Second Chance at Love by nsyncsfan2001
Past Featured StorySummary:

What happens when the one that got away comes back, but you already have everything?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 92 Completed: Yes Word count: 223858 Read: 7511 Published: Nov 23, 2022 Updated: Jun 05, 2023
Chapter 33 by nsyncsfan2001
Author's Notes:


“What did you do today, Joshy? I had so much fun with Nana, Auntie Samantha and Sophia and River, and Mommy of course…” Barb spouted.  “We had tea, with sandwiches and stuff, we had little desserts… Then we did a little shopping nearby, and I got my ears pierced!”  She turned her head to show off her heart shaped studs.

“I figured we’d been talking about letting her get them pierced, and she was with Nana, so it would be kinda special…  I’m sorry you weren’t there, Daddy…” Mikayla sighed, hoping he wasn’t upset.

“Like you said, we’d discussed letting her get it done.  If she was ok with it, then that’s what matters.”  he crouched down to eye level with Barb.  “You know, I got my ears pierced when I was younger.  Nana wouldn’t let me.  She made me write a song if I wanted them that badly.  I wrote a song, and she let me get them pierced.”

“You had to write a SONG?!” Barb gasped.

“Yup.  I had my ears pierced for a while after that.”

“The first time I remember seeing Daddy on TV he had gold hoops in his ears.  He didn't have them pierced on Mickey Mouse Club, or if he did, he took them out to film.”

“Mommy, you have hoop earrings… would they fit on Daddy?”

“Only one way to find out,” Mikayla smiled, pulling one of her earrings out.  It was a smaller hoop, so it wouldn’t look too funny on Justin if it went through.  They all waited with bated breath, even Justin curious to see if the holes were still open.  It took a little finessing, it had been a while since he’d put earrings on himself, but he found it went through, Mikayla and Barb smiling.

“Why don’t you wear earrings anymore, Daddy?” Joshy asked.

“Well, it was something kinda rebellious when I was younger.  Now that I’m a grownup…”

“Uncle Chris and Joey wear earrings,” Barb said.

“I suppose they do.  I’ll think about it, but don’t plan on it any time soon.  People will say I’m in a midlife crisis, it’s not exactly my look anymore…”

“What’s a midlife crisis?” Joshy wondered.

“When people, typically men, reach a certain age, they sometimes do things that seem like they’re trying to feel young again.”

“You’re 35, not exactly midlife crisis age.  I’d say with Chris it makes sense, but it does go with his style overall.  Same with Joey.  It’s nice to know they didn’t close up, but I don’t think any of us will be rushing to get you back into wearing earrings,” Mikayla said.  She looked at Joshy.  “What did you guys do today?”

“We went go-karting, I played a bunch of different games, had pizza and lots of junk food.  I played a water game like the one you won, Daddy played the basketball game, it was really fun!”

“And that’s just the stuff he was old enough or tall enough to do.  It’s like Chuck E Cheese on steroids.  Laser tag, roller coaster simulators, tons of stuff they can do when they’re older,” Justin added.

“I wanna go!” Barb frowned, sad she missed out on the fun.

“We’ll go as a family before we leave. How about that?” Justin offered, Barb breaking into a soft smile before nodding.  “So you girls did tea, shopping, and got Barb’s ears pierced?”

“Then we went to the hotel we had tea at, and we watched the ducks for a while, then they got them to line up and walk to the elevator to go to their room for bedtime!”

“I wish we had you two trained that easily,” Justin teased.”Sounds like quite the day, though, for both of you.”

They had a simple dinner Mikayla made, the twins hanging on by a thread not falling asleep at the table.  They basically put themselves to bed, getting goodnight kisses and hugs from Justin and Mikayla.

“We need to talk,” Justin said, turning to face her on the couch.  

“Ok, about what?  Are you upset that I got her ears pierced without consulting you?”

“No, not that.  I’m nervous about the twins being with JC, or I’m just nervous about JC…”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m feeling pushed out of my own marriage, like I need to step aside…”


“I’m worried the twins won’t be ok with us being so far away, with him.  I’ve already lost part of you to him, I can’t lose the kids to him, too.”

