Second Chance at Love by nsyncsfan2001
Past Featured StorySummary:

What happens when the one that got away comes back, but you already have everything?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 92 Completed: Yes Word count: 223858 Read: 7513 Published: Nov 23, 2022 Updated: Jun 05, 2023
Chapter 89 by nsyncsfan2001
Author's Notes:

This is it!!!

Justin and JC stood in front of their family and friends, JC’s dad beside them to ‘preside’ over the ceremony.  They watched Tyler walk Erin down the aisle towards them, then Trace walking Miranda.  

“Seriously, they need to stop growing,” Justin whispered to JC as Barb and Joshy came into view.  “Barb looks like she’s almost 10 right now.”

“Definitely older than 5.  And that dramatic flair,” JC smiled.  ‘Wonder who she gets that from…”

They looked at each other. “Me,” they both chuckled to each other.

“Thanks, Justin, for all of this.  For being part of the bigger picture here, not just today.  Thank you for taking care of Mikayla when I couldn’t, didn’t.  I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to be the man she deserves.”

“Save your vows for HER, C. I love you both, so I’m glad to see you happy again.”

The twins reached the end of the aisle, sitting down with Carolina and their parents.  There was a pregnant pause, both waiting in anticipation of Mikayla coming into sight.  They saw Miguel step out first, slowly seeing Mikayla come into view.

“T, did you feel like this before?  Like your whole life was preparing you for this exact moment?” JC whispered.

“Yeah.  She’s beautiful.  Words can’t even describe…”

JC fought back tears as she locked eyes with him for a moment, Mikayla herself looking away to avoid tears spilling onto her cheeks.  He’d never seen her look so beautiful, the breath sucked right out of his lungs as he watched her walk closer.  Soon she was face to face with him, her eyes looking lovingly up at him.  

“Josh, you need a minute?” Roy asked quietly as JC couldn’t help but just stare at her.

“What?” JC blinked back to reality, seeing all eyes on him.  “Sorry, I’m good now.”  He looked back at Mikayla, being in the moment and not in his thoughts.  “You look beautiful, more than I can put into words…”

Roy began the ceremony, that they were there to bear witness to JC and Mikayla confirming their love for each other.  It was fairly straight forward, not wasting time with flowery talk.  It was soon time for their vows.  They did the traditional vows before reading ones they’d written.

“Josh, words can’t put into meaning just how deeply I love you.  We have two incredible children, and I am so thankful that life brought you back to me. I thought we’d lost our chance at happily ever after, and I'm glad that we get to make it into a reality.  I love you more now than when we first started, and if we can make it through the struggles we've had, we can make it through anything. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us, and I promise to love you more each day.”

JC fought back tears, touched by her words.  “I went first so I wouldn’t cry after hearing what you’d say,” she smiled softly with a laugh, trying to not fall apart from emotion.

He cleared his throat.  “I’ve written songs that express how I feel, but writing these vows was the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do.  Nothing felt like it was enough. Mikayla, I knew from the second I saw you that you were going to be important to me. I didn't know just how true that would be back then.  You got me through some very difficult times, and I did my best to do the same, falling in love along the way.  I know our road here had major twists and turns.  Words can’t describe how much you mean to me, but know that I love you with all that I am, I love our kids, and I promise to love you the rest of my life trying to be the man you deserve, the man I should have been all these years.”

They looked into each other’s eyes, no more words needed to be spoken.  They knew what the other was thinking, feeling, that love had gotten them through everything, including the most devastating times in their lives.  They would lean on each other no matter what came their way, raising the twins together and being all in for the rest of their lives.

They exchanged rings, JC’s being a simple band on his right ring finger, Mikayla’s being the ring JC had given her for her birthday the year before, also on her right ring finger.  They were simple enough to fool the common person if seen together, but still symbols of their love for each other.  

“Well, I think this is the part we’ve been waiting for.  Josh, you may kiss your beautiful wife,” Roy said, unsure of what else to say.  The marriage wasn’t legal and binding, she wasn’t even becoming a Chasez in name.  

The twins had just been officially given their name change to Timberlake- Chasez.  It had only been a couple days, but it hadn’t made the news, so either no one was watching any public records regarding their family, or no one cared.  Mikayla chalked it up to nothing needing their legal names as of yet, at least not that the press would get wind of.  She pushed it from her mind in that moment before JC kissed her, focusing on what was important.  The world would try to drag them down if they let it, and they had to choose to rise above anything that came their way.  

