Save My Life by nsyncsfan2001
Past Featured StorySummary:




Jenna is down on her luck, failing job interviews one after another.  But when an accident happens, who ends up saving who?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Group, JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Celebrity/Celebrity, Drama, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 68 Completed: No Word count: 163007 Read: 9293 Published: Jun 07, 2023 Updated: Aug 08, 2023
Chapter 13 by nsyncsfan2001
Author's Notes:


“Are you ready?” Kelly asked. 

“So ready. Nervous, but excited.”

“If I didn’t know any better, you were getting ready for sex, not to teach kindergarten…”

Jenna playfully shoved Kelly. She’d worn a royal blue wide strapped tank and light grey capris, with blue shoes that matched her top. Her hair was pulled back, not wanting it in her face. It was the end of August, still very much in summer.  She wanted to be comfortable but also look professional.  

She gave herself a once over in the full length mirror on the back of her bedroom door.  She pulled out her phone, snapping a picture.

Ready for my first day of school!

It was early, so she was surprised when she got a text back. 

You look great.  Have a great first day. Do your thing ;)

She smiled to herself, ready to begin her day.  She and Kelly went down to Kelly’s car, getting a ride to school. Kelly turned her stereo all the way up, blasting her *NSYNC station on Spotify. 

“I don’t think JC would let you play this if he was taking you to work,” Kelly laughed. 

“Probably right. He seemed impressed by the *NSYNC references I have around the classroom, though.”

“You need a picture of you with him and Lance to put on your desk. Or on the wall, somewhere to remind you every day of the lucky bitch you are.”

“You’re lucky by association.  I know I’m excited about my first day, but I can’t wait for Friday to wear the outfit I got.”

“I totally wasn’t expecting it, but I love it and you seem so confident in it. Some guy is gonna notice, you just might turn somebody Friday night…”

Jenna made sure she got there early so Kelly wouldn’t have to worry about the long line of cars for drop off. Summer has been light traffic compared to what was to come. 

Jenna turned down the music as they approached the school, Kelly turning into the parking lot. 

“Have a good day at school, sweetheart,” Kelly joked. 

“That’s the plan,” Jenna smiled. 

She got out of the car, walking to the gate.  She put in her code to get in, putting her lunch away in the staff room.  She saw a spread of breakfast type foods on the table, along with juice and extra coffee fixings.  There was a small sign on the table that read: Have a great first day! -Admin

“How personal,” Jenna said quietly.

“Hey, they’re feeding us, don’t complain,” Kim smiled as she walked in.  “They do this from time to time, especially the first and last days of school.  You ready?”

“Yeah.  Everything is ready and in place for them- name tags, cubbies, everything.  All we need now is our kids in the room.”

They walked to their room, getting situated before opening their door to students.  They began to hear students outside, their classroom facing the playground.  The students lined up with their parents, anxiously awaiting the door to open.  Excitement buzzed in the air.  

Kim stepped to the door, her hand on the doorknob.  “You ready? Kim asked.

“Here we go,” Jenna smiled.

The first half of the day had gone smoothly.  They traced papers, practiced how to line up, got their spots on the rug for math time and reading, mostly going over procedures of how to transition from one thing to another.  They practiced unpacking their backpacks, putting their snacks in the baskets, where their water bottles went, everything they would need to do for the next 179 school days.  

At lunch time, Jenna and Kim went into the staff room, expecting to see the thinned spread of the morning’s goodies.  Instead, they were greeted by trays of various pastas and salad and garlic bread.

From a thankful parent.  Happy first day everyone!

“Wow, this is incredible.  They must have planned this for a bit, to get all of this for us,” Jenna sighed.

They loaded up plates full of food before sitting down at the large table in the middle of the staff room.  They talked about how their day was going with other teachers, Kim asking how her daughter was doing.  

She pulled out her phone.  No new messages from JC, but it wasn’t going to stop her from sending him a text.

On my lunch.  A parent bought us tons of food.  I wish it was Friday so I could bring some home.

I’m seeing you Friday night at the event, right?  I’m sure you don’t want to miss it if Lance is hosting…

We’re definitely on the list.  I’m excited to see it all firsthand.  I told him I don’t need VIP, I just wanna get in.

You’ll get VIP for sure, I know Lance.  If not, I’ll ensure that it happens.  You’re one of us now, so get used to it.

Does “one of us” status get me cheap tickets to see Justin? When he finally releases that album he’s been teasing…

I think I can swing that. Still a Justin girl?

Til the day I die. My JC tendencies are hitting pretty hard tho.  I mean, he saved my life…

And look where it led me.

You poor man.  

Quite the opposite.  Have a good rest of your day, Jenna.

She put her phone away, Kim looking at her.  “Your ‘not boyfriend’ again?”


“Oooh, this sounds juicy,” one of the other teachers said. 

