Upgrade by angel_from_africa, meganj2007
Summary: Justin Timberlake's life is down spiraling and the only person who can seem to help him is the last person he wants... singing sensation Jennifer Hudson.

Colaboration with Megan if you wanna see the story banner go to the reviews page!! Nominated at the VRA http://vanillarushawards.tasting-eden.com/
Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Celebrity/Celebrity, Drama, Humor, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 119632 Read: 45466 Published: Nov 19, 2007 Updated: May 19, 2008
Chapter 14- Part 1 by angel_from_africa
Author's Notes:
Here is ch 14... sorry it took ages!! I'm on holiday in africa and havent been near a computer in weeks!! enjoy!!
Chapter 14.


I was in the middle of giving Sara her bath.

"Bah-bah!” she screamed smiling and splashing happily.

"Sar-Sar you’re getting me all wet." She looked me with those big brown eyes and I couldn't be mad anymore. All she had to do was look at you and make you feel as if nothing could go wrong. I reached over, grabbing the towel off the rack and laying it on my chest then I picked her up and laid her against me. I got up and walked to her nursery. Sometimes I spent more time in there then I did in my own bedroom. I laid her on the changing table, grabbing the organic baby lotion. Justin wanted us to use organic products, he said it would be benificial for Sara and the earth. I poured a dab onto my hands, rubbing them together. I smiled as she waved her arms and legs and I massaged her skin, her body became relaxed. She had the prettiest skin, color a mix of light bronze from her mother and dark chocolate from her father.
Sara started to get fussy when I reached to touch her ear. She tried her best to move my hand away.

"No No let mommy see." Kia and I had taken Sara to her ears pierced, the woman didn't numb her ear long enough. When I called Justin he wanted to sue and I spent thirty minutes trying convince him not to do it. I put her ointment on that the doctor had prescribed and finished putting on her diaper, onise, and velour pants. I laid her on my shoulder and headed down stairs. I went into the kitchen opening the fridge and grabbed a pre-made bottle and warmed it up then went into the living room when it was done. I sat on the couch opened the lap top and turned it on. Sara started to get fussy.

"Yeah I know." I sat back taking the top of Sara's bottle giving it to her. Justin left two days after the Oscars to begin working on his new movie The Open Road. He was so excited to be starting back up with a serious movie role. I turned toe web cam on and reached over to grab the phone dialing Justin's cell.


"Hey, are you busy?" I asked.

"No, you read?"

"Yeah." I waited a few minutes then his face popped up. I hung up the phone and looked at the screen.

"You look good," I said smiling.

"Thanks," he said rubbing his newly shaved cheek. "You look beautiful." All I did was smile. He’d only been gone for a couple of days and I missed him already.

"Are you alone?" I asked.

"Yeah why? You wanna show me our tities?" he asked.

"No, nasty ass," I said laughing with him.

"Is that baby girl?"

"Yes it is." I sat her up facing the camera. We continued our conversation for about thirty minutes the he was called to set. I called Kia to see what she was up to maybe we could go to the mall or something.


"Hey fir, watcha ya doing?"

"Nothing, I'm really sick..."

"Again? Why don't I come over?" I said interrupting her.

"No! Jen I'm fine it's just a small cold."

"Kia I'm coming over," I said hanging up the phone. Sara and I got in the car, I had to drop her off at Lynn’s as I didn't want her catching a cold. Then I pulled up in front of Trace's place putting the car in park. I picked up the groceries I bought and headed up to the garage. I punched in the code and waited for the garage door to open.

"In the living room!" I dropped the groceries on the counter and followed the sound of the T.V.

"Hey pumpkin," I said walking over to kiss her fore head.


"I bought some groceries for you," I told her, sitting in the chair across from her.

"Thanks." She really didn't look good.

"Kia do I need to take you to the Emergency room?"

"No...I'm fine just tired."

I decided to stay with Kia and called Lynn telling her I would be spending the night. The next day Kia was looking a lot better. The bags under her eyes were gone her appitite was back. She was in shower when the doorbell rang.

"Dang!" I was in the middle of watching Young and The Restless. I got up and answered the door.

"Ms.Kia Williams?"

"I can sign for her she's busy at the moment."
The UPS guy handed me the package and clip board for me to sign.

"Have a good day."

"You too," I said closing the door. I examined it and looked at the return address. I felt my heart sink to my stomach. "Abortion Clinic?"


"What?" Kia asked behind the bedroom door.

"Get you ass out here!" I was fuming wanted to know what the hell was going on.

"Jen what's wrong?" she asked opening the door.

"This is," I said holding up the puffy envelope. She took the envelope and read the front, her breathing became shallow.

"I can explain."

"Please do!" I said going over to sit on the bed.

"Ok I'll start from the beginning. Before we went to the Bahamas, Trace and I were having problems. He wanted to take the relationship further with me moving in with him. I told him I wasn't ready so he got upset..."