The kiss was soft but deep, full of genuine affection and a desire to fulfill what should have been done years ago.  To erase the past and continue as if nothing had happened between them, beginning their happily ever after.

JC pulled back from Mikayla, his forehead touching hers.  “I love you, my wife,” he smiled.

“I love you, husband.”

Roy stepped away from the podium, Paul slowly stepping up as JC stepped back, trading spots with Justin.  “Ladies and gentleman, we’re also here to celebrate this couple and their continued commitment to each other.  Today marks 6 years since they first got married, and this fall will be 5 years since the wedding the world got to see.  We all know this was unexpected, moving very quickly, but we also have seen their love grow and strengthen over that time.  We celebrate that now.”

Justin looked at Mikayla, tears forming in his eyes.  “Mikayla, I knew, like JC, that there was something special about you from the moment I saw you.  I didn't even see your face, but there was an energy about you I was drawn to from the beginning.  I know for a while it was a one sided love, but thank you for letting me into your heart completely, without any expectations.  You are the definition of unconditional love.  I’m glad I get to spend my life with you, raise these kids together, and help each other grow and fall deeper in love every day.”

“Justin, I had never dreamed that this would be my reality.  You were just a dream to me, not something I could ever attain.  Then life presented me the chance to become your friend.  Our friendship grew, and I’m lucky enough that somehow, out of that, it grew into love. I’m proud to be your wife, mom to SIlas, and I can’t wait to see what else is in store for us.  I promise to continue supporting you with your projects, hopefully being your muse and inspiration along the way.”

“Always,” he whispered.  They kissed to seal their commitment, the kiss tender and romantic.  She soon was between Justin and JC, each holding one of her hands.  They walked back down the aisle towards the house.  

“Champagne toast in the kitchen before we head to dinner and the reception,” Erin announced to the guests, everyone walking inside.

“Do we HAVE to go to the reception?  I like us all being here together,” Mikayla sighed.

“There’s food, alcohol, and a great sound system and dance floor to take my wife for a spin,” Justin smiled.  “After your first dance with JC, of course.”

They got into the vehicles, heading towards one of the restaurants within the community.  They went to B?B?, which was normally an asian-inspired restaurant.  For the night, the kitchen was empty and food was brought in in chafing dishes on a long table.  Pastas, steak and chicken, and steamed vegetables to name a few of the choices they had.  The dining room was muted grays, allowing for their dusty rose accents to fit in.  There was a fancier restaurant they could have gone with, but the colors would have clashed between the decor and the walls and chairs.  It was still an incredible site, allowing them to really make it their own.  Flowers were everywhere, including two large arrangements that filled in some of the open space around their sweetheart table.

Arrangements had been made for Randy to drive Jackie and the kids back to the house for bedtime, before coming back to continue the reception and bring the happy trio home after the reception.  The kids were fed, Randy promising to bring home some cake for them to have the following day.

Soft background music had been playing absently, Mikayla noticing Trace going to the small sound booth.  He grabbed a mic, tapping on it a couple times to ensure it was on.  “Not that you need me to use this,” he laughed lightly, “but it’s time for the first dance. Please direct your attention to the center of the room.”

It was silent as JC and Mikayla walked hand in hand to the dance floor.  Mikayla had trusted them with the music, not knowing what they’d chosen.  She smiled as she heard the perfect notes of Etta James’ At Last begin to play.  It fit perfectly.  It had taken them so long to get to this moment, and everything felt perfect.  As happy as she was with Justin, things felt right with JC, too.  Being able to love him as if no time had passed and everything left in the past.

The night continued on, Mikayla dancing with JC and Justin, their friends and family clinking their glasses for them to kiss Mikayla.  It felt like any other wedding, which made her feel relieved that she could be herself, they could be themselves.  There was no hiding for one night.  Mikayla felt hope for the future, her worries earlier in the day subsiding.  With them by her side, they could take on the world together.


The reception drew to a close, JC pulling Mikayla into his arms.  “Thank you,” he said softly.  “Thank you for being my wife, letting me be your husband, even if it’s nothing official.  It doesn’t change how we feel about each other.  Thank you for giving me more than I ever expected for myself.  Thank you for giving me a second chance at love.”

End Notes:

This was the main point of the story.  Well, kinda.  It was meant to give Justin a happier ending, but I also couldn't ignore the place JC had in her heart.  I hope you enjoyed this story, though there is one more chapter I'll post on Sunday.


Feedback is greatly appreciated.

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