn’t give herself enough credit.

Tonight though, it’s not the same woman I saw in the dress.  Sarah’s a wreck.  Her hair is disheveled, half falling out of the updo it was in when she returned from shopping earlier today.  The mascara is running down her face in thick streams, and I realize she’s been crying for a good part of the night.  It’s him.  I know it’s him without having to ask, and I’d like to tell her that I told her so, but I guess it’s not the right time.

“I don’t want to hear anymore!”  He screams it at her.  “It’s done! Don’t you understand that?”

She immediately shuts up, and it takes her a few seconds to start sobbing again.

Whatever it is, it’s bad.  I should probably leave, stay out of this.

But damn it, I can’t make myself do it.  I hate seeing her this way.  It’s rare I’m able to see the type of destruction he brings upon her, and when I do, I never say anything, but it still bothers me.

I guess a part of me, somewhere deep inside, does care about her a lot.  I don’t get it, and I wish I could make it stop.  

That’s why it’s going to be hard to leave.  

“But I didn’t...I didn’t know! Alex...come on, I’m sure we can work something out!  Please!”

She’s begging him like she’s begging for her life, and I quickly step out into the light.  That’s when they notice me, and Sarah quickly turns her head away while Alex meets my eyeline, and smirks.

“Is my dry cleaning ready?”

“Just about,” I say lightly, having every intention on laying the clothing out in the driveway after he goes to bed, and running it over a few times with the car.  “What’s the problem?”

“Stay out of it.”  He turns to Sarah, and puts a hand on her back, rubbing it consolingly.  “I told you. It’s not the end of the world.”  He leans in and kisses her cheek.  “I want my dry cleaning ready in the morning, Justin.”  He points at me with a warning finger, and finally retreats upstairs.

I’m left with a shivering, sobbing mess of a boss, and I have no idea what I should do to her, or go run over the clothes.

Or another option is packing a bag and getting the fuck out of here.

“God, what did I do?” Sarah whimpers, and slides down to the floor, creasing her dress but not seeming to care.

I sigh harshly.  Okay, I guess I should talk to her.

Although, after how she’s treated me, I shouldn’t bother.  She’s created her own mess, as always.  I gave her fair warning before he got here.

“What happened Sarah?  Did you find out that he’s really not here to stay after all?”  I shake my head and go over to her, hold my hand out to help her up.

But she can’t seem to stop crying.  

Something is wrong. Really wrong.  It’s more than I think, and that scares me...because I don’t know what else he could to her at this point that could completely crush her like this.  I sit down beside her after a moment, lean my head back against the wall, and look at her.  “Are you going to talk to me?”


“What’d he do? C’mon, you can tell me.  I know he’s a fuckin’ idiot.  If it’s about him not sticking need to forget about it.  There’s a million guys out there that would fall all over themselves to date you.  You’ll get over him.”

“It’s not about...about that.”  She sniffles loudly and roughly wipes her tears away, smearing her makeup even more.  “I was stupid.  I didn’t think.  He’s taking Hailey with him when he leaves...”


“He...he wanted to take her for a few years, and I thought it might be a good thing, you know?  Like, Hailey needs her father so I just...”

“You didn’t sign anything did you?”

It takes a few minutes, but her sobs get lighter, and she looks right into my eyes.  Hers are light brown like Hailey’s are, and the little flecks of gold in them make them look like two tiny kaleidoscopes when she’s happy.  It’s rare that I see them all lit up, and they’re not tonight.  They’re glistening with tears, and it’s the only thing that makes them look...eerily beautiful.  

“I signed a contract.  I didn’t...I didn’t read it.  It’s a sole custody agreement...they after tomorrow.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I’m an idiot!” She smacks her hands on her thighs.  “Go ahead! Just say it! I know you want to...I know there’s probably about a thousand things you want to say to me that you never get to, Justin!”

If I ever had a chance to tell Sarah what I really think about her, this is it.  I could tell her exactly how she makes me feel, how much pressure I have riding on me every day with all of her lists and demands.  But I just...I can’t do it.  Not now.  Not when she seems so close to losing her mind.

She signed a contract.  He probably manipulated the whole thing, knowing she wouldn’t have enough common sense to read it through before signing it.  He was after Hailey, probably because he wants money from the child support.  He’s a fuckin snake.  “I’ll get Brian on the phone,” I finally say.  “Do you have a copy of what you signed?”

“No.” She shakes her head.  “Alex said he’d get me one tomorrow.”

“Hmph.”  I lick my lips and look at the ceiling.

“Everything’s done,” she whimpers into her hands.  “Everything.  My life is over...God...I have to hurl.”

She pushes herself to her feet before I can stop her, and hightails it down the hallway.  I hear a door slam, and the familiar sounds of her vomiting into the toilet quickly follow.  I sigh.  What a fucked up situation.

Leave.  Leave tonight and don’t look back.


I just can’t do it.  Why can’t I just fucking do it?

I don’t know.  I don’t know anything at the moment, except that Alex needs a wake up call.

And I’m going to give it to him.

Without hesitation, I get up off the floor and make my way upstairs.  I can hear the TV blaring from his designated bedroom at the end of one of the hallways, and I don’t get how he can be completely fine with shattering Sarah like this.  She’s given him a daughter, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her try so hard to make something work, except when it comes to him.  He doesn’t respect her, he uses her, and I would say she deserves it...

But the girl has issues.

He’s just a prick, plain and simple, and I have no problem thrusting the door open and invading his privacy when I reach the room.

“What the...get the hell out of here!” He yells at me, bolting up right in the bed.

But I barely hear him.  I’m too angry, my mind is too fogged up with the images of Sarah losing her mind.  I can’t take it, and I wish I knew the reason why.  “What’d you do?”  I reach his bedside and grab him by the shoulders, knocking him into the headboard.

He tries to fight me off, but I’m stronger, and I intensify the hold I have on him, pushing his upper half harder into the wooden headboard.  “Answer me,” I grit out.

“Get the fuck off of me.”  He says, as he continues to struggle.  “I’ll have you arrested.”

I laugh at him.  “Maybe, but I’m getting to the bottom of this first.  Where’s the contract you had her sign?”

He spits in my face, and it lands on my cheek, warm and gooey. I cringe.  “Bad idea.”  I knock him into the headboard again.  This time he groans loudly, and I think my point is becoming pretty clear to him.  “Where is it?”

He doesn’t answer me, so I do it again.  “Where is it, Alex?”

“It’’s there...on the desk,” he says, practically in tears.  “Please...please man...”

I smirk.  “That’s better.  Now get up.”  I pull him out of bed by the arm, and quickly twist it behind his back before he can get the better of me.  Then I force him over to the desk, and have him show me exactly what I’m looking for.

“Is this the only copy?”


I twist his arm harder and he groans in pain.  “Are you sure? No documents on your computer or in an email?”

“I’m sure.”

“I swear to God...” I trail off angrily and put my face close to his ear.  “I’ll rip your arm off if you’re lying to me.”

“Okay!” His voice is shaking.  “I have a hard copy on my laptop! I’ll give you access....I’ll delete it! Just please, let me go!  Don’t break my arm!”

It amazes me how quickly somebody like him can crumble under pressure.  The problem is, he underestimated me from the beginning.  I have a sister, two years younger, and when I lived back home, I would kick the ass of any guy who did her wrong.  I a way, Sarah reminds me of her a little bit.  She’s weaker than I am, and I’ve always been around to protect her, even when I didn’t want to.

Even now, when I’m on the verge of leaving her behind for good.

“Get me access.”  I let go of him, and he turns, raises his fist to punch me, but I’m too quick...again.  I let my own fist fly, and I deck him right in the face.  His nose immediately begins to leak blood all over his face and clothing, like a running faucet.

Growing up with five brothers taught me well.

“Doo doke by dose!” He wails, hands covering his face in an attempt to stop the flow of blood.  “By dose!”

I eye his laptop sitting there on the desk, and it dawns on me how quickly I can get rid of him.  “You know what Alex? I have the perfect solution for you.  Why don’t you get in the car, and go to the ER? See if they can put you up for the night, and then you can leave in the morning.”  I pick up his computer and shift towards the open french style windows.  “I’ll just dispose of the contract, and anything else that might know...private.”

And with that, I drop the thing out the window, smiling brightly at him when I hear it hit the ground and smash into a thousand pieces.

“Doe! Doe by dapdop!”  He races over to the window, still covering his bloody face, and pathetically stares out at the remains of his item.  

“Alex, need to be more careful.”  I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.  “You can’t be dangling an expensive item like that out a window.  That’s how these things happen.”

He stares at me for a long time, in shock and disbelief.  Then, finally, he starts to gather his things from their places around the room, putting them into his suitcases, not daring to say a word to me because he knows better now.

He’ll be gone by morning, and Sarah will never have to worry about him again.

Mission accomplished.  I guess I saved her in more ways than one.  

I shouldn’t have a problem leaving after this.

I shouldn’t...

But I know I still do.
Six by ialwayzbesingin
I fell asleep on the bathroom floor, after I hurled, and when I woke up again the sun was shining down on my face through the window.  I gasped and staggered to my feet, the only thing running through my mind being Hailey and that it was my fault she was about to be taken away.  I was ready to beg Alex, plead with him one last time to rip up that contract and reconsider things.  Idiot, idiot, idiot, kept repeating in the back of my mind, over and over and over again.

But after doing a check of the entire house, and making Marcia do the same, I realized Alex was nowhere to be found, and my daughter was still in her bed.

I didn’t get it.  I literally stood there in the middle of my kitchen for an hour, trying to remember if he told me he was leaving.  But why would he have left with the contract and without Hailey?


Justin entered the kitchen just then.  He had a tray of coffee, a bag of food from my favorite cafe, and a nonchalant smirk on his face as if nothing had happened the night before.

I attempted to run my hands through my hair, until my fingers reached a snag in the rats nest it had become.  “Hi.”

He plopped everything down on my kitchen island.  “Columbian Roast, Sarah.”

It was so damn..normal.  “What the fuck is going on?”

He pulled out a bar stool and gave me a perplexed look before taking a seat.  “What’d you mean?  I got us breakfast.  We have a lot of shit to cover today.  Hopefully Hailey will sleep long enough for us to get through it all.”

It was Saturday.  Usually an off day for me.  A day Justin used to plan out the next week, sometimes with me at his side, sometimes not, depending on my mood that day.  This Saturday was different of course.  Nothing could be normal about it, because what had taken place the night before changed my life forever.

Or so I thought.

“Where’s Alex?”

He eyed me slightly as he pulled a breakfast sandwich out of the bag and began to unwrap it.  “He’s gone.”

“What do you mean gone?”

He shrugged and handed me my food once he was done preparing it for me.  “Just what I said.  You don’t have to worry about him anymore.  He won’t be contacting you again.”


“Eat.”  He took a bite out of his own sandwich.

I slapped the sandwich down on the table.  “Of course he’ll be contacting me again! I signed a contract! Do you not know what that means, you fucking idiot?”

He swallowed slowly, his eyes fixed on me, and I could tell something inside of him finally had it with me.  “There’s no contract.”  He shoved himself away from the island and got up.  “I took care of it.  Some fuckin’ idiot I am, huh?  I mean, I do you a favor like that and you still view me as a good for nothing.  I can’t win when it comes to you.  Hell, I don’t think anyone can.”
r32;“You took care of it?”

“Yeah.”  He nodded, his expression stern.  “And I don’t even know why I bothered.  I mean, why should I give a fuck what happens to you Sarah?  You’ve treated’ve treated me like the lowest piece of shit on the planet since day one, and you know what? I’m tired.  I’m tired of you, and the way you treat other people.  I’m tired of how fucking rich and spoiled you are, and how that turns you a manipulative cold hearted douche bag.  I’m tired of watching you step all over people until they break, and I’m really, really fucking sick of watching you destroy your kid, because she’s probably the best part of you, and you can’t even see that.”

For awhile it was silent. Pin drop silent.  When I met his gaze, I could see that his usually vibrant blue eyes had turned stone cold.  He really meant every word of what he said, and the more I thought about it, the more I knew he was completely right about me.

I think it was the first time, ever, that I was able to see myself the way everybody else did.

“Don’t you know how lucky you are, Sarah?  Fuck...I...” He dropped his hands at his sides and laughed sadly.  “I would give anything to be able to talk to my mom again.  Hailey’s right upstairs, waiting for you to come around and be her parent.  You just don’t get it, and...and I don’t know if it’s because you don’t care or that you’re just too scared to let her rely on you.”

He’d never talked about his family before, or any aspect of his personal life, and I didn’t know what to say.  I employed him, made it a point to put him in his place. “I...Justin...”

He shook his head roughly.  “Don’t even bother, you know?  This isn’t worth it anymore.  Not to me.”

He stormed away, out of the house, and the door slammed loudly behind him.

I wanted to die.  Somehow he drove Alex away, and got rid of that horrible contract, all in a single evening.  I didn’t even know how I could begin to thank him.  I couldn’t.  I’d cursed him out yet again, and this time I knew there was no recovery.  He wasn’t going to blow it off like he’d been doing for the past five years. I wasn’t getting another chance.

I knew he was done with me, done with the job, and that...that killed me.

It hit me so hard, that Justin Timberlake was the best thing that happened to me since my career started.  He was most of the reason I hadn’t lost my mind completely, he kept me going even on the days I could barely get out of bed, and without him...

Without him I knew I would be dead in the water.

I ate my breakfast, and then I hurled.  Soon after I finished, Hailey came downstairs, wanting to know where her father was.  I had to make up some lame excuse, try my best not to look like a total wreck in front of my daughter.  She was important, and I hadn’t been doing right by her.  She needed me so much, and I was more interested in my career and shopping, than making sure she was doing okay.

If nothing else, Justin forced me to wake up when it came to her.

I took her to the beach.  It was the first time I ever did that with her on my own, instead of dragging Justin along to play babysitter while I napped in the sun.  The paparazzi filmed us all day as we walked up and down the beach, snapped pictures in my face and asked all kinds of questions, and I couldn’t ward them off.  Still, I kept a smile on my face for Hailey, but I knew I couldn’t continue take another trip that way.  I should have called Roy from the beginning...

But I really wanted Justin to be there.  He was always able to find that one secluded section of beach where they could never find us.  Then he would take Hailey down by the water and they’d play in the sand together while I sunned myself and texted my girlfriends.  I never appreciated that, never appreciated anything he did.

When I got home, I sent Hailey off to play, ordered a pizza, and sat in my kitchen trying to come up with a way to make it all up to him.  I called him, and called him, left him voicemail after voicemail telling him how sorry I was.  Eleven o’clock came around, and he still hadn’t returned any of my messages.  

It was hopeless.  I hurled up dinner and passed out on the couch, once again neglecting to tuck my daughter in and kiss her goodnight.

I’m still here in fact, the faint sound of the television echoing in my mind as I fight to stay asleep for just a little while longer.  I know it’s morning.  Morning means its time for work, and without an assistant...I have no idea how I’m supposed to start the day.


I think I hear his voice, but I pass it off as nothing, just a dream, and attempt to roll over so I can press my face into the leather couch.  Something stops me...a warm hand on my bare leg, and my eyes immediately fly open.  I’m about to scream bloody murder too, but then I see who it is that’s sitting with me on the couch, and all I can do is stare at him.

“Do you know I’ve been on the phone with your director all morning?” He sighs tiredly, and rubs his face.  “You were supposed to be on set yesterday afternoon, but you never showed.  I swear to God, can’t do anything by yourself can you?”

“Justin?”  My voice is raspy, gravely, like sandpaper.  I try to clear the feeling away, but it doesn’t work, and I groan slightly.

“Here.”  He hands me bottle of water.  “You’re white as a ghost.”

I take it from him cautiously, never letting my eyes leave his.  I don’t get it.  He’s back, but why? He was done, he told me that, and I...I deserved it.  I deserved to be abandoned by him.

“Drink it,” he says.

I do.  I unscrew the cap and guzzle down the water in a few swallows.  “ came back.”

He considers it for a few moments, before nodding his head slowly.  “I figured the professional thing to do would be to come and talk to you before I resigned, and I guess...after the twentieth voicemail, I wanted to make sure you hadn’t resorted to jumping off of rooftops or swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills.”

I chuckle sadly.  “Am I really that much of a mental case?”

“Most of the time,” he says seriously.

“Then why do you stay?”

It takes him a few moments to answer.  He stares off into space, up at the ceiling, at the television...anywhere but at me.  “I’m not sure why.  Sometimes I think I’m doing it for Hailey, but...I know that’s not the whole reason.”

“I...I took Hailey to the beach yesterday.”

He smiles but doesn’t look at me.  “How was it?”

“We got mobbed by the paparazzi,” I laugh.  “I felt like Britney Spears.”

“Nah.  You’re bigger than her.  You’ve turned into one of those starlet chicks,” he chuckles.  “Can’t go anywhere without a security detail.  I remember when I first met you, you were like this tiny blip on the radar, an up and comer with a ton of drive.  Now look at you.  You have fragrances and line of hand bags coming out in a few months.  Everybody wants to be like London Pierce.  It’s corny as hell, but I feel like I watched you grow up or something.”

“You did in a way,” I say softly.  “You’ve been here through it all and I...I know I’ve treated you like absolute crap through it all, Justin.  You put up with it, and I know...if you’d given up, I probably wouldn’t be sitting here in this massive house with you.”

He looks at me.

“Going to the beach wasn’t the same without you there,” I say, seriously.  “I felt...lost...I guess.  I couldn’t find that patch of beach you always do...the one where they can’t find us.”

“I’m pretty good at that,” he whispers, and laughs as he looks down at his lap.  “It’s a God given talent.”



That light has returned to his eyes.  That carefreeness that’s always been in them, even when I was treating him horribly.  

“Justin I...thank you, for what you did.  I blew up at you, when I should have been saying that, and I hope you can forgive me...eventually.  I hope you can forgive me for a lot of things.  You had every right to say the things you said to me yesterday.  I needed to hear them, because I know they were all true.”

“Well...I’ll give you a pass on the douche bag part,” he chuckles slightly.  “You’re more like a bitch.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”  I laugh out loud.  “I never thought I’d hear you say such a dirty word about me though, Justin.  It was kind of...neat.”

He cocks his head to the side.  “Neat?”


“Well...I guess I’m glad there’s no hard feelings,”  he says gently.  “If anything, this was a good learning experience for me.”

I just nod.  I can feel it coming on, that he’s going to tell me he’s quitting.  I brace myself for the worst.



“I...after Paris...”

“I get it,” I whisper.  “I know you have more than enough reasons to leave.  I can start looking for a new assistant when we get back.”



“I was going to say...” he trails off and smiles.  “After Paris, I thought maybe...I could get that vacation.  That is, if you still want me to be your assistant.”

I feel the smile spread across my face, and the tears start to push themselves out from behind my eyes.  “You want to...stay on?”

“Yeah.  I know you’d tear your hair out otherwise, and I guess you’ve...grown on me or something.  Plus, who the hell is going to put up with London Pierce? It’s one of those things that takes time to learn, and I know don’t have the patience for that.”

I sob.  “I don’t deserve you.  Not after the way I’ve treated you.”


I finally look up at him.  I see Justin, that look in his eyes that tells me he’s here for for my daughter, and that he isn’t going anywhere.  I don’t get it.  I don’t understand why he’s giving me another chance.  Yesterday should have been the last straw and I was almost prepared to accept it.  “Justin...”

“Look, may be the most fucked up thing you’ve ever heard me say, but I feel like you’re family.  It’s been five years, and you’ve basically been the only person I’ve spent my time with.  Going to work for somebody else just wouldn’t feel right.  I’m used to you and Hailey...I’m used to my life like this and I guess I’m not ready for it to change.”

“Well things are going to change, Justin.  I’m going to be a lot less demanding...and when it’s your day off, I’m going to just...leave you alone, and when...”

“One thing at a time, okay?”

I sniffle and smile softly.  “Okay.”

He pecks me on the cheek lightly, and it’s amazing...wonderful to feel his lips on my skin even though it doesn’t really mean anything.  He’s just being himself.  That sweet, down to earth guy that’s always taken care of me no matter how hard things were on him.

“Come on, let’s get your director on the phone so you don’t get canned.”

I let him pull me to my feet, lead me away for the tasks of the day, and I’ve never felt more whole...never felt more secure.

And I never want to lose him again.
Seven by ialwayzbesingin
Author's Notes:
Thanks to Dossboughmediamonds for the cool banner! You can see it at the beginning of chapter one! I hope you all enjoy the next chapter :)

“London! Top left! Top left!”

“London, this way!  Big smile!”

She twists and turns on the pink carpet, dazzling the cameras with her million dollar smile as the flashes snap off, one after the other.  I’m in my usual spot, at the end of the row, holding her gaudy purse (a prototype for the unreleased line) and waiting patiently as she makes her way down the line of photographers, with Roy an arms length away.

“How are things at the house?”

“Normal,” I say gently, barely making eye contact with Ray.  I can’t right now, I can only focus on her because I guess...

I guess I’m worried.

I don’t know.  Whatever it is, I definitely don’t want to talk to Ray about it.  He panics at the slightest thing that goes wrong, just like Sarah does, and five years of experience has taught me it’s better to keep my mouth shut about certain things.

Sarah smiles at me as she turns towards the next section of photographers, and of course I return it.  

She’s doing okay today, she’s having fun right now and that’s saying a lot because usually she whines and complains about doing things like this.  She woke up this morning and told me that she was excited to be attending the Breast Cancer benefit.  She even asked me if I could help her figure out what to wear, and when her stylist arrived, it was my opinion alone that helped her decide how she wanted her hair.  It was good, a change from how the rest of the week went.

While she’s been about a thousand times better when it comes to our working relationship, mentally...she’s still not doing well at all.  She’s still vomiting constantly, in supposed secrecy at home, even though I can hear her clear as day and Marcia can too.  I’m pretty sure she’s skipping meals whenever she can, always talking about losing ten or fifteen pounds before Paris when we’re working out the details.  I’ve quietly voiced some concern with her, which she’s basically laughed off, just called me ‘cute‘ for caring.

But I’m not being cute.  I know she’s getting sick.  It’s transparent, written on her face.  When the lights go down and I bring her home, I see her for what she is ...a shell of a person.  When that makeup comes off, that bronzer and other shit that gets smeared all over her when she goes in to film, she’s as pale as a ghost...weak, tired, and run down.  She’s always up before I am lately, and it scares me, because I usually come down, dressed and ready to go out and grab Sarah’s morning coffee by six.  It means she isn’t sleeping well.  I’d say I don’t understand why, but I do...I understand all too well.

She’s under too much strain, and...she may have started using drugs.  Which ones, I don’t know, and I’m too scared to find out.

Between her filming schedule, her endorsements, the photo shoots, the interviews, and the meetings, she barely gets a second to herself.  Then, she turns her attention to her kid when she finally has the time.  Lately, anyway.  She’s been doing really well in the parenting department, and Hailey, in turn, has been much happier, and more free spirited.  When I pick her up these days, she’s all smiles.  School isn’t such a torture for her anymore, because Sarah talks to her about it, and deals with the issues like she’s supposed to.  I really am proud of her.

But I know what kind of a toll it’s taking.  There’s just not enough time in the day for her to get everything done and still get a break.

Seeing all of this unfold in front of me, proves that she wouldn’t have lasted very long if I had gone through with my plans, and quit on her.  Even with me here, she’s barely holding it together, and that’s only because I’ve been racing around like a maniac to make sure she gets where she needs to be and does what she’s agreed to do.  I’m really tired too, I can’t deny that, but at the same time...I know how to take care of myself.  I eat decent, sleep when I’d rather be doing other things, and make sure I get into the gym at least twice a week.  I was doing all of that before of course, but I guess...ever since our talk, she’s changed a lot, respects me a lot more and treats me like a valued member of her team.  It’s given me that boost I need I guess.  It keeps me going.

I guess I can say that I’m glad I stayed, even though...the reason I made that decision wasn’t because I felt bad for her.

I have issues of my own, that I knew I wouldn’t be able to deal with if I started a new job.  While Nick Cage would have been the ideal boss, he also would have needed a hundred percent of my focus the first couple of months, probably with no real breaks.  When I got that phone call from my sister, I knew there was no way I could have given it to him.  Not if I needed to take a week off so soon.

It was good to hear her voice.  It’s been months.  She’s busy with school and the part time job she works to help dad out.  At first I thought she was just calling to say hello, to catch up with me and make sure I was ‘surviving’.  She knows my job can be stressful, even though I haven’t gone into specifics with any of my family members about exactly who it is that I work for.  The most they know is that I work for somebody in the entertainment industry, and that’s been good enough for the past five years.

But my sister is going to find out who I work for all too soon.

“Dad is getting laid off.”  She said it in the middle of our carefree conversation, like she couldn’t hold it back anymore, but felt guilty as hell for springing it on me like that.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes...”  she trailed off and I heard her whimper slightly . “They might close the factory too.  We won’t know for a couple of months, but in the meantime dad is out of a job starting next Monday.  I...I don’t know what to do.  He says I might have drop school if he can’t find a job soon.”

“You’re not dropping school,” I said sternly.  “You promised matter what happened...”

“I know what I promised Justin!  Why do you think I feel so bad!”

“What about the boys?”

“The garage isn’t doing so well either.  I mean, they aren’t going to close, but they aren’t making enough to pay for my tuition on top of everything else.  Harvey is going to take over dad’s bills for him as it is.”

My brothers opened their own garage and auto supply store shortly after I left.  We don’t speak.  They hold a grudge against me for leaving.  What they really wanted was for me to work for them and help the family.

But I couldn’t do that.  I couldn’t face the truth about mom.

I still can’t.

I sighed harshly, and mentally began to calculate my income.  After my mother’s medical bills, I was left left with about a thousand dollars a month to live on.  I didn’t need much.  Sarah let me eat her groceries, drive her cars, and live in her house.  If I gave the rest of my check to Charlotte to cover her school fees, I knew it wouldn’t be the absolute end of the world.  

I knew I could still survive as long as I still worked for Sarah.

“I can help you out,” I said quickly.  “I can give you about nine hundred...maybe a grand a month if you really need it.”

“Justin...I can’ can’t...”

“I can.  It’s all right Char.  I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t have it.”

She sniffled and sobbed into the phone.  It took every ounce of stamina inside of me not to break down too.  Out of all of my siblings, I had always been closest with my sister.  She was younger than me, but she was also the one who understood me the most, and didn’t hold it against me when I decided to leave.  I missed her, and I wished I could have been there to hold her instead of listening to her cry over the phone.

“I really wish I could see you,” she finally said.  “I miss you so much, J.”

So I did what any good, caring brother would do.  I took a risk, even though I was sure Sarah would hate the idea of me having a visitor.  “So I’ll get you on a month.  You can come out here.”

“To Los Angeles?”

“Yeah, of course,” I chuckled.  “I’ll give you a tour.”

“I thought were too busy for a vacation.”

“I think I can work something out.”

That’s when I decided to finally use Sarah just like she’d always used me.  I would stay on for my sisters sake, I would get my vacation, and I would finally be able to spend time with her after five years.  I needed that, I realized, very desperately.  So, after we get back from Paris, I’m taking the following week off to spend with my sister.  I already talked to Trace, and he’s welcomed us to stay at his place for the week.  I’m so thankful for him, and I have no idea why he’s still friends with me, because I barely see him.  He sticks by me, but I guess I would do the same for him if our roles were reversed.

“The director of the new movie called me last night.  The one she read for last week,” Ray continues.  “She got the part.  Filming starts the week you get back from Paris.  While you’re away, I need you to make a detailed outline of next month for me, so we can work her agenda around the filming.  She’ll wrap this one up next week, so you won’t have to worry about her filming two movies at once.”

I should be happy for her.  This role is no oscar winner, but the movie should be one of those summer comedies that turns into a blockbuster.  It will give Sarah’s career the next boost up that she’s been looking for, and I guess I’m happy for her....

At the same time though, I know what this is going to mean.

“Well I sort of...I was going on vacation when we get back...”

“Vacation?” He snorts.  “Justin, you know I completely understand that you work your ass off.  London and I really appreciate that too.  Just this morning on the phone she was going on and on about how wonderful you are.  But right now, she has a lot on her plate.  We can’t afford for you to take a vacation right now.  I promise, once the holidays come around, you can have all the vacation time you need.”

I should have figured.  Sarah, naturally, has no idea what kind of effort is involved for me to take any kind of a vacation.  If she feels she has nothing for me to do, Ray will give me a reality check.  He’s right.  There’s a ton of shit going on, that I need to make sure gets taken care of, because Sarah won’t be able to do it without me.

But sister.  I need to see her.

“My sister was supposed to come out,” I murmur, and shove my hands in my pockets.  “I haven’t seen her in five years, Ray.”

He’s quiet for several moments, and I know he probably feels a little bad.  He’s not a cold hearted guy, he knows people have lives, but this business comes first, and of course I understand.  

“So have her come out.  She can stay at the house.”

“Oh I don’t know,” I say quickly, and let out a nervous laugh.  “I mean...”

“Why not?  There’s plenty of room at London’s and I’m sure she won’t have time to care who you have there.  It’s your sister.  It’s not like you’ll be having sex on the couch.”

I swallow hard.  “No...we won’t be.”

“Fine, then it’s settled.  She’ll stay at the house, and you’ll still be able to work and get to spend time with her too.  All good?”

The last thing I want to expose my sister to is this business.  It’s too cut throat, and I know how sensitive she is.  If she sees the crap that goes on with Sarah, I know she’ll tell me I need to get out of LA.  That’s not what I want.  I don’t want to go back home, and I guess that part of me that was so driven once upon a time is still convinced that I’ll be able to have the career I want one day.

And I guess the other thing about it is, I don’t want Sarah to know the details of my personal life.  I don’t want her worrying about me, about the things that have happened to my family, and continue to happen.

She has enough issues.


I finally look up at him.  “Yeah, yeah that sounds good.  Thanks, Ray.”

“Perfect.” He winks at me and slaps me lightly on the back before focusing his attention back on Sarah, who has finished her photo op for the evening.

“I forgot how much fun that was.” She grins and holds her hand out for her bag.  “How’d I look, Justin?”

I hand her back the purse and flash my best smile for her.  “Like a star, as always.”

“You hear that Ray?” She giggles.  “I’m a star.”

