Second Chance at Love by nsyncsfan2001
Past Featured StorySummary:

What happens when the one that got away comes back, but you already have everything?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 92 Completed: Yes Word count: 223858 Read: 7518 Published: Nov 23, 2022 Updated: Jun 05, 2023
Chapter 87 by nsyncsfan2001
Author's Notes:


They had spent the last couple days relaxing, sightseeing in Yellowstone now that they could drive to more parts of the park in the warmer weather.  The kids were glad to have the pool, the days nearing 90 degrees.  Mikayla had been watching the weather forecast every day, and what she saw for Friday and Saturday worried her.

“Justin, what if it rains?  We don’t have plans for if it rains.  Who expects rain in JUNE?!” Mikayla wanted to cry.

“If it rains, we move things indoors and just roll with it.  The reception won’t change.  We’ll figure things out.  They say it’s Friday into Saturday, but it should clear up by mid morning.  If so, we should be fine to continue outside as planned, we just have everything setup later.”

“I’d marry you with just whatever we have in the house,” JC said, pulling her into his arms.  

“I’m at least rethinking what I’ll wear.  It’s gonna be cold, 55 degrees is the high for Saturday.  Not what I pictured when I thought of a summer wedding.  I guess they didn’t get the memo about weather patterns here in Montana…”  

“Relax, Kay.  Nothing will take this away from us.  It may not be anything official, but we’re still promising to love each other unconditionally for the rest of our lives. The rest shouldn’t matter,” JC sighed. 

“I know. I just want this to be perfect for you.  It’s hopefully the only wedding you’ll get, and I want it to be everything you want.”

“All I want is to love you and raise our kids together. Everything else is extra.”

“I don’t deserve you,” Mikayla smiled. 

“I’m the one that doesn’t deserve you,” JC countered.  “Our ‘parties’ are tonight. Any idea where you’re going?”

“No. It’s all small towns out here. Even Bozeman doesn’t have much. I don’t know that I need anything like that.”

“We’re doing a round of golf for me, a movie for JC, then have dinner somewhere, maybe a bar after.”

“I wanna do something, but I don’t know what.  I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”

“It smells like breakfast is almost ready, you wanna head down the hall?” Justin asked. 

“Yeah. I’m surprised Josh was up and out of bed early this morning.”

“I talked with Tyler about tonight, one more time.”

“Maybe. Still shocked that neither of you wanna see strippers…”

“The only woman we want is you, it can’t be THAT surprising.”

“Let’s go have breakfast before we split off for the day.”

“We get it, you like sports, Justin,” JC laughed. “Did it have to be golf when it’s still fucking hot here? Couldn’t wait until tomorrow when it’s 20 degrees cooler?”

“Could, but it’s part of our guys' night. Not getting drunk off my ass the night before the wedding, even if I have time to sleep it off.”

“Some of us actually LIKE golf,” Chris said.

“Shut up, Chris.  I’m ready for the rest of the day after this,” Lance complained. “A movie, dinner, and drinking is much more my thing.”

“I just hope the girls are having fun, Mikayla wasn’t sure what they’d be doing today,” Justin sighed. 

“Ok, Spa Timberlake is now open!” Erin cheered. 

The living area had a ton of snacks, towels in warm water, nail polish in different colors, and lots of beauty stuff like facial masks. Each woman could use what they wanted based on their own skincare needs. 

“The Notebook is cued up and ready to go!” Karly confirmed. “Crazy that both your guys worked with him on Mickey Mouse Club…”

“Yet they’ve never introduced me to him!” Mikayla laughed. “I got close with Justin performing at the Oscars, but still not close enough.”

They put on their various face masks, stopping the movie to wash them off before sitting back down on the couch. The grandmothers had taken the kids out to do something, so they could watch without worrying about little eyes seeing anything, and giving Jackie a break to be one of the girls.

“So Jackie, when’s your wedding?” Karly wondered. 

“Well, it depends on Justin’s stuff. It’s gonna be hard to have my matron of honor helping me plan and stuff if he’s on tour. I kinda wanna do January, so it’s winter but not Christmas everywhere. Enough about me, this should be about Mikayla.”

“True,” Erin said. “It’s just us.  You have two guys, have you ever… you know…”

Mikayla’s face reddened, more at the thought of all the times they had than in that they had. Several of the girls gasped. 

