Second Chance at Love by nsyncsfan2001
Past Featured StorySummary:

What happens when the one that got away comes back, but you already have everything?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 92 Completed: Yes Word count: 223858 Read: 7930 Published: Nov 23, 2022 Updated: Jun 05, 2023
Chapter 79 by nsyncsfan2001
Author's Notes:


“To Mikayla” Justin said, raising his glass of wine.  “For your passion, hard work, and love paying off in the best ways possible.”  

“Mommy, what did you do? Barb asked curiously.

“I’m helping get kids to learn to play musical instruments. Kids that can’t afford lessons and their schools don't have a music program like your school does.  Even then, your school doesn’t even offer much.  I talked with my ‘protege’ about developing that, he was really interested and I think he could really help make it happen down the line.  I know Josh had talked with them about it, and they were open to it, but they do more with their drama department than music at the middle school.  What I’m doing isn’t for them, though, not this big thing I’m doing now.”

The twins didn’t seem very impressed. “Mommy got millions of dollars in donations to help other people. It’s a very big deal,” Justin said, smiling proudly at Mikayla. 

“MILLIONS of dollars?!” Joshy gasped. “That’s a lot of money…”

The adults at the table looked at each other with slight smiles. “It sure is, Joshy,” Mikayla sighed. “I’m still in shock, to be honest.  That was just on Friday.  Now to get things going with the district to get set up for the fall.”

“That’s something people can help you with, right?  The money can go to help fund staff that will help with this?  I worry the school will just try and absorb the money and do what they want with it,” Justin sighed.

“You know the lawyers I have access to would make sure of that.  I’ve triple checked that this arrangement only provides for the nonprofit to use the money, no one else.  I’ve gone over all of it, the lawyers have gone over it, and they helped me write everything!  I’m glad you’re concerned, but it should be fine.”

“We’re so proud of you, Kay,” JC beamed.  “You’re making a difference in the world.  That’s the woman I know from all those years ago.”

MIkayla knew he wanted to say “That’s the woman I fell in love with”, but they were around too many people, other residents having come up to say hello already.  He was sitting across the round table from her, with the twins on either side of him.  This gave him plenty of distance and the appearance he was there with the kids, but also to get a full glimpse of her whenever he looked up.  He tried to hide the smile wanting to burst onto his face, being so proud of what she’d accomplished, and the love he felt for her.  

“I’m sorry this place doesn’t have great cellphone reception, I’ll send you the videos I took later, Josh,” Mikayla sighed.

“That means you’ll have some added privacy, no one posting pictures live,” JC said, trying to find the silver lining.  He looked around the restaurant. It was a large round room with plenty of windows for natural light as the sun set for after the wedding. “It looks like a great place. What were you imagining in here?”

“Tables will be around the walls so the middle is free for dancing. Dinner will be buffet style, so they can just bring the food out and leave,” Mikayla said, pointing to where the food tables would be.

“Jonathan and Trace have offered to be bartenders, we won’t do anything too crazy as far as that, but trying to keep a lot of it to just family for everything to make sure nothing gets out that shouldn’t.”

JC understood Justin’s wording to mean that he could be more himself seeing Mikayla this way, holding her close or kissing her. 

“We’ll have a sweetheart table, fairly intimate,” Mikayla smiled. JC understood the meaning behind the words as well.  Her foot running up his leg didn’t hurt in conveying meaning either. He started to get hard thinking that if he were next to her right now, her hand would be massaging his thigh before brushing against his stiffness. The idea sent a shiver down his spine. He couldn’t help but notice the smirky smile on Mikayla’s face.

“Sou.. sounds nice,” he croaked, his voice caught in his throat. 

“They’ll drape curtains around the room except for behind our table, which will keep the focus on us and the beautiful sunset behind us.The curtains will be sheer, but enough to block anyone wanting in.  Even then, we’ll have security watching the external perimeter.  The only non-family that is invited is the rest of the guys, so I really don’t think we’ll have a problem with any of them sharing pictures they shouldn’t.  I really want us to be ourselves as much as possible,” Mikayla continued.

“We’ve worked out security details, as far as where they’ll be posted, things like that. That’s mostly for the reception, anyone trying to come in that shouldn’t.  Everyone will be at the house a couple days before the wedding, so we won’t need to check people as they come in for the ceremony.  No one will even know we’re here as far as press.  I’ve been super quiet about this to anyone I’d normally tell things to, so it’ll be pretty secret,” Justin added.