“Yeah yeah,” he huffs and steps forward, giving her a gentle pat on the back.  “Let’s get inside before your ego blinds me.  Oh, and by the got the part.”

She squeals.  “No way!”


“Omigod, Justin!”  

She throws her arms around me, which takes me by surprise, but I let her do it, just because Ray seems so pleased and there’s nobody waiting to get by us.  

“Isn’t it great?,” she says, not releasing her arms from around me.  “I just know it’s going to be a big summer hit!  That means my name will probably come up for something big in the fall!  It’s like everything is finally coming together...Justin...”  She pauses and pulls back from me, smiling as she stares into my eyes.  “You’ve been great.  You really have been.”

“It’s nothing, London.” I nod and smile.  “I was doing my job.”

“Well whatever.  You definitely deserve that vacation that’s coming up.  I’m not letting anything get in the way of that.”  She loops her arm through mine.  “And I’m going to let you be my date tonight.  You never know...somebody might spot you and cast you in a movie or something...”


“And you haven’t said anything about my bag.”  She pulls me along, beyond Ray, even beyond Roy who immediately races to catch up with us as we head inside.  “What? Is it too tacky or...”

“Listen.”  I stop her once we’re through the doorway and stare back into those eyes of hers.  They’re brilliant tonight, the little gold flecks lit up like a thousand little pieces of a kaleidoscope, and I’m halfway lost in them before she snaps me out of it.

“What? What’s the matter?”

“Um...”  I sigh, and rub my forehead, squeezing my eyes shut so I can collect my thoughts.  “I can’t take that vacation right away.  There’s too much to do.”

“Bull.  Is this Ray’s idea?”

“Well it’s just that...”

“Ray!  RAY!”

There’s no stopping her when she’s determined, and I decide to shut my mouth as Ray comes over to us and she starts screaming at him like she used to scream at me.  Better he gets the heat I guess...but at the same time I don’t want to deal with this either.

“It’ll be like a vacation.” I hear him say.  “He’ll have downtime, London.  It’s just that right now...”

“No Ray! I promised him!”

“He’s fine with it!  Justin...aren’t you fine with waiting?”

“Of course,” I manage.  “It is what it is.”

She huffs harshly and places her hands on her hips.  “Well I’m not happy with that.  I’m not happy at all.  I made you a promise, Justin.  It’s not fair.”

I’m proud of her for realizing the realities of life, but there’s no other choice.  “I wouldn’t have agreed if it wasn’t vital for me to stay on the job, London.  You have a lot going on and...”

“His sister is coming into town,” Ray interrupts.  “She’s going to stay at the house, and they can spend time together.  So in a way, he’ll get to have some sort of vacation.”

I feel sick to my stomach, while Sarah just seems more excited about that idea than ever.

“ have a sister?” Sarah says, her eyes wide and curious.  “You never told me that.”

I shrug.  “I didn’t really see the need.”

“Well...well this is just...awesome!  I mean, who better to have around than another girl, right?  How old is she?”

“Twenty one,” I mutter.

“Even better!  We can go shopping and gossip about how you used to act when you were a kid!  Just think, I’ll finally be able to get a full unabridged version of your life story, and you won’t even have to say a word!”

“Great,” I say, sarcastically.  

“Oh lighten up.”  She rolls her eyes and nudges me in the ribs.  “It’ll be fun!”

I hope she’s right.
“So I guess we’ll be seeing more of each other, huh?” He smiles slyly as he whispers it in my ear, and I can feel his face getting closer and closer to my neck as the seconds pass.  

I swallow the pills with my champagne, some uppers, just to give me the boost of energy I need for the rest of the night, and laugh softly as those lips finally land on my neck, causing my heart to beat furiously in my chest.  “I guess so.”

“You know, I told them.  I told them there was no way I would take the part unless you were going to be my co-star.  I guess they took me seriously.”

Chet McStevens is one of the hottest stars on the radar this year.  An up and comer from a sitcom on Fox, he’s really been making his way up the movie chain since he came out of television.  He has talent.  More than I’ve seen in awhile.  Doing a movie with him, I know, is going to be huge for my career.  I can tell how excited Ray is about all of this.  He knows it’s going to bring in more revenues and more career opportunities than we ever thought possible.

I’m happy.  I am.

I guess I’m just hoping that I can keep up with everything.

I look out over the balcony, surveying the glamourous nightclub below, as Chet continues to kiss my neck and I continue to give into him.  I see Justin at the base of the stairway that leads out onto the night club floor, guarding the entrance so nobody can come up here and spy on us, since Roy is doing his usual laps to ensure my safety tonight.  It was fun being with Justin at the benefit.  So many of my colleges came up to us when they saw him on my arm, curious as to who he was and what kind of role he played in my life.  They thought it was sweet when I told them all he was my assistant, told me they wished they could treat their ‘people’ more like that.

But as I’ve come to realize, Justin is a lot more than just part of ‘my people’.

He’s a friend.  At least, I think he is.  I don’t think he would have gone through what he did to drive Alex away otherwise.

I’m looking forward to meeting his sister, and even though he can’t get the full vacation I wanted him to have, I fully intend on giving him as much ‘down time’ as possible while she’s here.  I don’t know why, but I really want to make a good impression on this girl.  I’m not sure what he’s told her about me, if anything.  My guess is she doesn’t even know who her brother works for, because Justin is so damn private about everything in his life.  I’ve been racking my brain over the past week, trying to figure out what could have happened that’s made him so closed off.  I guess it could be a lot of things.  Family sticks out in my mind, mostly because he’s never discussed them with me, or with anyone.  I know how that is.  My family is long gone and I do my best not to think about them.  My dad left when I was three and mom ran off with husband number five while I was pregnant with Hailey.  I haven’t heard from either of them since, and I hope I never do.

“How about we get out of here,” Chet whispers in my ear, drawing my attention away from Justin and back to him.  “I’ll take you back to my place.” His hand inches its way up  my thigh and underneath my dress.  “Maybe we can rehearse some of those lines,” he laughs.  

“Well I...”  I smile at him, and gently push his hand back to where it belongs.  “I have to be on set in the morning.”

He pushes to get his hand back where it was, and dazzles me with that smile of his once again.  “So I’ll bring you.  C’mon.  I think it’s the perfect time for know, a stepping stone to our working relationship.  You’re a beautiful woman, London.  I'd love to spend more time with you off the set if I can.”

I don’t really keep boyfriends.  Partially, because I’ve been waiting for Alex to finally give in for all these years, and also because...I don’t have time.  Now that Alex is out of the picture, I’m sure Ray would love for me to pair myself up with somebody like Chet, get my name floating around in the tabs, create a media frenzy.  I’d get more offers, more endorsements.

But something is holding me back from giving in to him tonight.

And I’m not sure what it is.

“I should get back home tonight.  My sitter will be pissed if I make her sleep on my couch.”  I flash him a dazzling smile, push his hand away from me, more forcefully this time, and slowly start to get up from the comfortable sofa.  My head starts to spin immediately, once I’m on my feet, and I find that I’m staggering around, not able to find my own way to the staircase.  I guess champagne, uppers, and that hurl I took in the bathroom after the benefit weren’t the best mix.

I have to lose that weight though if I want to look my best in Paris, and my...weight loss, makes me tired, so the pills help...

I don’t know anymore.

I think I might...I think I might be losing my grip a little bit.

But I can’t.  I need to learn how to handle all of this, because other people do it, and they’re just fine.  I know they are.

“Whoa...” he laughs and grips my arm right before I’m able to fall to the floor.

“Sorry.” I laugh stupidly. “I’m a little...drunk, I think.”

“It happens to the best of us.”  He pulls me closer to him and starts kissing my neck once again.  “Come on, come with me.  I’ll take care of you.”

I’m starting to get drowsy.  Everything is spinning and I find that my eyelids are starting to droop.  I need pills.  More pills.  “Can you get my pills?” I whisper as he continues to put his hands all over me.  “I need more.”

“You’ll be fine,” he reassures me, and gives me a light push so I’ll walk forward.  “I’ll take care of you.”

I barely here him.  I just let him guide me forward to the stairs, and he helps me walk down them slowly, but surely.  The bass gets louder, and deeper, as we reach the night club floor, and then we’re right at the foot of the stairs.  I see Justin, holding my purse, his arms crossed, scowling because I’m sure Chet is still kissing my neck.

“You ready to leave?”

“It’s all right man,” Chet says.  “We’re going back to my place.  I’m having a party.”

He stares at me, but I can’t even look at him.  I’m starting to feel sick, and so I just lean my head against Chet’s broad chest.

“I’m not letting you take her anywhere like that,” Justin protests.  “London, come on...I’ll get you home.”


He reaches out for me, but Chet pulls me back, away from Justin and closer to him.  “I said we’re fine.  Get lost.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the neon lights from the club flash across my assistants face.  I can tell how angry he is, how much rage has filled his eyes, because he knows what’s best for me.  He really does, and I shouldn’t...I shouldn’t go with Chet...

Who knows what will happen if I do?

“I said she’s not going home with you.”  Justin storms towards us, rips me from Chets arms, and shoves him backward.  r32;

“Who the fuck do you think you are?”

“In charge,” he mutters, and drapes one of my arms around his shoulders.  “She’ll see you on set.”

I don’t even say anything.  I can’t.  I’m too much of a mess, too drowsy, too weak. I just let Justin lead me away, not caring that I may have just ruined a really great opportunity.  Ray...Ray will probably be angry later.

But I can’t focus on that right now.


The fresh air hits my face, and I realize quickly that Justin has gotten me back outside the club.  I hear shouts, screams of my name, and I can feel the flashes from the camera’s all around me.  “Hmm.”

“C’mon, stay with me.  Roy’s getting the car for us.  London...”

My head droops and he keeps me close to him.  “I messed up,” I whisper.

“Messed up?”

“With Chet.  He wanted me to...”

“It’ll be fine in the morning.  He would have...just...don’t worry about it.”  He reassures me and props me up higher.  “What’d you take up there?”


He sighs.

“London! London!”

Flash Flash.

I feel Justin get shoved at some point, and he swears loudly, curses at them to get back.  By this point, I’m just delirious, and then I feel somebody on the other side of me, gripping my arm harshly, pulling me forward.

“What happened?”


“I don’t know.  She was about to leave with that ass, Chet.”

“Good thing you caught her.  You know the type.”


I’m put into the back of a car moments later.  My head hits the soft leather seat, somebody sits down beside me, and then I hear the door slam shut.


When my eyes open again, I find that I’m being cradled in his arms, and he’s staring at me with more concern in his eyes than I’ve ever seen before.  Sure, he’s been telling me lately that I look sick, that he knows I’ve taken my diet to the extreme.  I blow him off because I can handle it.  “Hey.”

Justin caresses my cheek, brushes some hair out of my eyes before smiling at me slightly.  “I need to know if you’re going to be okay.”


My eyes close again.

“I can take you to the ER.”

I shake my head, and my body seems to force me to drift off to sleep.  Just before I do though, I can feel...I can feel a touch of lips to my forehead, and I know they’re his.

“I...I’m worried about you.”

It’s the softest of murmurs, and I guess...if I was more coherent, not a train wreck that’s gotten mixed up in pills and puking every night to gain self respect, I would thank him for this, because...deep down, he’s probably the only man in my life that cares about me, Sarah, instead of London Pierce.

But I can’t.

Eight by ialwayzbesingin
Author's Notes:
Another! Enjoy!
“You’re okay.  Come on.”

She coughs harshly, and leans into me, getting some of the vomit around her mouth onto my shirt that I wore to the benefit, but of course I don’t care.  It doesn’t even matter.  The only thing I’m concerned about right now, is getting whatever pill cocktail she decided to take tonight out of her system.  The vomiting started as soon as we pulled up to the house.  She did it in the car, in the driveway, and right in the middle of her living room (Marcia is going to be so happy tomorrow).  Thankfully Hailey was already in bed, but the sitter saw everything.  Luckily, Yolanda keeps to herself and would never say anything about what she sees go on here.  I even gave her a little extra tonight, just to be sure.

I managed to get my boss upstairs, and stripped her out of the dress she was wearing.  I’d never done something like that before, but I was accustomed to seeing her in her underwear thanks to her escapade at the store that day, so I figured what was one more layer?  I had to strip her out of all her clothes if I was going to get her into the shower, and so I did it, and she let me without freaking out.  I tried not to stare at her tits and her...just at her.  My eyes seemed to take on a mind all their own of course, drifting to all the parts of a woman I like.  Her ass, her tits...her curvy, slender form.  Inside I felt...almost hungry to reach out and run my hands all over her, and not because it was like some crazy porn scenario come true.  No it was more like...I wanted to...

I wanted to love her.  I wanted her to feel my love for her physically, on her skin, and inside of her too.  It proved something to me.

It proved that I didn’t want to quit, not because she’d finally decided to give me a vacation, not because she was ‘busy’ and couldn’t handle things without me.

It was because I had fallen in love with her, and my heart wouldn’t allow me to leave.

I hated it.  Hated myself for it.  I didn’t understand why, or how...when or what had caused me to feel that way.  I even cursed out loud.  She didn’t realize, because she was still fucking delirious, and I guess that’s good, because I’m not ready for her to know the truth.

I’ll never be ready for her to know.

I don’t think she knew what the hell was happening, until I let that burst of cold water hit her skin.  Then she screamed, but I was happy to hear it, because it meant she wasn’t completely out of her mind.  Not then.

But she’s getting pretty close now, a couple of hours later.

“I’m sorry,” Sarah whimpers into me.  “Justin, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.”  I rub her back in a circular motion, hoping it will bring her some comfort, but I can tell it’s not doing much.  She’s shaking, and her skin is cold to the touch, ghost white, more so than I’ve ever seen before.

She needs to go to the ER.  I’d be an idiot if I just sat here and did nothing, but at the same time...I hate going against her wishes.  I know if it were me, I wouldn’t want to feel like I was being handled while I was getting sick.

At the same time though, I’ve never seen her this bad before.

“Let me take you to the hospital,” I whisper, as she cries into my chest.  “Please.”

“No!” She groans.  “Justin, please...”  She trails off, turns then, back to the bucket by the bed, and vomits again.

I can’t do anything else, just have to let it run it’s course until she can stop again.  When she’s finished, I make her drink some more water, and it helps for a few minutes.  She leans into me again, whimpers and shakes.

Then the water comes back up again, and I know I don’t have a choice.  I have to go against her wishes or...

Or I don’t know what’s going to happen.

“I’m calling 911.”

“No!” She cries.  “No! They’ll...they’ll all laugh at me! Justin!”

I ignore her, walk across the bedroom, and can hear her vomiting again as I dial the number.

“9-1-1 what is your emergency.”

“My boss can’t stop throwing up.  She took some pills.  I can’t do anything else for her.”

“Okay sir, what is your address?”

“Sixteen hundred...”  I trail off, distracted as she starts to vomit all over again.


“Sixteen hundred Torreyson Drive.”

“An ambulance has been dispatched.  Do the best you can to keep the head elevated until help arrives.”

I do as I’m asked, and the operator stays on the line with me the entire fifteen minutes it takes for the EMT’s to arrive.  By this point, Sarah is barely conscious, but she keeps repeating ‘no hospitals’, in an attempt to change my mind.  I don’t say anything.  I can’t.  I just stay by her side and hold her hand, do my best to keep her airway clear each time she vomits, and pray that Hailey doesn’t wake up to see any of this.

The EMT’s arrive within minutes, locating us in the upstairs bedroom.  There’s four of them, and they immediately force me aside so they can get a closer look at Sarah.  She’s groaning and whimpering, but she’s took weak to protest much.  

“Do you know what she took tonight?” One of them asks me.

“She wouldn’t tell me...pills I’m guessing, probably mixed alcohol with them.”

He nods, and then they get her on the stretcher.  Three of them carry her out of the room and one stays behind to brief me.

“She’s OD’d, but we don’t know how bad it is.  A doctor has to make that diagnosis.  Is there anybody else that needs to be contacted?”

I just stare at him, at a loss for words.  OD.  She OD’d on my watch.  How could I allow it? How could I just...know all the shit she was doing to herself and not say anything?  I guess...she trusted me not to, and because...because I love her, I wouldn’t betray that trust.

I have to snap the hell out of this.

But how can I?


“Sir...I need you to focus.  We need you to contact any immediate family, a boyfriend...”

“She doesn’t have any.  It’s just her daughter, and she’s asleep in her bedroom.”  I shake my head.  “I’m...I can call her manager, but I’m the one that handles everything else.”

“Well do that,” he sighs.  “Because at this rate, she may not make it.”


He puts a hand on my shoulder.  “Just make sure you contact who you have to.  She’s on her way to Mercy Hospital.  You can meet her there with your party.”

He doesn’t say anything else, he just walks out.  It takes me a moment to move at all, and even then, the most I can do is sit down on her bed and try to figure this all out.  

Is it my fault?

I don’t know.

I don’t know anything right now.


I look up at a groggy Hailey, dressed in her nightgown and slippers, rubbing her eyes tiredly, obviously woken up by all the commotion.  God, I can’t be a mess for her right now.  “Hey.”  I shoot up from the bed and go to her, scoop her up even though she’s a little old for that and hug her tight to me.

“What happened to my mom?”

I kiss her forehead.  “She’s just sick right now, that’s all.  We’ll see her in a bit, okay?”

She’s silent, leans her head against my chest, and I know...I know I have to be the strong one for her.  I have to be her support, because she has nobody else right now.  I can’t think about Sarah, how she might not make it, because then I’ll lose it, and I can’t afford to.  Instead I rush Hailey out of the house, buckle her into the backseat of the car, get into the drivers seat, puke stained shirt and all, and dial Ray, even though telling him about this will cause more commotion than I want right now.

But I don’t have a choice.
“What do you mean she’s been doing this?”

“Just what I said.”  I sigh and adjust Hailey in my arms.  She’s been clinging to me ever since we were escorted to the ICU waiting room, her arms wrapped around my neck and her face buried in my chest like she’ll never, ever let me go.  “I knew she didn’t want me talking about it, so I didn’t.”

Ray sits back harshly, and rubs his face with his hands.  “I...I had no idea...”

“How could you not have known anything?”  I whisper, harshly.  “You’ve seen her.  She’s been pale and sickly for a long time now.  You’ve looked the other way for the good of the business.”

“I haven’t looked the other way!” He barks.  “I’ve been busy running her career.”

“So have I, but at least I noticed.”

“Then why didn’t you tell me!”

“I...”  I pause, and sigh.  “I just didn’t think it was my place.”

“A lot of good that’s doing now.  Did you see all the reporters? Some of them chased the ambulance down here.  This is huge, Justin.  She’s crossed over into that realm of junkie celebrities.  This is exactly what I didn’t want, and should have said something the moment you suspected she was messing up!  Do you realize she could lose her endorsements? Roles?”

Of course it’s my fault, but why wouldn’t it be?  Ray doesn’t live at the house, doesn’t see what goes on.  That’s all me, and it’s supposed to be my job to report the shit to him that Sarah doesn’t.  I didn’t do it though, because...I guess I’m a little too caught up in her.

And now she might pay with her life.


“I can’t say this officially until I talk to London,” he tells me angrily.  “But you’re fired, Justin.”

I stare at him.  “What?”

“I can’t have you running the show if you’re going to be this irresponsible.”  He won’t look at me as he says it, like he regrets it.  “We’re going to have to let you go.”

I let out a bitter laugh, but can’t say anything to him at the moment.  Not with Hailey in my arms, and not when I’m so uncertain about what’s going to happen to Sarah.  God, I’m scared.  I’m scared for her, scared what’s going to happen to Hailey if Sarah...if she...

Alex would probably step in if that happened, whisk Hailey off to live with him so he could benefit from Sarah’s estate, and there wouldn’t be a damn thing I could do about it.

Maybe Ray is right.  Maybe this is all my fault.


I look up to see a doctor standing there.  He looks exhausted, and serious.

I don’t know what he’s about to say, but I have the worst feeling that it’s going to be bad.

“What is it?” Ray says, practically jumping to his feet.  “Is she going to be okay?”

“Well we’ve managed to stabilize her,” he nods.  “We had to pump her stomach, she had a ton of pills in her system, nearly a dozen...we’re guessing it was Speed.  She’d gone into shock just as we brought her into the OR.  If she’d gotten here any later, we would have lost her, so it looks like Justin called at just the right time.”  

Ray looks at me, and I manage to look at him without glaring.  I guess that’s one thing I did right, overriding Sarah’s wishes not to be brought to the hospital.  If I’d hesitated, she may have very well died in my arms.

So I guess...I guess I did do the right thing, even though Ray blames me for everything.

“So she’ll recover then,” Ray continues, eagerly.  “She’ll be fine.”
r32;“Well no...not right away.  She’s going to need plenty of rest, and close monitoring from here on out by a well trained staff.  Her blood tests and physical condition suggest she’s been suffering from a condition called Bulimia, an eating disorder where the individual voluntarily vomits up their daily food intake.  The tests show she’s been doing this for a long time.  She’s severely underweight, and if she doesn’t start eating properly and keeping it down soon there’s a good chance she won’t be here in another year.  Now, I don’t know about all this Hollywood business, but somebody better start monitoring this girl a lot more closely, or else you’re going to be televising her funeral.”

“Right.” Ray says it like he’s let down.

Really, I’m sure he’s just thinking about all the money he’s going to lose.

That’s his game.  I think I’m seeing it clearly now, for the first time ever.  He doesn’t care about Sarah, he never has.  His only concern is how much work she can get and how fast he can make his money.

He’s the one that should be fired.

But that’s not up to me.

“Can we see her.” I motion to Hailey, who hasn’t looked up at all since the doctor came out.

“She’s awake, so yes, but only for a bit,” he nods at me.  “But just you two.  I’d like to seclude her from the business side of things for tonight if I can.” He shoots an angry look at Ray, and I’m sure he sees more than his share of this kind of thing everyday.

“Okay, fine,” he grunts and rises to his feet.  “I can see that my job is done here.  Just make sure you have London call me Justin, as soon as she can.  We need to discuss all of this, and figure out what we’re going to to do about the situation with you.”

I just nod at him and smile professionally like I always do.  “Sure thing.”

He storms off, out of the hospital, and I know I’m rid of him for at least tonight.

“He’s holding this against you, son?”

I turn to the doctor again, and shrug slightly.  “I guess.”

“Well he should know that it’s only because of you that she’s alive,” he nods.  “If London has anything to say about it, he’s the one that should be getting fired, not you.  Obviously, you’re the one who’s looking out for her.  You did a good thing tonight.” He comes over, and pats me on the shoulder.  “It’s just that first room down there on the left.  Take your time.”

“Thanks.”  I say softly, as he walks off in the opposite direction.  I guess he’s right, but at the same time Ray has been around long before I ever was.  Sarah trusts him, maybe even more than she trusts me, and if he tells her that I should be fired, I wouldn’t be surprised if she believed him.

But I wanted to get away didn’t I?  Maybe it was meant to be.  Maybe I’m losing it...thinking that I’ve fallen in love with her.

At the same time though, I can’t shake the feeling.

All of this is running through my mind as I carry Hailey down the hallway, and it takes me a long time to open the door once I stop in front of it.  It’s only when Hailey asks me if we can go inside that I actually follow through, and I do my best not to wince once I see her there in the bed, wired up to half a dozen different machines.  

“Mommy!”  Hailey says it brightly as I place her down on the floor, and she rushes to the bedside, clinging to her mothers hand.  “Mommy!”

Sarah’s eyes drift open after a moment, and she smiles when she sees her daughter.  “Hey Hailster,” she croaks.  “You’re still in your pajama’s.”

“It’s nighttime,” she nods.  “Mommy are you okay?”

“I’m just a little tired.”  She begins to sit up, and winces in pain, but doesn’t hesitate to haul her daughter up on the bed with her.  “Maybe you can stay here and rest with me, huh?”

“Yeah.” She leans into her mother’s chest, and cuddles with her as best she can.  When she closes her eyes, I know she’s fallen back to sleep.

And it’s only then, that Sarah notices me standing there.


The smile pulls at the corners of my mouth and I find that I can’t make it go away.  “Hey, Sarah.”

“So...I guess you put in your overtime for the month.” She tries to laugh but fails, and coughs instead.

I pull a chair up to the bedside, on the opposite side of Hailey so I can get a better look at my boss.  She’s still pale, but the IV’s running in and out of her have given her cheeks a little more color, and I’m glad.  She’s starting to look slightly more like herself, but only slightly.  “No big deal.”

“Justin I...”  She sucks in her bottom lip, and the tears begin to glisten in her eyes.  “I should have listened to you...when you told me were concerned.  But I didn’t want to.”

“I know you didn’t.  It is what it is.”

She chuckles slightly.  “That’s your answer for everything, isn’t it?”

“It’s easier.”

“Yeah, but it’s not right.  Justin did something for me tonight, even though I told you not to.  Normally, you don’t lift a finger unless I say it’s okay.”

It’s the truth.  She runs me.  Well, lately it hasn’t been like that because she’s starting to change, but before her little enlightenment, putting a finger out of line around Sarah was cause for disaster.  “I just did what I felt I had to,” I nod.  “I didn’t think about it.”

“They told me if you hadn’t called 911, I’d probably be dead.”

It’s silent for a long time after that.  I don’t think either of us knows how to comprehend the fact that I saved her life.  It’s a big deal, too much for us to handle after our issues in the past have been about the business and nothing else.  “Just try not to think about it, Sarah,” I whisper.  “It’s done now, and you’re going to get better.”

“You knew all along didn’t you?”

“Knew what?”

“That I was Bulimic.”

I sigh, and lower my head for a few moments, trying to collect my thoughts.  “I guess...yeah, I knew.  But I didn’t think it was my place to say anything before, and I doubt you would have listened to me anyway.”

“You’re probably right.”

“I should have gone to Ray,” I say sadly.  “He told me that too.  I think he wants you to look into getting another assistant once you’re out of this place.”

“Ray wouldn’t have done anything, even if he’s telling you that he would have.  He would have told me to get it together, suck it up for the business and that would have been it.  You know that, Justin, and if you think I’m going to fire you because it’s what he wants, you’re out of your mind.”

“But if I’m not reliable...”

She gently grasps my hand that had been resting on top of her sheets.  “You’re the most reliable person I have in my life, Justin.  I don’t deserve you.  I haven’t ever deserved you, but now...things are a lot different, at least, I hope they’re getting that way.  I don’t want you to go anywhere, do you understand? I mean, not unless you want to...go somewhere else.”

I stare at our hands, her fingers laced through mine and lick my lips, shake my head.  “I don’t want to.  I thought I did but...I couldn’t make myself leave.”


It takes me another moment to look up at her, and then our eyes meet.  I start to get lost into those eyes of hers all over again, and I wish more than anything that I could make it stop.  We’re professional, and I can’t love her because she’s way out of my league and...I don’t know.  I guess I don’t feel like she’d ever go for somebody like me.

“I told you.  You’re like family to me, Sarah.”

“I think it’s more than that.”

I laugh it off, and rub my thumb across the top of her hand.  “Of course it’s not.”

“I felt you kiss my the car, when we were leaving the club.”

Shit.  I knew it was crossing the line, I did, but I just couldn’t help myself.  I was so worried about her, that I couldn’t help myself.  “It wasn’t a big deal.”

“I think it was.”

“Look, you need to rest, all right?” I slowly let go of her hand, and stand up.  “Is Hailey staying here or...”

“Justin do you think you could ever be with somebody like me?” She asks, completely ignoring my attempt to leave.  

“Be with you?”

“Somebody like me.”

“Oh...” I’m nervous.  A lump the size of a grapefruit seems to have formed at the base of my throat and I can’t get the words out for several moments.  “I guess...I guess it would have to depend on who it was.”

“What if it was me?”


“, I’re not really my type.”

“Right.”  She presses her lips together, and look away from me.

“It’s’s not a bad thing,” I continue.  “You’re and I are at a different level, socially, I guess.”

“You sound like an idiot right now.”

I sit back down.  She’s right.  I’m horrible at this shit.  I can’t cover up my feelings for her, not for much longer.  “What do you want me to say?”

She looks back over at me.  “Say how you feel, Justin.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

I manage to stand up again, after a few moments.  “It’s not my place.”

“What if I said that...that I wanted to kiss you, right now.  Then would it be your place?”

“I’d say it was all the crap you’re doped up on right now, that’s making you talk like that,” I nod.  “I’ll just let Hailey sleep here, okay? I’ll bring you a pastry in the morning, under the radar.”

“I know what I’m saying,” she whispers.  “Don’t try to tell me how I feel, Justin.”

I know she does.  I know she does but I can’t...I can’t make myself take that step with her.  I’m her assistant, and I know things can get complicated if we start messing around.  I can’t afford that, not with my sister to worry about and my families finances.  If I lose this job, there’s no telling if I’d have a second chance with somebody else.  “I can’t do this with you, Sarah.  I just can’t.”

“Look at me and then say it.”

I sigh harshly, and turn to face her. She’s got me there, because I know I  can’t do it.  There’s too many emotions brewing inside of me when it comes to her.  Maybe I should just do it.  Maybe I should kiss her, get it over with, and then bar myself from taking it any further than that.  It’s possible to do, right?


“Just kiss me,” she whispers.  “Everything else has gone to shit anyway.”

“I...I don’t think I can.  Not without wanting to do it again, Sarah.”

“Maybe I’ll want you to do it again.”

The look in her eyes tells me she’s being sincere.  After five years, I know I’m not wrong, either.  I ball my fists at my sides, because I want to stop myself from going through with it.  Tonight has been crazy, and she’s sick in bed...she’s not ready for all of this, and when she gets out of here, who knows what will happen?  Who knows how she’ll feel?  My gaze lands on Hailey.  Naturally, she’s out cold.

There’s nothing stopping me.

So I lean in slowly, cupping her face in my hand for a few moments, relishing the feeling of her skin beneath the tips of my fingers before I allow my lips to grab hers.  Immediately, my eyes close, and all of that built up emotion that’s been lingering inside of me regarding how I feel about her, escapes through our kiss.  Even though she’s weak, she manages to kiss me back too.  I never want to stop, just like I knew I wouldn’t, but still, I pull back after a few moments, because it’s not right...she’s vulnerable and so am I.

“I don’t want you to stop,” she whispers after a moment, almost breathlessly.

