The Secrets We Keep by god gave me style
Summary: He's tall. He's handsome. He's funny and charming and sweet. He's everything that you could want in a man. But, he has a sweet tooth... and it might just be for you.
Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Horror, Suspense
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 13413 Read: 2250 Published: Jan 25, 2014 Updated: Mar 21, 2014

1. Mind of a Killer by god gave me style

2. Hunter/Gatherer by god gave me style

3. The Kill by god gave me style

Mind of a Killer by god gave me style
I close my eyes tightly and let out a shaky breath, dropping my head back on my neck. I open my cerulean eyes and stare up at the ceiling fan as it spins slowly, making a soft whooshing noise in the nearly quiet bedroom. I can hear the steady stream of water pounding the bottom of the porcelain tub coming from the adjacent bathroom and I rub my forehead with my sweaty hands. It all sounds so fucking loud. Fuck, I just wish the shit would stop. I reach over to the nightstand and grab the half empty bottle of Advil and shake a few of the small, brown pills into my palm. I slam them into my mouth and swallow. It's been a rough few months.

I feel like a drug addict going through withdraws. Or like an alcoholic that is constantly is surrounded by people who keep offering free drinks. I knew this was going to be hard but nothing like this. I constantly feel sick to my stomach; my palms are sweaty all the time. I've had the same blistering migraine for days. I can't eat, I can barely sleep, I get the chills... it wants to take over. I want to black out and just let it have me but with a quick thought of my beloved, I put on my bullet proof vest, pick myself up off the ground and start to fight again.

Everything has been setting me off these past few days; a whiff of perfume in the air, a sweet smile, a lick of the lips, the tossing of hair over a shoulder. It's delicious. It drives me insane. The well put together ones are my absolute favorite; the ones who spends hours getting ready to go out to the grocery store. The ones who make sure their eye shadow match their clutch which matches their shoes. God. And as of late, they are everywhere. Every shape, from athletic to voluptuous, every color, from the creamy Caucasians to the milky chocolates... I'm like a kid in a candy store. But now, I have a mouth full of cavities.

I'm so hard up I lost myself on the subway and actually followed one home. I was transfixed. I had tunnel vision, all I could see was that beautifully plump ass switching left and right, left and right as I paced behind. I could practically feel her hair running through my fingers; my lips all over that silky, olive skin; my dick, sinking in and out of her pretty, tight, femininity. I followed her for damn near an hour before the ringing of my phone broke my new found obsession. I literally had to tear myself from her and once I did, I felt empty, confused, and lost. I spent the rest of my evening puking my brains out. I was so close that I could taste it and God, did I want it. I wanted it bad.

I groan deeply as the thoughts of the lucky, mystery girl from the subway floats away and I slam my head back on the headboard. I can feel my stomach beginning to turn again, my brow starting to become sweaty from the thoughts. I gotta keep this sandwich down. I close my eyes and try to force sleep to keep myself from leaping from bed and wreaking havoc on the female population of this city. I start to calm myself down when I feel extra weight crawling across our California king bed. She sinks on top of me and my hands instantly flock to her naked body, rubbing smooth circles on her thighs. She plants a few kisses along the side of my face and neck and hugs me tightly to her body.

"Feeling any better?" She coos in my ear softly while playing with a few hairs on the nape of my neck.

I just shake my head no and hang on to her with all my might, "Not really baby."

She sighs and pulls back from me, causing me to open my eyes. She stares intently at me, her gorgeous light brown eyes bouncing slightly between mine, searching for answers. I want to be good for her. I want to make her happy and take care of her because she deserves that. I can't take care of her if I'm behind bars. I won't end up like that. I can't.

"Why are you doing this?' She asks, biting the inside of her lip.

I place my thumb on her chin and tug slightly, freeing her tortured bottom lip from the clutches of her teeth, "Stop biting that. And for you, that's why."


"No," I state, cutting her off, "I'm not going back there. I'm not doing it anymore."

She places both of her small hands on the sides of my face, "You've been sick for weeks. I don't like seeing you like this. You need it, just do it." She whispers, tears welling up in her eyes.

She's right. I need it. I've needed it since I was seventeen years old. I was always a little… off, if you know what I mean. I hid it well, I was always popular, had tons of friends and even more acquaintances. I was just the polite, sweet, southern boy that every mother wished they had. But deep down, I had needs. Dark, evil needs that needed to be realized. And I did just that, the summer I turned seventeen. My body instantly relaxes as the memories flood back to me, a slight smile playing on my lips. It was mesmerizing the first time. It was the perfect high. I felt so free and vindicated. It was beautiful. It was the single most satisfying, elating experiences of my life and I have never looked back.

I look back into the sweet face of my pretty girl and play with the ends of her long, dark hair which stops inches above her bare nipples. My baby has changed my entire outlook on life. She's got me trying to stow the hideous wolf within me and shrug back into my sheep costume. I obsessed over her, much like the mystery girl last night, from the first moment I saw her. I wanted her bad, just like last night. I saw my baby at a club the first time and I couldn't tear myself away if I tried. Very little of that toned body was covered, her plump breasts nearly exploding out her top and her butt cheeks were practically daring the material of her shorts to keep them in. Tattoos ran up her legs and sides, each one telling a story about her. She was wearing a hoop nose ring and piercing blue contacts in her eyes, her hair was tinted red and she was going to be mine.

I chatted her up for hours, becoming engrossed in her girly giggle. Something was happening and I just couldn't put my finger on it. It was more that what it usually was for me. I mean, I wanted to fuck her, yeah, but I didn't want to hurt her. That was... strange for me. She gave me her number and, unknown by her, I followed her for weeks in between our dates. She got to me. And I thought that I was never going to be got. That human connection that I thought I was incapable of achieving was growing between her and I, and quite quickly. I've trusted only one other person my entire life and here I was, falling for another one. When we slept together the first time, it was glorious. Almost as amazing as my seventeenth summer and instead of slitting her throat and watching her bleed out over her white sheets, I held her. I actually wanted to sleep with her again. And here we are, seven years later.

She lowers her forehead to mine and closes her eyes for a second as my hands begin to roam her naked body, "I love you." She states a few seconds later, "That's why I want you to go out and do it."

I sigh inwardly. Usually, by now, I'd be out the door as soon as the words left her delicate lips. But these last few months have been different. The last few years have been different if I'm being truly honest. She knows I need it. It's like a disease or a cancer that I can't fight off. She knows that for me to stay functional, I need to kill. I need to display my dominance over these pretty little girls and watch as the blood and life drains slowly out of them. At first, she was intrigued by it. I kept it from her for almost a year after we first met. I was pretty reckless back then too. I didn't care where I was or how many people were around. When it took over, it just took over and I didn't care. She was out with some friends one night when she saw me across the street at some bar. She excused herself from her party and watched me for hours, fuming with hurt and anger as I flirted with some long haired Latina. She followed our every move as we left the bar, my date now pretty tipsy and quickly losing touch with reality thanks to the roofie I slipped her.