“I’m not surprised,” Jackie said. “Not that I’ve heard any of it at the house, but I’ve had to go into your room in the morning enough times to know there has been 3 people in that bed…”

“Oh my god, I need details!” Erin begged. 

“I won’t lie, it’s happened, more than once.  Each of them is amazing, but the two of them together, words can’t describe it accurately.”

“You lucky bitch. I guess we all kinda assumed that might be going on. Being with just one of them is enough to want to be you, but to have them both…” Erin sighed.  “I love my husband, but with two kids and his hours, it’s hard to make things work sometimes.”

“Karly, how are you feeling? Any weird cravings?” Mikayla agreed. 

“Sometimes. I’m just glad this was all before I got too big and while I could still fly. Though I’m sure Chris would’ve driven cross country to be here.”

They finished the movie, trying to figure out their next plan. “I know we just kinda did this, but there’s a movie theater in Bozeman we could go to,” Erin suggested, looking up from her phone.  “Maybe do some window shopping downtown until dinner?”

“Sounds good to me,” Mikayla decided.  "How dressy are we thinking for dinner?”

“Well, it’s a nice place, so I guess, dressy dressy?” Erin answered.

“Ok, so I’ll get my Oscars dress?” Mikayla teased.

“Wait, you still have that?!” Erin gasped. "And you brought it here??"

“Maybe…  Either way, I’m not wearing that tonight.  Let’s go get dressed up in my room, the lighting on my vanity and in the bathroom will be perfect.”

They felt a bit odd walking through a small town all dressed up, but it was at least an hour back to the house, then another hour into Bozeman.  They walked up to the theater, Karly and Erin deciding on their movie.

“Pirate of the Caribbean?” Mikayla asked, looking at her ticket.

“It was that or Wonder Woman.  This way we get Johnny Depp,” Erin smiled.  

“Not too big of a Johnny Depp girl.  Give me Orlando Bloom from the first two movies, though…” Mikayla bit her bottom lip.  “Yeah, yeah, my taste in men is all over the place…”

“We know,” Karly teased, poking her elbow into Mikayla’s side.

“Well, fancy meeting you here, all dolled up,” Justin smiled from a distance.

“I knew you were seeing a movie, but between Bozeman and Big Sky itself, I wasn’t sure which theater you’d go to,” Mikayla replied.

“We’re seeing The Mummy.  You?” JC asked.

“Oh, some rom com with hot guys for those of us that aren’t the bride,” Karly half lied.  She and Erin had chosen it for Johnny Depp, so there were good looking guys involved, and not for Mikayla. 

The guys kissed their girls as they went to their separate theaters, Justin and JC almost wishing they could be with Mikayla, put the romance in their rom com.

“Ok, we’re coming here at least once every time we’re out here,” Justin said, taking another bite of his steak.  “This place is incredible.  Trace, you found this place?”

“Yeah, I was here once after a hunting trip I was on.  Great food, and the prices keep some of the people away.  It helps that it’s next to a bunch of bars, we can do a bit of a bar crawl after this.”

JC couldn’t get seeing Mikayla out of his head.  She’d brought the green velvet dress, wearing it knowing that they weren’t going to be together for the night, likely getting back to the house too late for anything to happen.  So much for that perfect track record, he thought.  Every streak had to end sometime, he supposed.  

Their restaurant may have been fine dining, but the guys weren’t as well dressed as the girls had been.  They’d been able to shower and change after golf, especially in the heat of the day, but the dressiest they got were polo shirts and dark wash jeans.  Trace had called it ‘Country Gentleman’, and a lot of the men there were in something similar, if not even more casual.  They’d had a couple beers and shots with dinner, starting to feel more relaxed for the rest of the night ahead.

“We’ll start with a bar down the street, then head back this way towards the parking garage for when we’re done.”

“Why am I the designated driver?” Michael whined.

“One of us had to be.  It’s not like the girls, where Karly’s pregnant so she can’t drink.”

"She better not be drinking,” Chris started to slur.  “That’s my boy in there…”

“You know it’s a boy already?” JC asked.

“Not officially, but I really want a son to pay sports with.”

“Trust me, girls can do sports, too,” Justin laughed.  “Hell, look at your wife, for starters.”