And when I kiss her again, I know I was right.

I know there’s no turning back now.
Nine by ialwayzbesingin
One month later

“...sources tell us that film superstar London Pierce has taken it upon herself to fire long time manager Ray Hillsberg, due to irreconcilable differences. The star has not yet confirmed who is going to be taking his place, but remained optimistic in an interview recently, stating that ‘I’ve been in the business long enough to support myself for a few months’.  As you all know, the actress admitted herself into a wellness facility last month, to cope with a dependency issue not yet disclosed to the media.  Well, London, we pray that your bridge hasn’t fall down just yet.  Not with that steamy summer film you’re supposed to cook up with super hunk Chet McStevens.  These days, you need all the star points you can get!”

“God, they are so tacky.”

I flick off the television and toss the remote down on the nightstand.  It’s been weeks since all of it happened, and’s all they can talk about.  My face is still littering the covers of US Weekly, People, and the Inquirer, and I’m all over tabloid television shows like TMZ, and Extra.  I try not to watch, but being in this place gives me little options.  There’s not much to do here, besides record my thoughts, go for walks, and watch TV.

I’m so glad I’m getting out of here tomorrow.

I’ll admit, it was really hard for me to break down and tell everybody I had a problem once the initial shock of my overdose subsided.  I always made it a point to be flawless, perfect London Pierce, so I would be able to conquer the world.

But I reached my breaking point.  I pushed myself too hard, took to many drugs and hurled one too many times.

I knew it was time to stop, and the hardest part was figuring out how to do that without ruining my career.

If it wasn’t for Justin, I don’t really know if I would have handled this the way I did.  I don’t know if I would have checked myself into this place, left my daughter, taken a leave of absence from my career for a month.  But he was strong for me, stood by me, told me that he would handle everything and all I had to worry about was getting better.

And I am better.  A lot better.  I don’t regret coming here.  Hell, I even did a couple of phone interviews last week.  I think I had to.  They were all so damn curious, and my publicist told me I had to say something, since Ray was out of the picture.

I made that decision quickly.  About a week after I checked into this place, he came to see me so we could discuss some things.  At first I thought he was going to ask me why I had done all those horrible things to myself, and why I felt I couldn’t talk to him about it.  But all he really wanted to know was how long I thought I was going to be out of commission for, and if I was still going to be able to film the movie with Chet.

Then I remembered what Justin told me.  That Ray wanted him gone too, and I think that put me over the top.

So I fired him, and I haven’t regretted my decision, even though Lania, my publicist, told me I was nuts.  I don’t blame her for thinking that way.  Even though he turned out to be a colossal prick, I can’t deny that Ray is one of the best managers in the business, and he’s the reason I got my first real role.  I guess I’ll always be thankful for him because of that, but I know our business is done, for good.  People think I should be worried about that, but I’m not.  I’m strong, and I know I can pull my career off on my own for a month or so while I scope out the market and listen to what these other managers have to offer me.

Besides, I have Justin.  Justin who seems to know how to run my career to a tee even though he’s never managed anybody before.

I should just hire him.  I’ve considered it too.

But, I have a lot to think about when it comes to Justin and his role in my career.  Our relationship has been slightly different because I’ve been in this place.  We haven’t been able to be physical, and actually...we haven’t discussed what happened between us at the hospital at all.  Everything in my life has been so jumbled, that he and I have only been able to discuss what’s important...Hailey’s care, and saving my career.

Tomorrow I get out.  Tomorrow, Justin is going to pick me up, take me back to my house for a couple of hours, and then we’re going to board a flight bound for Paris.  The trip was pushed back a few weeks of course, and I feel fortunate that it’s even happening at all.  Hailey has school, and Yolanda has graciously agreed to stay with her for the week and a half we’ll be away.  I wanted to bring her, but Justin said it might be better if she wasn’t exposed to all that media frenzy.  I guess he’s right.  It’s not normal for a little kid to be around all of that...

But I’m going to miss her, a lot, and when we get back I fully intend on taking her someplace special to make up for my absence, even if my schedule is going to be packed full.  Ray isn’t around to stop me, and so I’m going to do what I want.

Hailey should come first, after all.


I look over at the doorway and smile when I see one of the nurses standing there.  It’s another thing that’s different about this place...they insist on calling me Sarah.  Justin tells me it’s a good thing, because I need to identify with her, and not with London.  London, they tell me, is who everybody expects me to be, but Sarah is who I really am.  I guess...I’ve come to terms with the person inside since I’ve been here...

But what I’ve realized, is that Justin has always seen me for who I am inside.  He’s the only one, and...I’ve talked to my therapist about him more than once.  She tells me he’s like my rock, the person that “Sarah” turns to, so she can see herself instead of London.  It’s all confusing, and when I get out of here, I’ll be glad when I step out of my house and everyone refers to me as London again.  Well, everyone with the exception of Justin.

I don’t want him to stop calling me Sarah, just like I didn’t want him to stop kissing me in the hospital.

Often, I sit here and think back to that night.  I see him standing there, see that look in his eyes...the one that was so torn, so afraid of giving into his emotions.  It wasn’t just because I was his boss either, it was something else.  It was like...he was terrified of admitting to himself that he cared about me, and when his lips touched mine, I felt that electricity flowing out of him and into me.

When his lips touched mine, I knew it was more than just a kiss.  When his lips touched mine...

When his lips touched mine, I knew he’d fallen in love with me a long time ago.  I couldn’t understand why.

I still can’t.

How do I feel?  I’m not sure.  I haven’t had that chance to deal with that yet, because I’ve been in here and he’s been so busy.  I know I care about him, a lot.  I think I might have stronger feelings for him than I’ve ever had for anybody, and that includes Alex.  He’s so much different from the rest of the men that have been in and continue to be in my life.  Justin isn’t only about the business, he’s not exploitive and he’s definitely not in this thing with me so he can get in my pants.  He genuinely cares.

I’ve never had that before, and I admit, it scares me.  It scares me because I don’t know if I can be that person for him.  I don’t know if I’m good enough...I don’t know if I could sacrifice myself like he does for me.

“Hey,” I finally answer, and yawn a little bit.  “Dr. Chabson wants to see me?”

“No, he says he’s giving you a get out of jail free card, actually,” she chuckles.  “Somebody else wants to spend the day with you instead.”

I raise an eyebrow, then she steps aside, and Justin pops into view.  The smile spreads across my face immediately.  It’s an instant reaction that I couldn’t stop even if I tried.  

“Hey, Sarah.”  He steps into the room, and pulls something out from behind his back a moment later.  Beautiful flowers, Lilies, which he knows are my favorite.  They must be all over my house, and it’s the first time I’ve been able to have any since I went away.

“ didn’t have to.”

“I wanted to.”  He smiles and lays them on the table, before coming over to me.  “Doctor says you can leave today.”

“Seriously?” My eyes widen.  “But I thought...”

“I pulled some strings, and promised not to let you out of my sight,” he chuckles.  “C’mon.” He holds his hand out to me.  “You’ve got a whole day and I’m not letting you waste it in here.  Let’s get you packed.”

I don’t ask anymore questions, I just follow his lead.  An extra day for myself...for my daughter, is something I didn’t count on, but once again Justin has come through for me...went out of his way for the sake of my happiness.  It’s crazy how much he cares, and I wish...I wish I knew how I really felt, how far my heart was willing to go for him.  But I just don’t know, and I don’t think he expect me to...not yet.

Later, I’m sure, we’ll discuss everything in detail.  For now, I’ll just be happy that I’m getting the hell out of the looney bin.
I’m packed and ready to leave within twenty minutes (Justin did most of the work), and he leads the way out of the room behind the nurse, refusing to let me carry any of my bags besides my purse.  At reception, I sign my final releases and my therapist, Dr. Chabson come to bid me goodbye.  I shake his hand, we hug, and I feel the tears rolling down my face when I pull away from him.

“Take care of yourself, Sarah,” he whispers, and glances at Justin.  “You have a great support right here.  Make sure you take advantage of it.  I’ll see you in a month for a follow up.”

I glance at Justin, and smirk at him as he smiles at me.  “I definitely will.”

Justin shakes his hand, and then we’re on our way out of the building.  When I step outside, I feel...different.  I feel reknewed, like I’m ready to tackle the world again, head on, with him at my side.  This time though, I’ll be a lot better, treat him and my other employees with a lot more respect than I ever have before.  It’ll be good, I think.  It’ll be nice to be happier, if nothing else.

“You ready?”

I look at him, see him smiling at me, his blue eyes glinting with happiness.  “I’m ready.”

I look up from my ice cream, and smile at her.  She’s got her ‘blue monster cake’ ice cream smeared all over her face but I don’t attempt to wipe it away.  It’s a joy, watching her eat her ice cream, because it’s something I rarely get to do...take my daughter out for a day of carefree fun.  “Hailey?”

“Is Justin your boyfriend?”

My eyes widen, and I choke out a laugh.  “, honey.  Justin works for me, you know that.”

She shrugs, and digs her spoon around in her dish.  

“Why would you think that, Hailey?”

“I guess I just thought that you liked him.  There’s a boy in my class named Michael, and sometimes I look at him like I see you looking at Justin.”

Boys.  Oh Christ.  She’s only nine and she’s already an expert on love.  Should I have expected any less from her though? Probably not.  Hailey isn’t a stupid kid.  She’s had to come face to face with the realities of life earlier than most kids her age, and I know she can see things that some adults don’t even catch on to.  She’s been watching Justin and I today closely, ever since we picked her up from school, like she knows something is up.  I don’t know what went on while I was gone, what he may have told her, but if I know Justin at all, I know that he wouldn’t pull my daughter aside and confess his undying love for me.  It’s just not like him.

She can just tell.  

“Hailey...” I sigh.  “What you have to understand is...”

“Hey, look.”  Justin smiles brightly as he plops down beside me in the booth.  “I won you a ton of tickets at the arcade, Hailster.”  He plops a huge pile of them in the middle of the table and I laugh when I see my daughters eyes grow as tall as that pile.  “Why don’t you go pick out a cool prize?”

“Yay! Thank you!”  She jumps up excitedly and runs around the table to wrap her arms around him.  Of course, she gets all the ice cream on her face smeared onto Justin’s shirt, but as always, he pretends not to notice.  “I love you, Justin.”

He laughs and kisses her cheek.  “I love you too.  Just don’t get any of those plastic harmonicas, all right?”

“Okay!”  She snatches the pile of tickets, and runs off towards the glittering arcade.

“You spoil her,” I laugh, and take another bite of my ice cream.

“Maybe.”  He slurps his milkshake, his eyes full of playfulness.  “But she deserves it once in a while, especially with us leaving tomorrow.”

I nod.  “No, you’re right.  I know she does.  Thank you...for today, for bringing us out like this.  You didn’t have to.  You could have taken the day for yourself.”

He shrugs.  “I guess...I’d rather spend today with you and her.”

I nod.  Okay, it’s getting a little awkward, but I knew it would be.  Things are different now, I can’t deny that, and it’s probably better we get all of this out in the open today, rather than tomorrow when I’ll have so much work laying in front of me I won’t be able to see clearly.  “Justin...about...about what happened...”

“Hey, look, it was just a spur of the moment thing,” he says quickly.  “We were both emotional, and it was a crazy night.  Things happened, but...I think we’re back on the same page now, right?”

I just stare at him.  


“I um...”  I lick my lips and push my ice cream away.  “I dunno.  I thought...I mean...there was more there, don’t you think?”

He leans back in his seat, and loosens his tie.  He’s nervous.  I can see the beads of sweat forming on his brow, and I can tell he’d rather not talk about this at all...but that’s just not possible.  It’s a big deal, and I can’t just avoid the subject like he wants to.  “Sarah it’s just...I mean, I work for you.  I practically run your career and I just don’t know if...messing the best thing for us right now.”

“Messing around?” I scoff.  “Justin, we kissed.  We kissed and...I don’t really care what you say, there was a lot of power behind it.  I felt it, and I know it’s the truth.  If we decided to take it further, I wouldn’t consider it messing around.”

He rubs the back of his neck, and gives me a serious look.  “Then what would you consider it?”

“I...”  I look down at my lap, suddenly feeling foolish for allowing my emotions to get the best of me.  I’ve only been out of rehab for a few hours and already I’m starting to lose my sense of reality.  Of course nothing can come out of what happened.  He’s not ready, he’s too busy with my other crap and well...

I’m a mental case too.  I should have known better.  I’m not good enough for him, not in that way.  

“Just forget it,” I whisper.

“I’m not saying that I don’t care about you,” he says quickly.  “I do, Sarah.  I care about you...probably more than anybody I know.  But I can’t justify, you right now.  There’s too much at risk, and I want you to get your career back on track before anything else.  That’s important.”

I nod, but don’t say anything else, and when he doesn’t either, I know...the conversation is getting placed on the back burner.

I’m so stupid.

Love?  Justin?  Never.  I’m too much of a mess, and he could never be with somebody like me.  We’re ‘too different, socially’.  

I wish I never kissed him...

Then I look at him, and all I want is to feel his lips on mine again.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” He finally says.  “Like I just shattered your whole world?”

I look away from him.  “I’m not.”  

“This is why I didn’t want to do anything in the first place.”

“But you did!”  I yell it at him, despite the fact that we’re in public and people can see.  I just don’t care.  I’m a human being, and I’m allowed to have feelings too, even if people will talk, take pictures, and embarrass me in the end.  “You did...”  I lean in and put my face right in front of his.  “And you wanted to do it just as much as I did.”

He clenches his jaw, and I see his cheek bones jutting out angrily.  He doesn’t want to deal with this.  He just wanted this to be a carefree day of arcade games, pizza, and ice cream, like reality wasn’t going to slap us all in the face.  I hate him for being so damn nonchalant...

But I love him for it at the same time.

Fuck, really?  


I’m in love with this man.

“You pushed just...told me to kiss you and I was so fucking distraught that I...”

“Stop making excuses,” I grunt.  “I know you Justin.  If you don’t want to do something, you generally find a way out of it.  You could have walked away that night, told me it wasn’t a good idea, but you didn’t.  You didn’t, and I know it’s because you couldn’t.  Because you care...”

“I can’t care about you!” He yells at me.  “Not like that!”

My mouth hangs open, and it’s so silent now, that I’m sure everybody is staring at us, but I just don’t care.  “You’re afraid,” I tell him.  “Believe me, I can tell.  I’ve been in therapy for over a month.  Something fucked up happened to you, Justin, and I’m not sure what it is...but I know that it’s the reason you haven’t left me, and it’s the reason why you’re in denial about all of this.  Maybe I shouldn’t have gone there, but I did, so did you, and you know what?”

He breathes in and out heavily.  “What?”

“I think you’re in love with me.”

“You’re crazy.”  He shifts and slides out of the booth.  “I’m getting Hailey.  We should go...”

“I think you are, Justin,” I persist.  “Because I know I’m in love with you, and I couldn’t be...I couldn’t feel that way, unless you felt the same.”

He’s walking away at this point, but he stops in his tracks.  I know he heard every word, and while it’s really fucking awkward to be talking about this in a Larry’s Lots-o-Fun, I know it had to be said.  He turns to me then, crosses his arms, and narrows his eyes at me.

“What the fuck, Sarah.”

“Just admit it,” I whisper.  “It just’s nobodies fault.”

“I’m not admitting anything.” He shakes his head roughly.  “It’s done...all right? Let’s just put the whole thing behind us and get back to work, like we planned.”



My voice cuts off.  He’s really...angry.  He doesn’t want to face this, talk about it, admit that he might love me, or accept that I love him.  My heart sinks.  I feel like I’ve just been pulverized all over again.  It’s the way  Alex always made me feel in the past, and I never thought Justin could ever be the one to do it to me.  Not now, and especially not today.

“I’ll get Hailey.  Just meet me at the car,” he whispers.  “Okay?”

I don’t answer him.  I can’t, because I’m too angry, and the last thing I want is to throw a fit inside a place like this, my first day out of rehab.  Instead, I slide out of the booth and storm out of the restaurant, not stopping until I get to the car and manage to get inside.

Then the tears come, and it’s shocking to me because...

Because Justin was the last person I thought would have made me cry on a day like today.
Ten by ialwayzbesingin
Author's Notes:
I really appreciate all the support and thank you everybody who nominated Starlet for the Featured Stories.  Of course, if London was real, she wouldn't expect anything less haha. Enjoy.
I can’t sleep.

I must have been crazy to think I’d be able to though.  Not after today and the things I said to her.  I must be the lowest human being on the planet, yelling at her like I never cared about her, especially on her first day out of rehab.

Fuck, I do care.  I care, but I...chickened out.  She’s right, I am scared.  I’m too scared to tell her I love her, because...if I did that, and she decided she couldn’t love me back one day, I think I’d lose myself, just like I did before.

It took me years to overcome that too, and I never want to go back.  I never want to be that person again, so I guess it’s safer not...just not letting myself fall into this thing with her.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t love her.  I can’t shake that feeling, no matter what I do.

I dated the same girl all through middle school and all four years of high school.  Lou was the only person that seemed to understand me, and was the only one who was there, by my side, as I watched my mother slowly lose her mind.  I figured we’d leave town together, go to the same college, and get married one day.

But I was wrong.

She wasn’t ready for that.  For the next step.  She told me that I was her best friend, but that she needed to experience life first, before she could decide to stay with me forever.

She left town the day after we graduated.  She barely said goodbye, and as I sat in the living room, watching my father try to convince my mother that she was where she belonged, I knew it was time for me to move on too.

So I did, and I promised myself I wouldn’t let anybody in again, because they could never understand me the right way.  I mean, if somebody I’d known half my life couldn’t...who could?

I just never counted on Sarah taking over me like this.  The simplest way out is to leave.

But I can’t leave her like Lou left me.  I can’t put that pain on somebody else.

So I’m stuck.  Stuck and in love with a woman that’s completely out of my league.

I toss and turn, close my eyes, try to drift off to sleep again.  Flight leaves at one pm tomorrow and I have a ton of shit to do for Sarah’s publicist before we leave.  She’s coming by tomorrow morning for a brief meeting with me, just to outline the things she wants Sarah to talk about in her interviews and the things she absolutely doesn’t want her to say.  

Should be a good time.  Hopefully I’ll be able to stay awake for most of it.

Aside from that, I have my own shit that I have to plan, and make sure I follow through with.  Sarah has to stick to a very strict diet from now on, and that means I have to monitor everything she eats and drinks, record it all in a special journal that her doctor gave to me.  She’s not allowed alcohol, or caffeine, and if she has to use the bathroom, I’m to go in with her and monitor her with my back least until her follow up appointment.  That’s really awkward too, but I mean...what other choice do I have?  It’s my job, and they say if she’s alone she might be tempted to vomit up lunch.  That can’t happen anymore, not if she wants to get herself healthy again.  
Eventually I get fed up with trying to sleep, and get out of bed, pull on my boxers and tee shirt so I can head downstairs.  Sometimes, late at night when I can’t sleep, I warm up some milk for myself, like my mom used to do for me years ago when she still could.  Most of the time it helps.

I’m praying that it does right now, but when I reach the bottom of the long staircase and enter the kitchen, I freeze.  I thought she would have been in bed, knocked out long ago because she was exhausted and upset about what happened this afternoon.

But she’s not in bed, she’s at the table, papers spread all over the place, passed out with a pen in her hand. I approach her silently, so as not to disturb her, and glance at the papers.  

It’s my work.  All of it.  My briefcase is resting on the floor beside her feet, wide open, paperwork and schedules sticking out in every direction, completely unorganized, and normally that would drive me absolutely insane.

But I can’t be angry.  Not when she’s effort, on my behalf, basically for the first time ever.

She’s not the same London.  Not at all.  She’s Sarah now, more than she’s ever been before.  Sarah who...could possibly be in love with me.

I sigh.

All she’s done tonight is make an attempt to patch things up between us.  She feels guilty, and that’s crazy, considering our argument was started because of me, because I kissed her and swept it under the rug.

“Hey...”  I crouch down slightly, and tap her on the shoulder.  “Sarah.”

“Hmm...five more minutes.”  She sighs deeply, and turns her head in the other direction.  

It makes me smile slightly, and before I know it, I’ve moved in closer to her, allowing my fingers to sweep her hair out of her face and travel down her cheek.  I can smell her, that perfume she loves...Chanel something, and it flips that switch inside of me, makes me hungry for her.

I back off.

I can’t do this.  It’s too crazy.

“Sarah.”  I say it louder this time.  “C’mon, wake up.”

“Huh...”  She slowly sits up, and her eyes open.  She takes a few moments to rub the sleep out of them, before she manages to focus on me.  “Oh...hey.”

“You all right?” I feel myself smirk, and I start to gather up my paperwork from the table top.  “What’s all this?”

“Oh I...”  She looks down at everything.  “I thought I would try to help you out, you know...for tomorrow.”

“Well you shouldn’t have.”  I neaten the pile of papers before reaching for my briefcase, which she hands me, and I start to organize all of my files again.  “I get paid to do all of this stuff for you.”

“I know that.”  She says it darkly, and slowly rises to her feet.  “I was just trying to be helpful.”

“Helpful would be you getting some rest.” I give her a tight smile.  “There’s a lot to do in the morning.”

“Oh so now I’m useless too?”

“What?” I scoff.  “I never said that.”

“You didn’t have to.”  She pushes past me angrily.  “You must think I’m this stupid, fucking idiot.”

“You’re taking this whole thing with us way too hard,” I say softly.  “Sarah...”

“I was trying to help you!  I was trying to make your life a little fucking easier! I mean, it’s the least I can do, right? always know what to do and I never...I never do.”

She’s sobbing now.

I hate myself for it, but at the same time, I can’t make that person she wants so desperately.

I’m just not prepared to give her that part of me.  I’m not prepared to give anybody that.

“You know things...Sarah...I mean, you’re the famous one, right?”

She laughs at me this time.  It’s a bitter, sad laugh though, and I know I haven’t made her feel any better.  “Yeah, I’m famous.  A famous fuckin’ joke, and you know what’s even worse? I can’t even...I can’t even get a date with a normal guy like you.  I’m not good enough.  I’m never good enough...unless I’m spreading my legs for some playboy.  That’s my social level though, right?”

“You’re being ridic...”

“No!”  She yells and angrily points her finger at me.  “It’s the truth.”

I can’t say anything.  The only thing I can seem to do is look down at the floor and cross my arms, and when I hear her storming away, I know I’m probably the biggest coward on the planet.  There’s about a thousand things I could have done just now to make that situation go different.  I could have apologized, I could have told her a little bit more about myself.

But I avoid all of that, because I’ve been determined to push my past out of my system since I left home.

And that makes me the stupid, fucking idiot.  

The next thing I hear makes my blood run cold.  A door slam down the hall, which is inevitable the bathroom door...and I know what that probably means.

r32;How can I go from life saver, to the person responsible for her relapse all at once?

She’s a basket case.

But I’ve known that for years.

I race down the hall, and when I try the knob, the door is locked of course.  “Sarah!”  I pound on the door.

Then I hear it.  Coughing, then sputtering, then full on vomiting.

So I kick in the door, cringing only slightly when I hear the wood splintering.  It doesn’t matter.  Nothing else matters, except making sure she’s okay.

“Stop!” I quickly kneel down beside her and do my best to pry her away from the toilet.  “Sarah!” I’m shaking her, shaking her as hard as I can while she attempts to stick her finger down her throat.  “Stop it!”

She vomits again, and it’s only after that she gives in, leans back against me while I reach out and flush the toilet for her.  

“What the hell?” I say, breathlessly.  “I fuckin’...damn it, Sarah.”

She just moans, and sobs out incomprehensible things.  The most I can do is hold her, rub her back gently and try my best to calm her down.  This isn’t about us right, not about what happened.  It’s about her...and her issues.  I could very well have her sent back to that clinic, but I know...I know it’s not the right time.  The press would have a field day, more than they’re having now, and she doesn’t deserve that.  She’s trying...
She’s just stressed and I haven’t helped things.

“What now,” she finally mutters after the longest time.  “You’re going to send me back right?”

She laughs sadly, and her voice is weak again, so weak that it convinces me that I made the wrong choice when I kissed her.  That I allowed my emotions to get in the way because...I’ve been lonely for such a long time.

Now she’s paying for it.  

I have to make it right.

“I’m not sending you back,” I whisper.  “I’m not saying anything, to anyone.”


“Because you have a lot on your plate.  What happened just now is my fault, and my fault alone.”

“Other people wouldn’t see it that way.”

“I’m not other people.”

She snorts.

“You need to get changed.  C’mon.”  

She groans, but lets me help her up, and somehow I manage to get her up the stairs and into the bedroom. I make her sit on the bed while I gather fresh pajamas for her, tossing them at her in frustration when I pull them out of the drawer.  “Go change.”

She does it silently, staggering back into the bedroom, exhausted, ten minutes later.  I’m just thankful there were no more issues, that she didn’t try to shove her finger down her throat again.  I quickly lift her lofty down comforter up, so she can crawl into bed, and she doesn’t seem to have the energy to protest that either, because she gets in almost immediately, and I cover her up right away.  “You okay?”

She nods.

I get her a glass of water, and put it on the nightstand, trying my best not to look right at her as my hand reaches for the light switch.  “I’ll wake you around nine.”


I sigh.  “You need something else?”
Her eyes open wider, and she looks right at me.  She’s pale as hell, sick again, and I hate that.  She’s beautiful...she doesn’t deserve to be drowning in this fucking disease.

“I’m wrecked,” she croaks.  “I am.”

I shake my head a little, sit down beside her, and take her hand in mine.  “You’re not.”

“Nobody thinks I can be...London, anymore.  They all think I’m...I’m just nobody, and then you...” She trails off and looks directly into my eyes.  “You just...think I’m a nobody.”

I close my eyes and sigh.  “I don’t think that.”

“But you said that you can’ can’t see us...”

“I know what I said, but it means something different than what you think.”  I squeeze her hand.  “I think you’re amazing, Sarah.  You hold yourself back from too much, that’s the issue.  I wish you could see yourself the way I do.  Maybe one day you will, but you have to stop all of this.  You’re hurting yourself.  I can’t take it.  It’s killing me.”

“At least give me the real reason then.  I think you owe me at least that.”

She’s right.

But I’m terrified.

“I...I left home, so I wouldn’t have to talk about it anymore, Sarah.  I left my life behind.  I’m not all that willing to start reliving all of that again.”

She stares at me for awhile after that, a look of understanding in her eyes.  Then she lets go of my hand, and puts hers to my cheek.  I let her, even hurts to know that I can’t let myself give in.  Can’t let myself care like that.  

“You’re amazing too, Justin.”

And now, I think she’s finally starting to get it, even if I can’t get into it with her.  She gets me. She always has, even if it took her years to come around and act human, and I think she always will.

Even if I’m not ready to let her in.
Eleven by ialwayzbesingin
Author's Notes:
Just wanted to say I'm so excitd about Suit and Tie lol.  Enjoy!

It was a weird day, and an even weirder night for the both of us.

But here we are, and Justin is so professional when it comes to my career, that nobody could ever tell some serious shit went down last night.

But that’s Justin’s game.  My private life is just that, private, and it’s his goal to keep it hidden from the rest of the world, and from my people too.  My publicist, stylist, and Ray (when he was around) only see strong capable London Pierce, not Sarah Mollins, train wreck.  He’s the only barrier I have, protecting me from a certain plummet to the bottom of the Hollywood chain.

“So I bumped into Chet McStevens the other day.”

I barely hear her.  I’m too busy glancing across the way at Justin, who has been dozing off for the past half hour or so, completely confident that nobody is paying attention to him.  His earbuds are plugged into his ears, and his paperwork, PDA, Laptop and Blackberry are surrounding him.  His makeshift office takes up all the available space in his row of seats, and I can tell that he’s absolutely swamped with work that he’s too exhausted to finish.  Really, I know he got zero sleep last night, and that was thanks to my vomiting escapades, which he kept a complete secret, even when the doctor called this morning for a final report before we left the country.

I can’t thank him enough, and he knows that, but at the same time he doesn’t want anything extra from me.

For the first time, I’m starting to understand why too.

It’s his family, it has to be, and it must have been hard on him.  He doesn’t strike me as the type who wasn’t close with his parents growing up.  The one thing I’ve always known about Justin, is that he has good values.  He’s moral, he follows the rules, and he has the utmost respect for my daughter and I, even though I’ve treated him horribly in the past.  That means he was raised by good people, in a good family.

So what went wrong?

I can’t ask.  It pains him too much.  I saw it in his eyes.  It sucks.  A guy like Justin deserves to be happy, but he’s not.

He’s really not.

Deep down, he’s a wreck, like me.  He’s just a hell of a lot better at hiding it, keeps his head together, all the time, and that’s better for me I guess.


I look at Lania, and smirk slightly.  “Chet?”

“Yeah,” she giggles as she continues to organize the makeup kit on her lap.  “Somehow he knew that I was your stylist, and he talked my ear off about you for an hour.  He seemed really concerned, said you hadn’t called.”

I haven’t called anybody since I went into and came out of rehab.  It’s been hard enough keeping my head together for my daughter, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to talk to anybody else until I’d gotten through the Paris promotion.  Chet asking about me doesn’t surprise me.  The way we ended the after party that night, wasn’t exactly the greatest, and he might feel like it’s his fault that I ended up where I did.  It’s not though.  I mean, if only he knew...I’d been a wreck long before we hung out that night.

“Well, I’ll see him when I get back.  Filming is going to start right away.”

“He gave me this.”  She pulls a card out of her makeup kit so she can give it to me.  “He said he wants you to call him when you get a free moment.”

“When do I ever have those?”  I take the card from her, glance at it slightly, and scoff.

Thinking about you.  Call me.  555-413-0560


I shove it in my pocket.  There’s no time for him outside of a professional thing, because I have so much going on...

And I guess I’m still confused about how Justin really feels, and how I do too.

“Well I know I’m not your manager or anything,” she sighs.  “But if you know what’s good for your career, you’ll call him.  He’s huge, London.”

“I know.”  I mutter.  “Don’t you think I know?”

She swallows hard.  “I...”

“Just worry about your job and stop butting into my personal stuff,” I nod.  “Okay?”

“Of course London.”

I give her a disgusted look, which she’s used to, and go back to staring across the jet.