I pulled her into a dark alley and wasted no time. I hoisted her up and fucked her as hard as I could against the brick wall, her moans getting lost within the noise of New York City. My baby stood and watched, tears streaming down her face but unable to walk away. After a few minutes, the nameless Latina's body tightened around me and I knew it was time. I fumbled around in my pocket for my weapon of choice as she slurred some words into my ear and began giggling randomly as she reached her climax. Poor girl never even knew it was coming. I finished her off with a few more slams, her body vibrating between the hard bricks and my body as her orgasm poured through her. I waited until she calmed slightly before I plunged my knife deep into her stomach, grunting deeply as I felt her warm blood begin to ooze.

My baby's hand flew to her mouth as she gasped. My head whipped around at the sound and I stopped dead, my heart, or whatever it is that I have, sunk straight to my feet. I couldn't move as we stared at each other. It must have looked crazy, me standing there with some chick mounted on my dick, bleeding like a stuck pig as my knife was still buried deep inside of her. But my baby didn't turn and run. She didn't call the police, she didn't even scream.

"Finish it." She called to me, staring intently at me.

My chest rose and fell harshly as I turned robotically to the dying girl in front of me. She was gasping and gurgling as she held on to life, her eyes glazing over as it slipped away from her. A small stream of blood began to seep from her lips as she twitched slightly. I turned back to my baby, almost as if for permission and she said it again, "Finish it."

And without a second thought, I stabbed the nameless girl again and began slamming my body into hers once more. The euphoria built inside of me as her life drained completely from her, her inner fire snuffing out as the light dimmed in her eyes. And when I knew she was gone, I came. I dropped her now lifeless body to the ground, slipping her light pink panties from her still warm body and shoved them in my pocket before walking briskly out of the alley, grabbing Celia by the wrist and dragging her back to my apartment. Once there, I barely had time to shut the door before Celia crashed her lips to mine.

Like I said, she used to be intrigued but now, she's just hurt. Not so much by the obvious, she actually deals quite well with the fact that her husband is a serial killer. It's the cheating part. The fact that I fuck at least twelve different girls a year kills her. I do everything I should, I wear condoms, I get checked every six months for STD's and every year for aids but she doesn't like sharing me.

"What are you thinking about?" She giggles softly, cocking her beautiful head to the side as she speaks.

I chuckle with her, "You. I'm not going to do that to you Celia, not anymore."

She sighs again, "Babe..." She trails off, her eyes leaving mine and fixing themselves on the lamp.

I again, pull her face back to mine, "What?"

"I really appreciate the changes you've made for me. You've cut back tremendously. But I want you to be happy. I've been thinking, maybe I could... help." My eyes widen at her as she continues to speak, "Maybe we could find someone together. Maybe we could do like, a threesome or something."

"Baby, no."

"Why not?" She asks, her face falling at my answer.

I scoff a little, "I don't want you involved in any of this."

"It'll be easier this way. I won't feel... You'll be able to get what you need and I won't feel like you're cheating on me. It's the only way."

I grab her up and hug her to me as the desperation in her voice begins to choke her up. I rub her smooth back slowly and lay kisses on her neck and shoulder, "You think that it's going to be easier on you watching me fuck someone else, than just knowing? It's not baby. It won't be."

"I just feel like I'm losing you," She cries, holding on to me, "You're trying and I know that but it's like you're not even here with me. You're mind is constantly somewhere else."

"I know baby, I know." I coo, running my free hand through her long hair.

"You have given up so much for me Justin. I just want to give you this, please babe. Let me do this for you."

I can't lie. This offer is tempting. To watch my Celia and another woman has always been a fantasy of mine... and I have been on my best behavior for a last few months. When I was younger, I needed a kill almost every week. As I grew older and refined my behaviors and needs, I could stretch them out to about one or two a month and still feel just as fulfilled as before. But, when it all started to take its toll on Celia, I began stretching them out longer and longer. One every two or three months or so. I've been trying to convince myself that I'm fine; that operating this way will make the experience all the more exciting but it's not. I'm on a four month stretch currently and I'm honestly about to crawl right out of my skin.

You know, I never in a million years thought that I'd care this much about another human being. She's given me so much to look forward to. She's given me a purpose. I just wish that she could be enough for me but... I can't shake this darkness. But I won't let it control me anymore because of her. Because of my Celia.


I lean back but rest my hands on his broad shoulders, letting my fingers skim his delicate, soft skin. I know he wants so badly to say yes. He's literally balling his fists in anticipation right now. He can't hold my gaze, his brow is slightly sweaty and his skin clammy. He needs a kill. Then he'll be able to relax and I'll have my husband back for another month or so. God, listen to me; talking as if this is something that every young couple goes through. I'm literally offering my husband a threesome so he can take the life of some innocent woman so he can feel normal again. But this is us. This is Justin and Celia.

How am I so okay with this, you ask? I love him. Period. Besides this dark passenger that rides with him, he is completely perfect. Charming, sweet, caring, sexy. And he tries so hard to be good for me. So hard. To the point to where it literally makes him sick. But he doesn't complain, he doesn't sneak around behind my back, he just deals with the pain. I want him to be happy. I want to be able to make him as happy and as fulfilled as he has made me. Even though, it means having to turn my head. I was so lost when we first met. I couldn't tell which end was up in my so called life. I was drinking every night, going home with every man and woman that showed the tiniest bit of interest in me. And then, there he was. My tall, curly headed knight in shining, bloody armor.

It's not all him though. I have my own darkness that I try to keep concealed, even from him. He sees it though, he has to. I think that's why he's trying as hard as he is to try and conform to a semi-normal existence. He's always saying that I'm nothing but good. In this dark, seedy, dangerous world, I'm the light. That's why he doesn't want me involved anymore than I have to be. He doesn't want to believe that he's tainted that light. When I saw him for the first time, killing that girl, I was shocked but... excited. When he dragged me back to his apartment, we fucked for days. I was so turned on by it. I would play it over and over again in my mind and my body would ache for him. It still does.

But after a few weeks of watching him destroy the lives of these pretty, young objects, my own feelings began to scare me. Why am I so okay with this? Why am I pleasuring myself to the images of him snuffing out the life of someone else? Am I as sick as he is? Or is it just the depths of my love for him that makes it okay? Maybe it's because he could finally be free. I'm the only person in this whole wide world that knows who he truly is. Well, myself and JC, that is. But he's itching, and he needs to scratch it. And I wanna play too. I meant what I said earlier though, I hate seeing him like this. I hate feeling so disconnected from him. But I also hate knowing he's out there, fucking someone else while I'm stuck here, thinking. There's also another part of me that's slightly jealous of these women he stalks. He is a sucker for pretty girls. What if one of them steals him away from me? What if he finds another connection like he did with me all those years ago? I'd die. I can't breathe without him. I don't want to.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He whispers after a few minutes.

"Just say yes. Please."

He sighs deeply again, "Maybe."

I scoff a little, "Maybe?"

"Maybe. I'm thinking about us here, about what's truly important."

Not what I was expecting to hear, "Don't shut me out Jay."

He looks me square in the eye, grabbing either side of my face and slowly stroking my cheeks, "I won't baby. I promise. Now get some sleep, huh? We can talk about this later."

I want to raise another point but the glint his eye tells me that he's aggravated. I know that Justin would never hurt me but I try not to push his buttons very often. So, I shut my mouth and shrug my naked body under the covers, snuggling up to him as he wraps me up and in his strong arms. I rest my head against his chest and pat my fingers against his skin, mirroring his heartbeat as he lulls into a restless, on and off sleep. I wish he would quit being so damn stubborn. I really do hate seeing him suffer like this. I kiss his cheek after what seems like hours of watching and waiting for his body to finally give into sleep. I let out a sigh and close my own eyes, hoping that tomorrow my husband will come to his senses and let the wolf out of its cage.