“Justin, you know that isn’t how this is going to work. I’m still your wife, we’re having Silas…”

“I still think you should be with him, raise the kids with their dad.”

“But what about Silas?  So he gets to be with me and Josh and the twins, and barely seeing you?  That's how things are right now with Josh, and he’s hating it.  I can only be with one of you like this, and you’re my husband, I chose this with YOU, Justin.  You’re both active in their lives, that’s what the kids will know and remember.  That you both love and care for them so much, and they’ll see how much you love me.  Is it worth putting them through a divorce so things can be the way they are now?”

“You’d be living with him.”

“It’s the same situation.  Honestly,. I think doing it that way would make you feel like you’re abandoning them, not doing it because you love them. Your schedule is already crazy at times, but to put them through more, having to physically move into another house and see you even less, the dad they grew up with, it would be like a reset on therapy.”

“You really think it’ll be that bad?”

“Yes.  Especially for Barb, having been so attached to you.  You're the Daddy she’s known and loved her whole life, same with Joshy.  Yes, they have Josh around now, but that doesn’t mean they’ll love you any less.  We’ve spent so much time convincing them they have more people to love them, but we need that reminder, too.  I still love you as much as I ever have.  I never want you to feel like I love or want you any less than if this hasn’t happened at all and Josh was still oblivious to everything.”

“How do you know that moving forward?”

“I remember having a similar conversation when I was pregnant with the twins, on how you could want to be with me. I know this isn’t the ideal situation for any of the adults, but know that I love you with all I have in me.  We’ve raised the twins together, we are having our own baby together, I’m in this for the long haul, Justin. Till death do us part.  I mean it.”

“I love you, Kay.”

“I love you, too.”

His lips gently touched hers, seeking further reassurance of her love for him. He felt vulnerable and afraid of losing her. She deepened the kiss, knowing what he needed and happy to give it to him.

“Bedroom,” she breathed in his ear, Justin nodding against her cheek.  They walked hand in hand to the bedroom, Justin closing the door before silently walking to Mikayla. 

She pulled his arms around her waist, wrapping her arms around his neck.  They looked at each other, gazing into the other’s eyes.  

“I love you now, I’ll love you 5 years from now, I’ll love you 50 years from now…” she said quietly, her forehead touching his.

He gently pulled her shirt over her head, a hand caressing the curve of her belly, lingering on the culmination of their love for each other.  His hand soon cupped her breast, his touch tender against her.


“Kay, I love you, so much.”

“No more words. There’s nothing more that hasn’t been said, and can’t be shown in what happens next.”

She pulled his shirt off, undoing his belt and pants.  She nudged him onto the bed, undressing herself before she straddled his lap. Her lips took his, the kisses soft, gentle, and warm. 

Her hands traced over his stomach, teasing him with barely touching him. She kissed down his jaw to his neck, lowering herself to kiss down his chest and stomach before kneeling in front of him on the floor. 

She started at his knee, kissing slowly up his thigh. Her hand freed him from the confines of his boxer briefs, her mouth warm and inviting as she took him in. 

His head rolled back, his eyes closed and his mouth open slightly. “Kay, you feel so good.”

She hummed in agreement, causing his body to jolt. His hand cupped the back of her head, gently stroking her hair, enjoying the slow strokes of her tongue against him. 

He found the strength to open his eyes and look down at her, the scene more erotic than it had a right to be. They’d done this what felt like a million times before, but it felt special now. He felt so needed, cared for, wanted. He lost himself in the moment, forgetting he had the next week and a half with her to himself. What mattered most was this moment, being assured of her affection for him. 

He pulled her head back, guiding her back up to kiss him. He leaned back onto the bed, Mikayla slowly falling with him. His fingers cupped her face before weaving into her hair. His kisses lingered, needing her more with every kiss. He kissed down her neck, sucking lightly at the hollow of her neck before his lips found their way to her breasts.  His kisses and gentle sucking began to drive her crazy, needing more.  She groaned quietly, encouraging him to continue.

