We Want You Back by theusagirl
Past Featured StorySummary:

Justin has been lacking inspiration, that is until he notices one small detail that changes everything...

Categories: Group Characters: Group
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 1220 Read: 239 Published: Aug 25, 2023 Updated: Sep 16, 2023
Chapter 1 by theusagirl

"You want me to do what??" Justin asked his assistant, looking over at his already full schedule and seeing another pack of papers that he has yet to look over.

"It's a contract to continue recording the rest of your scenes for the new movie, "Trolls: Band Together" apparently according to the director, he was scheduled to record two new songs for the movie, but he couldn't figure out the beats, the style nor the lyrics, while reading the paperwork in front of him, he looked over everything again, something caught his eye, he saw the title of the new movie, "Trolls: Band Together.." and suddenly, he had an idea.


"Hey Carol?" Justin asked, looking up from the paper.


"Hmm?" She said, not looking up from her own set of paperwork that she had on her desk, and the tip of her pen at the corner of her mouth.


Carol was an older woman, wearing thin frame glasses, smart as a whip with a sassy mouth, always having her hair styled with a neatly tight bun.


"How about-Justin continued, the title of the movie says "Band Together" right? And after reading the story of this movie, I have a wonderful idea.


"And was it that idea?"


"I can get the guys back together..." 


"The guys?" She looked up from her paperwork, confused.


"You know, the guys, as in my former band mates?" He slowly told her.


It took Carol a bit to figure out what Justin was saying but she quickly caught it, "OH! Her eyes instantly lighting up, "YOU MEAN *NSYNC?"


"Shh" We have to keep quiet, and we have to plan this accordingly, cause the other day, I saw Lance and Joey performing from a Tik Tok video and the fan base is still surprisingly strong, only difference they are mature and not a bunch of teenagers, Justin laughed.


"What a great idea! I love it when you guys get together, come on, if Backstreet Boys and 98 Degrees can do it, why can't you guys??"


""Cause-Justin said slowly, "Real life got in the way."


""Uh huh, the last time you guys were together was in 2013 at the VMAs, that was amazing, if you guys do get back together, please make more than one song, for old times sake?


"I'll try, I admit that I couldn't come up with any song ideas until I saw that "Band Together" title, this is why I want to get the guys back in the studio with me, and see what we can come up with.


Carol grinned, "This is going to be exciting! I have to make some calls then.


"And I will do the same, let me contact the director first and sign the rest of this form, and then I'll call the guys up and see if I can get the green light..."


"You got it." Carol opened up her laptop and started writing down some contacts from her phone on a notepad.


He sent a quick text to his director, and on the bottom of the direc

tor's contact, was none other then:

JC Chasez...




















End Notes:

HERE I AM AGAIN! Okay, I have been writing this from my PHONE, so if there is tweaking that needs to be corrected, let me know, I will write more when I get a new laptop, anyways, hope you all like it so far.

This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=3106