He’s still out cold, but if he wasn’t, if he heard what I just said, I know how he would look at me and what he would think.  I shouldn’t talk to Lania like that, because she’s responsible for how I look half the time and she works hard for me.  I know she could easily go work for somebody else, and so I guess I should lighten up.

But it’s hard to lighten up, when I’m so confused, and I had to leave my daughter back home with the sitter too.  We’ve barely spent time together since I came home from rehab, and I know it’s not fair to her.  At the same time though, my career is important, and if I pushed this trip to Paris off any longer I know I would have lost my international debut of the line, especially since Ray is no longer in the picture to deal with things for me.  

It’s all me now.  Everything I do, every decision I make, is my own.  Justin can give me advice, but that only goes so far.

Am I scared? Of course, but...for the first time in my life I’m standing my ground and making my own decisions.

It feels good.

I’ve been contacted by several prominent mangers in Los Angeles, firms too.  They’re all foaming at the mouth at the idea of representing me, because they know how much money there is to be made.  I’m not ready to settle for any of them.  Not yet.  Justin has all of their information, and I’m sure when we have down time in France he’ll want to sit with me and discuss who I should hire.  It’s better that way.  Justin can make that decision with me, and I need him to.  Of course, I wish it could just be him handling my career, but I need an assistant too and he can’t do both.  Not unless he wants to lose his mind and I doubt I’m that important to him.

Lania and I spend the next hour trying different combinations of smokey eyeshadow and skin shimmer on my face, while Justin sleeps.  I get lost in it.  I love fashion and makeup, anything like that.  If I was tall enough, I would have gone into modeling, but that just wasn’t in the cards.  It’s not often I get to kick back like this, let her fool around with my makeup and I actually feel happy, forget about my issues.

“Hey, Sarah.”


Lania holds out the napkin for me, and I perform the task, surveying the new lip color on myself through the little compact before I finally acknowledge Justin.  “Well, good morning.”

He clears his throat.  “Sorry.”

Lania pulls her make  up brushes off of my lap and I slowly get up, stretch a little and smile for him.  “Don’t be.  I know you were running on zero sleep.”

He barely smiles.  “You wanna go over some stuff while we still have a chance?”

I sigh and shrug.  “Do we have to?”

“You know we do.”

I don’t argue.  I know there’s no point.  Justin is only looking out for me, and...and after last night, I guess I owe him big time.  I walk across the jet, and sit down in his row after he moves all his belongings aside to make that space for me, glancing at his computer that’s resting on his lap.  That’s when I see it.  A very young Justin standing next to a woman, her arms wrapped tightly around him, in front of a picturesque lake.  There’s mountains behind them, and the sun is shining brightly.  It’s like something out of an LL Bean catalogue and I would call him corny, but...I can’t say anything.  This version of Justin is so much different from the one I know.  In his eyes, I can see a vibrance I’ve never known, and his smile just says it all...that he loves his life, and he’s happy.

“So before we get to the hotel we have to make a stop off at...”

“Who’s that?”  I cut him off, barely listening to him as I point at the computer screen.
He gives me an odd look, glances at his computer, and then looks back at me.  “My mother.  C’mon, focus Sarah.”

“You never talk about her.”  I say it slowly, and peer closer at the picture on the screen.  They have the same blue eyes, same curly hair, and kind genuine smile.  “She’s pretty.”

He snaps the monitor closed, and I flinch.

“Before we get to the hotel we have to make a stop off at TV 4,” he continues, disregarding the entire conversation.  “They want to do some pre taped spots so they can promote your appearance.  By the time you’re done, I figured it would be time to eat, so I called that restaurant you wanted to try and told them we’d be there.  They’ve promised to be discreet and put you away from the windows.”

It’s not something that he wants to talk about, that’s obvious, and it proves my theory that his issues stem from his family.  “Fine.”

He nods, and starts to concentrate on his Blackberry.

“I’m...I’m sorry about last night.”

“No big deal.  Just promise me you won’t fall apart during the trip.  This is your chance to show them all that they’re wrong about you.  That you’re professional and talented.  If something’s bothering you, I want you to come to it?”

I just nod a little.  Awkward silence follows, and I hate it.  I know he cares about me, but at the same time he’s trying to be as professional as he can.  It’s like...we can’t be friends right now, not like I’m used to.  He’s not going to take me to the beach or give me fashion tips, unless it has to do with an appearance.  It’s crazy.

I can’t deal.

I want the Justin I know, not the employee.

“ can talk to me too,” I say, quietly.

“About what?”  He says it tiredly, and finally meets my gaze after a moment.

His eyes captivate me, even now, when they’re sad and fatigued from hours of lost sleep and dealing with my stupid crap.  “ I was saying, you never talk about your mom.”

“So? You never talk about your family either.”

“You know the story.  My mom left and I barely knew my father.”

He strokes his chin, and his brow furrows, like he’s thinking about something very hard.  “It’s not as easy for me to talk about it.  It’s easier for me if I concentrate on the work, Sarah.  I told you I don’t want to relive all of that.”

“But isn’t just making you depressed...”

“No.”  He shakes his head roughly, and sighs, begins to fiddle with his paper work and briefcase that’s been resting on the floor.  “I deal with it.”

“Did she pass away?”

“No,” he grits it out.

“Oh well...maybe...maybe you should go visit your mom.  When we get back...”

“My sister is coming out when we get back.  Did you forget? I have to make myself available for her.  Why are you up my ass about this, Sarah?” He says it gruffly, his gentle blue eyes turning dark in an instant.

“I just...”r32;
“I don’t need your pity, or whatever it is.”  He shoves his papers angrily into his briefcase.  “I’m here to work, and handle things for you.  I’m not here to have a heart to heart.”

“I just...think if you talked about it...”


He slams his briefcase closed, and I stare at him again, my eyes wide.  He’s so angry about this, and I can’t understand because I don’t know the situation.  I guess it’s not my place to be doing this...maybe he’s right.  Maybe I should just worry about myself and let him do his job, even if I might care about him a lot more than he wants me to.  

Even if he might have those same feelings for me.

“Drop it,” he mutters.  “Okay?”

I nod.

“We’ll be landing in about a half hour everyone.”  The stewardess smiles and refills Justin’s coffee.  “London, would you like anything?”

“No I...”  I look down at my lap, and then back at Justin.  He’s staring out the window now, completely ignoring me.  “No I think I’m okay for now.”

And for a moment, just for a moment, I think I hear the slightest sob come out of my assistant.

But I don’t dare say a word.
Twelve by ialwayzbesingin

“I thought you said they were going to be discreet!”

“I...fuck...”  I sigh heavily and look at Roy, who seems just as overwhelmed.  “I guess the word spread once that batch of paparazzi started tailing us at the airport.”

She rubs her temples and closes her eyes.  “I haven’t been left alone since we got off the damn plane.  I’ve been smiling so much that it’s starting to hurt and I’m hungry, tired, and irritable.  I’ve had exactly thirty minutes inside my hotel room.  If I get out of this car right now, I’ll probably punch somebody, Justin.  I mean it.  I want a path cleared, right now!”

“All right.”  Roy shifts toward the limousine's door.  “I’ll see what I can do.”  He knocks on the window, and the door is opened slightly for him.  The flashes and shouts of her name cause me to nudge Sarah to the side and sit in the path of the camera’s so she won’t be bombarded, or blinded by the countless flashes going off.  Naturally, I have a million spots in front of my eyes by the time Roy actually gets out and the door is shut again, but I know it’s worth it.  Irritable Sarah isn’t one that I want anybody to see right now.  She has her image to uphold, and so far, she’s been on top of her game, being polite to the television executives, and smiling for the fans awaiting her arrival at the airport terminal.  For the first time ever, I witnessed her signing autographs out of the goodness of her heart.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so poised, so together before.

Once again, it’s a step in the right direction for her, and while I’m proud, I really feel like I need to start distancing myself.  She just expects me to talk about my family, about mom.  She doesn’t get it.  She doesn’t know how hard it is for me, and how much harder it’s going to be to face it all with my sister coming.  Charlotte is going to want to talk, and there’s no way I can ignore her or change the subject.  I’ll just have to deal with it, face the issues with my family for the first time in years.

But I’m not going to deal with anything before I have to.

“You promised said I would get to eat here, Justin!”

Right now she’s slipped back into total London mode, and I know it’s because she’s tired, but really...I’d prefer not to deal with her right now.  I don’t want to snap at her, because I’m just as tired and irritable as she is, if not more, and one of us has to keep their heads at the moment.  “You will.  Just be a little patient, and let Roy handle it.  It’ll just be a couple of minutes.”

“A couple of minutes?” She scoffs.  “Did you see how many photographers are out there? I’m fucking surrounded.”

She’s shaking.  It’s the nerves.  They’ve always gotten the best of her when it comes to the paparazzi and I understand.  They can be animals, scary at times.  She could get hurt if we’re not careful.  “Look, it’ll be okay.”  I say it gently, and rub her shoulder a little.  “We’re not getting out of the car unless it’s safe.”  

She whimpers, like she can’t believe what I’m saying, and I’m about to console her again when my phone rings.  It’s Roy, and I breathe out a relieved sigh as I answer.  “What’s it like out there?”

“It’s bad.  They’ve surrounded the entire area, including the back of the place.  Some of them are even inside, waiting.  They’ve ordered food so the management told me that they can’t force them to leave.  If she goes in...I doubt she’ll be able to eat properly.  It’s not safe.  We’re going to have to skip this.  Ask her where else she’d like to go.”

“You’re sure?” I do my best not to meet Sarah’s gaze.

He sighs heavily.  Roy’s not an idiot.  He knows the type of tantrum Sarah will probably throw because of this news.  He wouldn’t tell me no unless he absolutely had to.  

“I’m sure.”

“Thanks.”  I end the call, sigh harshly, and force myself to look at my boss.  “Sarah, it’s not safe.  We can come back another day...there must be another place...”

“There’s no other place!” She screams.  “You should have planned this better!”

I just stare at her.  It’s been months, and she hasn’t talked to me like this once.  

“You’re such a damn idiot!” She continues.  “ don’t know what to prioritize, Justin!  What am I going to do now, huh? I could have been at dinner someplace else an hour ago!”

“Well I...”

“Just forget it.”  She crosses her arms harshly.  “You’re just incapable of having common sense.  Take me back to the room.”


“Do what I say!”

I lick my lips, and grit my teeth in frustration.

Same old Sarah.

I guess I was stupid to think her good attitude would last, especially after I decided to blow her off like I have.  Things are getting back to normal.  It’s what I wanted, after all.

The door opens, more flashes in my face, more shouts of LONDON! Then Roy manages to get in the car and the door slams behind him.

“Where to?” He asks.

It’s completely silent, and then the limo starts to move.

Roy leans forward, and a gives us both a strange look.  “You gonna tell me...”

“Hotel,” I say quietly, rubbing my forehead with my hand.  

“Right.”  He picks up the house type phone and tells the driver where to take us, hanging up harshly once he’s finished.

Nothing else is said.

We pull up to the Four Seasons about a half hour later.  Thankfully, the amount of photographers has dwindled down dramatically.  There’s only a handful, and a small gaggle of school kids, fans, waiting for her with their autograph pens in hand.

“I’m not stopping Roy,” she says gruffly as the limo slows to a stop at the curb.  “Get me inside.”

“Of course London.”

He and I exchange glances.

Tonight isn’t going to be a good night for any of us, at this rate.

Roy gets out first, as always, to survey the situation and talk to the doorman.  Sarah and I sit in absolutely silence.  I’m afraid to say anything, because if I do and she doesn’t like it, she’ll start screaming at me again and I can only put up with so much of that in a day.  

Roy knocks on the window about ten minutes later, and I open it a crack.  It’s normal procedure.  It means he’s worked out a plan in his head to keep Sarah away from the people who made her famous, and it’s my job to understand it all and make sure it goes smoothly.  

“I’m going to open the door, you get out first, and wait at the bottom of the stairs.  London, I’m going to help you out of the car and we’re going to walk quickly to Justin, and he’ll follow behind us.  Sound good?”

“I don’t care how you do it,” Sarah grunts.  “Just do it!”

He nods at me, I return it, and then our plan comes to life.  The door opens, there are screams and shouts and flashes, but they subside when I get out first and the door closes behind me.  None of them know me, none of them care, and I walk casually to the base of the marble steps, doing my best to smile for the awaiting doorman.  He seems nervous, but I’m sure that’s because London wasn’t so nice to him when we were leaving the hotel to head to dinner.  He doesn’t speak English very well, and that irritated her.

Roy and Sarah emerge from the limo moments later, and thats when the screams erupt from the fans and photographers.  She quickly slips her sunglasses over her eyes as the flashes start to go off in her face.  She reaches the point where her fans are standing, most of them young kids...thirteen to fifteen, since thats the market her perfume line was advertised to here in France.  They yell out her name, wave their magazines and flyers in her face, begging her for an autograph.

She completely ignores them, and I’s something I’m used to from this version of Sarah.  But the new one...the new one would have stopped and spent some time with them.

I guess she’s gone.

“Coffee, Justin.”  She snaps, as they reach the staircase, and Roy begins to escort her up to the majestic looking doors.  “It better be hot when you bring it up to the room.”


She glances back at me.  “Fine?”

It’s like nothing has changed.  Not one thing.  “Of course, London.”


She disappears inside, Roy at her side, and I know my place now.  The gopher, the lackey.

Definitely not her friend.  Not anymore.
I made sure I brought Sarah a hot coffee and then I locked myself in my room for as long as I could.  She called me at one point and demanded that I go down to the kitchen and steep her tea personally, and supervise her dinner order.  Of course I did it.  It was so normal, so routine, even though it had been awhile since I’d been ordered around by her.  I fell right into the motions, made the tea and breathed down the neck of that chef until I was satisfied that her dinner (Steamed broccoli and brown rice) was cooked to perfection.

When I brought it up to her, she ordered me to put the tray down on the table in the dining room section of the suite and leave.  I made a small attempt at telling her that I needed to watch her eat, but she had Roy physically throw me out of the room.

He called my room and apologized for that about twenty minutes later, but of course I told him he didn’t need to.  I knew what the deal was.

He said he’ll see me in the morning.

I can’t wait.

In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying the amenities of my junior sweet.  I’ve never been to Paris before.  The farthest London’s career has taken her is the UK for two days, and I didn’t get to see much besides the inside of some shops and restaurants and the building where she did her photo shoot.  Sight seeing had been out of the question.  I remember...she ran me ragged that weekend.  I had a list to fill at Harrods that took me an entire day, and the rest of the time I was at her side, catering to her every desire or stuck in my room catching up on paper work while she and Ray went sight seeing.

It sucked.

And this sucks too, although...I’m determined to get some me time in this week and see some stuff.

The room is huge.  Sarah’s naturally, is the largest they have, but I’m not complaining.  There’s a master bedroom in here, a large bathroom with a hot tub that I fully intend to use later tonight, an eat in kitchen, a living room, and a walk out terrace that overlooks the entire city.  The Eiffel Tower looks amazing from here, and I’m sure when the sun goes down it’ll look even more incredible.

I wish I could share that moment with Sarah.  I know she’d love it...seeing it like that for the first time.

But I can’t.  I fucked up.  I know that, and I’m moving on, going back to the professional relationship with Sarah and nothing more.

I turn off the shower and get out, wrapping a towel around my waist before heading out into the bedroom again.  I pick my phone up from the nightstand and let out a relieved sigh when I realize Sarah hasn’t tried to call or text.  I do, however, have a missed call, and when I peer more closely at the number, I can’t help but cringe.

It’s been years, but I still recognize the number.  Harvey isn’t one for change, and he’s had the same number, same clothes, same shoes for as long as I can remember.  He’s thirty eight now...his kids must be real big.  I smirk slightly, but then it fades.

Why is he calling me?

My stomach lurches, as I think of the worst.  Mom’s passed, I wasn’t there to say goodbye.  Dad’s too distraught to call.  I really don’t want to call him back.

But I don’t have to, because he’s calling me.

With a shaky hand, I answer the call and slowly hold the Blackberry up to my ear.  “Justin...Justin Timberlake.”

“Didn’t think you’d pick up.”  His voice is gruff, and tired.  “Figured I’d just forget about it, but then I decided to give you one more shot.”

“ Harvey.”

“Charlotte told me she was coming out there in a couple of weeks to see you.  I told her I didn’t want her going out to no Los Angeles, but she’s insisting that she wants to see you, so I’m giving in, but don’t you dare think for a minute that this makes up for anything.”

I do my best not to crack.  The last time we saw each other, it was a brawl that left him with a black eye and me with a bloody lip.  It affected me a lot I guess, messed me up because...because when I was young, he was the one I looked up to, the one who taught me so much about being a man because he was so much older than me.  “I’m not expecting anything from you.  I just want to see my sister.”

“Well that better be all,” he grunts.  “You better not be showing your face back up here when she comes home either.  You just tell her that you have things to do and you can’t come home right now if the subject comes up.”

“I had no intentions of coming home.”

“ ‘Course not,” he laughs, bitterly.  “Why would you?”

I can’t say anything.  The anger is boiling inside of me, threatening to escape, and after so many years, screaming at him over the phone is the last thing I want to do.  

“And another thing.  Momma’s health ain’t what it used to be.  They’re going to have to move her to a different facility.  Somethin’ more expensive.  I’ll have daddy send you out the bill when it comes time.”

“ much more expensive?”  I begin to pace back and forth.

It’s my burden, my responsibility, but I’m red lining as it is.  If the bills goes up anymore, I won’t be able pay for my mother’s care, not unless I get a raise, and right now of course...that’s not likely.  

“It’s about three thousand more a month.  I’m sure you can manage, with that fancy job of yours.”

My stomach drops.  “Three thousand?”

“You heard me.”

“Harvey...I don’t know if...”

“I’ll get you the bill,” he says, talking over me.  “And if it’s not paid up, I guess I know what this family has really meant to you all along.  Nothing.”

“That’s not fair.”

He hangs up on me.  I let out a bitter laugh and toss my phone onto the bed.  It’s typical, I wouldn’t expect anything else from him.  I shouldn’t care.

But I do care.  I care more than he’ll ever know.

My room phone starts to ring next, and I know it’s Sarah.  Bad timing.  Horrible timing.  I can’t deal with her fucked up shit right now.  I need to deal with this situation, but she’s not going to let me.  She doesn’t care, just like Harvey doesn’t.  They’re exactly the fucking same.  


“Where the hell are you?”

“My room?”

“It’s almost eight.  You haven’t briefed me for tomorrow.  I’m waiting.”

“Right yeah...give me a minute.”

“Get off the phone and get up here,” she snaps.  “Now!”



I hate everything.

I walk out onto the terrace, contemplate just...jumping off the balcony for the smallest of seconds.  It would feel good to get away.

But I can’t do that to my sister.  She would never forgive me.  So I’ll suck it up, put up with Sarah’s stupid shit and get a good nights sleep...somehow.

I sob, but force myself to stop.
I haven’t hurled and I guess that’s the best thing about today.

I’m an idiot.  I don’t know what I’m doing.  I’m angry.  I’m so angry at him for brushing me aside like so many others have. This is the only way I know how to deal with it.

But Justin doesn’t deserve it.

“Five am wake up call.  Lania will be here by five forty five.”

His eyes are blood shot, and red.  He hasn’t clean shaved in a couple of days, and that tired grown in stubble is there, more apparent than ever.  His hair is messy, not nicely gelled down as always.  Instead of coming to see me in his professional attire, he showed up at the door in jeans and an old tee shirt.  He looked so normal and I wished for a very long moment that I could go back in time and change all the stupid things I said this afternoon.

But I can’t change them.

This is just who I am.

“We have to be at TV 4 by seven fifteen the latest, then we’ll get you to the shoot, after that you should be free until dinner time.  After you eat we’ll get you to the signing.”  He makes some notations on his pad and then looks up at me, rubbing his face tiredly.  “Got all that?”

“Whatever.”  I roll my eyes and lean my cheek against my fist.  “As long as you bring your brain with you tomorrow, it’ll be fine.”

“Will do.”  He gets up quickly and gathers his things.  “Night.”

I watch him stalk towards the door, and I almost let him leave without another word...but I just...I know this isn’t what I should be doing.

After everything, after how far we’ve come and after what he’s done for me, I should be treating him better.  I shouldn’t be so bitter about his feelings, or the things he doesn’t want to talk about with me.

He’s shown me that I’m better than that.

“Justin...wait a second.”

His hand is on the door handle, and I watch his shoulders slump in defeat.  It takes him a good minute to look back at me, and I can tell he’s ready to rip me apart, but he’s hiding it well.  “What else do you need, Sarah?”

“I...”  I sigh heavily and get up from my seat, crossing my arms as I look down at the floor.  “I acted...terrible today.”

He’s quiet for a long time before he finally responds.  “Yeah, I guess you did.”

I meet his gaze.  He’s just done.  I can feel it.  He doesn’t care what I say to him right now.  All he wants to do is get away from me, just like everybody else does.

“Well I...”  I trail off and walk closer to him.  He seems to tense up, so I make sure I keep my distance.  “I want to say that I’m sorry and that I shouldn’t have taken out my issues on you.  I was confused, and I guess I still am but that’s not your fault.  You have issues that don’t involve me and I should have understood that.”

He shrugs.  “That’s fine, until the next time.”

He has a point.  I’m so fucked up that I don’t know when I’ll be nasty and when I won’t be, and while I’ve been trying my best to keep that attitude away from him, I know I didn’t try hard enough.  “I don’t want there to be a next time.”

He takes a small step towards me.  “But there will be.  We both know that.  I thought we could talk least, I thought you could talk to me, because I was willing to listen.”

“But you weren’t willing to talk to me, Justin.  I think that’s why I snapped.  I just...”

“You don’t want to know about me,” he laughs lightly . “Sarah, I’m nothing to write home about, and you don’t need to be burdened with my life.  I liked things the way they were before you even...knew I had a personal life.”

“At least let me know that you’re okay.”

He stares at me for a long time, like he doesn’t know what to say.  I’ve confused him, obviously, but I still want to help if I can.

“I’ll manage.” He smirks.  “Get some rest.”  He turns the handle and opens the door.  “Call if you need something.  I’ll be up for awhile.”

He turns his back on me.

But I can’t do this.  I can’t let him go.

“No...”  I walk up to him and grab his arm, gently pulling him to me before he can get out the door.  Strangely, he doesn’t resist, and when I wrap my arms around his waist and stare up into his eyes, he almost seems a little thankful.

“I can’t do this,” he whispers, his eyes getting small as if he’s holding back his tears.  “I can’t get close to somebody else.”

“Why not?” I whisper, as I reach up and stroke his face gently.  “Why can’t you let me in, Justin?”

“Because I’m a fuck up.  I’m no good.”

“Says who?  Me? I’m...I wasn’t...”

“It wasn’t you,” he sighs.  “It was never you.”


I’m cut short when his lips brush against mine.  It takes my breath away, because it was so damn unexpected, and when I pull away again I find that there is a tear gliding down his face.  “You’re crying.  Justin...”

“Look I...I don’t talk about anything, with anyone,” he whispers.  “I can’t because it hurts.  I thought working for you was perfect, you know? You didnt’ seem to care about me, and I could just work and be done with everything else.”

“That’s...that’s horrible.”

He nods.  “I know that, but it helped harden me I guess.  I was blind to a lot of things for years and then...then when we kissed I just...”

“You remembered you had a heart in there?”

“I guess so.”

“So let it out.”

He runs the tips of his fingers down my cheek and stares back into my eyes for such a long time.  “I’m scared.”

“So am I.”

But then he kisses me again.  He kisses me again and it’s just like before, in the hospital, when we weren’t thinking about anything else.

And I know it’s real.

I know that he loves me, and that I love him.  It was never fake, it was just something he wanted to hide from.

But I’ll never let him do that again, and when he pulls me back into my suite, through the dining room and into the bedroom, I know he doesn’t want to hide anymore.

He wants me.

My clothes come off piece by piece once my body hits the bed, and I pull his shirt off, undo his belt buckle until there’s nothing left but his boxer shorts and my bra and panties.  He’s on top of me, kissing my face, and my neck, staring back into my eyes with sheer amazement, like he doesn’t know how we got here but he doesn’t want to stop.

“I think I’m in love with you.”

He whispers it, and smiles.  I don’t say anything, I can’t.  I just let him pull the rest of my clothes off, and soon enough his warm flesh is pressed right up against mine.  We make love slowly, softly, there in the bed, more than once, and end up collapsing into each others arms after, just holding each other, his hands slowly running themselves up and down my skin like a thousand soft little kisses on my body.

I know there’s no where else I’d rather be, no one else I’d rather be with.  

“I love you too, Justin,” I whisper.

Thirteen by ialwayzbesingin
Author's Notes:
It took me a really long time to get back into the swing of things with writing in general.  I've been really busy, life has caught up with me in a number of ways, but I was finally able to focus. I have this chapter and I'm working on the next with a solid direction finally. I hope you like it.


I look up and smile as she comes out onto the terrace.  “Feel better?”

She runs her hands through her hair and shakes it out a little bit as she walks toward me.  “Now that I’m out of that stuffy dress.”

I pat the spot beside me on the small patio lounger.  “C’mon.  Sun’s about to set.  It’s our last chance.”

She shuffles over quickly, giggling as she reaches me and plops down beside me.  I don’t hesitate to pull her close and circle my arm around her waist as she leans her whole body into me.

I wish every night could be this way.

But I know once we wake up tomorrow, life will become as hectic as always again, with one small exception.

That we’ll be together.

I never thought I could become attached to her so fast.  It’s only been a few days, and already I can feel it.  That I’m just...deep.  Deep into this thing with her, and I don’t’s good. In my heart, I know it’s good, that she’s good for me, and I’m good for her.  Part of me is still afraid I guess. Just...afraid that something will get screwed up like everything else in my personal life, and I’ll lose her.

I can’t think like that though.  I have to stop.  I have to because...

Because I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.

“I wish we could stay.” She says it softly, as she leans her head against my chest and I run my free hand through her long wavy brown hair.  “Just for one more day.”

I kiss the top of her head, breathe her in for a long moment before I smile.  “We’ll come back.  Together, just us.  It’ll be for fun and not for work.”

“Hmm, promise?”

“Of course.”

She looks up at me, smiles, and then presses her lips against mine.  We get lost in the kiss for a long time, before we’re finally able to stop and take in the view.  The sun is setting over the Eiffel Tower.  We just made it.  Her interviews ran longer today, and we got delayed by the media after dinner.  Sarah didn’t lose her cool though.  She just held my hand, and allowed me to calm her down while Roy and a few police officers figured out the best way to get us all out of there safely.  It was the new her, the one I liked, and knew everybody else would too once we got back home.  I’m looking forward to that new start with her.  It’ll be different, a change, and maybe...I’ll be better off because of it.  Maybe it will help me to forget some things, and overcome a lot of shit that’s been burdening me for years.

“So your sister is coming right when we get home?”

Shit like that.


She nods a little.  “Well I can get myself to the set...”

“No, it’s fine.  I can still do my job while she’s here.”

“I don’t want her to think I’m some kind of slave driving bitch.”

I laugh.  “She won’t think that.”

“Well she’ll be the first.”  She rolls her eyes and runs her fingers up and down my chest.  “I mean, I can only imagine what you’ve told her about me in the past.”

I suck in a breath.  “I wouldn’t have said anything bad about you to my family.  It’s unprofessional.”

“I deserved it.”

I brush my lips against hers.  “It’s done, okay?”

She nods a little.  “So..what does your sister think about me?”

She’s nervous about this visit, but that makes two of us.  The truth is, I have no idea what Charlotte thinks about London Pierce, or what she’s going to say when she finds out I’m the one that’s been working for her all these years.  Then, when she realizes we’re dating, I know it’s going to be a whole other story.  “To be honest?”

“Well...I don’t want you to lie, Justin.”

“She doesn’t know I work for you.”

Her eyes widen a little.  “Are you kidding me?”

I shake my head slowly.  She seems annoyed, but I guess I knew she would be.  “I didn’t want to involve my family in all of this.  It was easier.”

“So she’s just walking into this blind! Justin...”

“Calm down.” I smile calmly, but when her expression doesn’t change, I sigh.  “Look, Charlotte is...understanding.  Sure, she’ll be a little surprised, but she’ll get over it once you get introduced and show her what a sweet...” I trail off and kiss her again.  “Loveable person you are.”r32;

“Oh please.”

“Well it’s true.”

“When did you get so sappy, Justin,” she laughs.  

“I’ve always been a romantic,” I wink.

She nudges me in the ribs.  “Well, I’ll be surprised if your sister doesn’t head for the hills once she realizes you’re holed up with London Pierce.”

“I was hoping I could introduce you as Sarah.  Not London.” I say it seriously as I look into her eyes.  One thing I don’t want, is to show my sister the fake side of my girlfriend.  Not when I’m trying to make a good impression.  One thing Charlotte can’t stand is fake people, and with good reason.  “I want her to see you for who you are.”

She huffs.  “Justin...”

“C’mon.” I flash her my best smile.  “For me, huh?”

“God, fine,” she groans.  “But I’m taking her out for a girls day, just me and her.  I want to get to know her and everybody knows...girls bond better when they’re alone.”

“What’re you gonna do? Brainwash her?”

“Yes, I’m going to force her to wear my perfume and buy my line of hand bags.” She rolls her eyes.  “God, I just want to spend time with your sister.  The way you’ve talked about her, it’s like she’s the best friend you have.”

“We’re close,” I shrug.  “My best friend lives in LA, though.  I barely see him, but it is what it is.”

“Jesus.  I really like...have no idea about what goes on in your personal life.”

“You were never supposed to.”

“Still, I mean...if we’re going to make this work, I need to start catering to your interests too.  I know...” she perks up and smiles, her eyes growing wide with excitement.  “We can have a party at the house! Oh my gosh it would be so much fun! We could plan it out and invite like...everybody!  I can meet your friends, and you can network to the people I introduce you to, you know?”


A sly smile creeps onto her face.  “You’re my boyfriend now,” she whispers.  “You don’t really think I’m going to let you be my assistant forever do you?  I want to see what you can do.  Maybe I can get you a couple of auditions.  You can start reading for producers and see where it goes.”

“I um...”

“What? Don’t you want to act? I thought that was why you came out here.”