“Wait everyone is staying at the house? I know it’s a big house, but still…” JC wondered.

“I know one of the neighbors, literally, and they’ve offered their house for family.  They just know we’re doing a big family thing, but that it might not be enough to fit everyone in our house.  I especially wanted it for our parents,” Justin sighed.

“It’ll work out,” Mikayla smiled.  “I think that’s all that really needs to be covered now, so once we’re finished here the twins can go to bed.”

“What? Mommy, no…” Joshy yawned, eyes getting heavy.

“You’re practically falling asleep at the table.  You two don’t nap anymore but you still play hard enough that you should.  Early bedtimes tonight, mainly because you’re almost asleep right now.  You’ll probably fall asleep on the drive back to the house,” Justin replied.

They finished their dinner, the twins soon falling asleep on the short drive back to the house. Justin and JC got the twins out of their car seats and carried them inside. Mikayla carried Silas in in his carrier, Jackie closing the door behind them. 

“Jackie, can you put Silas to bed, I need to talk to the guys after the twins are in bed.”

Jackie has a smirk on her face. “Talking? We’ll see…”

Mikayla gave her a look. “That obvious?”

“Between the fight after the birthday party, to seeing JC get flustered at dinner, I figured something was bound to happen. I swear this house sometimes feels like a ticking time bomb of sexual tension.”

“Speaking of which, have you and Eli…?”

“Not yet, he wanted to take things slow.”

“While you’re probably looking for more.”

“We’ve made some compromises that work well for us,” Jackie blushed. 

“I remember those days.  But you’re happy, things are going well?”

“Yeah. It’s only been a couple months now, but I met his parents. They’re…”

“You don’t have to tell me,” Mikayla chuckled. “I’ve had the full experience for years now.”

“You should probably get to the guys.  Try not to be up too late, it’s their birthday tomorrow after all.”  Jackie gave her a wink, practically pushing Mikayla down the hall before taking Silas out to put him to bed.

Mikayla walked into the master suite, going through her drawers that she had put things from her bag in. She quickly changed out of her clothes, putting on a set of lingerie before tying her satin robe around herself and lying on the middle of the bed. 

“You think she’ll be awake for long after putting Silas to bed?” JC asked as they neared the bedroom, the door open slightly. 

Justin pushed the door open, his eyes widening. “I think she has something planned…”

She silently nodded her head, getting off the bed and walking towards them.  Justin was closest to her, pulling him into a deep kiss, his moan vibrating against her lips.  JC pulled her towards him, eager to get a taste of her, feel her against him.  Justin’s hands roamed her body as her lips were pulled to JC’s, her body beginning to feel tingly with sexual energy.

Mikayla pulled away from them, looking between the two of them.  “I know things have been tense the last few days, but I know it’s from a placeof fears creeping in.  I want to show you both how much I love both of you, and am so glad to have you both in my life like this.  I want tonight to be about both of you, making sure you know just how strongly I love both of you.”

She wasn’t sure what else to say, wanting her actions to be louder than her words. She looked between the two of them, biting her lip to distract herself from how turned on she was getting. Why, she wasn’t sure. Maybe because she had no clue what she actually wanted to do, suddenly feeling pressure on herself. As much as they said she was in control, she fully felt it now. She wanted to give them something incredible, but not sure how to do that.

“You ok?” JC wondered. “You’re just… standing there. Sexy as fuck in that robe, but clearly lost in thought.”

“In my head a bit, yeah. I know I want to show you both how much I love you, but the logistics is where I’m getting stuck right now. Trying to pleasure both of you is suddenly overwhelming.”

“That’s why it’s normally the other way around,” Justin smirked. “I trust your words if this is too much for you…”

“No, I want to at least try,” she said, determined. “On the edge of the bed, both of you,” she directed, both men quick to follow orders.  They sat on the bed, with a little bit of room between them, which Mikayla was definitely going to take advantage of.

She started to pull on the tie of her robe, noticing the men before her suddenly looking at her with hunger in their eyes.  They had seen this sight a million times, but still wanted more, and that was all the fuel she needed to start this particular fire.  

