Second Chance at Love by nsyncsfan2001
Past Featured StorySummary:

What happens when the one that got away comes back, but you already have everything?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 92 Completed: Yes Word count: 223858 Read: 7930 Published: Nov 23, 2022 Updated: Jun 05, 2023
Chapter 17 by nsyncsfan2001
Author's Notes:


“Welcome to the L’Ermitage hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Timberlake,” the concierge greeted.  “Staying for two nights, your suite is ready.  Room 701.  Enjoy your stay.”

Justin took the keys, leading Mikayla to the elevators.  They rode up to the 7th floor, their room right next to the elevators.  “Well, that’s convenient,” Mikayla chuckled lightly.  “You didn’t have to do this, Justin, we could have just stayed home…”

“Jackie is still there, unless she decided to go out.  This is more special, less interruptions.  Your castle in the sky awaits.”

He opened the door, Mikayla seeing a tiled mirror wall facing them as they first entered, a bathroom off to the left of the entryway.  She turned to the right, gasping at the living space before her. It had a u-shaped seating area, really two L-shaped couches with room to get through in between, a large coffee table in the middle with small pieces of art and books spread on it.  Above the table and seating area was a lighting fixture in a square frame with beaded strands hanging from the ceiling, like a large square crystal chandelier.  She walked into the room, seeing a large screen tv on the wall, with an electric fireplace underneath the TV.  The far wall had two sets of double doors leading to an outside patio, the curtains open to reveal the view of the city below.

“I never get tired of this view, seeing the city like this,” Mikayla sighed.

“It’s almost as beautiful as you,” Justin whispered, wrapping his arms around her.  “You wanna go out on the balcony? If people see us, it’s no big deal.  If not, then fine.”

Mikayla nodded, Justin opening the door for her. She stood against the white metal railing, Justin’s arms around her.  They were quiet for a while, taking in the view, being in the moment. Justin nuzzled her neck, Mikayla turning to face him. 

“I love you,” he said, moving a stray strand of hair behind her ear.  He looked deeply into her eyes, seeing their past, their present, their future within them. 

“I love you too,” she said quietly, closing her eyes as Justin kissed her.  It was sweet, innocent, gentle.  Something they hadn’t really had for a long time.  “Shall we take this inside?” she whispered in his ear.

“I suppose we could,” he smiled. He opened the door for her, walking her into the master bedroom.  He closed the curtains, a soft look on his face.  “How did I end up with such a beautiful woman?”

“Well, if memory serves, it started with a bottle of wine…”

“You really count that as the start of everything?” Justin asked, surprised.

“Kinda.  I mean, I know there’s a lot of drama involved, but once you told me you were in love with me, that’s when everything happened.  It was like a switch flipped on. My other answer is that it was better than being alone and pregnant, so I think I’ll take the ‘bottle of wine’ answer myself.”

“As long as you’re mine, that’s all that matters.  I’m glad we have this weekend together, it’s been a bit rough lately. Not that I’m feeling neglected or anything, but seeing you and C have these moments… It’s like I’m watching our marriage fall apart.”

“Our marriage is just as strong as it’s ever been.  It’s more like Josh is having moments and I’m there to celebrate them with him. You are too.”

“You’re the mother of his kids,” Justin sighed. 

“And the mother of this one,” Mikayla said, her hand on her belly.  “You had a lot of moments with me that he never got, and now we get them all over again.  Let him have those moments, with or without me.  They’re his kids, but nothing is stealing me away from you.  You’re stuck with me, Timberlake…”

“You’re stuck with ME,” he said, pulling her into his arms. He kissed her gently, a hand weaving into her hair, a satisfied hum against her lips.

He slowly undressed her, no rush behind it, wanting to keep the mood romantic and slow.  He then pulled his clothes off, laying himself and Mikayla on the bed.  

His kisses were soft, slow, gentle, taking his time kissing her jaw, down her neck, before taking her hardened nub against his lips. His fingers caressed the other, sensual and slow.