“I know, but I really want a boy.”

“Just saying, the world isn’t over if you have a girl.  Especially one that’s half you.”

“I need to be tipsy to survive this.  We’re in the middle of country territory, two gay men…” Lance sighed

“With lots of friends to step in if someone is being an asshole.  You’re fine.”

They finished dinner, heading down the block a bit to the first bar.  They stayed for about 45 minutes, getting a couple more beers and doing a round of shots before moving onto the next bar.  They repeated the process, more beers and another round of shots, most of them getting pretty hammered by that point.

They walked towards the bar next door, hearing music.  They heard a female voice, walking closer to the front door.  They saw a sign outside, and everything clicked.  “Karaoke night”.  

Justin and JC looked at each other.  “She’s singing,” they smiled.

They slowly walked in, Trace pointing upstairs to the somehow empty pool table.  Justin and JC knew why upstairs was empty.  The place was packed, all eyes on Mikayla as she sang.  They had heard her sing before, but nothing like this.  The way she commanded the stage, like she had been born for it.  The crowd reacting as if she was this hometown singing sensation that was on the verge of making it big.

They watched her from upstairs, Mikayla not noticing them through the crowd of people.  They had another round of beers as they played pool, JC distracted by watching Mikayla with the girls once her turn singing was done.  Any time they heard her name, or any of the other girls, their ears perked up to listen.  But when it was just Mikayla, Justin and JC would just stop and watch.  This made playing pool nearly impossible, the other guys deciding Justin and JC were no longer playing.  Not like any of them were doing that well after so much alcohol.  The number of scratches and failed attempts to hit the cue ball would have been embarrassing if they’d been more sober.

Michael stood between them against the railing.  “She really is incredible.  You guys really hit the jackpot with her.”

“Especially putting up with our bullshit.  Neither of us have really made things easy for her.  I mean, I’ve tried, but the stress of being so visible and a lack of privacy sometimes gets to her.  She does the best she can, though, and that’s really all we can ask.  How’d we get so lucky, C?”

“Damned if I know.  I ask myself that question every morning I wake up next to her.”  He thought more about that, how things had started and turned out, getting to where they were.  He looked around, then looked down to see Mikayla back with the girls. He excused himself, playing it off like he was going to the bathroom, Justin going back to watching the game of pool. 

He saw her as he reached the bottom of the stairs. He walked through the crowd, grabbing Mikayla’s hand. 

“Hey,” she snarled, her expression changing once she saw who had grabbed hold of her. 

“Say you’re going to the bathroom. It won’t exactly be a lie…”

She smiled, nodding quietly, watching JC head towards the bathroom before her. She pulled herself away from the group, her heart pounding as he pulled her into the empty men’s room. He locked the door, pressing her firmly against it. They looked at each other, desire for each other burning in their eyes.

JC leaned in to kiss her when the door shook a little. “C? You in there?” Justin asked. “Is it a single stall type thing?”

JC groaned, unlocking the door. “Come in, T.”

“Kay, what are you-? Did I interrupt anything?”

“No. We just got in here, I hadn’t even kissed her.”

“I thought you came to piss, not fool around with our wife.”

“We’re all here, the door locks,” Mikayla smiled, eyebrows raised suggestively. 

“I’m not doing any of that here.  Not with C here. I think we should kiss her though, tease her perfect breasts, make her want to go home…”

“I know I wanna go find a hotel, fuck the hour long drive back…” JC growled. 

“Kiss me. I need you, even just a little. The girls will worry when I’m not in the bathroom…”

“A quick little make out sesh it is then,” Justin smiled. 

They pressed her against the door, the two takes turns claiming her lips and each side of her neck, their hands fondling her breasts over her dress. 

“I love that after kids you still don’t wear a bra with this dress,” JC groaned against her ear, feeling her arousal through the dress material. 

“I want more, but we’ll raise suspicions soon enough, even if no one recognizes either of you. Two men and one woman in a locked bathroom isn’t a great way to get caught,” Mikayla sighed. 

The two men silently agreed, JC adjusting himself before leaving them in the bathroom. If they were going to be caught, it wouldn’t be so bad to have an actual husband and wife be caught together. 


They each went to their groups, getting everyone to head back to the cabin. They were all eager to get back and finish what they’d started.

This story archived at