She slowly opened her robe, revealing the lacy bra and panties she had on underneath. Their eyes widened as she let the robe fall off one shoulder, then the other, before falling to the ground with a soft thud. Their breathing was already catching in their throats.  

She walked in between them, pulling Justin’s shirt over his head, followed by JC’s.  Before she could move again, both men unfastened their belts and barely moved to pull their jeans off. Her hands grazed their thighs before brushing against them, feeling how ready they were already. 

“That didn’t take long,” Mikayla chuckled. 

“Never does,” Justin gasped. 

“Not with you,” JC sighed. 

“That’ll make this easy then,” she smirked.  She kissed Justin, her tongue thrusting past his lips, her hand massaging JC’s thigh. She then turned to JC, doing the same thing. She stepped back, unhooking her bra before letting it fall to the floor. 

“You both get to have me, we’ve made this work for almost a year now. I know it hasn’t been easy, but know that I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m sure you would, each of you wanting me for yourself, and I’m sorry.”

“You don’t want to hurt us,” Justin sighed.  “It would kill me if you left.”

“I felt like my life was so empty all those years, and now I have everything I’d ever wanted.  I can’t go back to how it was before…” JC said, his voice catching, trying to stay in the moment and not get too emotional. 

“I’m not going anywhere, I want this with both of you, as long as we can make it work.”  She looked at both of them, pulling them closer to her. She put her hands behind their heads, pulling their faces to her breasts. They immediately knew what to do, using their mouths to drive her wild. “This is actually more for you than me, but…”

“Stop talking,” Justin snapped. “Just go with it.”

She enjoyed their attention on her, a groan pulling from her throat.  She was losing control quickly, almost overpowered by what they were doing to her instead of teasing them with her body.  She pulled back, kissing the two of them, their hands wandering her body.

She slowly sank to her knees.  She took Justin’s length from its confines, slowly inching it into her mouth.  Her hand found JC’s hardness, freeing it and stroking at a rhythm matching hers to Justin.  The sounds of their groans in unison almost did her in then and there.  She knew the effect she had on them, but to hear them both react that way, as if it were one person, it was hot.  

“Oh God,” JC gasped.

“Fuck, yes,” Justin groaned.

She continued to pleasure both of them in unison, fighting the urge to make an *NSYNC reference and ruin the pace she had going. Their hands gripped her hair as they fought to keep control, Mikayla eventually pulling back from both of them.

“I didn’t even finish and that was amazing,” Justin sighed, gasping for breath.

“I don’t think we can doubt how much we mean to you,” JC chuckled. 

“I’m not even done yet,” Mikayla replied with a smirk.  She pushed Justin down to lie on the bed, pulling JC to kneel at the foot of the bed. “I’m not sure if you’ll be able to stand at some point, so I’d rather you not fall.”

The two men looked at her, curious what she would do, given how they were placed. They soon got their answer as Mikayla settled over Justin in reverse cowgirl, taking JC into her mouth. JC’s eyes slammed shut, overpowered by the way she knew how to drive him crazy.  She gripped JC’s waist, her fingers digging into his ass as she pulled him in and out.  

The men within her were reduced to grunts and curse words as she set a rhythm that brought these men to their knees. If they had doubted her love for them before, they certainly didn’t now.  Feeling that connection to her was always there during sex, it was the times in between that seemed to give them trouble. As much as they all wished it could be all sex all the time, they knew it wasn’t realistic, especially with kids in the picture.

Mikayla made the moment more intense, picking up her rhythm and pace. They groaned louder, Mikayla knowing they were both barely hanging onto the edge, so close to release. 

“Fuck,” both gasped as they felt their release hit, Justin holding her hips still as he shook, JC gripping her head firmly as his release rocked through him. 

They collapsed on the bed, gasping for breath.

“Yeah, no doubts here,” Justin gasped. 

“Never,” JC sighed breathlessly.

“Good,” Mikayla panted. “I’ll gladly do this again if you ever doubt things.”

“As incredible as that was, I prefer to be the one in control and making you moan,” Justin smiled. 

“I’d agree, but you know we have that give and take, back and forth of who’s in charge,” JC added. 

“We do, too, but…”

“Enough. Right now I just want to be cuddled by my two favorite men.”


Justin looked at JC.  “I think we can do that, after you have a couple of orgasms yourself…”

This story archived at