“God, Justin, that feels so good…”

“Everything you deserve. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

He took his time with her, fingers tracing over intimate parts of her with care and genuine affection. Her mind flitted back to their wedding night, their first time together.  She smiled, knowing this time she was pregnant with his baby, not someone else’s.

The moment was perfect; everything they wanted but hadn’t found the time for, reconnecting emotionally and somewhat spiritually, deepening and strengthening their bond to each other.

Her sounds of pleasure were soft, quiet, everything she needed. He lay over her, gazing deeply into her eyes as their bodies connected, Justin groaning at how good she felt, how good it always felt. 

His strokes were slow, the passion in the room was deep, not something rushed.  He worshipped her body for the wonder that it was, gentle caresses and soft, lingering kisses. Nothing felt intense in the sense that it was overpowering, but more of how deeply they loved and cared for each other.  He kissed her as they hit their peak, in awe of the woman before him. 

“You’re an incredible woman, and I don’t take you or our life together for granted. I’m sorry we don’t have time for romance like this anymore.”

“We have two four year olds, a baby on the way…” Mikayla sighed. 

“Still. I could do more to be romantic, tell or show you how much you mean to me.”

“You do plenty, Justin. I see it in the little everyday things.  That says more to me than flowers, dinners out or nights like this.”

“Not gonna lie, I’m gonna take advantage of JC being able to watch the kids so I can take you out more. Or have Jackie watch them so we can do something.”

“Not that I’m opposed, but you don’t have to…”

“I WANT to.  You make me want to be a better husband, father.  You put up with a lot of my shit, the crazy schedules and things.  I don’t say thank you enough for that.  You work a regular full time job, take care of the kids, everything…”

“Sounds like a regular couple to me,” Mikayla smiled. “We make things work because we value each other and know what is needed to make our marriage work. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been worth it.”

“I’m glad you think so.  I love you so much, and I feel I don’t get to show it like I used to.”

“Maybe you’re right, but you show it in new ways.  Doing bath time with the kids if you know I’m tired, cooking dinner for me after the twins go to bed. My birthday the last couple years has been incredible…”

“I wanna take you on a vacation, more than just a weekend. With or without the twins, I haven’t decided yet. Somewhere we haven’t been before.”

“Hawaii? Bora Bora?” Mikayla asked excitedly. 



“It’s beautiful.  I’ve got this great place in mind. It’s near Yellowstone, so we could go with the twins or by ourselves.  Do some hiking…”

“I’m pregnant, Justin.”

“Ok, no hiking,” he corrected himself. “Beautiful mountains, lots of land, you have to see it to believe it.”

“How did you hear about this?”

“Trace.  He swears it’s like home, but even more freedom, quiet.  I haven’t seen where I want to go in person, just pictures from Trace, but even pictures don’t do it justice, he says.  Hasn’t steered me wrong yet.  He didn’t try to talk me out of marrying you.”

“Would you have listened if he did?“

“It depends on what he said. If he says it was too soon, I’d agree but also that we didn’t have that luxury. If he said you were sleeping your way to the top, I’d laugh in his face.  I guess I wouldn’t have listened, but he listened to everything I said about you, and he had no qualms with anything.”

“Does he know about our current situation?”

“Fuck no. No one would understand.  The only ones that know are the people in it.  Unless C told his therapist…”


“He did mention something like that, that his therapist will have a field day with this.”

“At least he’s seeing a therapist, maybe it’ll do him some good after everything that’s happened. I know it’s helped both of us after certain things.”

“You mean the miscarriage…”

“I don’t like bringing it up.”

“It’s ok to, Justin.  We were both really excited about it.”

“It led both of us into some dark places, you especially.  I try not to remember it.”

“I try not to either, but I still think about the baby, certain milestones…  In trying not to remember, just make sure you don’t forget it.  Especially with Silas coming.”

“I bought you your jewelry pieces for the baby, I have my own set.  Well, not the same, but yeah.”