Poor pretty girls. They won't even know what’s coming.


His phone rings three times before it clicks and his voice fills my ears, "Justin, what's up man?"

"Not much JC, how are you man?"

JC, the only other person, besides Celia, that knows about my darkness. I can't even remember how we met or when. I just know that as soon as we started talking, I knew he was going to be my brother for life. It's been a few nights since Celia asked if she could participate in my extracurricular activity and I've been deadlocked in my head as to if I want her to be involved or not. So, I'll leave it up to JC.

"What's wrong Justin? Everything okay? Celia okay?"

I sigh and pick at my jeans before glancing out over the city through the window, "Celia's fine. I'm just... I'm going stir crazy man."

"I bet. How long has it been, three, four months now?"

"Four months, five days, six hours. But hey, who's counting, right?"

JC chuckles on the other end of the phone, "You're doing good buddy, remember that."

I let out a steady breath and sink a little further into my chair. JC and Celia are the only two people that know exactly what to say to me to keep me sane. I'm sure JC is completely afraid of me and what I'm capable of but he's never made it obvious. Even that night, almost ten years ago, when I confessed my secret to him, he never wavered. Sure, he was shocked. I'm sure he wanted to run for the hills but he didn't. He just sat there for a minute, thinking, I guess. Maybe he sensed that something was off about me all along, maybe he could see it. But, after a few minutes, he turned to me and told me that my secret was safe with him. And then he thanked me for allowing him to truly get to know me. I'll never forget that.

"Celia wants to help me find a girl. She wants to have a threesome and watch again."

He's silent for a few seconds, processing the information, "What did you say?"

"I said no. I don't want her getting involved in my shit anymore than she has to be, you know that. She's too good for that."

"But she wants you to be happy."

"I know that."

"Then why not just take the offer?"

I sigh harshly out of irritation, "I call you for help JC. Not for encouragement."

He chuckles again, but continues on, "Why are you so afraid to let her in Justin? What's going on?"

"Nothing is going on. I just don't want to be the reason that she changes. I don't want that goodness about her to diminish. That's what I love about her."

"Ok, but everyone has a darkness Justin, some are just darker shades is all."

I rub my forehead with my fingers and remove the phone from my ear as he talks. Why did I call him? He's not fucking helping, "I don't want her enjoying this."

"Justin, you cannot blame yourself for what Celia wants. So she has a bit of a strange fantasy, what's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong with that?" I ask incredulously, "JC, I murder women. I'm coming to you, telling you that I think my wife gets off on watching me kill and you're asking me what's wrong with that? Even I can see that trouble in that statement and I'm as fucked up as they come."

He's silent again. Ha, got you fucker, "Maybe it's not the kill or the blood that gets her like it does you. Maybe it's the thought or the sight of you being completely at one with yourself. Maybe it's the sight of you, if only for a few minutes or hours or days or weeks, being completely happy."

Now it's my turn to get quiet. I stare blankly back out at the gloomy city. It's ugly out today. It's cold and gray and foggy. I love ugly though, it matches my current state of mind. Maybe it's the sight of you, if only for a few minutes or hours or days or weeks, being completely happy. I never thought about it like that. The moment that I had an inkling that she was getting some sort of pleasure other than being curious, I shut it down immediately. I won't drag her down with me, I just won't. I want my innocent, lovely Celia. I'm bad enough for the both of us.

"Still." I finally let out after pondering his last words.

"Still, what?"

"I don't like it. I won't have it."

"Then say no, rent some bondage and torture porn like you always do and try to survive."

I scoff, rubbing my eyes and forehead again, "I can't. I fucking can't."

"Then go get your kill. You can either come to terms with who you are and feed your needs or you can try and stifle them but what you can't do, is continue to try and teeter on the edge like this. It'll kill you or get you locked up for good. None of us want to see that."

"I don't want her to feel inadequate." I relent.

"She already does, you can't change that. So let her participate. Let her feel like she's helping you get through this because deep down, she is. Then, maybe she won't feel inadequate anymore."

"You're an asshole."

"I'm right and you know it. Let her help you. You'll be helping her as well without even realizing it."

I roll my eyes and purse my lips, ready to end this fucking conversation, "I gotta go. You're not fucking helping, psychology major."

"You just don't like being disagreed with," He chuckles again, "You should come visit me in LA sometime soon. A change in scenery might be good for your cranky ass. We've got pretty girls down here too you know."

I crack a small smile for the first time in what seems like a year. I do love California. Celia's never been. Maybe we can make a vacation out of it, "Maybe. I'll talk to you soon, okay?"

"Alright man. Just remember I love you, nothing you can do will change that. You're my brother, forever."

"You're just saying that. You're just using my life for research to be able to write your book."

He laughs again, sighing at the end, "Well, at least I don't charge you two hundred an hour like I do these other saps. I mean it though Justin. If you ever need me, I'm here bud."

"I know, thank you."

I end the call and slide my phone across the table towards the window. I sigh deeply again, my mind still not anymore relaxed then it was before I called JC. He makes some good points, he really does. Maybe it's not the blood and the actual death that she likes, maybe it is just knowing that I'm finally at peace. But I don't want to take that chance. I don't want to be wrong, I can't. I don't want to destroy this. She is the one, and I mean the one and only thing about me that is truly pleasant.


I snap my head as I hear her keys jingle in the door behind me. I stand just as she stumbles through the door, her arms full of grocery bags. She smiles warmly at me and I return it genuinely, feeling a little calmer now that she's home. I step up to the threshold of the kitchen and lean against one of the counters and watch as she moves about, talking aimlessly about her outing as if I'm listening. She's in a cute little flower print dress that stops just above the knee, showing off those long, beautiful, tatted up legs. Her long hair falls over her shoulders and down towards the center of her back, curling slightly at the ends. My baby.

"Are you hungry?" She asks, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Not for food." I answer quickly before fully thinking it through. Her happy demeanor snaps in an instant and a scowl is now playing on her delicate lips. I step to her and place my arms around her, pressing my chest into her back, "Don't be mad." I coo, kissing her temple.

"Don't." She states, trying to break free of my grasp.

I don't relent, I just told her tighter until she stops struggling, "Don't be mad." I say again, with a little more conviction this time.

She rests her hands and weight against the counter in front of her, dropping her head slightly as she breaths steadily, "Please just go, okay? Please? I'll let you do your thing, I won't interfere. Just..." She trails off, leaving her words just hanging between us.

"I spoke to JC." I say, spinning her around to face me.

"Oh yeah?" She asks, lifting her eyes to meet mine, "What did the good doctor have to say?"

"He says I should let you come with me. He thinks that it's good for both of us."

She squints her eyes slightly in confusion, "Good for both of us?"

I nod, "You'd be helping me with my affliction and in turn, I'd be helping you... with yours."