"What does this have to do with the address on the envelope?"

"Jen let me finish." I nodded my head. "So when we got to the Bahamas and I was already agitated it got worse when I saw Justin."

"When did you find out you were pregnant?" I asked.

"The day you took me to the doctors office," she whispered.

"You told me it was the flu, why did you lie?" She stayed quiet. "Kia did you have an abortion?"

"Jen it was an accident." How could she say something like that?

"Kia having a baby is not an accident. You could have told me I'm sure Trace would have..."

"The night we invited Chris and David..."She interrupted me walking over to me getting on her knees in front of me.

"You didn't," I said shaking my head.

"Jen I'm so sorry," she said grabbing my hands.

"So what you’re trying to say is that what Justin and I heard that night was you and David?" She just sat there not saying anything. "OH GOD KIA!" I covered my mouth with disgust.


"How could you keep this from me? How could you abort Trace’s baby?"

"It wasn't Trace’s,." she whispered.

"What do you mean it wasn't Trace’s!?"

"Trace and I didn't have sex before we left the Bahamas."
I was so hurt I didn't notice myself rocking back and forth. How could she kill an innocent baby?

"You make me sick." I continued rocking. "You are so selfish that you couldn't woman up and take care of your responsibility, no what you did was chicken out by killing an innocent baby just to cover your own butt."

"Do you know how hard of a decision I had to make!" she said standing up.

"What if Crystal aborted Sara?"

"Don't you bring Crystal into this..."

"Yes I will bring Crystal into this. Her situation was just like yours, she wasn’t hoeing around like you were, she had a choice of getting rid of it or raising it by herself and she made the greatest decision she could ever
make," I said as tears ran down my eyes I got off the bed brushed passed Kia, trying to get out of there.

"Did Justin tell you to say that?"

"What does Justin have to do with this?" Kia stayed silent. "Answer me!"

"The morning after David and I slept together Justin caught us coming down stairs, at first I wanted to tell Trace but Justin told me not to and that if I did it would break his heart. I wanted to tell you as well he said we should keep it between he and I.”

“That’s not true Justin wouldn’t’ say something like that he loves Trace he would tell him in a minute.”

“Oh really? He kept Jessica a secret what makes you think he wouldn’t tell Trace?” All I remember was feeling light headed. “Jen, Justin is the same he’s never change. He probably didn’t tell you the whole truth about what happened in Australia.”

“What are you talking about he told me everything about Jessica?”

“Did he tell you about Hannah?”

“Hannah? His backup dancer?” Kia stayed silent.

All I remember is running down the stairs getting in the car and speeding down the Highway. When I made it home I stood in the middle of the foyer figuring out what to do next.

"Tired" That's what I felt. Tired of Justin, tired of Kia, tired of the damn contract. I walked upstairs to Sara’s room and stood in the middle. The smile that I had faded when I thought of how Justin played me for a fool.
"How could I be so stupid," I said to myself walking over to the closet pulling out all of Sara's clothes, I did the same with the draws. I went into my bedroom throwing clothes on the bed and walking into the closet to get my suitcase. I finished packing our clothes when my phone rang. I stopped what I was doing looking at my purse after the fourth ring. I picked it up looking at the I.D.

"Justin." I threw it back in my purse and pulled the suitcases off the bed hauling them down stairs. I went into the kitchen to call Mike letting him know that I needed him and begged him not to tell Justin.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mike asked in the driver’s seat.

"Yes," I said looking straight ahead.

"Jen, why won't you stay with me and Kim..."

"That's the first place he'll look," I said as we pulled up in front of Lynn’s, Mike put the car in park.

"This is going to break her heart," Mike said.

"You don't think I know that?" I said before getting out the car. I walked up the steps rang the door bell.

"Here she is," Lynn said smiling opening the door. I smiled back reaching to take Sara from her. “Grandma will see you tomorrow." She handed me Sara’s bag.

"Actually Sara and I are going to be staying with a friend for a couple of days, I'll call you and tell you everything," I said turning around.

"Jennifer what's wrong?!"

"I'll call you!" I yelled from the car.

"It's Mike." We pulled in front of the gate and watched it open. Mike pulled up the drive way putting the car in park I took a deep breath and got out the car. I unbuckled Sara from her car seat. Mike went to get out bags.

"Come on sweet pea," I said picking her up. I looked up watching the garage door open and watched him walk out. He smiled walking over. "I didn't know anyone else in the neighborhood." He kissed my forehead.

"You can leave her bags there I'll take care of it," he said, Mike nodded setting my bags down. I walked over to him.

"I'll call you when the moving trucks will be there to get the rest of my things," I said giving him a hug.

"Are you sure?” he asked me one last time.

"I'm sure," I said smiling.

"Let me walk you out," J.C. said.

"No, that's ok," Mike said kissing Sara’s forehead and turned to walk out the door.
This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=563