He kissed her belly, appreciative of the life that lay within, having a chance to truly become the father he’d always wanted to be, to his own child.  His tongue carefully pressed against her, a gasp escaping her throat at the contact.  It was sensual and tender, yet sexy as fuck.  Her hips rolled, needing more of him.


He hummed sharply to both satisfy her and quiet her at the same time. He kept his rhythm slow, sensual, tender.  He worshiped her body, his hands massaging her legs as he stroked her with his tongue.  

She felt her orgasm coming, building slowly but intense.  Justin never sped up his movements, but the feeling barreled through her like he was going a mile a minute.  She gasped for air as she hit her peak, Justin kissing back up her body.

“You are incredible,” he said before kissing her deeply.

She pulled back from the kiss, rolling on top of him.  “You’re pretty fantastic yourself,” she smiled, lining up her body with his.  He groaned gently as she made contact, her body taking every inch of him in.  She kept the rhythm slow, keeping eye contact with him as much as she could, Justin closing his eyes as she rocked against him.  His hands reached for her breasts, pulling her over him to take one to his lips.  He pulled her head close to him, kissing her neck.

“I need to be in charge right now,” he whispered, holding her tight as he rolled them both, not losing his seating within her. His pace was the same as the one she had set, his thrusts firm but slow.  Soon Mikayla was the one closing her eyes, Justin’s finger circling her aching bud as he stroked within her.

“Justin, I need…”

“I know, baby.  I need it too.  Is it ok if…”

“Yes, god yes Justin.  I need you so fucking bad,” she begged.

He smiled devilishly, pulling her legs over his shoulders before setting a frantic pace.  They chased their release together, groans and guttural noises displaying their enjoyment of it all.  Mikayla gasped for breath, Justin grunting softly as his release teetered closer to the edge.

“Look at me,” Justin said.  “I need to see you fall apart around me.” He pressed firmer against her, sending her body into overdrive, tightening around him that sent both of them over, leaving a mess of tangled limbs and panting bodies, drained of energy yet also feeling alive and connected.

Justin collapsed onto his side of the bed. “Thank you.  I love you.  That was exactly what I needed right now.”

“Great sex?” she smiled.

“Well, yes, but to feel so connected to you, that things haven’t and aren’t going to change between us.”

“Things will only get better, baby. We’ll have Silas, the family you’ve wanted, the one we both have.”

“Yeah.  Being an only child, I kinda dreamed of a bigger family. Nothing too big, but more than one. With the twins and Silas, it’ll be perfect. Barb wants a sister, but at the same time that’s four kids, if we’re lucky to get a girl.”

“You have enough money to get doctors to make that happen.”

“That’s so clinical, I’d rather do it the old fashioned, more fun way, and take our chances,” he smiled. 

“Would you want another one?” she asked.

“Ideally, sure, but to have 4 kids, 2 of them mine, I dunno. I’ll think about it once Silas is here, over that 18 month period. I guess my question is what if he wants another one with you, since he missed the last time? I know you’re pregnant now, but it’s mine…”

“Let’s not talk about him or any of that until we get back to LA.  I want to be present with you and the twins, your family.  Then it’s just us in Montana.”

“I’ve already got plans for that,” Justin smiled. 

“Lots of sex?” she asked.

“Am I that obvious?” he laughed. 

“I feel like that’s all you two need me for, that that’s all I seem to do with you two once we have alone time.”

“Sex that incredible, yeah, that’s pretty much all I need besides food, water, and sleep,” he laughed.  “You’ve already ruled out hiking, there’s other stuff we can’t do because you’re pregnant, so we don’t really have a lot of options besides sex.”

“How convenient…”

“Are you really gonna complain?” Justin chuckled. 

“As long as there’s also a tub I can lie in, no.”

“A giant jetted tub and I might have made sure to schedule a massage for you.”


Mikayla smiled.  “I’m gonna need it, by the sound of things.”

This story archived at