“I have seizures.  Not a lot, but sometimes, even with medication. I had one while I was driving home a couple weeks ago, and this guy behind me pulled over and called 911. He wanted to make sure I was ok, and since then we’ve become friends,” Jenna explained. 

“The way she looks when she’s texting him, it’s like she’s in love with him,” Kim laughed lightly. “I think it’s cute.”

“We’re just friends. He has a girlfriend, they’re great together.”

“We’ll see how long that lasts. Pulling for you,” the teacher said.

Jenna scrolled through her Instagram, her eyes bulging. “Justin released a new song! It’s on someone else’s album, but still…”

“One of THOSE, huh?” the teacher laughed. “Does she know?”

“Know what?” Jenna asked. 

“Nothing,” Kim said quickly. 

Jenna clicked the link, listening to the song. It was mid tempo, but sexy as hell, her new favorite song. Not that that meant much, she wasn’t too much into the current music scene, just playing playlists of music from high school and college years.

They talked a bit before lunch was over, Jenna excited by what the rest of the day would bring. 

“I’m so glad I get a Friday off for once,” Kelly said, putting on her makeup.  “We don’t have to worry about IF we’ll run into Lance or JC, we’ve already met them…”

“I wanna meet Michael.  He’s commented on things I’ve said on his lives, it would be nice to talk to him in person, face to face.”

“You are KILLING IT in that outfit.  Just saying. It’s a hot summer night, and that’s a hot summer outfit.”

Jenna was wearing a short black jumpsuit.  It had a halter style neck that tied around her neck, was backless except for strings that tied there, and the shorts stopped about mid thigh. It was covered with black sparkly fringe, almost like a 21st century flapper.  She opted for her hair down and a natural eye palette.  She wore her favorite pair of knee high boots to complete the outfit.

Kelly went bolder with a black mini dress with a deep v neck that laced up the front. She wore a bold red lip and killer black heels.

Jenna grabbed her phone. Are you coming to Rocco’s first? You wouldn’t dare miss a good drag show, would you?

Are you going? I’ll see if we can head over there before the main party.

You better come, I’m gonna sing! I was the QUEEN of karaoke before COVID.

I guess I’d better then. You better pick something good.

I have a list I go through. You’ll just have to come and find out. 

See you soon.

“You ready to party til dawn?” Kelly asked. 

“So ready,” Jenna smiled. 

They got in Kelly’s car, Jenna playing Justin’s new song a couple times, picking songs to amp them up for the night ahead. 

They parked a short walk away from Rocco’s, the small parking lot nearby being full. They walked in, the staff recognizing Jenna and getting them good seats.

“Looking FIERCE, ladies!” their server smiled.  “Any drinks?”

“Vodka cranberry,” Kelly said.

“Midori sour.  Light on the Midori, I’ve heard you get heavy handed with the alcohol…”

“All to help you have fun, darling…” the server replied. “Don’t worry, we know ALL about you, honey.  We’ll take care of you.”

“I’m ok if my drink is heavy on the vodka,” Kelly smiled. “Keep em coming.”

“I can’t drive, Kelly…”

“Ugh, fine.  Just the one, make it worth it.”

“You got it.  Anything to eat?”

“Zucchini sticks,” Jenna said softly. 

The night began, alternating between a drag queen performing and someone singing karaoke.  Some were better than others at karaoke, Jenna waiting for her turn. 

“Alright, Anya Knuts is coming to the stage, followed by our next karaoke singer, Jenna!”

Anya took the stage, wowing the crowd with her outfit and moves. Jenna was definitely getting pumped up for her turn, it had been too long since she’d sung for people. 

Anya finished her number, Jenna walking to take the mic. She took a deep breath as she stared at the people in the crowd. 

You can do this, she thought to herself.  Make JC proud.

The song started, Jenna getting a boost of energy from the cheers from the crowd before she sang a single note. She figured her outfit was getting attention, feeling a confidence she hadn’t had in a while. 

You got me some type of way

Ain’t used to feeling this way

I do not know what to say

But I know I shouldn't think about it

Took one fuckin' look at your face

Now I wanna know how you taste

Usually don't give it away 

But you know I'm out here thinkin' 'bout it

Just as she finished the first verse, she saw Jen walk in. She knew JC was there, he would see her any second. Jen had on an ivory off the shoulder top and black shorts with strappy sandals, looking effortlessly flawless.  

Then I realize she's right there

And I'm at home like, "Damn, this ain't fair"

Jen took a seat, watching Jenna.  She had no idea who Jenna was, beyond singing karaoke. The servers said hi to Jen, Lance coming out to give her a hug.

“Wow, Jenna can sing!” Lance smiled. 

“Jenna? As in the girl Josh saved?”

“Yeah. You should say hi when she’s finished.”


“Oh, I plan on it,” Jen said with a smirk.

This story archived at