“What do you have?”

“I got a set of cufflinks with its birthstone.  I don’t wear them out often, but I see them when I’m getting ready for a big event, and my mind goes back there, wondering what things would be like.  We wouldn’t have Silas, unless that's what we would have named it if it was a boy, ideas of names for a girl…”  

“You really think about those things?”

“Yeah.  Hair color, eye color, basically if it’d look like me or be another clone of you.  Not that I’m complaining, Barb is gonna be gorgeous when she grows up.  God help her if our daughter got most of my traits…”

“You mean that curly hair you had, which I loved, by the way.  I know you hate it and do anything to avoid it peeking through.  That’s what you need to do,” Mikayla laughed.


“Bring the curls back when you guys finally get your heads out of your collective asses and get the band back together.”

“I’ve got too much going on with the movie, we’re gonna have a baby, it’s not a good time.”

“It’ll never be a ‘good time’ if you all keep making excuses.”

“I wanna put out another album, which means a tour…”

“It’s been 3 years, and you’re choosing NOW to put out an album?” Mikayla asked.

“Not now.  After Trolls, I’m taking a break for Silas, but I’ve been in an interesting headspace lately as far as songs that I keep coming up with.  Nothing final, just bits and pieces right now.  Like, I wanna write a song for Silas.  Maybe push so that’s the last song on the album, wait until he’s old enough to start talking…”

“What about the two we have that already talk?”

“Maybe include them on the song, I don’t know.  Maybe it’s because they aren’t mine?  I mean, you know I love them as my own, but…”

“I know, knowing they aren’t really yours since the beginning, JC back in the picture, knowing I’m having our baby…  You’ve been really good about not letting it affect how you treat the twins.”

“I’m not an asshole, Kay.  Just because I’m finally getting a chance to be a full flesh and blood dad doesn’t mean I’m gonna abandon the ones I’ve helped raise.  Could you imagine if I had a half sibling on my mom’s side?  If Paul just stopped encouraging me, pushed my younger sibling instead of me?  Especially if we were close in age.  I’m not talking like Jonathan or Stephen, I was a teen when they were born… I mean like, if they’d had a kid 2 or 3  years after they got married.”

“You would’ve been around 8, and they started seeing your talent around that time anyway.  I mean, more fully than when you were even the twins’ age.  I think all 3 of us see that talent, and are curious what the hell to do with it.  Encourage it, sure, but how far is too far?”

“Until they say no.  Between me and JC, our parents were so supportive, but never pushed us into more than we wanted to do.  Hell, Roy and Karen barely pushed JC into anything.  He got into everything through friends daring him to and stuff, his parents were just along for the ride.  Same with me.  I mean, my mom would put me in competitions and things, but I wanted to, I knew I felt that energy when I could perform for people.  If I hadn’t wanted to do Star Search, Mom wouldn’t have made me.  Same with MMC, though without that I definitely wouldn’t be where I am now.  Being on that show, seeing how many other kids were like me, not feeling like a freak for being a young guy loving music the way I did… I met JC, and things just clicked, ya know?”

“Oh, I have a pretty good idea,” Mikayla smiled.

“You really don’t.  Yours was romantic, I found one of my best friends, a mentor, and it led us to places and things we never imagined.  Still is, based on our current situation.  Never thought I’d be in a triangle with JC, let alone that one night.”

“Yeah, that was hot… Can that be my birthday present every year?” Mikayla giggled.

A smirk spread across Justin’s face.  “If that’s what you want, I think we can make that happen.  Careful what you wish for though, might get some choreographed Magic Mike type shit…”

“Are you kidding?  That’s only every *NSYNC fan’s dream come true…”

“I’ll see what we can do then, see how many dreams you have left to fulfill by the time we’re done with you.”

“Can we start on that now?  That couch along the foot of the bed looks like it was meant to be leaned on while doing things to your wife…”


“Baby, you have the best ideas, have I told you that?”

This story archived at