She bites her lip slightly, her eyes bouncing between mine as the wheels in her head start to turn. She's never admitted to me that she likes it or enjoys it or whatever it is. We've never fully spoken about it, I've just sort of hinted around why I don't want her going with me. I'm not going to push it now either, I probably never will. I just want her to know that I see it and I'm trying to haul it in for her own good. Before it takes over and wants more and more control. I sort of wish I had had someone to help me.

She glances around me, her eyes glazing over with tears but I bring her attention back to me, "It's okay baby." I urge gently, not wanting her to be afraid to tell me, "A little darkness is okay."

She nods slowly, tucking some of her loose hair behind her ear, "Are you going to go?"

"Yep and you're going too."

She stares at me, her pretty mouth falling open slightly. When I smile down at her, she stands to her tiptoes, throwing her arms around my neck and gazing lovingly at me, "Really?" She whispers, kissing the corner of my mouth.

"Really. But you have to promise me something."

"Anything daddy."

"You'll talk to me about this afterwards, okay? I want to know what you're thinking.”
She nods again, pulling me into her tightly. I lift her slightly off of her feet and bury my face into her neck, taking deep breaths as her sweet scent fills my body.

Looks like we're going hunting.

Hunter/Gatherer by god gave me style
"So, how much do you want to be involved tonight?" I ask, looking at her through the mirror as I rake my fingers through my hair.

She sits on the edge of the tub, watching me intently as I get ready for our evening out. She's dressed in a simple black blouse, jean shorts and pair of red pumps. She shrugs her shoulders at me, dropping her eyes to the ground, "I dunno. I mean, I don't want to actually hurt anybody and I don't want to touch any blood or anything like that."

I'd be lying if I didn't say that hearing that almost made me jump for joy. I haven't turned her into a sick fuck like me. Thank God, "Can I say that I'm relieved to hear that?" I chuckle, taking one last glance at myself before spraying some cologne on my neck and shirt.

She giggles and scoffs a little, "Shut up."

"So, what exactly do you want?" When she shrugs again, I turn and lean against the sink, "Do you want to touch her and kiss her?" I prod gently, knowing this is a bit of a delicate subject.

"Yeah." She says meekly, dropping her eyes to her shoes again.

"Do you want her to touch you?" She nods yes, "Do you want to taste her?" She makes a face and I chuckle slightly, "Okay, I'll take that as a no. Do you want her to taste you?" She nods yes again and a shiver goes up my spine. My Celia. This is going to be fun.

I've been on pins and needles since I told her we were going to do this together. My fun meter has been pegged since we decided to do this. I started my ritual by rummaging through all of my fake I.D.'s and settling on Jacob Moore. I haven't used old Jacob in a while. The I.D.'s and fake credit cards are mainly just for the paper trail. All the drinks at the bar, the hotel rooms, dinner, gas. Basically, a cover for all of the components of the hunt. Once they realize that none of the charges go through, I'm long gone; just a whisper in a wind. All of these fake names and numbers are connected to a different part of my past; each one having its' own gruesome story. Well, a new chapter is about to be written and I've been happier than a pig in shit. I then ran out and rented a room downtown, stocking it up with all of the necessities. I wrapped the mattress with plastic, so nothing can seep through, bought a spare set of sheets, Clorox wipes, towels, and gloves. I wiped down everything I touched, just out of precaution, and then headed home to get ready with my love.

She's been a little quiet, maybe regretting her decision to want to watch but she hasn't voiced any concern, "Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask one last time, "I don't have to do this. We don't have to do this."

She stands and runs her hands down her shorts before running a delicate hand through her dark hair, "You ready?"

I chuckle slightly in response and follow her out of the bathroom, flipping off the light as we exit. I grab her signature Dallas Cowboy hat and slide it down on her head before stealing a quick kiss, "Remember to keep this low, over your eyes when we hit the club and the hotel lobby. Okay?" I say, tugging slightly on the cap before grabbing my own hat and aligning it on my head, "You ready girl?"

"As ready as I'll ever be Jay."

Fuck yeah, baby girl.


This club is packed but it is rockin' tonight. Justin and I have been having so much fun, we've almost forgotten the real reason we came out tonight. We've been dancing for what feels like an hour but every time we try and sneak off to the bar, the DJ plays another jam. Young Jeezy's Act Right is pounding through the speakers as I grind my ass into Justin's crotch. He raises his arms and claps a few random times as I twerk on him, laughing a little as he clearly enjoys the show I'm putting on for him. I love him like this. So care free and relaxed. He's actually having fun right now and it feels like it's been years since he's been this happy.

I turn around and throw my arms around his neck as his strong arms wrap around my body and I feel his warmth. He captures my lips in a passionate kiss and it almost takes my breath away. God, I love him. I love that he loves me. But in a few hours, these lips, these beautiful, plump, pink lips will be all over some other woman... I hate that. But, I break away from him long enough to grab a shot from the waitress floating around and slam it down, shaking my head slightly as the alcohol stings my insides on its way down. Whoo, one more of those, and I'm not going to give a flying rat's ass about anything. I shake away the nagging thoughts and begin to imagine a sexy little thing, kissing her way up my thighs and how it's gonna drive Justin crazy. And without a second thought, I'm ready to hunt.

After another song, we slink off of the dance floor and head to the bar. I slump down on the stool as Justin hovers on my side, leaning up against the bar and glancing out onto the dance floor. I order us another pair of drinks and begin sipping mine as I too, begin to canvas the scene. But, after a few minutes, the alcohol in my system starts playing games with me and I'm swaying to the beat and humming along with music as the drunk begins to pile on. I glance over at Justin, who is transfixed on something or someone. His eyes are glued. He's found a pretty girl.

"I'll be back, ok?" He practically screams into my ear over the music, "You okay?" I nod and smile a bit, the drunk starting to fade slightly as the nagging thoughts begin again, "Stay here baby. Don’t drink too much."

And with that, he's gone. I watch as he slips into the crowd and I turn back to face the bartender, "Can I have a shot of tequila please?" I scream as he nods towards me.

He slides a shot glass towards me and I don't even hesitate, gulping it down before slamming the glass back onto the bar. I thought we were supposed to be doing this together. What a dick. Just leaving me here, by myself at the bar, while he goes out and flirts with some other bitch. Damn it, I would have just kept my ass at home if it was going to be like this. He knows how quickly my drunk turns into anger and he still left my ass over here, getting hit on by these weak ass dudes. What a dick! After about forty five minutes of sitting and stewing on my own, and about two or three more tequila shots, I whirl around on my stool, and start to head out onto the dance floor to give him a piece of my mind. But, he steps through the crowd, pulling a rather tall, red head with him.

"This is my friend Celia. Celia, this is Amber."

Friend? This is my friend... is he fucking nuts? Ugh, God, "Hi." I choke out with a fake smile, shaking her hand slightly.

"Hi. Gosh, you are gorgeous." She says, giggling loudly and pushing into Justin's body a little.

I huff a little. I probably shouldn't have gotten this lit. She's going to annoy me and I'm already... well... annoyed, "Do you girls want to go somewhere a little quieter? There's a little bar right around the corner?" Justin asks, looking between her and I.

"Sure, that sounds fun!" Amber answers, grabbing his hand and mine and jumping up and down a little.

Fuck. Kill me now.


"I'll be right back, okay?" I scream over at Celia, tearing my eyes from the dance floor for a second, "You okay?" She nods and smiles up at me, "Stay here baby. Don't drink too much."

