WitchCraft II: The College Years by theusagirl

Sequel to WitchCraft

Serenity may be attending an all-prestigious university in The Realm, her best friend and the only guy who knows her secret is coming along during open house, but Serenity wonders why the university is offering her a full-tuition scholarship even if she didn't apply for the university itself, one thing's for sure..there is a catch, and Serenity is gonna find out why.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick
Awards: None
Genres: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes Word count: 7575 Read: 4175 Published: Oct 06, 2013 Updated: Oct 28, 2013
Chapter 4 by theusagirl
Author's Notes:

This is a short chapter.

"To unlock use magic."

“Ok, so if we take this road here, then make a left on that road there, then we would follow the signs, this should be easy.” Serenity added.


“What’s the name of the road we are on now?” Chris wondered.


“Well this road is called Toothache lane, then we have to make a left on Cavity Street.”


“And then what?”


“And then from there, we continue straight onto Bluestone Avenue.” Serenity continued.


Chris nodded, “You’re right, it does seem easy, not too complicated.”


Serenity and Chris followed the map once more and looked for the road signs; they waved to a few people that were passing by them, and they also made conversation with them as well to see if they were getting close to their destination.


After passing a few more road signs they managed to spot Cavity Street, they stopped for a break to get some juice boxes that Serenity had brought along in her backpack.


“I like all the weird but cool street names here.” Chris joked.


“Yeah, there’s a lot of weird stuff here, but I’m beginning to think that you are starting to like all the weird stuff, am I right?”


“Oh you betcha.” Chris said, tossing his juice box in the nearby trashcan.


Shortly after finishing their drinks and snacks, they packed up their things and continued walking, they passed up a long but steep hill, small cottages were lined up on the side.


“These houses are so cute.” Serenity told him.


“They look kind of creepy, maybe it’s because they remind me of Hansel and Gretal.”


Serenity laughed, “You know, those kids do exist.”




“Yeah, but they don’t live on this realm, they live a bit far from here.”


“Wow that is really cool, so all of those fairytale books that I read as a kid are real?”


“Supposedly.” Serenity added.


“Well after today, I’m starting to believe a lot of things.” Chris told her.


After passing the row of cottages, a building which looked more like a castle stood at the end of the road, it was wide and tall, with thick black iron gates blocking the entrance.


“I think this is the place.” Serenity whispered, placing her hands on the gates.


“This place is huge!” Chris exclaimed.


Serenity looked at the road sign to make sure, “Bluestone Avenue.”


Chris read the road sign then the bold black lettering on the gate, “Bluestone University, and on the bottom it read; “To unlock gates use magic.”


“Looks like this is your job.” Chris smirked.


Serenity just smiled at him and used her right pointer finger and aimed it at the padlock, blue sparks flew out of her finger and swirled around it, a loud click was heard and the gate slowly opened.


“I love this.” Chris told her.


Serenity and Chris walked down the path and headed towards the front doors of “Bluestone University;” with the gates closing in behind them with a loud click.

End Notes:

Working on Chapter 5.. :)

Read/review please thankies.

This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=2572