Second Chance at Love by nsyncsfan2001
Past Featured StorySummary:

What happens when the one that got away comes back, but you already have everything?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 92 Completed: Yes Word count: 223858 Read: 7514 Published: Nov 23, 2022 Updated: Jun 05, 2023
Chapter 18 by nsyncsfan2001

Mikayla woke the next morning, Justin’s arm wrapped around her.  The night before had been magical, something so tender leading into something so hot.  She smiled, feeling his morning wood, hoping they’d do something about it once he woke up.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered, his voice full of sleep.  “I missed this.”

“Justin, you wake up to me most of the week…”

“Since having the twins, we don’t sleep naked anymore at home.  Jackie travels with us, so we get to when on vacation or on tour, but not at home.  After we have sex we throw clothes back on just in case they walk in…”

“If by clothes you mean you throw on underwear, then sure,” she laughed.  “Meanwhile I put on a tank top and shorts or something.”

“Still, to wake up like this, ready to start something…”

“Here, or the bathroom?” she asked with a smile. 

“Start here, finish in the shower.”

Mikayla was drying her hair when she heard a noise.  “Justin, is someone in our suite?”

“Relax. I arranged for a private cook to make us breakfast. They get their own entrance and they’re likely almost done.”

“So they heard us having sex?!”

“I told them to have earbuds on to avoid that.”

“That’s assuming they follow orders… If it was home I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“Relax.  We’re married, we have sex, the horror… Not like they’d make a sex tape of us.  Even just an audio recording… hey, there’s an idea.”

“We’re not making a sex tape, Justin…”

“I like the idea of using some of your sounds though in some of my songs.  That’s hot.  Then when I’m on tour I can think of you while I’m singing the song.  Fuck, then I’d be sad I can’t fuck you after the show if you’re back home.  Still, I like the idea. We have a hot session in my studio, record it, and I see what I can use on a backing track.  I wish I’d come up with that for FutureSex/LoveSounds…”

“Seriously, Justin, what if something gets leaked?”

“We own it.  We have two 4 year olds and things are still hot and heavy. We’re couples goals, baby. You know that, right? To be at it as often as we are with the twins.  It’s not what it used to be, but still better than a majority of couples in the same situation.  Proof that you are the perfect woman for me, you can keep up with my appetite…”

“When you’re married to Justin Timberlake, how can you not?!” Mikayla laughed.

There was a knock on their bedroom door.  “Give them a minute and they’ll be gone and we’ll go eat,” Justin said.

“What’s the plan for today? Just sex all day?”

“I wish, but no. I got a spa day arranged for you in the room.”

“What will you do?” she wondered.

“I brought my laptop to work on some song ideas. Mostly the music part of it, maybe lay down some vocals if something hits.  Or I’ll watch a movie in the mini theater.”

“This suite has a mini theater?”

“Yeah. 3 lounge couch type things. We might be able to fit on one, you between my legs.”

“Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?”

“Only for dirty stuff.  If we’re just relaxing, I definitely want you on me,” Justin smiled.  “I take that back, I like you on me for dirty stuff, too.”

“I think that can be arranged later.  What’s the plan for the spa day?”

“They’ll use the massage room for you, do a prenatal massage and body scrub. Then I figured you could take a relaxing bath, then we could watch a movie together. Low key, but not all dirty stuff.”

“So it's like our room in Vegas, is it?” Mikayla smirked. 

“I know where your head is going, and I love it,” Justin replied. “For now, put on a robe and we’ll have breakfast.”

They walked into the formal dining area, taking up two of the 8 seats available, enjoying the breakfast that had been made for them. “I guess I should actually look around the rest of our suite,” Mikayla laughed. “I had a one track mind last night.”

“Hey, I’m not complaining. It’s definitely the reason we were here instead of at home.  The movie room is that closed door between the living area and the bedroom, and the massage room and bathroom is just off of the entryway.”

“You seem to know your way around here…”

“They had a virtual tour online, you could have looked it up yourself if you wanted to.”

“If I’d known we were coming here, I probably would have.  You know me, being prepared.”

“Unless it’s JC related,” Justin sighed.

“Hey.  Things are working right now, and let’s not bring him into our weekend.  Granted, we did talk about you last weekend, so I guess it’s only fair…”

“Talked about what?”

“Well, I told him he doesn’t need to fix our sex life, for one thing.”

“Yet here we are, sharing you every other weekend…”

“I just meant that what we do is our business, just like what he and I do isn’t anyone else’s business.”

“Actually, I’d like to think it is, between the 3 of us.  If there’s something you’re dealing with, we need to know.  You must have felt a certain way to say that we don’t really get to slow down, truly enjoy each other like we did last night, not really.”

“I did, but because I felt guilty that I had that with Josh and not with my own husband.”

“Isn’t that why most affairs happen?  You’re not getting something at home, so you look for it elsewhere?”

