Pop Prince's Christmas Carol by addy0316
Past Featured StorySummary:

Just your typical Christmas Carol story, because it is that time of year! And Justin is the Scrooge of this Christmas Carol, and JC (Josh) is his tour manager (kind of like a Bob Cratchit type)! So please enjoy! 

Categories: Completed Het Stories Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: General, Humor
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: Yes Word count: 13897 Read: 577 Published: Nov 29, 2022 Updated: Dec 23, 2023
Chapter 3: December 23 | Part 2 by addy0316
Author's Notes:

So really had to split it up into three parts to make it look all nice and neat! So please enjoy :) 

Chapter 3: December 23, 2008 | Part 2

Justin was in his "Hot Wheel" bubble bath, which was hot enough to his liking.

"Now this is what life is all about." Justin sighed as he sank into the bubble water, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

15 minutes into his peaceful dream a shrilling ringing sound awoke him. Opening his eyes as wide as he good-look around, what was it and why was it ringing?

"SHIT!" Justin called out looking at his cell phone, the screen lighting up.

Justin reached out of the tub and to his pants; he grabbed the cell phone and answered.

"This better be important, I have things to do and don't want to talk to you," Justin hissed into the phone.

"Justin?" A woman asked a little confused.

"This would be MY cell phone, who the hell is this?" Justin asked, getting upset.

"It's Andrea, I thought I was calling Josh," Andrea said, biting her lower lip.

"You need to get your damn eyes fixed. Try remembering his phone number, good bye," Justin said about to hang up.

"No, Justin, Wait!" Andrea called out. "Don't you think it's time for him to come home, see Timmy, you know he isn't getting any better," she said with hope in her voice.

"He is very busy right now. He doesn't have time to fly home," Justin said, getting more pissed off.

"What happened to the Justin I knew when I first met Josh. I miss that Justin, we all miss that Justin, we all hope he comes back, soon," Andrea said with a slight sigh.

"Well, he ain't coming back," Justin yelled as he hung up on Andrea, before throwing his phone at the wall. "God-damn it! Don't they know when to leave me the hell alone!" he asked to no one but himself.

With a loud sigh and thump, Justin leaned back in the tub, the water was turning colder, and his skin was starting to wrinkle. Standing up, he grabbed a towel and pulled it around his waist, walking out of the bathroom, and ran into Josh walking in the hotel door.

"I thought I told you, I didn't want to see you," Justin said, grabbing some clothes.

"You need to sign some papers," Josh said, walking towards him.

"Tomorrow. I'll sign them tomorrow," Justin said in a low voice, while adding in a rough tone, "And don't give my cell phone number to that woman of yours."

"She must have meant to call mine but called yours."

"She wanted to know if I was gonna send you home. I just told her you couldn't come because you are busy with work, getting money."

"Oh, okay..." Josh mumbled.

"You can go home, after the first, when I get time off, like I decided a few days ago." Justin said, hissing as he signed the last paper. "I've signed them, now leave!"

"Um, yeah. Thanks," Josh said in a monotone voice as he walked to the door. Turning slightly he added, "Be up by 4, and make sure you are on time this time."

"Yeah, Whatever," Justin mumbled as he slammed the door shut.


"Andy, I told you not to call him," Josh said over the phone, sitting in his hotel room.

"I couldn't help it, you need to be home with us. I can't be here all by myself and watch our son keep getting worse," Andrea said, holding back the tears.

"Baby, I want to be home, I really do," Josh said, every moment he was away was killing him.

"And I did hit the wrong name by accident. I hit his name when I thought I was hitting yours, so it wasn't really my fault," Andrea half heartily said.

"I know it wasn't. I just don't know what has gotten in to him lately. How's Kirsten doing?" Josh asked, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Not so good, she didn't even make her flight yesterday. She said she just wanted to be by herself right now. Told her the door is always open for her to stay here until Justin get's his act back together," Andrea said calmly, but then started pissed off again. "But, come on Josh, you have to come home, just hop onto a plane and get home.  I mean you are Justin's boss, you can do that, you need to do it. You were supposed to come home for Christmas for a few days, before Justin pulled this surprise out of his ass."


"I don't care if I have to come and kidnap you for myself. I won't give a flying cows ass what Justin thinks. Anyway, Timmy wants to talk to you," Andrea said.

"Okay, put him on the phone," Josh sighed as Andrea handed the phone to their son.

"Hi daddy," a little boy smiled.

"Hey buddy, how you doing?" Josh asked.

"Okay I guess, just tired. When are you coming home?" Timmy asked.

"Soon Timmy, soon," Joshua sighed; wanting to be there with his wife and son.

"Are you going to be home for Christmas?" Timmy asked, his face lightening up at the thought of seeing his father again.

"No, I'm sorry, I have to work that day," Josh said, almost in tears.

"But you have momma, nana, papa, and all the other family with you, Josh said sighing.

"I just want you and momma. I asked Santa if he could bring you home," Timmy said, holding onto the phone tightly.

"And what else did you ask for?" Joshua asked, trying to change the subject.

"Just for you to be home so momma can be happy again, she cries when she goes to bed," Timmy said. "I sleep on your side and I hear her cry, because I pretend to be sleeping, when I really am not. Just don't tell momma."

"Timothy Scott, I love you, and I want to be there. I just have a job to do, so we can get you better. Tell momma I love her." Joshua said.

"I love you too, daddy." Timmy sadly said in a quiet voice.

"You get some rest now, and I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay..." Timmy trailed off.

"Bye. I love you," Josh said. It was one of the hardest things he has said in his whole lifetime as he hung up the phone. 

This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=3086