“It was...but right now I have some things I have to take care of.  I need guaranteed income, you know?”

“Are you having problems with money?”

I hesitate only slightly before I lie to her yet again.  I’m not ready.  Not ready to divulge my real personal issues to her.  That’s bad, I know, but I can’t help myself.  “No.  It’s just that job security is important.”

She stares at me, a perplexed look on her face.  “Are you sure?”

“Yeah I’m sure,” I scoff.

She rolls her eyes.  “Well, whatever.  You might think that way, but you can’t stop me from putting in a good word for you where I can.”

“Fine.”  I force a smile and rub her shoulders as she curls up against me.  “One thing at at time though, okay? You have a movie to film first, and it’s important you know? Even if that jerk is your co star.”

“That jerk is going to get the right directors to notice me,” she sighs.  “I just might get the role I’ve been after this fall, so until then, I’ll deal with him.”

“Let’s hope so.”  I kiss the top of her head, and our conversation falls silent as we watch the sun begin it’s decent over picturesque Paris.  I’m not a jealous person.  I never was.  I guess I just saw something in that guy...Chet, that I really didn’t like.  He came off as a manipulator who was very interested in getting Sarah naked.  Now that we’re together, that doesn’t fly with me even more.  I feel like I have to watch him closely when he’s around her now, and I don’t want to.  I don’t want to come off as a jealous boyfriend to Sarah, but I just don’t think I have a choice.  

She’s smart, and I love her, I do...but I know, and I think the entire world knows, that her common sense is lacking, and if that guy gets her alone, I have no idea what could happen.

It scares me, because we just got together.  I just admitted that I care about her too, that I love her, and if I lost her...

If I lost her I know it would destroy me.

Eventually the twilight fades to black, and I nudge her gently so we can go inside.  We change, get in bed, and have a playful round of intimacy before passing out in each others arms.  When the alarm blares in my ear, she’s the first thing I see, and I smile, thankful that she’s by my side, her arms around me and mine around hers.  

“Ready to go home?” She whispers, her eyes slowly sliding open as she smiles at me tiredly.

I’m not really sure, because I know the minute we step off that plane both of our lives will be completely different.  “I’m trying to be.”

She smirks like she gets it.  Like she doesn’t have to ask me what my problem is, because she knows.  She knows how busy she’ll be once we’re home, and what that could do to our new relationship.  “Me too.”

I clear my throat and shift my weight nervously as I finally make eye contact with her.  She’s jumping up and down, waving her arms like crazy over the mass of people in front of her.  The best I can do is smile.  It’s great to see her, I can’t deny that.  I’ve been waiting for this moment, probably since I left home.

At the same time though, I’m terrified.  Terrified to expose her to my life, terrified of what she’ll think, what she’ll say.  Most of all though, I’m terrified of what she’ll tell me about mom, about how bad she’s gotten.

I’m terrified that she’ll beg me to come home, despite what Harvey thinks.

And I can’t go home.  Not to him.  Not this way.


She literally throws herself into me when she’s able to break through the crowd.  Her arms encircle me and pull me close to her tiny body, like she’ll never let me go.  I still tower over her, even though it’s been five years, but I knew I would.  Charlotte stopped growing when she was about fifteen.  She’s so lightweight and short that she made the perfect top to the cheerleading pyramid during football games.  “Hey.”  I close my eyes, breathe her in.

It’s a great feeling. It’s great to see her.

“ look amazing, J.”  She finally pulls back from me and reveals her bright smile.  “It’s great to see you.  I’m so excited! I want you to show me everything okay? I’ve always wanted to see the Hollywood sign! Oh and that Chinese Theater! Do you know any good restaurants? Oh my gosh...this airport is huge!”

She carries on and on as we walk through LAX and down to baggage claim.  I don’t say much, just nod and promise her that I’ll show her all the things she’s been fantasizing about as we collect her suitcases and head out to the car.  Unfortunately, the only car I had at my disposal today was my usual...Sarah’s work Mercedes, and I know my sister isn’t prepared.  Back home, cars like this don’t show up much, and when they do, they’re always being driven by a prominent business owner, never people like us.

“You hungry?”  I click the button on the key and the lights on the car flash, telling me the doors are open, and I click it again so the trunk will pop open.  “There’s this great little place not too far from here.  I...”

I stop talking when I reach the open trunk, because I realize that Charlotte has stopped following me all together.  I look back at her and can’t help but laugh.  She’s standing there, mouth open, her eyes wide as she takes in the car.  Little does she know...this is only the tip of the iceberg.  When we get home, Sarah will be waiting for us.  She assured me that she was going to set up a little welcoming party for my sister, even though I told her it wasn’t necessary.  She was so excited though, telling me how much she wanted to get to know a member of my family, that I couldn’t tell her no.

It’s just going to be hard...getting my sister acclimated to all of this.  She’s not used to luxury and she’s certainly not used to being in the presence of a national celebrity.  That’s not who we are, not where we’re from.  I’m praying to God that it all works out.

“ that your car?”  

“Not exactly,” I smirk.  “It’s kind of a loaner.”  I walk forward slightly and take her luggage so I can get it into the trunk.  “C’mon, get in.  We can get some food or I can just take you back home to get settled first.”

She crosses her arms, narrows her eyes at me, and it’s only then that I’m reminded of my mother.  I force myself to swallow back my emotions for her, because I can’t afford to break down right now. She just got here.

“What aren’t you telling me, J?”

“Nothing...”  I take in a long breath and open the passenger side door.  “Let’s just go, okay?”

She eyes me suspiciously, but when I motion her into the car again with a smile, she doesn’t ask any more questions.  Thank goodness, because I still have to come up with an explanation about Sarah before we get to the house.  I know my sister.  She’ll be pissed that I never told her about my job, and now...about my current relationship with my boss.  

“So hows dad?”  I practically blurt it out when we’re out of the airport vicinity and on the main stretch of road that leads into downtown Los Angeles.  “I meant to call him before you came out I just...I was out of town and I didn’t get the chance to.”

“He’s...good I guess.  He’s been really busy with everything, you know?”

I grip the steering wheel a little tighter.  “Like mom?”

“Harvey said he told you.”

I laugh, bitterly.  “He sure did.”

“I tried to talk him out of it.  It’s not right...him expecting you to pay for all of it.”

“It doesn’t matter.  I expect that from him at this point.  It’s been too long.”

“Still, you guys were close.  I hate what...what mom’s disease has done to the family.  I wish you could just come home and talk to him.  I’m sure he’d snap out of his funk if he saw you make the effort.”

“No.” I shake my head roughly.  “That’s the last thing he wants.”


“Can we not talk about it?”  I say it to her gently, and force a small smile.  “You’re here now, and...and it’s a really great thing, you know? I’ve really missed you, and I want this trip to be positive and about you and me.  Harvey has nothing to do with it, and neither do the rest of the boys.”

She sighs, but starts to back down.  “I guess.”

I nod, pat her knee and focus back on the road.

“So what...I said this car is a loner? Jesus.  You must have some great friends.”

I laugh slightly.  “It’s actually for work.  My boss loans it out to me.”

“Your boss?  What kind of work did you find out here?”

“Well...I sort of fell into the entertainment industry, but not in the way I planned to,” I smile.  “You’ll meet my boss today. I actually live with her right now, and you’ll be staying with us for the week, but I want you to promise me you won’t get all weirded out.  She wants to meet you, and I want it to be as normal as possible, okay?”

“Justin...” She gasps.  “I mean, is it like...Britney Spears?”

“Give me a little more credit than that, sis.”

She rolls her eyes.  “Well you should tell me before we get there you know.  It’s only fair.”

I chuckle.


“C’mon, I’m enjoying this.”

Really, I’m trying to buy myself some more time, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“I don’t want to walk into this blind.  I mean, if she’s really that famous, I could be a huge fan.  I don’t want to walk into the house all star struck.  Is she...that famous?”

I sigh a little.  “Her name is Sarah.”

“Sarah what?  Sarah Jessica Parker?”


“I’ll kill you in your sleep.  I mean it.”

“She goes by London,” I finally say, giving in because there’s no other option.  I’ve never been able to lie to my sister, and I’m not about to try.  “But I call her Sarah.”

“London Pierce?”

She says it with disgust in her voice, and I glance over at her slightly before focusing back on the busy road.  “Right, yeah.”


It’s the last reaction I expected.  It’s almost like...she can’t stand her, even though she doesn’t know her at all.  “Dead serious.  Why? What’s the matter?”

“I just...I never thought you would ever work for somebody like that.”

“Read one too many tabloid magazines Char?”

“I didn’t need to.  I can just tell how fake she is by the movies I’ve seen and the interviews I’ve watched on TV.  No wonder you haven’t had any free time.  She’s probably run you into the ground.”

It’s been the complete truth, up until now, and I hate that.  What’s worse, Sarah is home waiting for us, having the notion in her mind that my sister will be more than happy to meet her, and find out that that we’ve been dating for a couple of weeks.  Things are going in the opposite direction so fast that I can’t keep up.

This is bad.

“It’s been...hectic...”

“What was all that about her going into rehab anyway? I was looking to see when she was going to show up on Celebrity Rehab, but it never happened.”

“I’d never let that happen,” I say quickly.  “Look, she’s not...she’s not all what the media makes her out to be.  She’s different when she’s not working.”

“What are you, her boyfriend or something?”

I clench my jaw.  “Just do me a favor and get to know her before you judge her.”

She sinks back into her seat, and gazes straight ahead.


“I don’t know how I feel,” she mutters.  “It’s hard for me not to judge the person that’s prevented me from seeing you for five years, Justin.  I mean, did you ever get a vacation?”

“It’s a hard business.  I couldn’t manage to take one until now.”

“Even Harvey takes vacations, and you know what a work-a-holic he is when it comes to the garage.”

I can’t argue with her.  I know how fucked up everything has been for the past five years, and yeah, Sarah was a heinous bitch until recently.  Now we’re in love, but I’m not ready to reveal that to my sister, even though she’ll probably figure it out the minute we set foot inside the house.  

Maybe this was a mistake.  Maybe I should have taken Trace up on his offer and stayed with him for a week, let Sarah figure shit out on her own.

But I can’t help myself.  I’m in love, and that...that takes priority above everything else, even if my sister isn’t ready to handle it.

“I can’t tell you that you’re wrong, Char.  It is what it is.  But...just try to be understanding when you meet her.  I know she’s excited to meet you.”


“She just is.”

“You’re dating her aren’t you?”

I glance at her quickly.  “I...”

“Jesus,” she laughs.  “No wonder Harvey expects you to pay for mom.”

“He doesn’t know about this.  Nobody does.  You’re the first person I’ve told.”

“What could you possibly have in common with a woman like her?”

“More than you’d think.”

It’s silent the rest of the way back to Sarah’s.  I know how uncomfortable Charlotte is about all of this, and I wish I could have sprung it on her accidentally, but would there have been a point? Probably not.  She’d just be angry that I didn’t tell her the truth from the beginning and after five years, I really didn’t want to start our visit off that way.

Even though, it’s still not off to the best start.

We pull up to the gate and I glance at my sister as I type in the code on the keypad built into the bars.  Her eyes are wide as she stares back at the property and I already know she’s more than overwhelmed.  “Just relax.  It’s not so overwhelming once you get inside.”

She just nods, the gates part, and I drive inside of them. 

Fourteen by ialwayzbesingin
Author's Notes:
Sorrry its been so long.  I had a big block that I couldn't get past.  I hope I can get more up soon.  I have the story mapped out in my head so hopefully I will be able to do it.  Enjoy :)
I’ve never cleaned my house before.

When Justin left to pick up his sister this morning, I picked up a mop for the first time in years and proceeded to clean my entire kitchen floor.  I gave Hailey a roll of paper towels and a bottle of windex too, told her to clean all the parts of the windows she could reach, and she did it with a smile.

She’s such a good kid.

When my housekeeper showed up an hour later, I thought she was going to have a coronary.  She actually asked me if there was something wrong, with fear in her eyes, like I was about to tell her she was fired.  I just laughed.  I was too excited to do anything else.  I kept replaying the scenario over and over in my head.  Justin would bring his sister in, we’d hug, and start to talk like old friends would.  By the end of the week we would become inseparable, and I would ask her to stay.  Then Justin would be the happiest I’ve ever seen him.

It would all be so...perfect, and I was naive enough to believe that it would all come true.

When Charlotte walked through that door though, I knew right away that things were going to be much different.  I’ve been in this business too long not to know when somebody doesn’t like me.

And this girl really, really doesn’t like me.  The sad thing? She doesn’t even know me, doesn’t know how much of a bitch I’ve been in the past, and how much I’ve changed for the better.

It’s like she can just see it on me, all the bad shit.

Justin tried.  I have to give him credit for that.  He smiled, and made a big deal about the tacky decorations we hung to welcome Charlotte into town, played up Hailey really big and yeah...I guess she was nice to my daughter.  Really nice, really genuine, but she didn’t seem like the type of girl who would have been rotten to a little kid.

But she barely anything other than hello to me, and I have a feeling she was strongly holding back a roll of her eyes for her brothers sake.

I don’t know what to think.

She didn’t even come to dinner and...I cooked.

I fucking cooked.

I never cook.

I want to throw her out on her ass, but Justin would never forgive me, and I love him, so I’ll put up with it.


I don’t turn over, just hug the comforter tighter around my shoulders as I hear him gently walk across the carpet.  “Hey.”

The mattress sags slightly, and then I feel his hand on my back, giving it a gentle rub.  “You okay?”

“I’ll be okay.”

“I’m...sorry she didn’t come to dinner,” he sighs.  “I talked to her about it, and...she’s trying.  It’s just weird for her, being here with me, seeing all of this.  She’s not used to it, that’s all.  In a couple of days she’ll come around.”

“Mm.”  I press my lips together and force my tears back.  No, not now.  Not tonight.  This is Justin’s time with his sister, and I can’t spoil it.

“I have some work to catch up on tomorrow,” he whispers.  I feel him slide up against me from behind, and soon his arms are wrapped around my waist, pulling me even closer so he can kiss the back of my neck and work his lips down to my shoulder.  “I was thinking that maybe you could take her her around LA?  I called Roy and he said he’ll be here around eleven to take you wherever you want to go.”

“You’re supposed to be on vacation.”  I inch away from him but he won’t let go of me.

But of course, I don’t really want him to.

“I am on vacation,” he chuckles and I feel him nuzzling his nose into me.  “I’m just getting a couple of things out of the way, you know?”


“C’mon, Sarah.  Just do this one thing for me, okay? I swear, I won’t ask you for anymore favors, and if it doesn’t work out I’ll get her a hotel someplace.”

“What about the party?”

He sighs.

He doesn’t want a party.  He doesn’t want me to introduce him to my industry friends and I know he doesn’t want to bring his personal friends around me.  Justin is different.  He’s private, and what we have is just...our thing.  He doesn’t want the world to know, he doesn’t want our photos to be taken or take advantage of the things I can offer him.  He’s just...happy doing what he’s doing.  I’m not though.  I want more for him, maybe even more for us, and I know how to get it.  He just has to be willing.


“You know how I feel about all that crap.”

“Still, it’ll be a good chance for me to meet your friends, and for you to meet mine.  I mean, if we’re going to be together...seriously be together, those things have to come into play at some point.  We can’t be living double lives, and we shouldn’t have to date in secret.  I mean, unless I embarrass you or something....”

“You don’t embarrass me.”

“Well then...”

“Fine,” he grunts.  “Fine, have the party if that’s what you want.  I’ll start putting together the guest list.”

I turn slightly.  Naturally he looks annoyed, but I expect that from him.  “If it makes you that uncomfortable we don’t have to have it.”

“You’re dealing with my sister for me, right?”

I stare back into his eyes.  Those bright blue wonderful eyes of his that I get lost in every time I gaze into them.  There’s hope there.  There’s trust and us, and I know he wouldn’t be compromising with me right now if he didn’t want to.  “I guess so, yeah.”
r32;“So you’ll take her out tomorrow and I’ll go to this party of yours as your boyfriend, deal?”

“Well, I don’t want to bargain with you Justin.  I want to introduce you to people as my boyfriend because that’s who you are now...right?”

“Yes.”  He rolls his eyes a little but kisses me gently on the lips.  “I guess I’m just concerned that this is going to get out of hand.”

“How could it get out of hand?”

“It’s Hollywood,” he chuckles, kisses me again, and reaches out for the lamp on his nightstand.  “Everything gets out of hand.  Now get some sleep, okay?”

I give him a tight smile.  “Okay.”

The light snaps off, I feel his lips on mine in the dark before he pulls me to him again.  “I love you Sarah.”

“I love you too.”

I listen for a long time, eventually his breathing grows slow and rhythmic, and I know he’s fallen asleep.  

But I can’t sleep.

I just lie there, awake in the dark, with his arms around me, scared as hell about what the next day will bring.  The sun is rising before I know it and I realize I haven’t slept at all.


Justin gets up before I do, as expected.  He kisses me gently on the cheek and urges me to wake up in a couple of minutes.  I just groan, hoping he’ll get the hint about how much I really don’t want to do anything with his sister today.

“You promised,” he taunts, snickering as he walks into the adjoining bathroom.  I hear the shower running seconds later and I know I’ve run out of options.  I’ve just gotta do this, and get it over with, as much as I don’t want to.

I take a few minutes to collect myself before I get out of bed, throwing on my bathrobe as I head downstairs, praying that I’ll have a few minutes to drink my coffee in peace before I have to fake a smile for a girl that hates me.


She’s sitting there at my kitchen island, drinking some orange juice and eating a bowl of cereal.  I don’t say a word as I go make myself a cup of coffee, and I wonder who’s going to speak up first.  I wait for it, and wait for it.

But she’s acting like I don’t my own house.

It’s crazy, and she’s lucky I love her brother so damn much.

“Morning.”  I say, as I roughly plop myself down on a stool across from her and begin to mix the sugar into my coffee.

She glances at me and continues to chew.  “Hi.”

“I thought we could go out today.  Maybe I could show you around.  Your brother said you’ve never been to LA before so I’m having my driver come at eleven to pick us up.”

She swallows another mouthful of cereal and shifts around on the stool uncomfortably.  She won’t look me in the eyes, and I fully expect her to walk out on me instead of responding.  

“I guess so,” she finally says, not without a ton of hesitation in her voice and gets up from her seat.  “There’s no other choice if you have my brother doing other things.”

“It was actually his idea.  He wants us to get to know each other.”

She starts heading out of the kitchen, but pauses and turns back to me, the disbelief written all over her face.  “So it’s true.”

“What’s true?’

“That you’re dating.”

“Yeah, we are.”

We stare at each other.  I can tell she doesn’t trust me, and likes me even less.  I’m not sure what her issues are with me, but to keep my temper at bay I’ve decided not to get into it with her.  Justin hasn’t really said it, but I know me meeting his sister is a huge deal.  He’s so secretive about his family and his past, that it doesn’t surprise me.  I know if I can make a connection with his sister it might open up a part of him that he’s been neglecting to let me see, and I want that.  I want to love every part of him, even the broken one.  

“When did all of that start?” She asks me.

“It just started.”

“So what, you’ve just been holding him hostage for the past five years?”

“Not exactly...”

“Well then what you would call it?  I mean, I haven’t been able to see my brother...hell, I’ve barely been able to talk to him! You’ve been keeping him so fucking busy with your stupid career he hasn’t had a chance to do anything!”

Her words hit me hard, right where it hurts.  It occurs to me that there’s a lot behind her emotions, a lot going on back home that I don’t know about.  I don’t know what to say to her, because there’s no excuse for the things I did or how I treated her brother for all that time.  Justin and I are at the point now where we’re trying to move past things but that doesn’t mean Charlotte is ready to forget that her brother has been out of her life for so long.  

“I can’t go back and change all of that, all I can do it try to make up for the time you missed with him.  I promise...this year for the holidays, he’ll get to come home and be with you and your family.”

“It’s too late for that,” she whimpers.  “You don’t even know do you?”

“Know what?”

She crosses her arms and scoffs.  “Don’t you know about our mother? Do you even know what’s happening to her? Did you know that our dad lost his job and we’ll be lucky if we don’t lose our house?  Our brothers won’t even speak to Justin!  They think he doesn’t care...but it’s a lie!”

I just stare at her.

“You don’t get it do you? No, you don’t because you’re too self absorbed to care!  Our mother will probably die before he gets a chance to have a visit with her!”


I gasp when I see Justin standing there in the kitchen entranceway.  His arms are crossed and his eyes are cold and unforgiving, but he’s not looking at me, he’s directing his emotions at his sister right now.

This is bad.

I mean...I knew Justin had a past that he didn’t like to talk about but I didn’t know...I didn’t know it was so serious.

What have I done?

“Apologize,” he tells his sister darkly.

“But Justin...I...”

“I said apologize to her!”

But she doesn’t apologize.  Instead, Charlotte bursts into tears and runs out of the kitchen.  I hear a door slam, and I know she’s shut herself away again. Now it’s only Justin and I, and we both stare at each other for several moments, baffled and bewildered over what just took place.

“She doesn’t need to apologize,” I finally say.  “She’s right.”

“She’s not right.  It’s never been a point of mine to make my personal issues your business, Sarah.  You know that.”

I watch him as he storms over to the coffee maker and pours himself a mug full.  

“Your mom...”

He swallows a mouthful of coffee and roughly puts his mug down on the counter.  “It’s fine.”


“I’m going to get her a hotel.  I’m...I’m sorry, this isn’t working out the way I thought it would.  I’ll never bother with the idea again.”

“You need to talk to me about this sometime,” I tell him as he begins to stalk off.  “It’s not fair if you keep it all locked away from me.  We’re supposed to be a team.”

He pauses in the doorway and his shoulders sag but he doesn’t turn to face me.  I can tell how much pain he’s in.

I wish I could take it all away.

“We are a team, but I’m not ready to talk about it right now.”

“When will you be?”

It takes him another minute to turn and face me.  His eyes are red and watery  but he’s not allowing himself to completely lose it.  “I don’t know, and I need you to understand that.”  

I nod in understanding, and then, instead of cuddling him like a child I do the most unpredictable thing ever.  “I still want to take her around today, so...just tell her to get ready.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Dead serious.”  I cross my arms and narrow my eyes at him, telling him I mean business.

“, okay.  I’ll do my best.”

“Tell her to get over it.”

He gives me a look like I’ve lost it.

Maybe I have.

“Okay then.”  He nods awkwardly, and finally leaves.

I sit back down at the island and I wait.

And I wait.

Roy eventually arrives, and I make him wait too.

Then finally, she shows herself.  She looks pissed off more than anything, and I’m sure Justin had a few choice things to say to her.

“Are we going? She grunts at me.

“Yeah. Come on.”
Fifteen by ialwayzbesingin
Author's Notes:
I'm sorry it's taken so long between updates. I've been so busy! I hope you like this!
“She’s what?”

“Out with my sister.”

Trace laughs out loud and sits back in his chair.  “The Ice Queen herself? What’s she doing? Giving her some pointers on how to be a stuck up little cunt?”

“I should totally kick your ass for that one.”

“You wouldn’t.”

I sigh.  “They didn’t hit it off, but she still wanted to take Charlotte around town.  Who was I to stop her?”

“They might claw each others eyes out.”

I sink a little lower in the chair.  “She’s doing this for me.”

He doesn’t say anything for a few minutes, just eats his burger and gives me this queer little smile in between bites, like he knows something is up.  I haven’t told him anything yet, despite our phone calls, despite our few meetings at the cafe over the last couple of weeks.  I guess thats bad, because he’s the only friend I have out here besides Sarah.  I should have told him what was going on.  But how do you just...tell people that you’re dating one of the biggest celebrities in the country?  I don’t see Sarah that way but other people do, and I’m just a nobody to them. A nobody dating a somebody and I don’t want them talking, don’t want the whispers to reach Sarah’s ears, making her second guess being with me.

I couldn’t take it, because I’m too far gone now, lost in her.  I don’t know what I’d do if she suddenly decided being with me was the wrong choice.  As it is, I’m terrified of what will happen today when she’s alone with my sister.  I warned Charlotte as much as I could, told her I didn’t want her mentioning mom again, or Harvey...or any of our family issues to Sarah when they were out together.

But my sister never listens to anybody.  Hell, that’s why she’s here, because she wouldn’t back down when Harvey lectured her about me.  I should be thankful that she loved me enough to brush our oldest brother’s opinions under the rug, but I...I can’t be.  If she says the wrong thing to Sarah, I’m going to get questioned, and...and I can’t just talk about it with her, because I won’t be able to hold myself together.

I’m not ready to crack, to confess that I’m really not the great guy she thinks I am.  I’m not ready to tell her how I’m a deserter, that I hide from issues instead of facing them head on.

I’m not ready to tell her that everything Harvey says about me is the truth.

“Be honest with me Justin.”  He’s still smiling as he asks me the question.  “What’s really going on?”

I shrug, can’t look him in the eye.  “I don’t get what you mean.”

He laughs slightly.  “I wasn’t born yesterday.  You guys are fucking, aren’t you?”

“That’s a classy way of putting it.”  I sit up and roll my eyes.  “Dick.”

“Shit man, how’d you manage it?  She’s hot, but I figured she would to be too stuck in her own ass to give you a look.”

“We’re not fucking, Trace.”  I narrow my eyes and give him a dark look.  “It’s different with her.”

“Women like that are never different,” he points out.  “Believe me, I date plenty of them.  Actresses...models, they’re all the same, no matter how high they climb up the chain.  They take what they can get from you and move on.”

“You’re warped.  I don’t have anything to offer Sarah.  We just...fell in love with each other.”

“Nothing to offer, huh?”  He rests his elbows on the table and leans forward, his expression growing serious and slightly concerned for the first time.  “She just got out of rehab right?”

“That has nothing...”

“Just listen to me for a minute.  Then you can say whatever you want.”

I sit back, cross my arms, and sigh.

“She just got out of rehab, so I’m assuming she’s got a few big gigs lined up right?”

“Well...she’s got this Chet McStevens movie, some interviews, and she just signed on for a few more endorsement deals.  Her schedule is full and since she doesn’t have a manager right now, it’s getting pretty hectic.”

“Right, so don’t you think it would make her image that much more endearing to the public if they found out she’d started dating oh say...the innocent kid from the sticks who’s been by her side all these years?  People eat that shit up, Justin.  I do graphic design, and I know people want a good image.  Right now, she needs that more than anybody else in the industry.  She needs people to think she has a heart in there.  That there’s more complexity behind her name, that she can come down off her pedestal and date an everyday joe because she’s so “humble”.  That’s how these people make money, and get the roles that they want.  Everything is a business to them, even their relationships.”

“Shit,” I scoff.  “I thought you’d be a little excited for me.”

“I’m not saying’s bad,” he sighs.  “I’m just telling you to be careful.  You’re a good guy Justin.  People like London...”


He rolls his eyes.  “Fine.  People like Sarah...they can get carried away.  I don’t want to see you get hurt, that’s all.  You deserve better.  You work hard.”

I know he has a point.  Lots of points, but at the same time I don’t want to listen.  All I want to do is love my girlfriend, and forget about the rest of the world.  

But it can’t be that simple.  I knew that from the beginning and Trace is just reiterating the facts.

“So I’m going to assume you’re turning down my invitation,” I say.


“Sarah’s throwing an industry party at the house.  She wanted me to invite my friends, and since you’re basically all I’ve got out here...”

“A chance for free advertising? Are you kidding me? Of course I’ll go.”

“ will?”

“Everybody important shows up at those things.  I mean, yeah...I’ll support you, and I won’t say a word about what we talked about, but at the same time I can network the business.  It’s like that quid pro quo thing.”


“Just relax,” he laughs.  “It’ll be fine.  Make sure you Facebook me the date and time so I can clear my schedule.”

I just nod a little.  I shouldn’t be so surprised.  He’d do almost anything for me and I’d do the same for him.  I’m a little nervous to introduce him to Sarah, but I know Trace will fake a smile and handshake no matter what he’s thinking.

It’ll be fine...I guess.

It has to be.
Charlotte hasn’t had much time to give me dirty looks, or rag on me about what a horrible person I am today.  She’s been very overwhelmed.  That first photographer who was snapping pictures of us in front of the mall entrance got to her, I think.  She’s not used to that sort of thing, and she clammed up real quick, like she was afraid of the guy.  I just laughed it off and told her to follow me inside, which she did without a sound.

It’s been hours.  We’ve been to dozens of stores, I’ve bought a ton of shit, and she’s barely tried on a thing.  Now we’re at lunch, and she’s picking at her salad...acting like she’s terrified.

I can’t take it.  One minute she’s a bitch and the next she’s a scared little girl.

“You need to snap out of it.”  I shove a forkful of salad in my mouth when I finish saying it.

She glances at me for a spilt second.

“I mean it, Charlotte.  You’re my guest and...and I’m trying here, okay? Maybe we didn’t get off to such a great start but I really meant it when I said I wanted to get to know you better.”

She shifts the food around her plate forever, deeply contemplating something before that look of confidence takes over her expression, the one I saw earlier when she was screaming at me about their she’s dying...

My stomach has been in knots all day over it.  At times I’ve had to go into the bathroom, and I nearly vomited but I stopped myself.

I just feel like it’s my fault, all of this.  If I just calmed down a little in the past, if I’d just forgotten about my fucking ego and realized how I was treating Justin maybe he would have been able to spend more time with his mother.

Now I feel like it’s too late, that he’s accepted she’s dying and he’s in too much pain to go home and see her.  I want to push him about it.  I want to tell him I’ll cancel my life to go back home with him and support him while he deals with his family.

He just...wants nothing to do with it, so it seems.  He pushed me away this morning, the other day, and every other time I’ve even come close to getting him to talk about his past with me.  He’s afraid I guess.  With his sister here though, it’s going to be difficult for him to tuck all that way.  If I could, I’d tell him to get on the next flight back home with her so he could take some time to deal.  He wouldn’t though.

He puts me first, even though he shouldn’t.

“Look you just don’t get it,” Charlotte finally says.  “You don’t know anything about us.”

“Well I’m trying to.”

“Justin wouldn’t sell us out to somebody like you.  Personally, I don’t even know what he sees in you.  Maybe he’s just sticking around so he’ll be able to give Harvey money and pay for my school, which he shouldn’t have to do...”  She trails off and presses her lips together, like she knows she’s telling me too much.