I pull away from the bar and begin to push my way through the crowd toward the red headed beauty that caught my eye. I spotted her a little earlier but decided to move on when I noticed the large group she arrived with. But after a few hours, her group has dissipated, and she's left with just two other female friends. She's plenty tipsy, along with her pals, so it'll be easy to win her over. It'll be even easier to break her away from her companions.

I spotted her again when Celia and I retreated to the bar but this time, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She's just my type. I make my way through the dance floor and slide up right behind her as she dances, slightly off beat, to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. I start to move behind her, bumping into her slightly to catch her attention and it works like a charm. She turns and smiles widely up at me, stepping in a little closer. We continue to dance for a few songs and I take mental note of her remaining two friends turning their attention to their own dance partners. When the current song ends, the red head stands to her tiptoes, pulling my head towards her a little, "Come talk to me?"

I nod and smile as she grabs my hand and pulls me to the opposite side of the club. I glance back over the crowd and catch a glimpse of Celia, waving off some guy who undoubtedly is hitting on her. But, just as fast as I caught the glimpse, I loose her through the crowd of people, "Amber."

I turn my attention back toward the young girl in front of me, "I'm sorry?"

She smiles, "I'm Amber." She says, leaning up against a random, small, round table once we're off the dance floor.


She giggles a little, tossing her long hair over her shoulder, "Well Justin, you are a great dancer."

I chuckle slightly, "You aren't so bad yourself Amber. What's a pretty little girl like you doing here all by yourself?"

She shrugs, "The friends I came with are lame. Most of them left and... um... I'm not sure where Megan and Nichole got to..." She trails off, her glassy eyes searching the floor a little behind me.

Perfect. The more I talk to Amber, the more I fall in love. She's simply scrumptious, to put it lightly. She's small but she has body for days. My vision begins to tunnel as she speaks and her delicate voice becomes a blur as I focus on random parts of her body. Her slightly pale but creamy skin, her delicious cleavage that peaks out beneath her low cut top. Mmmmm, and that neck. I lick my lips as I imagine them sucking down that long, beautiful neck and down her shoulder. A shiver ripples through my spine and I drop my head slightly, letting out a steady breath. She's the one. Lucky girl.

We talk for a while, and she's getting more and more comfortable with me. She's resting her hand on top my arm as she spills her life story, rubbing her fingers gently against my skin, setting the spot on fire. She pulls her body closer and closer into me and never breaks eye contact, "You are much too gorgeous to be single." She says softly, biting her plump bottom lip.

A slow smile spreads across my face as I lean into her ear, closing my eyes as I take in a large whiff of her hair, "So are you, baby."

My lips capture the bare skin of her neck before I can stop myself and she wraps her hands around me, pulling me to her. She digs her fingers into my hair, moaning as I break away from her neck and nibble on her ear lobe, "Are you here alone?" She asks, breathlessly.

"Now that you mention it," I say, reluctantly pulling away from her, "I'm here with a friend and she's probably really pissed that I've been gone for so long." I chuckle, "You want to try and find her?"

"Not really." She laughs, searching my eyes and practically begging for me to change the subject, "Ditch her like my friends did me."

I place my hands on her hips and pull her bottom half into mine before capturing her lips with mine. She throws her arms around my neck and meets my kiss, opening her mouth and allowing me to slip my tongue in between her warm lips. I pull away and kiss her quickly again before she protests, "I can't leave my friend. She's cool, you'll like her."

"I don't care, I just want more of you."

She stands to her tip toes but I pull back slightly, "Help me find my friend and you'll get more of this. I promise."

She searches my eyes for a second but I know I've got her. She won't be able to say no. She needs more, "Okay, one more shot before we go though?"

"Sure." I smile, watching as she heads towards the bar and orders two shots.

Amber's shot puts her slightly over the edge as she stumbles in font of me as we fight our way through the dance floor again. I keep a strong hold on her hips as I push us through, then grab her wrist as I make our way toward Celia, who sits alone at the bar, "This is my friend Celia. Celia, this is Amber."

"Hi." Celia snorts, turning back to her drink and taking another gulp.

She's annoyed... and drunk. Great. "Do you girls want to go somewhere a little quieter? There's a little bar right around the corner?" I ask, glancing between the two.

"Sure, that sounds fun!" Amber answers, grabbing my wrist and jumping up and down a little.

Celia slides off her stool and heads for the door without a word. I sigh slightly before plastering a fake smile on for Amber as we head out behind the pissy Celia. All I know is, she better lose her attitude. She's the one that pushed me into this. She wanted this, not me. She's not going to ruin this. I won't let her. It's too late to turn back now. The wolf is out, and there's no putting him back in his cage tonight.


I slide off of the stool and head for the door, not really waiting for either one of them as I bust out into the still busy New York night. I lead the way to Charlies' as her giggles float up to me. I steal a glance and instantly regret it, as I see Justin's face buried in her neck and hair, laughing as he pokes at her side slightly. Fucking disgusting. I turn into Charlies' and head straight for the back, finding a quiet little booth and plopping down, waiting for the other two assholes I'm with. Justin eyes me for a second when he makes his way to the table, situating his new play thing on the opposite side of me across the table.

"May I offer you a drink Amber?" He asks.

"I'll have a martini." Amber pipes up, giggling some more.

"A shot of tequila for me." I blurt out, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Water." He states, before turning his back and heading toward the bar.

Charlies' is packed with people as well but the atmosphere is completely different. It's a little more romantic, with all of its patrons in their own little groups and clicks, huddled together. The lighting is dark, but just enough to where you can see who you're talking to and a jazz piece pours from the speakers, making it much easier to hear Amber's nonstop giggling. Justin returns a few minutes later, with a beer for himself, a martini for giggle pants and a tall, pint glass of water for me. He knows I'm drunk, he also knows I'm angry so he's trying to diffuse the situation before it gets any worse. Too late for that, buddy.

I sit in my stank ass mood, not saying a word as he works over Amber, laughing and flirting, pouring on the charm and keeping her drinks flowing. She's becoming drunker and drunker as I stare at my still full pint glass full of water, flickering my eyes up to Justin as he begins to really lay on his game. I sigh loudly and turn my head completely away from him when he leans in and kisses her neck. I can barely hide the snarl on my face as I cross my legs and begin bouncing my foot wildly in displeasure.

"Is she okay?" Amber slurs to Justin, who has know turned his attention towards me as well.

"Excuse us, for just one second, okay?"

He grabs my wrist and pulls me roughly from my seat and drags me to the front door, me stumbling the whole way, "What in fuck is your problem? Why in the fuck did you drink so much?" He asks loudly when we're finally outside.

"What are you talking about? I'm not drunk." I say, my head suddenly becoming light from all of the sudden movement.

"You know how you get when you drink Celia!"

I scoff and push him slightly, "How's that?"

"Mad for no damn reason! What is the problem?" He asks, his eyes glaring at me in anger.

I drop my eyes to my feet, "Don't look at me like that." I whisper, feeling like a little girl in trouble under his gaze.

"What's your problem?" He asks a little softer, resting a hand on my elbow.

I'm silent for a second as I stare down at me feet. He lifts my head, placing his finger underneath my chin and pushing until we're staring at each other, "Tell her I'm your wife. I don't like this friend shit."