“I guess.  Is that what you see this as?  An affair that you know about, are somehow ok with?  I mean, after everything with Britney…”

“After everything with Eva…  We’ve both been cheated on, Kay.  I guess knowing it was by the same woman with the other makes it different.”

“I never cheated on Josh…”

“You weren’t together, but your heart was still very much with him.  Otherwise you wouldn’t have wanted to stop.”

“You were the one that wanted to stop, Justin.  I wanted to keep going, as much as I knew I loved Josh, I still wanted you.”

“You were drunk, wanting to know what I was like in bed.  Not exactly a proud moment, I prefer the way things ended up, us consummating our relationship on our wedding night.  Knowing I wasn’t just a fling to you, someone to fuck because I was there in the moment.”

“Justin…  You really feel that way?  You know I was a Justin girl before Josh and I got together…”

“So you were getting a chance to live out your teenage fantasy,” he sighed.

“Trust me, we’ve been there, done that many times,” she smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

“You didn't want me, you wanted the celebrity part of me.  I’d known you almost 5  years, and you wanted to know what Justin from *NSYNC was like in bed.  You found out, for the most part, while I wanted every bit of Mikayla Sanchez, heart, body, soul, mind, all of it.  I still do.”

“I want all of you, Justin.  That’s why I married you.  You offered, and I resisted at first, remember?  That you didn't really want this, you just didn't want to be alone, didn’t want ME to be alone.  I knew you had feelings for me, but to really take all of this on.  It seemed too good to be true.  Like I was some pity project because your best friend rejected me.”

“You know that wasn’t why I offered.  You knew I loved you, I worked so damn hard to show you just how much I loved you…”

“You still do, Justin.  Every day.  I hope you know how much I’ve grown to love you.  It may not have happened in an instant like with Josh.  Trust me, there was a lot of fangirl with that relationship, too.  But I saw past all of that, and I did with you, too.  I was there when Josh needed someone.  You were there when I needed someone.  We might not have had this grand, sweeping romance, but I feel like we are definitely living out our happily ever after.”  She looked at him, getting up from her seat, looking around their suite.  “How long until my massage?”

“I’d guess about an hour, why?”

“I want to show you exactly how much I love you, and I think we have just the right amount of time to do so…”

“Mrs. Timberlake?” the woman asked.

“Yes.  Thank you for coming in.  This was quite the surprise from my husband.”

“You’re a very lucky woman, to have a husband that takes such good care of you.”


If you only knew just how well he took care of me not even 15 minutes ago… Mikayla thought to herself.  Justin had sequestered himself in the movie room, watching a movie he’d seen a million times hoping that having something familiar on might spark something new in his songwriting.  


Mikayla laid down on the massage table, the masseuse getting started.  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.  I signed an NDA and everything.  How far along are you, dear?”

“18 weeks now.  I feel like I should already be showing… The twins took a bit, but then it was all baby…”

“Every pregnancy is different.  It’ll happen, thin thing like you.”

“I’m glad you see it that way.  I don’t feel like I used to.  I see the changes in myself since having kids, and…” her voice trailed off.

“We’re women, it’s our nature, especially in this world of ours.  Just think of it this way, honey.  Your husband could have any woman he wanted, and he chose you.  That is very telling of the man he is, and the woman you are.  I see pictures of you two together, and you can tell how happy and in love you are with each other.  That’s only what the public gets to see, but focus on that.  You choose each other every day when you could easily walk away…”

Mikayla sighed, knowing just how right the woman was.  Justin told her over and over she could leave if JC came back into her life, but she chose to stay.  He could have walked away, leaving her to accept her relationship with JC, but he chose to stay.  They still needed each other, and there was definitely beauty in that.  It would have been so easy for either of them to leave, and they chose to stay.  That meant more to her than she had realized, hearing it from someone else.

Mikayla knocked on the door of the movie room, opening it slightly.  “May I come in?”

“Always, baby,” Justin smiled. “How was your massage?”

“Great. We talked a bit, about a lot of different things. She told me she signed an NDA, so she knows who we are.  She said she can see how happy we are, and that we are doing something right to still choose each other every day.  That really resonated with me, given everything.”

“I think now is the perfect time to show you this.  I think I want it to be like the main theme of the album. Not the opening track, but still.  It’s just a little piece, still working on it.”

“I’d love to hear it,” Mikayla smiled.

Justin cleared his throat, humming to find the exact pitch he wanted. 

I brag about you, to anyone outside

But I’m a man of the woods, it’s my pride

I’m sorry baby, you know I’ve tried

But I’m a man of the woods, it’s my pride

“It’s just the chorus so far, but I want an album really telling about us. I want you on tracks, maybe even one just you talking about us.  I dunno, it’s just a concept right now. I’m not the man I was 10 years ago when we first met, or even when we got together.  I’m a husband, a father, my priorities and things have shifted. Yeah I still love sex, but it’s with one amazing woman that I will love until my dying breath.”


“Here’s hoping that’s not for a long time, for either of us.”

This story archived at