“Harvey?”  I cock my head to the side, realizing that it’s all starting to make sense.  I’ve paid Justin well over the years.  Not as much as some people would have, but I always assumed he put his money to good use, built a nice financial portfolio for himself.  I figured if I wasn’t paying him enough he would have told me, even during those times I was treating him the worst.

Now I’m getting the feeling that Justin is broke most of the time.  That he’s stuck around, put up with all of my baggage because he knew I would continue to put a roof over his head and give him the food out of my kitchen no matter what.

My stomach starts to hurt as the questions begin to pop up in the back of my mind.

Does he really love me?  Is he using me? Would he stick around if I took him off my payroll?  

I have no idea.  Fuck, I didn’t even know he was sending most of his money back home.

I feel...a little betrayed.  I knew something was up that last day in Paris, when I questioned him about his finances.  He charmed me over though, got that idea out of my head really quick.

If he really loved me, why wouldn’t he have told me something as important as this? I understand that he wasn’t ready to talk about all his family issues but this is his salary.  The salary that I’m paying him.

I just don’t understand him, and I really...I really thought I did.

“I have six brothers.  Harvey is the oldest.  He helps dad out a lot, and he doesn’t think that Justin deserves to breathe the same air as any of us.  When he left for LA it was a big deal.  Harvey got it in his head that Justin was deserting us and they got into this big fight.  They haven’t spoken since, except to discuss finances, and Harvey put it into our brother’s heads that they shouldn’t have anything to do with Justin either.  They listened but he couldn’t get me to agree with him.  Dad and I are the only ones who aren’t angry that he left.”

“It seems a little extreme.  Everybody copes with things in their own way.”

She shrugs.  “You don’t know Harvey.  He’s really hardcore, and he’s given Justin a really hard time about...everything.”

“If your mom really sick then I think you should bring your brother home...”

“He won’t go,” she whispers.  “He’s been real weird about mom ever since she...couldn’t remember who he was.  It changed him.  He left right after that happened.  He’d kill me if he knew I was telling you all this, but I really don’t see the point in keeping it a secret.  If you’re dating him, you should know these things.”

It’s the first logical thing she’s said to me this entire trip, and I’m starting to see a side to Charlotte now that I didn’t know she was capable of having.  She seems so much more mature than I originally thought.  She’s so adult, and I guess she’s young enough where she shouldn’t have to act like this.  It seems like things back home are hard enough though.  There’s no time for her to be acting like a irresponsible twenty something.

“What...what do you mean she can’t remember?”

“She’s had Dementia for years.  It wasn’t really bad until Justin graduated high school.  You could still have a conversation with her before that and she was still at home most of the time.  Then she just...sort of spiraled down, and we had to put her in a full time care facility because she couldn’t be on her own anymore.  One day we went to visit her.  Justin brought her flowers, and she completely freaked out.  She kept asking him who he was and why he was there...I’ll never forget that day.  After that, all he wanted to do was get away from us.  He couldn’t handle it, you know? Out of all of us, Mom was closest with Justin.  It killed him.”

“He...he never told me anything about this.”

“Justin isn’t like that.  I doubt he’s told anyone out here.  He came to escape all of that.  I guess he figured acting would take him away from his problems...except he never landed a career.  He stuck with you instead.”

I meet her gaze, look into her eyes that are the same as Justin’s, and I know she’s right.  It was never about acting for Justin.  It was about escaping, and having me around to criticize him and keep him busy twenty four seven was probably more comfort than torture.  He didn’t have to think about everything else while I was doing that, only about me.

I know why he stayed now, and...even now that he tells me he loves me I just...I don’t think I can believe it.

I became his escape, and that was never my intention.  It’s no wonder he was terrified of falling in love with me.

But did he give in for the right reasons?  I really don’t know

And that hurts.


I sniffle, get myself together and force a smile for her.  “It’s Sarah.”


“C’mon.”  I motion for the check while managing to keep that professional smile on my face for her.  “Have you ever had a makeover?”


“Then lets make the best of the rest of the day.”

She gives me a little smile, like she’s underestimated me.  I guess the day hasn’t turned out so bad after all.  We understand each other a little more, and that’s all I really could have asked for.  Although, I have more questions about my boyfriends feelings for me now than I’ve ever had before. 
Sixteen by ialwayzbesingin
Author's Notes:
It's been awhile and I'm sorry about that. One of my biggest wishes is to finish this story. I hope those of you that have been reading in the past, continue to read :)
“I think it’s a win win situation for everyone involved don’t you?”

I do my best not to sigh into the phone.  It’s completely unprofessional, and while I love Sarah, right now it’s time to do what she pays me to do.  “I’m not so sure.”

“She needs a manager, Justin.  You can’t self manage a thriving Hollywood movie career.  Sooner or later, people are going to start losing interest.  It’s a managers job to step in and make her marketable.  C’mon.  You know how to play the game.  I know you do.”

I rub my face tiredly.  I’ve been on and off the phone all day, making the final preparations for this party and also interviewing prospective managers on Sarah’s behalf.  I said I would do it for her while she spent some time with Hailey.  After this weekend, I doubt she’ll get much time to do anything besides work and promote, and they deserve to spend time together.  Unfortunately that time can’t include me, but I guess that’s what happens when you fall in love with someone.

You make sacrifices.
The time spent with my sister, while limited, was a good thing for the both of us.  I was working on and off during her stay, but we snuck in a lot of dinners, even a couple with Sarah (their outing out the mall seemed to diminish all the cold feelings my sister had for my girlfriend).  I was even able to sneak in a day with my sister, Trace and a few of his friends at the beach.  Charlotte seemed to make it her goal not to talk about the family, just about school and about my life in California.  That day renewed me in a sense, took my mind off my aggressions and helped me remember how much my sister means to me.  When I put her back on the plane that weekend, she promised she would keep me updated about Mom and try to talk some sense into Harvey, but of course, I told her not to waste her time with him.  I just said I would send her checks, and warned her not to drop school.

Things got back to normal for the most part after that.  I plunged back into my work, and…into my romance with Sarah, for the most part.

Although, I’ve noticed there’s been something a little off with Sarah since my sister went home.  I don’t think it has anything to do with her prior issues.  Actually, she’s been doing really well, taking great care of herself.  She even hired a highly recommended personal trainer to come to the house and get her in better shape for the summer work load.  She’s been a lot more professional on interviews too, much more serious, and friendly to everybody on her payroll.  I think her peers are starting to take notice.  She’s been getting offered a lot more opportunities, and that means people actually want to work with her.

I’d tell her I’m proud of her, but I guess...we haven’t been talking as much.  I’ve been blaming it on work.  She’s been busy and so have I...

But that never stopped us from talking before.

Somethings up, and I wish I could say I didn’t have an idea what it could be.  But I do.  I get it loud and clear.

My sister said something to her.  Something that’s freaked her out and she doesn’t know how to approach me about it.  The simple solution would be to break down and tell her about mom, about how I’ve done everything I can since the day I moved out here to bury that pain deep within me.

Only now that Harvey has sprung his bullshit on me, am I reminded of it all on a daily basis.  

How can I tell her all of it? How can I admit to the one person that I love more than anything, that I’m a deserter? That I just…gave up on my family because I couldn’t take the pain of my mother forgetting who I was?

What if Sarah thinks I’ll turn around and do the same thing to her? Granted, she’s not sick, but it’s the principle of the thing.  If I could desert my own flesh and blood what would stop me from leaving her?

It’s times like this that I realize I’m a big coward.  I should be able to talk to my girlfriend about these things…about my life and who I am.

Why can’t I?

“Justin, look, I understand. You want a piece of the deal.  Don’t worry, we can work something out.”

“You really think that’s why I don’t want to give you the job, Benny?”

“Well…I can’t really think of any other reason why.  If I can manage both of their careers together, I think we could all make a lot of money.  That includes yourself, you know? You do a lot more than just assistant work and I think you should get some type of bonus compensation.  It’s about time for that.”

Benny Winters is Chet McSteven’s manager, and we’ve been on the phone for almost an hour now.  He’s trying to convince me that letting him take over Sarah’s career will be the best thing, the only thing that will ensure endless roles and millions of dollars.  I’m so unsure.  I really don’t like Chet, and I figure..anyone that manages a guy like him has to be a deceptive prick too.

I need to talk to Sarah about this.  That’s the only answer I can give him right now.

“Let me talk to her,” I sigh.  “We’ll get back to you.”

“I already talked to her,” he laughs.  “You wanna know what she said?”

I feel my heart drop into my stomach.  “Probably not.”

“She said it was up to you,” he continues.  “What do you think of that?”

I think it’s my girlfriend putting all of her trust in me.  She knows, in the end, that I’ll do the right thing.  At the same time, I know she probably wants this guy to manage her more than anybody else we’ve considered.  I can’t lie, he’s not only Chet’s manager, but he has most of hot young Hollywood on his roster right now.  As far as Sarah’s career is concerned, it is the right move.  The only move.

I’m just uneasy about it.  Uneasy because I know how much more time she’ll be spending with Chet once she's signed up with Benny.  He’s been after my girlfriend for a long time, and he won’t hesitate to continue to make his move.  He could care less that she’s taken, and that she’s taken by me.

“I guess…we should have a meeting then.”

“I knew you’d come around.” I can hear his smirk right through the phone.  “How’s next week? Maybe Tuesday? Lunch or Dinner?”

“I’ll check her schedule and let you know.”

“Great.  I’ll talk to ya.”

The line goes dead.  I don’t know what to think, and I don’t have time to, because the phone has started to ring again.

“Justin Timberlake.”

“Hey baby.”

Her voice is the first thing that’s gotten me to smile all day long.  “Hey Sarah.”

“Benny called you right?”

I sigh slightly.  “You’re really on top of that particular contact, huh?”

“Well,” she sighs.  “I just…think he might be the best person for the job.”

“He told me that you wanted my approval though.  Why?”r32;
“Because you’re always the first one to tell me when I’m making a mistake.”

She’s right.


“I…I don’t know.”

“Who else did you have in mind then?”

“No one.  They’re all a bunch of idiots.”

“So you like Benny?”

“I didn’t say I liked him,” I sigh.  “I guess he just has the best business sense out of all of them, and I refuse to put your career in the hands of someone like Ray again.”


“I’ll schedule a meeting…just a meeting.”

“Thank you!” I can hear her huge grin through the phone.  “Baby, thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” I laugh.  “Let’s see what he’s offering first.”

“I know…I know…Sorry.  I won’t get ahead of myself.  How’s the party planning going?”

“Invites are all out, and I booked all the other things you wanted.  Now we wait.”

“You’re amazing, you know?”

“I try.  Hey…I’ve been meaning to talk to you about a couple of things.  Maybe tonight?”


“Maybe I can get the babysitter.  We can have dinner?”

“Are we okay?”

“What do you think?”

“Yeah,” she says quietly.  “I guess we should talk.”

We both know what this is about, and it only tells me how compatible we really are.  We know everything about one another.  It’s deep with us.

I hope it lasts, because I really don’t want to lose her.  

Not now.

“I’ll be home in a couple of hours,” she tells me.

“Sounds good.  Bye baby.”


I lick my lips and once again, hold back my sigh.  “Still here.”

“You know you can tell me anything.  I mean, you know that right?”

I stare at my computer screen.  It still has that backdrop of my mother and I.  I’ve been thinking about changing it to that stupid background of a sky or the water, but haven’t done it yet.  “I know I can.  I just…I’m not really that type of person.”

“The type that talks to their girlfriend?”

I chuckle slightly.  “I warned you.”

“I’ll just talk to you later.”  She sounds disappointed.


She hangs up.  I don’t blame her.

This whole thing has been a risk from the beginning, and I knew that…I told her that.  She just didn’t want to give up, pushed it, and forced me to realize some things about her and I.  I shouldn’t give up either…I shouldn’t shut her out.

But it’s easier.  Just like moving here was easier.
“Come on man, just back up.”

Justin puts his hand on the small of my back and guides me closer to the restaurant’s entrance.  I squint when another flash goes off in my face.  “Christ.”

“London, just one smile! One more pose!”

I turn slightly and flash my best smile so he’ll stop.  But he doesn’t.  He begs for another, and another.  

I’m exhausted and we haven’t even had dinner yet.

“Look, I said back up! You already got your pictures!”  He yells at the guy this time, puts his hand in front of the flash and its enough to make the photographer back off and go back to his waiting place at the side of the restaurants entrance.

“Sorry.” He whispers and takes my hand as the doors are opened for us.

“Not your fault.”

We’re greeted warmly by the maître d and immediately taken to a table in a far corner of the elegant dining room so we can have some much needed privacy.

“This is what you signed up for you know.”  I force a small laugh for him as the wait staff tucks us into our seats.  “I’d rather not take Roy to dinner so you almost have to play his part some nights.”

He smiles a little.  “Did I do a good job?”

“When you put your hand in front of the camera, my heart definitely skipped a beat.”

It gets him to smile, and then waiter is there, ready to take our wine order.  Justin orders a bottle of Rose for us, and we end up ordering our salads and entrées at the same time.

“I already know why you want to talk,” Justin says, once we’re alone.  “I’m sure Charlotte probably said some things to you while you were alone.  Things that I should have been more up front with you about.”

I sigh, and shrug.  “I guess I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to talk to me about something like that.  I mean, if I’d known sooner, maybe you could have gone home to visit.”

“But I don’t want to visit.”  He looks down at the tablecloth and begins to pinch it with his fingers.  “I want to avoid that place as much as I possibly can, Sarah.  I know you can’t understand.  Most people wouldn’t be able to.”

“Maybe if you could just talk to your brother, things might turn around.”

He narrows his eyes.  “Things don’t turn around when it comes to Harvey.  He made up his mind up about me years ago.”

“I guess I can understand the tension there,” I sigh, and debate whether to continue.  If asking him the question that’s been plaguing me for weeks now, is worth bringing up.  I’m terrified of his reaction, that he’ll be angry…

Or maybe I’m just terrified that he’ll say what I’m dreading.  That he only stayed because he knew his job was a sure thing with me, that his salary would be stable, and that he’d have a roof over his head and food to eat.  

I’m…I’m terrified that he’ll say he only loves me out of necessity.

“Sarah,” he huffs. “Just…talk to me.  Ask me anything.  I’m not going to hold anything back anymore, okay? As hard as it is, I know I need to be straight with you now.”

I look into his eyes, and see only honesty there.  It’s the Justin that I love, the one that would do anything for me if it meant we could be together.  Maybe I’m wrong, overthinking things, as always.  “It’s just that your sister told me about the money issues.”

He nods, but tears his gaze from mine.

“Justin if you need more money…”

“It’s not about that.  I don’t want your money, Sarah.”

I sigh heavily.  “I just want to…to know, when you came back the day after you walked out on me, was it because you really wanted to stay, or because you needed the salary and a place to stay?”

He looks down at the table for a very long moment, debating his answer, and I feel the urge to hurl start to take over.

“At the time I didn’t know how I felt about you,” he finally says.  “Charlotte called and told me what was going on at home.  I needed to see her, and I knew that if I took a new job, I wouldn’t be able to spend the time I needed to with her.  I…I also knew that, if I stayed, I would have a roof over my head and food, even if it meant my whole check got mailed back home.”

“So you didn’t really care….”

“I did care,” he says quickly.  “I didn’t want to leave you, because I knew what it would do to you.”

“That means you felt sorry for me.”

He shrugs.  “I guess I did.”

The waiter returns with our order before I can say anything else to him.  We eat in silence.  I think he knows that what he did wasn’t the best thing, and I’m really unsure of what to say.  It’s not like he cheated, or did something really deceptive.  He just wasn’t completely honest, and I guess it hurts, because I’ve always been honest with him.

“Look Sarah, I was a dumb ass.  I was confused, and I guess I was angry about a lot of things that happened between us, so I decided I was just going to use you.  I should have told you about everything, but I’m not a talker.  You know that.”

“This just…it sort of changes things, that’s all.”

“You’re going to let this ruin what we have going right now?,” he says, his eyes full of sadness.  “We’ve just started, Sarah.  I’ve just started to realize that I need to talk about my past with the person I love.  I can’t hide from it anymore.  I’m sorry that…that I did what I did.  It doesn’t mean that I don’t love you.”  He reaches across the table and takes my hand.  “Because I do.  I’ve been in love with you for a long time, I just couldn’t accept those feelings until recently, because I was afraid.”

I’m finally able to look him in the eye after that, and I can tell he meant what he said.  Maybe I’m overreacting.  He was confused about a lot of things back then, and my mind wasn’t in the best place either.  I should give him the benefit of the doubt, because aside from this, our relationship has been going very well.  We’re there for one another, and I think I care about Justin more than anybody else I’ve ever known.  “I know…I…I’m sorry.  I guess I was just a little hurt, hearing that.”

“Naturally,” he nods.  “But I’m not that person anymore.”

I smile a little, and lean across the table.  “Apology accepted.”

We kiss for a few moments, and then go back to dinner, leaving the subject about his past, and about what he did, behind.  I know the only thing to do is move forward, if we want to be together.

I know I can’t lose him, so I don’t bring up his family again.

Although, eventually, the subject is going to become unavoidable.  I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it though.  For now I’ll just focus on us, and being happy, because my schedule is about to become even more jam packed, and I know Justin is going to be my sanity through it all.  I can’t lose him.  I’d never survive.

We go back home after dinner, talking and laughing during the ride there, and making love late into the night once we get into the bedroom.  Waking up in his arms feels incredible, and when I feel his lips touch the back of my neck to signify that he’s awoken too, I feel that rush inside of me.  The one that tells me how much I love this man, and how much he loves me.

That’s all I care about.

It’s my whole world now.

“Sarah,” he says gently, continuing to plant kisses at the nape of my neck, and behind my ears.

“Yeah, baby?” I smile.

“Do you think being with me is better for your career?”

I turn in his arms, and give him a worried look.  “What are you talking about?”r32;
“I mean…” He trails off and grabs my lips with his quickly.  “Being with someone low key, do you think it’s better for your image?”

“I’ve never really thought about it.”

He pulls me closer to him, and nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck.  

“Justin, do you think that?”

“I figured it was my turn to ask the awkward relationship questions, that’s all.”

“Well…I guess I owe you, but…no, I mean, I don’t think dating someone in the spotlight or out of it makes any difference in my career.”

I feel him smiling against me.  “Good.”  He sucks on my collarbone for a moment, and kisses it a little bit.  “There’s my relationship anxieties, out in the open.”

I giggle softly, as he rolls on top of me again, and stares down at me with that killer smile of his.  “I’m glad we had this conversation.”

He kisses me, eyes closed, and full of passion.  “Me too,” he whispers, before making love to me all over again.
Seventeen by ialwayzbesingin
I called Charlotte, even though it was the last thing Justin would have wanted.  I knew he would be upset with me for taking action regarding his personal family drama, but I couldn’t help myself.  I had grown fond of his sister, I loved him, and I couldn’t bare to see him in pain.  Every week following our conversation at dinner, I would notice the look on his face when I would issue him his paycheck.  It was like…he wished it would just disappear, and I knew…I just knew he couldn’t carry on like that.  He worked too hard, and I loved him too much.  I sat in my trailer one afternoon, while he was out on a coffee run for us, and debated if it was something I should go through with.  I knew his family was having a lot of financial difficulties as far as his mothers health care and his sisters college education went.  In my heart, I felt the right thing to do was to rid them of their problems, so my boyfriend could finally be at peace and keep the money that he worked so hard to earn.

I was deceptive about it, I guess.  When I called Charlotte, I casually asked for her home mailing address.  I told her Hailey had a pen pal project for school and wanted to write to her.  Naturally, Charlotte loved the idea and gladly gave me the information I desired.

Only, that was so far from what I needed that information for.  As soon as I got off the phone I called my accountant and asked him to overnight a check for a hundred thousand dollars in Charlotte’s name.  I didn’t know what her reaction would be, but I prayed that she would take the money and not complain.

It’s been a week since then.  She hasn’t called me, and Justin hasn’t said a word.  The check was cashed though, I called my accountant to confirm it.  I’m sure Charlotte must be confused, and overwhelmed, but relieved at the same time.  Maybe she made something up.  Maybe she told her father she won the lotto or a contest at school.  I hope so, because if Justin finds out what I did, I feel like he’ll scream at me for taking control of a situation that’s basically none of my concern.

The industry gathering we organized together was a giant success.  My colleagues were thrilled with the theming and the catered food, telling me that it was so much better than the other parties they’d been to in the past year, and I needed to have more of my own.  I was excited, but I could tell that Justin could have done without a monthly get together at my house.  I know planning the whole thing was an added burden to his already overwhelming workload.  I think it was worth it though.  He met a lot of people that night, a lot of producers and agents that gave him their cards and told him he had the look that the industry was screaming for.  Some said he had a future in television and movies.  I could tell he was flattered but was trying hard not to let it show.  He’s so committed to being professional.  Hell, he only had one beer the whole night, and made sure to stick right by my side.  He talked me up to the high heavens, and even though we’d already gone with Benny as my new manager, I have a four page list of other contacts who would love to work with me if the situation should ever arise.  

I was also able to mingle with even bigger directions, screenwriters, and producers.  Some of which have worked with multiple Oscar winning actors and actresses.  Steven Spielberg is interested, so is Darren Aronofsky, and Martin Scorsese even said I might be perfect for the female lead in his next movie with Leonardo DiCaprio.  Oh yeah, he was there too, all smiles, telling me he’d like to read with me as soon I can schedule him in.

I’m over the moon.

The whole night was incredible.  

Actually, the only thing that was semi awkward was being introduced to Trace, Justin’s best and only friend other than myself.  He seemed less than thrilled when we shook hands, but still managed a smile and a casual hello.  I could tell that he didn’t trust me.  Justin said he’s cautious of people like me.  I guess I understand.  Most women in my position wouldn’t date someone like Justin, they would sell their soul to get a chance to be seen with Chet on the regular instead, because he can boost their media appeal and get them more work.

But that’s not love, and as I came to realize, Chet isn’t the best choice in men.  I swear I saw three different women hanging off of him that night.  Even so, he made every attempt to bump into, and talk to me, acting as if Justin wasn’t there with his arm around me.  He kept saying how excited he was about the movie, about our promotional stint for the New York premier in a couple of months.  I’m told we’ll be there for a week, doing Letterman, Fallon, and every day time talk show imaginable.  Benny has sold us as a duo because he says we’ll make more money that way.  He says he wants us to start doing more movies together, because we’re a marketable team.

He also hinted at other things the night of my party, and at first I didn’t want to give in, but then the whole thing blew up thanks to a sneaky photographer.  I wasn’t paying attention, and I guess…I wasn’t paying attention to where Chet’s hands were when we went to lunch one day while we were filming.

I’ve apologized to Justin so many times.  Benny, on the other hand, though it was great.  When the photos initially surfaced, the phone was ringing off the hook and every media outlet in the country wanted to know more about the hot and steamy romance between Chet McStevens and London Pierce.  They ate up every word Benny told them, and before…before I knew what was happening, our lawyers, a representative from US Weekly, and Benny were in a conference with the two of us, offering us the deal of a lifetime.  All we had to do was sign on for the summer, show them that we may or may not be dating.  Benny promised the money would come rolling in.

He wasn’t lying.

Justin is infuriated that I agreed to do this.  Initially, he wanted me to breach the contract, walk away…

I couldn’t do it, though.  We’ve fought about it more times than I’d like to remember.  He can’t see my side.  Benny is getting me more work right now than Ray ever did.  More work than I could ever dream of.  In the past month I’ve done cover shoots for Vogue, Cosmo, GQ, People, and Maxim.  This week it’s Rolling Stone.  Rolling Stone is featuring me.  I’m getting the  cover and a four page article all about my life, career and for the first time…I’ll be talking publicly about my…relationship.  Chet hasn’t even been featured in Rolling Stone yet, and Benny is thrilled, says any up and comer who gets featured by them usually goes on to be a huge star.  I told him I thought I already was, but he just laughed at me.  He said I was only at the beginning and there was a lot more work to be done before I could be considered a true Starlet.

I guess I have a ways to go before people will be associating me with Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts.

“So when he asks you about your off screen chemistry, you say…”  My publicist, Michelle, raises an eyebrow.

Today I’m doing Jimmy Kimmel without Chet.  He had a prior obligation, and Benny figured out of all the talk shows he could miss, this one was the least watched, so I could just go myself.  He left specific notes with Michelle though.  What he wants me to say when I’m asked about my relationship with Chet, and our off screen “relationship”.  Up until now I’ve said we’re just friends, and that he’s a great person to work with.

Benny wants more though.  The first set of pictures wasn’t enough.  He’s invested with this and I signed the new forms last week, basically ordering me to make several weekly public appearances with Chet during the next few months, so more pictures will be able to surface.  I signed, only because Justin said he would try, because he loves me, and he trusts that it won’t go further than a picture with a kiss.

He wasn’t happy when he said it though.  He said he needed a day to himself, and I let him have it.

I look at Justin now.  He’s focused on his Blackberry and nothing else.

We had a blow out last night, haven’t really spoken since, except about todays agenda.  He knew this was coming, but I guess…seeing the new pictures got to him.  He said I was too close, that I was doing too much with Chet, that he didn’t like where he was touching me or where I was touching him.  He didn’t like that we went swimming, either.   I told him it’s just the industry, that it doesn’t mean anything.  I was just following the guidelines Benny made for us.  It’s just to get a media boost, that’s it.

“I say…that we’re not really sure, but we’ve been hanging out a lot.”

“And he’s planning on showing the US Weekly photos.  I need you to laugh, possibly be embarrassed, and then finally admit that you’ve been dating. You can pull it off, right, London?”

“Yeah.” But I’m not looking at her.  All I can do is stare at Justin, pray for his approval.

But I’m stupid if I think I’ll get it.

He told me to do what I want, that he knows it’s the business, but that he won’t accept it, and that I shouldn’t expect him to be happy when he sees pictures in his email of Chet and I together…holding hands, touching, and kissing while we’re out somewhere.

It’s just for the summer.  Benny promised me.  It’s just to get the movie promoted a little better and get Chet some more gigs on his own.  He says it makes us so much more desirable this way.

But I know it’s wrong.  I guess that’s why I sent Charlotte the money.  It was to try and tame my guilt, but it didn’t do that at all.  All I see lately is the pain in Justin’s eyes.  We’re still together, still do things, still make love, but something has changed drastically.  He’s cautious.  He’s scared of this made-for-media relationship I have with Chet now.

I can’t blame him for that.

The relationship I’ll be discussing in Rolling Stone is the one I have with Chet.  I think that hurt Justin most of all, but I don’t have a choice.  Anything out of line regarding Chet right now will be breach of contract, and I can’t afford it.  I’m so close to getting everything I ever wanted.

Justin has to hold on a little while longer.  I’m positive he can do it.  I know we love each other enough.

I film Kimmel while Justin waits backstage.  He doesn’t kiss me, doesn’t wish me a good interview, just focuses on his phone and some paperwork.  The interview goes on without hiccup.  I like Jimmy.  He’s nice, laid back, and makes me feel comfortable.  It’s easy to lie about my romance, because he makes it humorous rather than serious.  I feel so good after I get backstage, in fact, that I’ve all but forgotten about my fight with Justin.

“Hey.” I smile for him.  “Did you watch?”

“Yeah.”  He won’t look at me.  He’s still on his phone.

“Are you going to stay mad at me forever.”

He shrugs, and it takes him a second, but he finally looks at me.  “I just got a call from my brother.  Did you sent Charlotte a check?”

I feel my heart stop, and then start again.  “I…well, yes.  She didn’t say anything though.  I figured…”

“Why’d you do it?”

He’s staring into my eyes so intensely, like a million thoughts are racing through his brain at the same time.  r32;r32;“I wanted to help.”

He lets out a bitter laugh.  “It wasn’t because you were trying to make up for everything that’s been going on?”

I look at the floor.  “I…I just wanted you to have some relief, and keep the money you make.”

“Answer me.”

It takes me a long time to look him in the eyes again, when I do, I see that pained look still lingering there, and he’s standing with his arms crossed, protectively.  It’s telling me he barely trusts me right now.  “I guess I felt guilty, yeah.”

“Why would you feel guilty when it’s all fake anyway, Sarah?”

“I don’t know.”  I walk away from him then, done arguing, done defending myself.  It’s a contract.  There’s no feelings between Chet and I, even though he’d like nothing more than to strip me naked and do me.  


I feel him behind me, his hand on my shoulder, and I stop walking.  “Justin…”

“Look.”  He comes around where I can see him.  “I don’t really know why you did it, Sarah.  I just know that today was like, the first time years that my brother has treated me like a member of the human race.”

I can’t help but smile.  “Really?”

He nods slightly.  “He…he said that he wants me to come home, so we can talk.  He begged me, Sarah.”

“Baby, that’s great!”  I wrap my arms around him and hold him close.

He doesn’t return my embrace.


I back up slightly.  “What’s the matter?”

He sighs harshly, like he’s fighting a very difficult battle with himself.  “What I meant was…he wants me to come home for…for awhile.”


It doesn’t make sense at first.  What is it? A week? Two weeks? I mean, I could handle it.  I’d force myself to.  Benny is a good multi takser, and Lania could double as my assistant while Justin is away.  

It’s not a problem.

“Well I’m sure I can work something out for a couple of weeks,” I force a smile.  “No problem.”

He takes my hands and pulls me gently towards him.  “It’s not just a couple of weeks, Sarah.”

A feeling of dread sweeps over me.  The look in his eyes is saying it all, that he’s going home, to his family that he hasn’t seen in five years…

And he’s not coming back.

“What…what do you mean?”

“My mom is dying,” he whispers, trying so hard to hold his emotions back.  “This might be my last chance to spend time with her…for all of us to spend time with her, before she passes away.  If I leave, Sarah, I don’t think I can come back.  I think I would need to relocate permanently, at least for now.  I need to help my father, and reconnect with my brothers.”


I feel the joy and excitement inside of me slip away.  Everything we’ve built, everything we’ve been through…its just about to be gone.

“I want you to come with me.”

He tugs me close to him, and wraps me up in his arms.  Suddenly I forget about contracts, media boosts and publicity.  The only thing I can do is hold him close to me and lean my head against his chest.  “Come home with you?”