His demeanor softens as he eyes me, "Okay, baby."

"And stop making her giggle, it's annoying."

He sighs, readjusting the hat on his head out of frustration, "It's not like you haven't seen me do this before. I mean, I know it’s only been a few times in the past but still... this shouldn't be anything new to you."

"I know that!" I scoff, "But, it's been a really long time since we've... Since I've seen you with someone else." I say quietly, dropping my eyes again to my feet.

"And this is why. I hate making you feel like this."

And there it is. I pull my eyes up to meet his and almost all of the anger and jealousy that I feel, melts away when I see the genuine sincerity in his eyes, "I know its hard kitten." He whispers, pulling me into his chest.

Be strong Celia. It’s only one night. He loves you and that's one thing that will never change, "I'm sorry. I just... I drank too much. I'll be better, okay? I know you're trying so hard."

He pulls me into a tighter hug, lifting me right off of my feet, "Thank you for doing this baby. I know you're trying too." He whispers, pressing his lips to my temple.

"Yeah, yeah." I giggle, kissing his nose as he places me back down on earth, "We better get back in there before someone else steals her away."

Hand in hand, we make our way back over to Amber, who sips on her martini and smiles brightly upon our return, "Are you okay?" She asks sincerely, cocking her head to the side.

"I'm fine," I smile, "Thanks."

After a few minutes, we're all deep in conversation, laughing and joking like we're old friends. She's really quite pretty, this Amber. Her long, red hair reaches down to the small of her back and I can see why Justin was drawn to her. Her facial features are delicate and her makeup is light but accentuates her emerald green eyes. Her skin is fair, her breasts supple but proportional to her small frame. Paired with her cute little butt and long legs, Amber is quite the catch. Too bad she fell into the wrong trap tonight.

After about an hour or possibly even two, miss Amber is feeling mighty fine after guzzling down yet another martini. Justin has her right where he wants her, practically eating out of the palm of his hand, "So Amber, I must confess, I lied to you." Justin states, smiling devilishly at her as she giggles slightly.

She looks over toward me and smiles before turning her attention back to him, "About what handsome?" She slurs, "What's he talking about Celia?"

"Well, it's sort of about Celia and I. You see, we're not just friends, she's my wife."

Her mouth drops open as she stares in disbelief, "No way! Really?! Congratulations! You landed yourself a gorgeous wife mister!" She says, slurring and giggling as I shake my head slightly. She's way past go.

"I know. She's pretty fun too. You know what she likes to do?" Justin continues, leaning in and flicking his eyes towards me as he speaks, "She likes to play with pretty young girls such as yourself."

"Ooooh, does she now?" Amber says, turning back towards me and running her fingers through some loose strands of my hair, "Well Celia, you're in luck cuz... so do I." She whispers, biting her lip and giggling some more.

I glance back at Justin who is beside himself with excitement, "You wanna play tonight baby?" I ask softly, running my hand up and down her leg as she sways gently from the alcohol.

She nods vigorously, bouncing her eyes between Justin and I, "Him too right? I get both of you?"

I laugh and lean it, kissing her soft lips quickly, letting the kiss linger a few seconds before pulling back, "Yeah baby, you get both of us."

As soon as I lean back, Justin moves in, connecting both of their lips for a sensual kiss. When he leans back, Amber's eyes are as wide as saucers and glassier than a sheet of ice. When she smiles and stands from her seat, Justin takes her hand and pulls her in front of him, waiving toward the waiter to close out the tab. He turns slightly to me and smiles that slutty smile of his that sets my entire body on fire. I'm not gonna lie, every doubt I had earlier has been erased and I can't wait to get to this hotel room right now. I can't wait to have some fun. I can't wait to see Justin have his fun.

Bonnie and Clyde part 2.

Jay Z and Beyonce ain't got shit on us.

The Kill by god gave me style
There's been a comfortable silence between Celia and I since we left the bar. Amber has been slurring and giggling to herself in the back, singing along with the radio, completely unaware that she's approaching the last few hours of her short life. Celia sits, her gaze set out the window, her long, thin fingers picking unconsciously at one of her nails. I place my hand on top of both of hers, glancing over at her and smiling softly as she meets my gaze. She smiles back, intertwining our fingers as I continue to pull us deeper and deeper into the city, toward Amber's ending.

I pull over a few blocks away and pull Celia out of the car, "We'll be just a second, okay Amber?" She nods and smiles, before waving quickly and returning to singing along with Britney Spears over the radio, "Okay, I'm gonna walk from here so it looks like we didn't come together. I want you to park the car toward the back of the garage, okay? And make sure you keep your hat low, over your eyes baby."

Celia nods, before glancing around slightly, "Okay. What else do I do?"

"Nothing. Just tell the guy at the desk that you're friend got a little drunk and you’re going to make sure she gets settled in." I hand her my extra room key, "Sit here for about twenty minutes or so and then you can head towards the hotel. You got it baby?" I ask, tugging on her hat lovingly, pulling it down a little lower over her face.

She nods and stands to her tip toes, kissing the corner of my mouth a few times, "I love you." She whispers, placing both of her hands on my chest as she stares up at me.

"I love you too girl. Be careful. Be smart. Don't speak to anyone you don't have to, cover your face, and don't touch anything."

I pull her into a hug for a second, then walk back around the car and open the driver’s side door for her, "Amber? I'm going to run ahead and get us a room. If you need anything, just let Celia know, okay? I'll see you in a few."

I close the door behind Celia and take off toward the hotel, shoving my hands into my pockets as my mind begins to wonder. I'm lost in thought as I arrive at the hotel a few minutes later and head inside, waving slightly at the young guy behind the welcome desk. I make a B-line for the elevators and step inside, hitting the thirteen and gluing my eyes to the ground so the security camera catches nothing but the top of my hat. The elevator dings and the doors slide open and I step out onto the quiet floor and stalk toward my room, sliding the card into the lock and pushing through the door once it clicks open. I empty my pockets onto the night stand and head into the bathroom, turning on the sink and letting the water run before dipping my hands underneath the cool stream. I splash the liquid onto my face and repeat it a few more times as the excitement bubbles through my body. God, I am so ready for this.

I let out a controlled breath and stare at myself in the mirror as the water drips off my chin. I'm shaking I'm so excited right now, god damn. Keep your cool, Timberlake. I tend to get a little... overly aggressive with my kills when I've stretched it out this long. I need to keep my cool tonight though, since Celia is going to be here. This might sound fucking crazy but, I don't want to get out of control and have her look at me differently. I don't want to scare her. I don't want her to be afraid of me. So keep your fucking cool Timberlake.

I grab one of the white towels that hang behind me and dab at my face, letting out another deep breath before flipping off the light and heading back into the large bedroom. I sit on the large king sized bed and roll my head on my neck, before popping my knuckles and stretching out my arms and back. I hear a little commotion from outside the door and stand when I hear the key card sliding into the lock. The door pops open and in walks Celia, with a drunk Amber wrapped around her, stumbling slightly before laughing loudly when she collapses onto the bed. Celia and I stand over her, my eyes on Celia, Celia's eyes on Amber and Amber glancing back and forth at the both of us, biting her bottom lip seductively.

"You ladies ready to have some fun?" I ask, smiling that slutty smile of mine.

I know I am.


I run my tongue over my teeth as I sit in the arm chair in the corner of the room and watch Amber and Celia go at it. They're all arms and legs and skin as they press their semi naked bodies against each others and smack loudly as they kiss. Celia cups Amber's small but pretty, naked breasts in her hand as she wraps her free hand around her neck, pulling her closer. I groan slightly, readjusting in the chair as my body reacts to the two girls in front of me. Amber is having quite a time as well, sucking on Celia's neck as her fingers go to work in unbuttoning Celia's jean shorts and pulling down the zipper.

Amber wastes no time in removing Celia's shorts, leaving Celia in nothing but her matching leopard print bra and panties. She moves back up to Celia's neck and begins her assault again, causing soft moans and giggles to escape Celia's mouth. I sit up a little straighter as I cock my head to the side, getting an eye full of Amber's beautiful ass, which still dons a black thong, in the air as she kisses and licks her way down Celia's body. Celia writhes beneath her, running her hands down Amber's bare back and squeezing her plump behind, digging her nails into her peach colored flesh.

Celia shrugs out of her panties with the help of Amber, who turns just enough to throw them in my direction before returning her attention on my gorgeously naked wife. Amber rubs on Celia's clit for a few minutes while kissing the insides of her thighs and dipping her fingers inside of her a few times before lowering her lips to Celia's moist center. I stand to my feet and pull off my shirt, only removing my gaze from them long enough to undo my belt and unzip my jeans, sliding them to the floor and stepping out of them. I walk to the edge of the bed, right on top of them and run my fingers over Amber's ass before hooking my finger underneath the thin material of her thong and pull them off in one swoop. I cup her bare behind and smack it lightly, drawing a giggle from her as she continues her assault on Celia.

I flick my eyes up at Celia and my breath is almost taken away by her beauty. Her eyes are shut, her long, dark lashes resting delicately on her smooth skin. Her lips are slightly parted as her ragged breath escapes her chest. Her small hands roam over Amber's head as her fingers pull at her long, red hair. It's a beautiful scene. A hot one too. I forgot how much fun this was with Celia. I've been so busy trying to keep her away from this side of me that I forgot how much fun it is just to watch her. I slide my hand around Amber's hips to her stomach, then inch my fingers up in between the valley between her breasts, roller her right nipple between my fingers slightly. Mmmmmm.

Before I can stop myself, I'm entering her slowly, pushing my full length into her tight canal, letting out a steady breath as my eyes flutter slightly. I hold on to her hips as I begin to move inside of her, her moans mingling with Celia's as they bounce off of the walls. She buries her head a little more between Celia's legs and goes to town while sinking her finger tips into Celia's hips. Celia opens her eyes slightly, linking them with mine. She bites her bottom lip and then slams her eyes shut, letting out a loud groan and I know she's close. Amber is equally as ripe, her body tightening around me with each deep stroke. My own chest begins to tighten as electricity begins prickling in the pit of my stomach. God, this is my favorite part.

I reach in between the mattress and pull out the long chef's knife, groaning slightly as I palm the handle. It’s coming. That one perfect second, where pleasure and pain will collide in this beautiful atmosphere of mine. The girls get louder, Celia's bucking her hips into Amber's mouth as Amber pants like a puppy beneath me. I drop the knife beside her on the bed and slow my pace as Celia hits her peak, screaming loudly as she claws at Amber's pale skin, grabbing her hair and pulling as Amber continues to suck the orgasm right out of her. Curse words spill from Celia's delicate mouth as her body collapses back down on the mattress and a smile spreads across her face as she comes down from her high. I don't waste a moment before flipping Amber over on her back and spreading her legs, hooking them around my waist.

I run my fingers down her beautiful body, circling a dark birth mark just on the inside of her left breast as I slam into her. She holds onto my biceps as a string of inaudible words fall from her pretty lips. As her panting begins to pick up again, her body involuntarily tenses and relaxes around me; her grip on my arms tightening considerably. I lock eyes with my wife as she rubs herself slowly, biting her lip, watching, waiting. A few more thrusts and her tightness is almost unbearable and I almost spill myself into her. I pick up the knife again and place the cool metal against the hot skin of her stomach, startling her. Her eyes widen out of confusion and fear but her body is pushed too far before she can mentally come to terms with what's happening.

She explodes around me, her body flexing and lifting off of the mattress as I draw her orgasm from her. And just as she reaches her full climax, I grip the knife firmly in my palm and slam it into her smooth stomach. I continue to pump into her as she gasps loudly, her green eyes wide, her mouth hanging open. I slam the kitchen knife into her body again and she grunts again, her once tight grip around my arms beginning to loosen as blood begins to seep from her deep wounds. I lock eyes with hers as they glaze over slightly. They flutter as her breaths become slow and staggered, and she twitches slightly as her inner fire starts to snuff out.

The sight of the bright red blood splashed against her pale, soft skin and the glassy look in her eyes sends a deep shiver through my body. I want my Celia. I pull out of the half dead Amber, her arms and legs falling limp and with a soft thud against the mattress, and climb toward Celia, whose back is pressed against the head board, her chest rising and falling harshly at the scene in front of her. We stare at each other for a few seconds, her eyes bouncing between both of mine wildly as her mind races. But when she reaches out, slinking her fingers around my neck and pulls me into a passionate kiss, I know she's okay. I spread her legs and sink into her warm, wet center and begin moving instantly, drawing more moans from her as I pulse in and out of her.

With a few more pumps, Celia hits her climax again, this time pulling me with her. She holds me close to her as we come together, my face cuddled in between her breasts. I plant small kisses along her collarbone and neck as our bodies calm. She runs her fingers through my hair a few times as I lift my head and look down upon her. She palms my cheek as she gazes at me, a peacefulness coming over her as we lay together.

"I love you." I say suddenly, breaking the silence in the room, "Thank you baby." I whisper, dropping my head to her chest again.

She nods softly and whispers back, "I love you Jay."

I'm not sure how long we lay together but I know that I don't want to move from this cocoon of Celia. Her body is wrapped around mine like ivy and I wish we could just stay like this forever but I have some unfinished business to attend to at the foot of the bed. I crawl back down to find Amber is still barely holding on as a few shallow breaths still escape from her lips. Blood has pooled beneath her as it continues to seep from her wounds, slipping down her sides and dripping onto the no longer white sheets. I stand from the bed, slip back into my boxers and walk to the bag I brought along, rummaging inside and finding a pair of latex gloves. I place them over my hands as Celia sits up and begins to change back into her clothes.

"You want me to help with something?" She asks a few minutes later, placing her Dallas Cowboys hat back over her head.

"No baby. I got it from here. You head back to the convenience store a few blocks away. I'll meet you there in about an hour, okay?"

She nods and turns toward the door but I grab her wrist and pull her back into my hard body. I dig my hands into her hair and kiss her lightly a few times, resulting in a soft smile to form on her lips. With a pat on the butt, she leaves, the door clicking softly behind her. Now, time to get down to business. I walk back over to Amber, cocking my head to the side as I admire the fight in this one. A tear slips down her cheek and mingles with the blood beneath her as she fights to stay alive. I lean down and kiss her one last time, my lips lingering for just a second before I straighten up and place my hands around her neck and begin to squeeze.