“Yeah.”  I feel him kiss the top of my head.  “Let’s get away from all this for awhile.  I’m not saying it’s forever, but…just for now.  We would have enough money to live comfortably for decades, Sarah.  We could take Hailey, start a new life.  It would be perfect.”

Part of me wants to do it so badly.  Just say, fuck it all, and move out to the sticks with him, buy a little house with some barn yard animals and live a simple life.

But then there’s my career.

I’ve worked, hell, killed myself, to make it here, right where we’re standing.  

Am I ready to give it all up? Now, when I’m on top of the fuckin’ world?

I stare up at him.  He’s smiling, gazing down in my eyes, because in his heart, he’s expecting that I’ll tell him yes, kiss him, and run out of this studio with him.  He’s expecting to rush back to the house, pack the essentials and my kid and catch the first flight back to his hometown.

“Sarah,” he whispers, caressing my face gently.  “I love you, and maybe, hell, in a couple of years, we’ll end up married if we do this.  I want that for us.  I want to be a father to Hailey and just…be with you, away from all this media and bullshit.  Let’s go.”

He pulls away, expecting me to follow behind him.  I just…I can’t do it.  I stand there, frozen, unsure of what to do, or what to tell him.

I can’t walk out on my career.  I just can’t do it, even though I love him more than anything.  My career is still so important to me, and to my future.

“C’mon,” he turns around and smiles.  “It’s sporadic, sure, but it’s exciting, don’t you think?”

“Justin, I can’t go with you.”

His smile, and the light in his eyes, seem to fade at the same time.  “What?”

“I just…look at the career we’ve created,” I say, not quite meeting his gaze now.  “We’ve worked so hard and look where we are.  How can you want to leave it all behind now?”

“Because having a normal life is more important than tabloids and bullshit.”

“You’re just angry about the photos…”

“My mother is dying, Sarah,” he interrupts me, roughly.  “You begged me to let you into this part of my life.  Now you’re acting like it doesn’t phase you.”

“That’s not true.”

“Then why can’t you walk away from all of this for the good of us?”

I cross my arms, and hold back a sob from him.  “Because I’ve worked really hard to get here.”

“So that’s more important than us?”

I shrug.  “I don’t know right now.”

He laughs, more bitterly than ever before.  “You know…I half expected this.”

“Come on, Justin.”

He holds his arms out at his sides, the frustration clear in his expression.  “Do you fucking love me or not?”

“You know I do.”

“But not enough to do this.”

I hang my head low.  “I just know that…right now, isn’t the time I want to walk away from my career.”

“Then I guess I know where we stand.”

“Don’t walk away.”  I look up and move closer towards him, but he backs away.  “We can work this out, you know? You can go for a couple of weeks and…”

“Fuck! I haven’t seen them, hell, talked to my brothers in five years! Do you hear yourself?  You’re more selfish than I thought!”

I can’t say anything else.  I know he’s right.

“Take this as my resignation.  I'll be packed and out by the morning,” he says, angrily.  “Good luck with Chet.”

“Justin, don’t walk away!”

But he does.

And I’m left standing in the empty television studio, with my career in check, and strong, because of him, and only because of him.

But what I’ve lost, seems so much bigger than anything I could put on film.

If that’s true though, why am I not going after him? Why am I letting him go?

I guess I just value fame more than a shot at true love, and happiness.  Sarah has all but faded away.  London has taken over now, she’s all that’s left of me.

I can never get Sarah back, but I guess that’s better, because she’s who Justin loved, who he valued, and without him, there’s no reason for her to stick around.  London will press on, win Oscars and sleep with a thousand hollywood hunks before she becomes washed up and addicted to uppers again.

At least she’ll be numb to reality, even though, right now, the pain is burning so badly in my gut that I feel like I’ll never recover.

And all I can do, is cry, because the one person that kept me from falling off the edge is just…gone.
Eighteen by ialwayzbesingin

Sarah sent my sister a check for a hundred grand.  The guilty feeling in my gut hasn’t gone away since my brother called to ask me about it.  I’m leaving her behind, because I don’t have a choice, but one day, years from now, I swear I’m going to pay her the money back.  Even though our fight was bitter and our breakup was worse than I ever thought it would be, I still don’t feel right taking her money and walking away.  My family needs it though, desperately.  I can’t deny that the check is saving us, saving the house and the family business.  When mom finally passes on, all of her funeral expenses and final medical bills will be paid in full.

Most importantly though, Charlotte will be able to stay in school, and even transfer to a better university because of the check.

I don’t know how I can ever repay Sarah for what she’s done for them.

Maybe, after a few weeks of being home and settling things with my family, I’ll get up the guts to call and give her a final thank you before I truly move on with my life.

“Justin…Dad and I…we’ve been talking.” It was one of the first things Harvey said to me after asking me about the money.  I was ready to be ripped apart and criticized by him again, to be told I better not try to come home and that no amount of money would change the fact that I was a deserter.

“Harvey, look…I’m not trying to change your mind about anything…”

“Can I just talk to you for a second?”

It was the most compassion I’d heard in his voice since I left home, and it took everything in me to swallow back my tears and keep my emotions in check for my oldest brother.  “Sure.”

“Maybe I’ve been too harsh when it comes to your choices,” he said gently.  “I’ve been angry for a long time, and it has more to do with momma bein’ sick and daddy bein’ between jobs.  I just…you and me, we always stuck together.  When you left, I felt like you didn’t care and I wouldn’t listen to anybody.”

“It was my fault,” I murmured.  “I should have stuck around but…”

“I’d rather not talk about this over the phone,” he interrupted me.  “The reason I’m calling…is to ask if you’ll come home for awhile.”

“Home?” My voice cracked, and I felt my heart begin to race.  Five years out in LA had made me more than homesick, but I never had an option to go back home.  Harvey was beginning to have a change of heart, he was starting to turn back into the brother that I looked up to and idolized all my life.

“I know it’s a lot to take in,” he sighed.  “I haven’t been…supportive, of anything that you’ve been doing.  I couldn’t understand why you chose to cope the way you did, but I should have realized…not everybody can deal with things the way I can.  I want you to come home and see us, and spend time with momma before…she’s gone.  I want you to stay, Justin…build your life with us.”

He didn’t have to explain anything else to me then.  I knew it was bad, that she didn’t have a lot of time left.  Harvey was being my brother, he knew the only way to fix things between myself and the family was to spend that time with me and reconnect.

It was the only thing in the world that I wanted more than my girlfriend.

“When?” I finally asked.

“As soon as you can get a plane ticket.”

“I’ll be there, day after tomorrow,” I promised him.  “Thank…thank you, Harvey.”

“No need to thank me.  I love you, little brother.”

He hung up after that, and I felt my eyes fill with tears. Immediately, I started to forget about my girlfriend’s media frenzy, Chet McStevens, and the wedge he was driving between us.  I was certain when she finished filming Kimmel, that she would want to move back home with me, and get away from all the media hype surrounding her.

But she just…chose her career instead.  She chose Chet and the guaranteed publicity he could get her, over us.

So I walked away.

I packed my bags and called Trace, who didn’t hesitate to pick me up from Sarah’s.  I said my goodbyes to Marcia, who wished me luck and told me not to come back, and of course I told her I wouldn’t.  Then I called Lania, Sarah’s stylist, because I guess I couldn’t walk out of that life without knowing somebody would be looking out for the woman who had given me everything for five long years.

“I need you to look out for Sarah.”

“What are you talkin’ about,” she giggled.  “London is fine.”

I sighed harshly.  “I’m leaving.  You’re the only person I trust enough to give her good advice and stop her from getting…like she gets.”

“Leaving? What?”

“I have a family issue.  I can’t come back here.  Just say you’ll do it, all right?”

“Oh my God,” she said sadly.


“Okay,” she huffed.  “All right, but you know Justin, you’re the only one who’s been able to keep her in line up until now.  I don’t know what you expect me to do.”

“Be a friend to her,” I whispered.  “Goodbye.”

I hung up before she could say anymore.  Naturally, she called me back twice, but I ignored the calls.  There was one more thing I had to do, and I knew it wouldn’t be easy, so I refused to let anybody else get in the way.

“Hey Monster.”  I picked her up from school.  I don’t know if Sarah even thought about sending someone else, but I figured it didn’t matter.  I was going to be quick, and I told Hailey in the beginning that I wanted her to call her mother as soon as she got inside.

“Can we go to the movies?” She said, excitedly, as we drove out of her school’s parking lot.  “Mom said you’d take me if you weren’t busy today.”

I licked my lips, and smiled for her, almost regretting my decision to say goodbye in person. But I couldn’t have walked out on her that day, without doing it.  Her father had too many times, and I owed it to her after all the time we’d spent together.  “I can’t go today.  I have to pack and get ready to fly home tomorrow.”

“Home?  But you live with us.”

I nodded a little.  “Right, but…my daddy and brothers are back in Nebraska, and I have to go home to them for a while.”


I sighed.  “Because my momma is sick and there’s not much time left to spend with her.”

She looked down at her lap.  “How long will you be away for?”

She knew.  Hailey was always too smart for her own good, and aside from walking away from Sarah, saying goodbye to that kid was the only other thing that nearly broke me apart.  “I don’t know.”

The tears crawled down her face but she never made a sound.  She was too used to being neglected, tossed to the side, and receiving broken promises.  In that moment, I would have done anything to be able to take her with me, away from the superficiality of Hollywood, and a mother that I knew wouldn’t be there for her after I was gone.  

“I’m gonna miss you.”

I reached out and she grabbed onto my hand.  “I’ll call you every week, how about that.”

She had this look in her eyes like it would never happen.

Deep down, I knew she was right.

“Okay, Justin.”

We drove the rest of the way home in silence.  Sarah wasn’t there when we arrived, and I thought I might have been in the clear, but as soon as I walked Hailey inside that house, I heard the infamous sound of the limo pulling into the driveway.  I wouldn’t have a choice but to see her again before I left.
“C’mere.” I crouched down to Hailey’s level and held my arms out.  She flew into them, and hugged me tightly for several minutes.  “Be good, okay?”  I pulled away from her slightly and held her out where I could look her in the eyes.  “I love you, Monster.”

“I love you too.”

She just sobbed, and ran away from me.  I couldn’t take anymore after that, just grabbed my bags and headed for the door.  Naturally it opened, and Sarah almost banged into me.

“I thought you left.” Her face was tearstained and her mascara ran in thick streams down her cheeks.

“Just leaving.”  I pushed past her and made it halfway through the open door, before she spoke again.

“What am I supposed to do without you?” She whimpered.  “I’ll be alone.”

I sighed roughly, but turned back to her.  “You don’t have to be alone,” I said gently.  “You can still come home with me.”

“You know I can’t do that, and it’s wrong…it’s selfish for you to expect me to!”  She turned her back to me, and I could see her whole body racking with sobs.  

I almost went to her, almost held her close.

But I knew if I did, I wouldn’t have been able to leave.

I had to walk away.

Trace pulled up moments later, and that was it. I took my bags, walked out that door, and into his car.  I didn’t look back.  It was a long restless night in his guest bedroom.  I couldn’t fall asleep because all I could think about was her, how much I still loved her, and how hard it was going to be spending every day without her after five long years.  

My phone rang at one, two, and three am.  It was her every time.

I couldn’t answer.  I knew if I did, there was no way I would get on the plane in the morning.  I have two voicemails, and I’m still debating if I should listen, if I should give myself more unnecessary heartache before I get home.  As it is, Harvey is the one who is picking me up at the airport, and I can’t be a mess for him.  I can’t tell him I’m upset because I had to walk away from the one person that loved me when everyone else in my life called me a heartless bastard.  He wouldn’t get it and we would start fighting again.  

That’s the last thing I want.

“Really man, I know this is what you needed all along.  You’ve been trying to get out for years, and now, you’ve seen what she’s really like, and what’s really important to her.  It’s better you found out now, rather than later.  Now you can concentrate on what’s important.”

But what is really important? I’ve been thinking about it ever since we walked into LAX this morning.  Is my family important? Of course.  But Sarah has been my family for years, so has Hailey, and I seem to have no problem walking away from them either.

I told myself that this would happen one day, because that’s how I deal with an issue.  I just walk away. “If Sarah hadn’t taken it upon herself to try and fix my personal life, I wouldn’t even be standing here right now,” I finally say it to Trace.  “The only reason Harvey gave in was because of that money.”

“Do you really think that’s the only reason? Your mom is dying, Justin.  I’m sure he’s been rethinking all the shit that happened between you before you left. If all he cared about was the money, he would have treated you like he always has when he called you up.”

Trace always has a valid point, and yeah, I know he’s right.  It’s just…me.  I think I’m dealing with so much heartache right now, that this is my brains way of trying to convince me to go back to her.  Back where it’s safe.  Back where I’m loved and in love.  “I guess so.”

He pats me harshly on the shoulder.  “Go to your gate.  Go home, Justin.  Call me as soon as…everything happens.  I’ll be on the first flight out for the funeral.”

I nod slightly.  “Thanks, man.”
r32;We hug briefly.  

“Do you think you can check on her in a few days,” I say, as he breaks away from me.  “Just…to make sure.”

“I’m not doing that,” he laughs.

“Please, Trace.”

He sighs as he stares back at me.  I’m sure my expression is pathetic, and yeah, he has much better things to do with his time than check up on my ex girlfriend.  But because he’s my best friend, I feel like I can ask him to do me this one favor.  

“What good will it do?”

“It’ll let me know that she’s still surviving…”

“And if she’s not?”

I shrug.  I don’t know what the answer is.

“What if she’s not, Justin.  What then? Are you going to put your family on hold for her?”

I know I can’t.  “No…”

“Look, a buddy of mine does set work for the studio where she films.  In a couple of weeks, I’ll drop by to visit him, and I’ll let you know if I see anything going on.  That’s the most I’ll do.”

I know that’s the farthest he’s willing to go, but I can’t complain.  He’s only doing it because he cares about me, and considers me his closest friend.  “I really appreciate it.”

“You’re gonna be late if you don’t get moving through security,” he nods, after we shake hands for the last time.  “Send me a text when you get in, all right?”

“Yeah, I will.”

He smirks.  “Good luck, man.”

Then he walks off.  I think he has to, because if he sticks around I’m liable to second guess this decision, tell him to take me back, and I can’t afford to do that.  I promised Harvey, Charlotte and my Dad that I was coming home.  Backing out now, would only give Harvey another excuse to call me a good for nothing.  I can’t.  I’ve partly earned back his trust and I refuse to lose it again.

I walk to the security gate, and after taking the biggest breath of my life, I cross behind the roped off portion and pull out my passport.  The TSA agent clears me to move ahead, and I know…I know there’s no turning back now.

I’m through security within a half hour, and I get myself something to eat before heading towards my gate number.  When I sit down, I sigh roughly, realizing I still have an hour to wait before my flight will board.  I don’t want idle time.  Idle time is tempting time.  I still have two voicemails from Sarah that I haven’t listened to, and I’m sure if I called her right now, she wouldn’t hesitate to drop whatever she was doing to answer.

I can’t…

I close my eyes, squeeze them shut, and hang my head low.  I talk myself out of it probably ten times, and then I can’t…I can’t stop myself.  I pull up my voicemails, and listen to both of them.  The first one is brief.  It’s Sarah, subtly asking me to call her back.  It’s the second one that hits me hard.  It’s the second one I wish I hadn’t bothered with at all.  

“Hey so…it’s been an hour.  I guess you’re sleeping, or well…I know you’re sleeping because you never stay up this late even if you’re with me.  Or maybe I’m just hoping that you’re sleeping, instead of lying awake wherever you are and listening to this…”  

She trails off and I can hear her sobbing gently.

It kills me.  Literally kills me inside.  I feel my face turning red, and I have to rub it harshly with my free hand to prevent the tears I know are trying to reveal themselves.

“I wanted to make you understand why I couldn’t go with you, Justin.  I would have given anything to help you understand.  But…you can’t understand.  Your family is important to you, and from the moment I found out the truth, I knew the second you felt comfortable enough to go home, you would.  I just… didn’t count on it being this soon, and…God, I’m lost without you right now.  Talking to your machine is actually helpful, so…thanks for that.  I’m sure I have about thirty seconds to finish this so, I just wanted to say that I love you, and I hope everything works out when you get home.  Give me a call, if you want.  I’d really like to talk.”


I click the message off and stare at the screen, debating for several minutes if I should delete it or not.  Something won’t let me do it, so I just navigate away from that screen and start to scroll through emails.  Shit.  I still have a ton of stuff coming in for Sarah.  I take some time and start forwarding it all to Lania’s email, presetting any incoming emails in the future, to forward directly to Sarah’s email address.  When I get home, I’ll delete this account, so I can rid myself of any future updates regarding Sarah’s career.

I’m about ten email forwards away from complete freedom, when my phone buzzes to life.  It’s Benny, and I debate if it’s a good idea to answer.

But I can’t stop myself.

“Justin Timberlake.”r32;

“Yeah hey, it’s Benny.”

I sigh roughly and sit back.  “Hey, I was going to call you this afternoon.”

“London said you left?”

I lick my lips.  “Family emergency.”

“She said you aren’t coming back.”

“She’s right.”

“You can’t…you can’t just leave! Not now!”

“Lania’s handling things,” I say, nonchalantly.  “She’ll be fine.  Start interviewing people to fill my spot in the meantime.”

“This girl is a wreck! She’s already a half hour late to set and there’s no telling whether or not I’ll be able to get her out of bed! Justin, damn it! You need to get here now!”

I laugh at him.  Just laugh, because I know where his priorities lie, where all of their priorities lie, and it’s not with what’s important.  They lie with money, with fame, with greed.  “Where are you?”

“I’m outside her bedroom.  She won’t come out!”

I sigh harshly.  

I shouldn’t call her.

I really shouldn’t call her.

“Justin! Come on! Please help me out here.  I won’t call you again!”

“I’ll call her,” I mutter.  “If that doesn’t  help, then I don’t have a solution for you Benny.”

“Well you need to do something.  Christ, we had a deal.  I mean…”

I hang up on him.  Right now, I could care less what he’s flipping out about, or how much money I’ve lost him.  Angrily, I pull up Sarah’s cell and push send, ready to rip her apart.


She sounds angry.  I guess that’s better than psychotic.  “Sarah, I need you to get Benny off my case.  He said you wont’ go to the studio.  You can’t just stop your life because I’m leaving.”

“Thanks for calling me back last night,” she rasps.  “I really appreciate how much you seem to care about me.”

I laugh at her.  “Really? We said all there is to say, Sarah.  You’re staying in LA and I’m going home.  That was your choice.  Although, I don’t know if your plan is working out, since you won’t get up and go to the studio, like you’re supposed to…you know, for that career you’re so worried about.”

“Screw you,” she grunts.  “You’re just…you’re just angry because…”

“Don’t,” I interrupt her, gruffly.  “Just stop, Sarah.  This isn’t why I called you.”

“So this is it,” she whispers.  “You’re really going.”

“I’m going.” I cover my eyes with my free hand and sigh.  “I’m trying to anyway, but I’m starting to get this really bad feeling that you’re going to start having…issues again.”

“Oh because I can’t live without you, is that what you’re telling me?”

“I know you can’t.  You’re just going to go on, and be your stuck up, superficial self, with a fake name to hide who you really are from the rest of the world.”

I know it’s the only way to get through to her.  Nothing pisses Sarah off more than when someone hurts her pride.  It’ll make her get off her ass and go to work, like she needs to.  Whether or not she hates me in the meantime, I guess…shouldn’t matter to me.

I can’t love her anymore.

“Fuck…you know, I don’t even know why I bothered with you! You’re such an incompetent son of a bitch!”  

I can hear stomping around her room.  She’s up and raring to go.

My job is done.

“Good luck, Sarah.”

“I don’t need luck.  I don’t need anything from you.”

I hang up on her.

I hate her.

But fuck, I love her.

I shove my phone away so I won’t be tempted to call her again.  It starts ringing again about ten minutes later, but I don’t answer.  Harvey doesn’t have a phone, and I told my sister not to call me, because I didn’t know what kind of mood I would be in.

It has to be her.

But I have to be done with London Pierce, for good.

Finally, my flight is called to board.  I bought myself a first class ticket, because I figured I owed it to myself after all the crap I’d been putting myself through.  After today the luxury will end.  I’ll go work for Harvey, make the auto shop better with my good business sense, and live a small town life.  If I’m lucky, I’ll find someone to spend my time with, but I know if I don’t, it won’t be the end of the world.  It’s going to be hard getting back in the saddle again after Sarah, and I know that.

She’s the only woman I ever really loved, and it hurts me so bad, breaking things off like this. Hearing her voice on the other end of the line, so lost and alone, killed me.  It’s going to take a very long time for the pain to fade, and even longer for me to completely forget about her.  I’ll see her smile in my dreams, hear her laughter, and I won’t be able to do anything about it.

The best thing to do is get lost in my work, just like I did when I first moved out here.  I’m good at that.  I’m good at burying pain, and I will, because there’s no other choice.

Five hours later the plane touches down in Omaha, and I do my best to rub the fatigue out of my eyes.  I took a pill.  I knew that if I didn’t sleep, I would be an absolute wreck for Harvey when I got off the plane.  It’s almost two hours from the airport to Blue Springs, and I’m sure he has every intention of talking to me, and asking me every question under the sun about the past five years of my life.  I want to cooperate, get all my secrets out in the open before we get home.  Things will be easier that way.

I can go visit Mom with a clear head, and I need to.  Things will be hard enough…seeing her like that.

I have to push the thoughts of her back inside of me.  I’m not ready yet.  I’m not ready to think about her just yet, because that pain added to the pain of losing Sarah might cause a mental breakdown, and I can’t afford it.  I have to be put together, show them all that I’m strong, so they’ll respect me.  “They” meaning my other brothers, who have agreed with Harvey’s opinions of me up until now.  I have no idea what they think about my homecoming.  I’m terrified of that too.

I’m terrified and alone, just like Sarah is.  The difference is, I don’t have a team of people to make me look presentable.  The only person I can rely on is myself, and that’s a scary thought, because I know how much of a wreck I’m becoming.

I get to baggage claim, what seems like years later, and walk towards my assigned carousel, looking out for Harvey as I walk.  I don’t see him though, and I start to get worried.  What if he lied?  What if he set me up, had me come out here, only to be stood up and made a fool of? I wouldn’t blame him.  It would be his way of getting revenge.

“Hey boy.”

I stop walking.

I know I’m wrong now.  That I thought too soon.  Harvey is right behind me.  It takes me a long time to turn and acknowledge him, because I have no idea what the fuck I’m supposed to say.  Do I apologize, or do I just say hi and that it’s good to see him?

“Justin, it’s me.”

I finally turn to face him.  Harvey looks just like I remember, clad in worn out jeans, a red flannel shirt, and a John Deere ball cap.  I can’t help but allow the smile to surface.

It’s so good to see him.

“Hey, Harv…I…it’s good to see you.”

He walks closer to me, and then, he does the last thing I would ever expect.  He pulls me in for a hug, and tells me how it good it is to have me home.  Hell, he even offers to carry my luggage.  It’s not the same brother I remember, and I start to get curious, but then…I stop myself.  No, I have to accept that Harvey really wants me here at home.  He wants us to form a relationship again, because of mom and because…we’re brothers.

I know it.

“Got a lot of people waitin’ for you back at the house,” he tells me with a small smile after we get settled into the old Ford pickup truck.  “Everyone is really excited to see you.”

“The boys?”

“Course,” he chuckles.  “Ben made his chili and all.  When is your girl coming out? We made sure to make a place for you two to stay.”

I swallow hard. He knows, probably because of Charlotte.  I really don’t want to talk about it, but I know I don’t have a choice.  “She um…she’s not coming.”

“Why’s that?  She's the guest of honor.  Don’t tell me she’s too good for some country folk.”

“No, that’s not it.  We just…we sort of put things on hold for awhile.”

“She dump you?”

I chuckle slightly.  “We sort of broke up with each other.”

“Dang, London Pierce.” He draws in a long breath.  “I have to admit, when Char told me that, I started to respect you a little more.  She’s a little hottie, that one.”

I shrug.  “Our relationship was kind of…apart from all that Hollywood stuff.  Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

“You still love ‘er?”

I really, really don’t want to talk about this with him.  “Can we talk about something else?” I try to say it as calmly as I can.  “I haven’t talked to you like this in a long time, and I’d rather leave her out of it.”

“Anyone willing to spend that much money to save our asses is worth talking about, J.”

“Well I don’t want to…”

“Justin, we lost the house.  We went into foreclosure almost six months ago.”

I just stare at him.

“I told Char she couldn’t say anything to you and I was scared to death when she came to visit that she would let it slip.  We were getting our stuff packed, half the house was in boxes.  I had to close the shop…mortgage everything we had, and it still wasn’t enough.  I didn’t know what we were going to do, and then…this check comes in the mail.  Do you understand what that did for the family?  These last few months the money you were sending for momma wasn’t even going for her bills, and I was a real big asshole when I called you asking for more.  That money I needed… it was for the mortgage.”

I could say a lot of things to him right now, call him a manipulative asshole, because he basically guilt tripped me into fixing his mistakes.  I can’t say anything though, because Sarah took it upon herself to fix all of this.  “So what happens to the house now?”
r32;“We bought a new place,” he smiles.  “Two year old Cape, right near the lake.  It’s big enough for all of us. You’re gonna love it.”

“And the shop?”

“Reopened it, with a nice remodel.  Char’s enrolled in University of Nebraska at Omaha for the fall, and paid up for three semesters.  Daddy’s paying off all his debt and momma is…in a really nice hospice right outside of town.  Everything is going to be just fine.  I just wish I could thank London.  I don’t think she understands the magnitude of what she’s done for us.  One day, I’m going to pay her back.  Can you tell her that?”

I sigh.  Really, Sarah did save my family.  It was the last thing she did for me, and then I just walked out on her.  I knew she sent that check, but I guess I didn’t really think about what that meant for my family, how it would save them from some really hellish years.  “When I speak to her again, which probably won’t be for awhile, I’ll give her the message.”

“Just don’t seem right that you two are on such bad terms now.”

“Yeah well.” I shake my head in disgust.  “There’s more to it.”

“I’m all ears.”

I look at him.  “I doubt you’d understand.”
r32;“I ain’t dumb, boy.”

“It’s just the business.  It sort of took over I guess.  I asked her to move back home with me, and she…she told me that she couldn’t walk away from her career right now.”

“So you left.” He says it bluntly.

I look down at my lap.  “Harvey.”

“That’s how you deal with shit,” he tells me.  “You know, you coulda just called me up and told me you needed more time.”

“I came here for mom.  I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if she…passed and I wasn’t here.”

“I would have told you when it came down to days instead of weeks, Justin,” he says, softly.  “I think you’re still this scared little kid who can’t deal with his life.  Obviously you had something good going with this girl, but you gave up.  That’s what you do.”

“Just because she handed you money…”

“You walked out on ‘er. Enough said.”

I’m so pissed.  So pissed that I can’t even look at him right now.  Why is he putting all the blame on me when he doesn’t even know the whole story? He wasn’t there for the Chet McStevens fiasco.  He didn’t have to sit idly by while his girlfriend made out with another guy so she could get a boost in publicity.  

“I think you should call ‘er.”

“I’m not calling her,” I grunt.  “Drop it.”

“Then I’ll call ‘er.”


“I can still kick your ass, you know.”

“Go ahead.”

He’s silent.  He knows I’m serious.  

“All right,” he finally says.  “That’s how you want things to be, then I won’t bring ‘er up no more.”

“Thanks.”  I lean my head against my fist and stare out the window.

“I still think you’re a dumb little shit though.  You can’t hide from that one.”

I glare at him, and then he laughs.  It’s Harvey like I remember him.

“It’s good to have you home, boy.”  He turns up his country music and ruffles my hair.  I know if he weren’t driving, he’d have put me in a headlock and given me a huge noogie.  

It’ll be okay, being home.  Obviously Harvey knows I need my space when it comes to Sarah, and he won’t bring up the subject again anytime soon.  That’s what I need.  I need to escape that whole lifestyle and get settled back into my old routine, my old hometown with the people I grew up with.

I need to forget about her…about the fact that it’s going to be really hard sleeping without her, really hard not talking to her everyday.

But I’ll move on, because I don’t have a choice.

Chapter 19 by ialwayzbesingin
“It’s cold, Jennifer.”

“Shit, London…I’m really sorry.”

I groan and push the cup back in her face.  “How many times do we need to go through this! I don’t like my tea luke fucking warm!”

“Yes…I’m…so sorry.”

She cowers for a few moments before rushing away, on the verge of tears.  Shit.  She’ll be done by the end of the week.  That’ll be four assistants in two months.  Benny is going to kill me.  

“You have to stop comparing everybody to him,” he said last week, when I went crying to about how stupid my newest assistant was turning out to be.  “Nobody is going to be him, London.  Do you understand? He’s not the type of person that’s easily replaced.  You just have to deal with it, because finding you a new assistant has become a bigger part of my job than the one you pay me for!”

It’s been really hard, moving on.

I’m not the type of person that deals with change well and…this was such a major change.  At first I thought things wouldn’t be so different.  I would just go on with my life, as normal, and make my career the best it could be.  That phone call we had right before he left, proved to me that he didn’t care about us anymore.  It was enough to make me get up and start my day.

That was only the first day, and I was determined then.  I felt I could move on and live my life without the aid of him, without his love and guidance.

Now, two months later, I know I’m fucking drowning.  I’d never admit it though.  I can’t, because if I do, I’ll have to admit that he was right about me.  That I’m selfish and superficial and I can’t do anything on my own.

But I can’t do anything on my own.  Not without him.

I’ve made some really crappy choices, and it’ll start to rain down on me now.  

The movie is slated to hit theaters next week.  I’ve started filming a new one, a better one, with Chet, and today is the last day I’ll have to finish up a couple of important scenes before I leave for New York for our publicity stint.  Chet and I will do Fallon tomorrow, and Live with Kelly and Michael the next morning.  Then we have Good Morning America the next day, Letterman, and the Today show to follow the next morning, followed by the premiere that night.  There will also be dozens of other radio and magazine interviews that will be jumbled somewhere in between all that.  I guess it’s good.  New York publicity is always good.  