Her eyes widen slightly but there's not enough life left in her to lift a finger to try and fight against me. The light completely drains from her eyes a few minutes later and she takes one last light breath. I pull back and sigh deeply but smile as I close my eyes and roll my neck slowly. And just like that, the calm and peace that I always find after a kill is back and I feel like a completely new man. A happy man. I pick up her lifeless body and carry it into the bathroom, laying her gently into the bathtub and turn on the warm water as I begin the clean up process. I wash her body and hair completely, ridding it of blood, finger prints and any traces of DNA of mine and Celia's. I leave her in the tub to soak and turn my attention back to the bedroom.

I remove the bloody sheets and plastic from around the mattress, folding them neatly and placing them into the duffel bag. That heavy duty painters plastic is a serial killers best friend, let me tell you. Not a drop of blood made its way to the mattress. I recover the old mattress with the sheets that I bought then begin wiping down ever surface of the room with the Clorox wipes that I brought along. I grab the towels that I had used earlier in the night and shove them in the duffel bag before pulling out the small hand vacuum to make one last sweep to make sure I've collected all of the possible evidence.

When my OCD cleaning has ended, I step back into the bathroom and clean up after myself a little more before placing a new set of gloves over my hands. I drain the water from the tub and remove the still warm body of Amber and carry her back into the room, placing her naked body in the middle of the bed. I dry her off, clip her finger and toe nails and position her as if she just taking a quick nap, before shutting her eyes with my finger tips. I head back into the bathroom and clean out the tub, splashing some Clorox around to remove the rest of any evidence. I dress quickly, placing my hat down low over my eyes before throwing the duffel bag over my shoulder and take one last look at my handy work. Thanks for the fun Amber.

I step out into the hallway, closing the door to Amber's death place and head toward the elevators, shielding my face from the cameras once more. I walk up to the desk, which has been left unattended and I throw my key card onto it and make my exit without anyone noticing. By the time they find the body tomorrow, Jacob Moore will be just a memory. The card that I used for the room and drinks will be declined, and any trace of me or Celia will be gone forever. We'll just be another set of faces that the bartenders, bouncers and hotel clerk will fail to fully remember in any detail. The trail will go cold and the female population of New York City will be safe once more for a few more months.

I make my way back to Celia, who waits calmly for me in the driver’s seat of the car. I walk up to the window and open the door, "I'll drive babe. We need to make a few stops before we head home."

She climbs out and walks around to the passenger’s side as I climb in and take off into the city, stopping by a few random dumpsters and throwing away a few pieces from the crime in each one. We then drive in silence, a soft song playing from the radio as Celia rests her head against my shoulder, our fingers intertwined together as I pull us away from the city and toward the beach. It’s quiet when we get there about an hour later and I reluctantly pull away from my girl as I step out and pull the bloody sheets from the duffel bag. I walk out toward the edge of the water and pull out a lighter, setting the sheets a flame and watches as they disintegrate into the sand. I jog back to the car and pull away, heading toward the bridge that leads us home.

I pull to the side of the road and throw the bag over the side, hearing a slight splash as it hits the water. We pull off without a second thought and head home without a word being discussed between the two of us. We need to talk, just like I told Celia earlier that day but there's always tomorrow. There's an ease between us now that I don't want to ruin. I wish it could stay like this forever but I know that within a few months, I'll be out on the prowl again, looking for another score. But I'll try and push it off for as long as I can, for my baby. We'll live as if this night never even happened but the memories will live on for a lifetime.

Until next time, New York. You sure know how to show a boy a good time.

"I wasn't going to say anything but I guess tonight is as good as any." Celia says suddenly, lifting her head from my shoulder.

"What's up baby?"

She sighs and looks out the window before turning her gaze back to me, "I'm pregnant."


I've had a few months to come to terms with the words I'm pregnant. She's five months along now, and with each passing day our baby is getting bigger and bigger. I've never thought about children honestly, I didn't even know that she was fantasizing about a family. But seeing how excited she's become, it's put me at ease about it. I'm still worried about how I'm going to balance my... activities with being husband and now father but I've kept my insecurities to myself. I don't want to take any more happiness and normalcy from Celia. I'll work it out somehow. I'm probably going to have to actually start paying JC for our impromptu phone calls now.

Celia's humming breaks me from my thoughts and I smile warmly at the sight of her flouncing around the kitchen as she makes lunch. Her still small baby bump protrudes slightly from underneath her summer dress. She's so cute. She saunters over towards me and sets my plate in front of me, with a glass of water then sits down next me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"You're not gonna eat baby?"

She shakes her head no, glancing up at me with those big brown eyes, "No. I'm kinda nauseous."

I kiss the top of her head, my hand resting on her protruding belly, "Other than that, how are you feeling baby?"

She looks back up at me and smiles widely but before she can answer, there's a knock at the door. "I'll get it, you sit." I say, standing and pushing away from the table.

Before I reach the door, there's another loud knock, "Alright, alright, I'm coming." I call as I reach the door, pulling it open, "Yes?"

"Mr. Timberlake, I presume? Is your wife home?"

My breath hitches in my throat as I stare back at two NYPD officers and one smaller detective dressed in a suit, "Can I ask why?" I ask, glancing back at Celia quickly as she stands from her seat.

"May we come in?" The detective asks, before the three of them push past me without an answer, "Celia Timberlake?"

"Y-yes?" She responds, stammering as her eyes bounce between the three of them and me.

"What's going on? What do you want?" I ask loudly but they ignore me completely. The two officers step over toward Celia and whirl her around, slapping a pair of handcuffs over her delicate wrists, "Wait a second, what in the fuck are you doing? What are you doing?!" I scream, bounding over towards her.

"Celia Timberlake, you're under arrest for the murder of Amber Russell."

My mouth drops open as the words sink into me, "What?" I whisper in disbelief.

Tears spring to Celia's eyes and they drag her towards the door, sobs pouring from her lips as she screams out for me, "Wait, wait a minute! Justin!"

My mind races as everything begins moving in slow motion around me and Celia's screams become muffled. I cleaned that room top to bottom, like I always do. I cleaned her body; I took everything with me... I.. I don't understand. I don't fucking understand! But I missed a piece. I missed a long, dark string of Celia's hair that must have fallen from her hat as she left the room. One strand of hair that they linked back to Celia from an old arrest when she was barely twenty. I'm usually so careful, I always... I've never left anything behind. Never. And now.. oh god, my Celia. Our baby. What have I done?

I begged and screamed and pleaded with them to let her go, that it was me, and it’s been me all along. But they won't believe me. I have no criminal record so the traces of semen they found didn't find a match in their system. They keep asking about Jacob Moore, if I've ever met him but they just laugh at me when I tell them it's me. They think I'm trying to cover for her, that I'm a grieving husband and father that would do anything to protect my wife. But they don't hear me. They won't. I offer up every ounce of blood, semen, and DNA in my body to prove to them that she's innocent but they refuse. Everything that I've built to protect myself from this very situation is the very thing that keeps Celia locked away. I don't exist to the police. But that one strand of Celia's hair that I left behind does.

I sit in my dark apartment, haunted by her laugh, her voice, her smell and as the world closes in on me, I pray that this is all a dream. But it's not. And I wake up every day after a tortured night of sleep without her.

Oh God, what have I done?

What have I done?

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