It’s hit me really hard that I’ve never been to New York City without Justin before.  He was always really good at keeping me out of the view of the paparazzi when I wanted to go shopping.  Even Roy couldn’t figure out those routes.

This time I’ll be alone.  

Well, not completely I guess.  There’s always Chet.  Chet who brightened at the fact that Justin was gone from my life.  Chet who seemed to take on so many roles in my life after Justin was gone.

“Need some?”

He snakes his arms around my waist and presses them into my hand as he plants a kiss on my neck.  Things with us are more public now than they’ve ever been.  Chet and I aren’t in that contract anymore.  We don’t have to be, because I’m always with him now.


I pop them in my mouth and he hands me a water to wash them down with.  I really wish it were champagne of course, but here on the set, I wouldn’t look very professional doing that.  I have to admit, these things are what keeps me going most days.  I just need a boost, something to give me more energy, and the uppers definitely do that.  Nobody has to know, just Chet, because he takes them too.  Benny doesn’t even know, because if he did, I’m convinced he would stick me right back in rehab just for the publicity value.

Justin would be so disappointed.

But he’s not here, and it shouldn’t matter what he would have thought.

I hired a full time nanny for Hailey a couple of weeks after he left. Hailey seems to like her, but I barely have any time to talk to her anymore.  I’m so busy with my career, between photo shoots, interviews, parties, premieres, and galas, that I don’t even know how her days go most of the time.  Sophie has been a god send though.  She doesn’t ask questions or berate me for not spending any time with my daughter, she just does the job, and she even lives at the house so I don’t have to worry.  At times I wish I could have just hired her as my assistant instead, but Hailey needs a capable stand in since I can’t be around for her.  

At least my kid is taken care of.   

“There’s a party at Jason’s.”  I feel him smiling against my neck as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.  “You wanna go up there after this is done?”

I’ve been partying a lot lately.  I guess it’s not the worst thing . It’s fun, gets my mind off of…everything, and Benny is never around to nag either of us to death.  I’ve found comfort in alcohol, in pills, and Cocaine.  I’ve found that those things combined make me feel better than the Bulimia ever could.  I haven’t gone back to that, because the coke keeps my weight right where I want it to be.  It’s so easy to get.  Every party Chet takes me to, there’s always plenty being passed around, and if I need some for later, all I have to do is ask and cough up a couple of hundred bucks.  I always make sure I have a small supply on hand at the house, and a tiny amount hidden in my purse.  

“Yeah, sounds like a good time.” I smile, but tug out of his arms and go stand by the window, gazing out at downtown Los Angeles.

“London, you’re needed on set.”

I don’t acknowledge my assistant.  I can’t.  My mind has started to drift, probably because of the uppers.  I’ve started to think about other things again, like what my life might have been like if I’d said yes that day, if I’d packed up my kid and gone with him.

I miss him more than I let on.  Lately, I miss him so much that it hurts, that it makes me unable to sleep.  Even when I get into bed with Chet…it’s hard for me not to think of him, of his gentle touch, of his warm lips pressed against my skin.

I’m a mess, but I can’t confess that.  I can’t, because he’s gone, hasn’t called. He’s forgotten about us.

So I have to do it too.


“She’ll be there in a couple of minutes,” I hear Chet snap.  “Get lost, would you?”

She says nothing else.  The door quietly closes.

“Want me to call Benny?”  There’s a pause, and a loud snort from him.  Another line of Coke has gone up his nose, no doubt.  “If you’re tired we can just pick up tomorrow.”

I shrug.

“What’s wrong, huh?”  His hands are on my shoulders, rubbing them gently.  “You’ve been quiet the past few days, Londy.”

I hate that nickname.  I’d really prefer Sarah but…I can’t tell him that.  Hearing my real name coming out of his mouth would seem so alien to me, because he doesn’t know Sarah.  He just knows London.

That’s the only person any of them know.

“I guess I’m just tired,” I lie.

“C’mon, lets get out of here.”

“The director…”

He kisses my mouth before I can say anything else.  “I’ll handle it.” He flashes me his too prefect smile and digs his Iphone out.  He’s on and off within a couple of minutes, and assures me that leaving for the day isn’t a problem.

“I just told him you were having a lady day,” he laughs.

It takes a lot for me not to roll my eyes.  “Thanks, Chet.”

“Hey, I want you to be happy.” He kisses me again.

I feel myself cringe, deep inside.  
He does another line of coke on the vanity, before tossing the rest of the evidence into the toilet and flushing.  “Let’s go.” He holds his hand out to me when he emerges from the bathroom.

He’s a loser.  I think it, I know it, but yet, I still take his hand.  What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I think for myself, carry myself on my own and hold my head high?

I guess I’m just too weak, and I’ll always be.

We walk out of the trailer and out to the studios exit, where Roy is waiting with the limousine.  It’s the only thing I’m thankful for, the confines of the leather and tinted windows.  I’m in no mood for photographers this afternoon.  I begin to walk briskly, paying no mind to the couple of people hanging around, hoping for an autograph.  Chet, ever the crowd pleaser, can’t seem to help himself though, and I’m forced to stop and wait while he greets the fans.  I turn to Roy, and he holds a hand out to me.  For moments I’m thankful, until I see someone out of the corner of my eye that captures my interest.

I turn, in disbelief, staring to be sure.

It is.


I shouldn’t.  I shouldn’t go over there, shouldn’t ask about Justin.  Shouldn’t, shouldn’t, shouldn’t.  It’s over between us.  It has to be over.

I look back at Chet.  He’s smiling and posing for pictures.

A fucking crowd has gathered.

“London.” Roy calls out to me.

I can’t help myself.  Couldn’t stop myself from going over there if I tried.  “I’ll be right back, Roy.”


I walk off, across the lot, determined to get the answers I want.  I put on my most determined, professional look, but when I reach him, my throat goes dry.

“Wow…London Pierce…”  

The guy Trace is talking to has stopped the conversation short, and is staring at me, practically foaming at the mouth because I’m so close to him.  It’s nothing new to me.  I conjure up the politest smile I can.  “Hello.  It’s nice to meet you.”

“Hi.”  His cheeks turn pink as he shakes my hand.

I glance at Trace, and for a moment, he meets my gaze, but he doesn’t look happy to see me at all.

“London could you sign this for me?” Trace’s friend takes the studio badge off his shirt and hands it to me, along with a black sharpie.  “Make it out to Scott?”

“Sure sweetie.”  I sign it quickly and hand it back to him.

“Wow this is…great.” He smiles like a little boy.  “Thanks so much.”
r32;“Anything for a fan.”  I look back at Trace.  “How are you, Trace?”

“Fine.” He forces a smile.  “Hey Scott, I’ll catch you later all right? My office next week for the meeting?”

“Oh…” Scott seems to remember himself.  “Yeah, of course.  I’ll be in touch.”

Trace walks away, and for whatever reason, I quickly follow behind him.

“Can you just wait a second?”

“I have nothing to say to you.” He mutters, still walking ahead of me.

“At least tell me he’s all right.”

“What do you care?”  He finally stops, and turns to me.  The sheer disgust on his face makes my stomach turn.  “Y’all broke up, remember?”

“It doesn’t mean I don’t care.”  I mutter and cross my arms.

“He’s fine,” Trace nods.  “Back where he belongs, if you ask me.”

“What about his mom?”

“She hasn’t passed, if that’s what you’re trying to get at.”

I shrug a little and look down at my shoes.  “I just wanted to make sure.  I’d…like to go out…when it does happen.”

“I doubt he’d want you out there,” he says, darkly.  “Besides, aren’t you busy enough with mister personality over there? Heard you’ve been going to some pretty crazy parties, London.”

“It’s Sarah.”

“Sarah today, London tomorrow…I’m not getting mixed up in your stupid crap.  Justin is fine.  He’s better off where he is.  I’ll see you around.”

“Trace, c’mon.”

“Back on drugs, huh?” He calls over his shoulder.


“C’mon.”  He stops again, and smirks.  “You’re pale as a ghost, girl.  I’ve hung out with enough people in the industry to know when someone is on the decline.”

“It helps me stay focused.  I can handle it.”

“You can’t.  Nobody can.  But you’ll learn the hard way, I guess.”

I can’t say anything, because he’s completely right about me.  I just stare at him, the tears pushing from behind my eyes, threatening to expose themselves.  “Just let him know that…I still care about him, okay?”

He sighs harshly.  “What good will that do? Do you want me to tell him to come back because you can’t handle your life now that he’s gone? Do you have any idea…how much better off he is without you? Jesus, London, you ran him ragged.  You never appreciated anything he did for you.  He hated his life out here.”

“That’s…that’s not true.  We were working on things…he loved me.”

He shakes his head.  “He forced himself to love you.  I guess it was the only way he knew how to keep you in check.”

“That’s not…”

“I’m not doing this.  We’re acquaintances and barely even that.  I have work to do.  Just…wake up would you? Before you get yourself killed.”

He stalks away.  I don’t follow him.

“Who’s that baby?”  Chet has somehow found his way back to me, and is clutching my hand in his.

“No one…just wanted an autograph.”

“Ah, nice.”  He kisses my cheek.  “You ready?”

I’m still staring into the distance.  Trace is just a speck now, walking further into the studio’s parking lot.  His words hit me hard.  They shouldn’t have.  It’s my life, and I can handle my drugs.

At least Justin has moved on.  

I mean, he must have.  Trace wouldn’t lie about his best friend.



“Great.”  r32;
He pulls me along and I force myself to follow, half listening to whatever he’s talking about as we meet Roy by the limo and get in.  He starts groping me immediately after we’re shut inside the car, and I let him, but my mind isn’t with him.  It’s off in Nebraska, trying to connect with Justin, trying to imagine what he’s doing right now.  Is he happy? Have his brothers welcomed him home? Is he enjoying the simple life…life without me?

I feel my blouse being ripped open.  

“Chet stop!”  I push his hand away.

“C’mon…”  He breaths heavily against my chest, as he continues to kiss the tops of my breasts.  “We’ll get you another shirt.”

“I mean it!” I shove him back and do my best to button my blouse back up.

“Why the fuck are you being a tease right now? We’ve been fucking all week.”

“I’m just not in the mood, all right?”  I take a deep breath and flick the little TV on that hangs above us.  “I’m tired.”

“Tired huh?”  He leans back against the seat as I flick through the channels.


The next thing I know, I’ve been slammed up against the opposite door, and Chet has his hands close to my neck, pinning me so I can’t move at all.  “Wha…what are you doing?” I whimper.

“I’m not going to take this shit from you, London.”

He slaps me, and I scream.  He shoves his hand over my mouth, but I bite it.

“Stupid bitch!” He punches me this time.  

My face throbs, and I sob hysterically.  Then I hear him doing another line of coke, and I realize he doesn’t have a grip on me anymore.

“ROY!” I scream for him, but then I realize…he went back to the house.  Hailey…shit, the nanny had to take a half day.

“Nobody’s gonna hear you baby.”  Chet slithers back over to me, and pins me against the door with one hand, flashing me his slimy fucking smile.

“Please,” I whimper, as he rips my shirt open again with his free hand.  “Chet please.”

“Pity.  Right before New York.”  He observes the bruise that I know has formed near my right eye, where he punched me.  “You’re too pretty for black and blue.  Don’t make me do it again, all right?”

“Get your hands off of me!” I struggle against his grip.

He just laughs, and rips the rest of my clothes off, right there in the car.  He shoves me down onto the floor, and climbs on top of me before I can try and get away.
r32;“No!” I scream as he slips my panties off.  “Chet! Please!”

He slaps me again.  “Shut up!”  He places his hand around my throat.  “Don’t move.”

I sob loudly while he pauses to do another line of coke against the leather seat.

The car stops.  Stop light.  

Now! My brain screams at me.  Now!

I kick him as hard as I possibly can, and he doubles over, crying out in pain.  I’m sure I know exactly where I’ve kicked him, but I don’t wait for the inevitable.  I scramble to the door, knowing I’m naked.  I have no choice.  I burst out of the car, and scream for someone to help me.

This can’t be good.

“Stupid bitch!” Chet crawls out of the car and races around to where I’m standing, as I hold my breasts protectively against my chest.  “Don’t you know that I love you!”

Then the driver gets out, I can hear him frantically yelling into his cell phone.  

“Get off!” I scream as Chet reaches me again, and starts to pull me back to the limo.  

“The paps are going to have a field day!” He yells at me.  “Come on!”

I push him away, as the sirens wail in the distance.  I can see the pile up of cars on the other side of the road.  People are taking pictures, laughing and pointing at the two would be celebs on the other side of the highway.  My career is going to be ruined after this.  Or maybe I’ll just go on Ellen and talk about drug abuse.  Yeah.  


I manage to make it back to the limo and lock Chet out.  The driver won’t let him back in.  He’s banging on the windows, telling me that he’ll kill me if I don’t open the door.  It’s the coke talking.  Last week, while high, he threw me into the closet door when we were at his place.  My back still has bruises.  I haven’t told anyone.  I’ve been too afraid to do that, too afraid to walk away, so I just let him do what he wants.

But I have to say, this is crossing the line.

I see the police officers on him moments later.  They’re cuffing him, and once they lead him away, they tell me to open my door.  I do it.  They gaze at me like they almost feel sorry for me, but then…

“Ms. Pierce I need you to step out of the vehicle.”

I’m still clutching my face as I comply, and one of them wraps me in a blanket, gripping me by the arm, while the other goes into the back of the limo.

Fuck.  The cocaine.

He doesn’t have to say a word when he reemerges.  The two small ziplocs, one with coke and one with my pills, are more than enough to tell me that I’m in deep trouble.  The officer that’s been gripping my arm reads me rights as he handcuffs me, and leads me over to the awaiting squad car, still naked under the ratty blanket.  I see Chet in the one directly across from it, passed out in the back.  

My career is over.  It’s hilarious.  I gave up the one person who loved the person I really am, for the good of my career.

Now, my career is over anyway.

Karma is a bitch, I guess.  I’m just getting what I deserve now.
Twenty by ialwayzbesingin

“All right, try ‘er now.”

I turn the key in the ignition.  The engine sputters, seems to choke and cough, but doesn’t turn over.

Harvey makes a cutting motion at his throat and motions me to get out of the truck.

“It’s the tranny, Bob,” he sighs at our customer as he closes the hood and wipes his greasy hands with the rag.  “Gonna take a couple of weeks, maybe more, if it’s fixable.  I’ll know more by end of the week.”

“All right Harv,” Bob sighs.  “Don’t see how I’m gonna get to work in the meantime.”

Harvey considers this for a moment, before turning to me.  “Justin get ‘im a loner.”

“Yeah, all right.” 

The customer smiles and starts thanking my brother profusely as I drag myself away and out back where we keep the cars that are about to go out for sale.  The remodel has the done the business good.  We fix cars, but we also have a used car lot that’s been doing very well. Harvey, Dad, and I have been talking about franchising Fords or Chevy’s, maybe even Dodge’s in the future.  It looks promising, we just need to see how the rest of the year goes before we make the investment.  I can’t deny that Sarah’s money has made this all possible, not anymore. 

I try so hard not to think about her.  It’s been getting easier, as the weeks have passed.  I’m so busy at work most of the time that I don’t have a chance to dwell on it.  But then, during my off times, I have distractions from her too.

Mom isn’t doing well, but it’s been nice getting to see her.  She doesn’t know any of us, but she hasn’t freaked out when I’ve sat by her bedside.  She likes to tell me stories about her kids, most of them being about myself.  It’s the closest link I have to her right now, and she’ll even let me hold her hand.  It’s almost impossible to hold the tears back, but the rest of my family gives me the time alone that I need with her.  In fact, coming home to all of them…it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.

The rest of my brothers gave me as warm of a reception as Harvey had.  It seemed that they put the past behind them, and I guess it was because they were thankful for everything the money had done for the family.  If I hadn’t moved, I guess we wouldn’t have had this good fortune but…I just hate the way it came about.  It makes me feel so damn indebted to Sarah, and I don’t want to be.

I’ve put it on the back burner though.  I’ve had to, because I’m still adjusting, still settling in.

Still being reunited with old friends.

Lou is supposedly coming back home for a visit soon.  I don’t know how I feel about seeing her.  I don’t know if I ever stopped loving her, I just…put her out of my mind because I had no other choice.  Charlotte has kept in touch with her, she told me that Lou seems really excited to see me again.  I don’t know…I just don’t know if I can handle those kind of emotions right now.

But I can’t hide from them.  I’ve hidden from too many things for entirely too long, and this is a new start for me.  It’s time to be responsible and strong, to take charge.  If working with Sarah taught me nothing else, it taught me to hold my own in difficult times.  I know that’s the main thing that’s made my brothers respect me and welcome me back without a question.  I can hold the family together, almost as well as Harvey can.

He and I, we’ve become almost inseparable, like we used to be. 

I start up an eight year old Ford sedan and drive it up front to the customer, who shakes my hand harshly and thanks my brother and I both again, before he gets in and drives away. 

“We’re too nice,” Harvey chuckles.

“Tranny’s expensive,” I shrug.  “If he can get to work, he’ll pay for the repair.”

“Glad you think like me.”  He pats me on the back a couple times, and starts back towards the garage.  “Heard Lou’s coming out from New York.”

I shrug, and busy myself with straightening a display of windshield washer fluid outside the main office door.  “Maybe.  Charlotte said she is.”

“What’d you think about that?”

“I’ll say hi…it’s whatever.” I shrug it off.

He laughs lightly.  “You want to talk about it with me, you can.”

I look up at him and force a small smile of gratitude.  “I’ll let you know.”

He nods, and walks back to the garage without another word.  It’s what I like about him, if he can sense that I don’t want to talk about something, he’ll lay off.  My other brothers aren’t like that.  They’ve bugged me a million times over about Sarah.  Charlotte and Dad have forced them to back down at times, especially when they start talking about her in a slightly provocative way.  I can’t stand it.  I fell in love with her, and it’s just…weird.

I find myself dreaming about her often.  I guess when I’m asleep, it’s the only time I can’t prevent myself from thinking of her.  I feel the touch of her skin on mine, her lips on my body, her breasts pressed snug against my chest.  I feel her silken hair between my fingers, and it’s so fucking real…so real.  I’ll wake up sweating, panting, reaching out for her.

But she’s never there.

I don’t sleep well.  A few hours a night, if I’m lucky.  It’s bad.  It’s bad because I know soon my mom will get even worse, pass away, and I’ll have to be able to hold my head up for my family.

I spend the next few hours running the business as usual.  Most days I run the counter while my brothers fix cars out in the garage.  If it gets really busy Harvey will come out front and help, but mostly he likes to be back in the garage making sure all the repairs go as planned. 

I’m in the middle of finishing up some paperwork on an oil change with a customer when I hear the familiar jingle of ‘Extra, Extra’ blaring from the TV.  I hate this show.  It’s everything I hate about the entertainment industry and Hollywood wrapped into a half hour.  Charlotte must have left the channel on yesterday when she was here doing her school work.  When I finish with the customer I snatch the remote off the desk and point it at the TV.

But I find that I can’t change the channel when I see the story that’s unfolding before my eyes.

“London Pierce was arrested for drug possession yesterday afternoon after a dramatic domestic dispute in the middle of traffic with boyfriend Chet McStevens. The scene pictured here shows a naked Pierce running around her limousine while being pursued by an obviously intoxicated McStevens.  Sources say drug paraphernalia found at the scene included grams of Cocaine and mixed prescription pills…”

Cut to a fresh mugshot picture of my ex girlfriend, black eye, bloody nose, mascara running down her ghost white face.

I feel sick.

I run.   I run fast and far, not caring about the consequence, not caring what Harvey will think.  I have to go, to get away where nobody can see me, where I feel safe.

I jump in my car and drive.  I drive for miles and miles until I finally reach the one place I know will help me sort out the crazy shit I just saw on the TV.  I feel the tears gliding down my face.

How the hell can she do this?  How?

Well I’m not going to be there for her.  I fucking refuse.

I get out of the car, take in the surroundings of the picturesque lake and mountains.  It’s the only place I’ve ever felt completely removed from everything.  Mom and I would take random trips to the lake when I was young, in the summers we’d all come here as a family, and when she got sick, it was the only place I sought refuge.  When Lou left, I came here, and made the decision to move to LA.  Now, back home, I’m seeking it’s comfort from all the things I left behind.

I’m so fucking worried about her.  Part of me wants to get the first flight out.

But I can’t.

I pull my phone out, text Trace quickly, asking him for any news.

Don’t worry about it.  Her people carted her off to rehab, and in a few days, they’ll come out with that news in the tabloids.  She won’t do any time.  If you come back here, I’ll kick you in the nuts.  This was inevitable, you must know that, right?

I guess so.  It’s all I can say back to him, because he’ll never understand the feelings I used to have or…still might have, for Sarah.

I start skimming rocks.  It’s all I can do, because I’m so damn confused right now.  Half of me is hoping she’ll call, ask me for help.  I know if she did, I would go, because I fucking love that girl.  I love her no matter how hurt I am that she couldn’t see the good in dropping her career for a life with me.

I don’t think I can ever stop loving her.

 The other part of me though, the logical one, is more angry at her than I’ve ever been.  She knows better.  She’s been through this, and she has Hailey to think about.  Shit, Hailey.  What the hell  is going on with her? Is she safe? Who’s with her?

Damn it.

It takes just minutes more for me to cave, and call Lania. She picks up on the second ring.

“Justin,” she pants, sounding breathless.  “You have no idea…”

“I need an update, a real one.”

“It’s horrible.  The promoters and directors are starting to call.  The perfume and purse people are ready to cut her off, and  New York is already a bust.  The promotion for the movie is off.  They’re saying it’ll flop…Justin…what do I do?”

She’s sobbing.  Since Lania doesn’t cry, ever, I know how bad the situation really is.  Sarah’s career is basically over.  It would take a miracle to come back from a TMZ nightmare like this, and I know that, because I’m a pro at the business.  The only good thing about all of this is that Chet McStevens will turn into a laughing stock.  At least people will see him for who he really is now.

“Where is she,” I huff.

“Some fancy rehab place in Malibu.  Benny wouldn’t tell me exactly where.  He’s trying to buy time so he can turn this around into some kind of sob story.  Chet’s being charged with assault, can you believe that?”

“I can,” I let out a sad laugh.  “Is she…she’ll be okay, I mean, apart from all of this right?”

“She’s alive,” she says miserably.  “Barely.”

“What about Hailey?” 

Lania is silent.

I squeeze my eyes shut, anticipating the worst.  “Lania?”

“Child protective services took her…I tried…I tried to stop them, Justin, but I couldn’t.  Someone told me they were contacting Alex.  They’re going to give him full custody once the details get sorted out.”

My mouth hangs open for a moment.  “They can’t.”

“They can, if she can’t take care of her.  Alex is the only blood family she has, and he has every right to her.”

“I know Sarah can take care of her,” I whisper.

“She’s a drug addict, Justin,” Lania says sadly.  “She’s been this way for months, and it’s no one’s fault but…it’s just how things turned out.  Look, you should just…stay away.  I wanted you to come back when you called me just now, but you’re a good person who deserves to be happy.  You should just stay away…it’s the best thing.”

“Can you try to find out where she is for me?”

She sighs harshly.  “Stay away, Justin.  Please.”

“I…but I…”  My lips tremble, and then I sob into the phone.  “I love her.”

“You can’t.  Not anymore.”


“Goodbye, Justin.”

She hangs up on me, and as I stare at the phone, I know better than to try and call back.

That’s it.  I’m just an outsider now, no access, and according to Lania, it’s better for me.

She’s giving me the chance to move on, without looking back, and fuck, I should just take it.

I need to take it.

I hear tires screech to a halt behind me. 


I hear a door slam and turn in time to see Harvey walking towards me.  I wipe my eyes harshly and look back at the water.

“Hey.”  I skim a couple of rocks.  “Sorry I just…”

“I saw the TV.”

I look at him.  He comes and stands next to me, starting to skim rocks across the water with me.  “Harvey…”

“It’s better you weren’t around for all that,” he decides.  “Better you’re here with us.”

“I feel fucking terrible,” I whimper.  “I don’t know what to do.”

“Give it time.”  He skims another rock.  “I feel bad too, Justin.  I mean, I never met her, but she saved this family.  Maybe in a month or so, you can try to contact her or something.  Maybe by then, she’ll be willing to come out here, relax, and figure out what she wants out of her life.”

“It’s too late for that.”  I don’t look at him as I say it.  “They’re going to take her daughter away.”

“There’s nothin’ you can do,” he says gently.  “Even if you went out there, you couldn’t change what’s happened, and you can’t take care of her daughter if you’re not family.  It would just make things harder on you and on her.”

I know he’s right.  Harvey is usually right though, that’s why I’ve always looked up to him.  “I wish I could go get Sarah, just…bring her home with me.”

“But it’s not the time,” he nods and comes closer, putting a protective arm around my shoulders.  “You gotta just…move on, hard as it is.  She’ll figure herself out in time, Justin.  You can’t fall apart in the meantime.  You got too much going for you.”


He pulls me in, and I can’t help but hug him, like I’m a little kid all over again.  He lets me, and he lets me cry too.  He’s probably the only one strong enough to do this.  My dad is so fragile because of mom, and Charlotte would be more freaked out than logical.  I need him so bad right now, and I’m so thankful for him. 

“I love her.”

“I know kid, and maybe one day, she’ll realize how much.” He pats me harshly on the back and pulls away, gripping me harshly by the shoulders and looks into my eyes.  “You gotta hold your head up in the meantime though, I won’t tolerate you walkin’ around miserable.  We got problems here too.”

I sniff loudly and nod.  I know.  I know what I have to do.  “All…all right.”

“You gonna be okay?”  He smiles slightly.

“I just need to be alone for a little while.”

He nods and starts back to his truck.  “Be home for supper.”

“I will.”

He doesn’t say anything else, just gets into his truck and drives away.  I’m alone again, but it doesn’t feel good anymore.  I feel hopeless this way.  Hopeless and helpless.

I know I need to just…go home, and put this behind me.  Spend time with my family, and momma, before we lose her.

That’s what’s important.

I repeat it to myself as I throw more rocks in the water.  I force myself to believe it.  Sarah is in the past.  She did this to herself, and I can’t love her anymore.

I get into my car and grip the steering wheel.  A million visions of her fill my mind.  Visions of us, of the way we would make love, the way she would kiss me, her smile.  Those days we spent with Hailey.  Those were some of the best parts of my life, and now…

Now she really needs me to be there, and I can’t be.

I’ll live with that now.  I’ll live with that pain until the day I die.  As much as Harvey says she’ll be able to come back out here with me one day, I know the chances of that happening are slim to none.  She’ll either slip deeper into her depression, or come out of it, and start over, determined, making sure to forget about me, so she won’t have to deal with anymore pain.

I can’t say I’d blame her.
It’s been a couple of weeks and while I’ve made sure to steer clear of tabloid television, I can tell that the situation has died down for the most part.  There’s new headlines on the magazines at the grocery store now.  Stories about which Royal cheated and what celebrities are overweight.  There’s little things about Sarah here and there, but nothing that jumps out.  I guess Benny has been all over that, and her PR.  Come to think about it, she does have pretty damn good PR.

I hope the silencing of the media will do her good.

I can’t focus on it anymore.

Business has really started to pick up at the shop.  I’ve been pulling double shifts this week.  My brother, Nick, came down with the flu, so I’ve been filling in.  He does a lot of oil changes and paint jobs with the power brush, so Harvey has been doing his best to teach me.  I pretty much suck at painting anything, but I can do a decent oil change on a standard car.  Charlotte’s been helping to run the front counter, which has been our saving grace since Dad has been at the hospice all week.

I know Mom isn’t going to be here much longer.  They’ve told us maybe a week more. She’s so sick now, she barely opens her eyes.  It’s all I can do to stay busy, to keep my mind off of losing her with her mind wiped of us, of daddy.

Here, back at the lake, is my one solace.  Nobody bothers me.  There’s no blaring TV’s or tabloids with my ex’s face on them.  I can escape.  I smile and take a breath as I start to skim more rocks across the rippling water of Lake Point, the serenity taking me away to another world, where I’m safe.

“Harvey said you’d be here.”

I glance in the direction of the voice, about to skim the next stone in my hand.  I drop it when I see Lou standing there.  She’s all grown up, just like me, but that smile is still there, the one I remember.  She wears her brunette hair long now, in wavy curls that run down past her shoulders.  That sporty girl that grew up beside me is gone.  She’s a real woman now.  “Lou,” I breathe out.


She walks up to me, and we stare at each other for a few moments, before embracing each other tightly.

“It’s good to see you.” She whispers in my hear, as she rubs my back gently. 

“You look…you look good,” I nod and smile when I pull out of her arms.  “Really good.”

“Well, you’ve cleaned up pretty nice yourself,” she blushes.  “Got an extra one?”

I hand her a stone.  “You still got it?”

She smirks at me, and steps up on the rock beside me so she can skim her stone.  It jumps ten or fifteen times before it finally succumbs to the depths of the lake.  “What do you think?”

“I think you’ve got me beat,” I laugh.  “Did you just get in?”r32;
“I got to my moms last night, but I didn’t want to stir up any commotion until today.  I wanted you to be the first one to  know I was here, but you weren’t at work, so Harvey and the boys had the chance to attack me first.”


“It’s okay, it was good to see them.  They know better than to mess with me,” she laughs.  “Actually they were more concerned about…me finding you.”

r32;“Yeah?” I smirk and skim another rock.  “Why’s that?”

“They said you haven’t been yourself.”

I glance at her.  “A little deep for conversation considering you just got here.”
r32;“Well, I’m concerned, that’s all.”

I start to wonder how much she knows.  My sister has a big mouth, so I have no doubt she knows everything that happened to me out in California.  The thing with Lou is, she wouldn’t bring it up unless she felt I was comfortable.  “I’ll be okay.  Coming back home hasn’t been the easiest transition, that’s all.”

She nods slightly.  “Well I’m not going anywhere.”

I sigh and gaze out at the water.  I know what she’s getting at…our past.  “I don’t hold anything against you Louie.  You had to do what was best.”

“I’ve never completely gotten over it though…us.”

I shrug.  “I guess a part of me still hasn’t, but…we’re different people now.”

“I guess we are, but I’d like to be good friends again, if nothing else.”

“I’m up for that,” I smirk.  “Definitely.”

This story archived at