Upgrade by angel_from_africa, meganj2007
Summary: Justin Timberlake's life is down spiraling and the only person who can seem to help him is the last person he wants... singing sensation Jennifer Hudson.

Colaboration with Megan if you wanna see the story banner go to the reviews page!! Nominated at the VRA http://vanillarushawards.tasting-eden.com/
Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Celebrity/Celebrity, Drama, Humor, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 119632 Read: 45465 Published: Nov 19, 2007 Updated: May 19, 2008
Chapter 5 by angel_from_africa
Author's Notes:
ok here's chapter 5... nice and long enjoy and happy new years!!
Chapter 5.


Nov 4, 2007
9:45 am

“Jen are you ready?” I yelled up the stairs and tapped my foot impatiently against the stair and looked at my watch for the hundredth time. That girl took too god damn long to get dressed. We were just going Brunch for petes sake she didn’t need to look like a princess.

I let out a long sigh as she finally made her appearance, wearing skin tight jeans and a black sweater and turtle neck with black boots. I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed my black hoodie to pull over my way too casual clothing and glared at her.

“Finally,” I said as we headed out to the garage, pulling the hoodie over my head.

“Oh please. Don’t act like you never took a while to get dressed,” she snapped back as we entered the garage and I opened up the car.

“Not thirty minutes,” I replied hopping in and buckling up. I watched her climb in, tapping my fingers against the steering wheel impatiently as she let her long legs curve sensationally over the step so she could get in.

“Are you done staring or can we go now?” she asked sounding very annoyed that I was taking my time. I jumped out of my trance and quickly turned on the car with a huff.

“I wasn’t staring,” I stated and looked straight ahead trying to avoid her gaze as she put on her seat belt.

“Sure you weren’t,” she laughed slightly and reached over to pat my leg in reassurance. I jumped again at her touch and opened the garage door and pulling out, acting as if everything she did was not effecting me anyway, but I think she knew it was.

“They don’t miss a beat do they?” she asked cutting through my concentration and causing me to glance in the review mirror to see what she was referring to.

“Apparently not,” I commented seeing a black SUV behind us, “Not if they want ‘the shot’.”

Soon we pulled up to the Ivy, where Johnny had decided we were going to go, and I groaned inwardly at all the paps. They were like vultures waiting for a kill. I pulled the car to a stop just outside the restaurant and jumped out as a valet helped Jen out. I ran over to the other side of the car, in the process shoving a pap out of the way and tipping the valet and handing him the keys.

Jen looked as if she’d just seen the apocalypse and was scared out of her mind, so I grabbed her hand and yanked her into the restaurant ignoring all the calls that the paps were giving.

“Mr. Timberlake,” the bright young host smiled at us as we entered the restaurant and I rolled my eyes, “We have a table ready for you and the missus. Right this way.”

We were soon seated outside on the patio and handed menus before Jen decided to speak again.

“The Ivy huh?” she asked quite impressed and looked around, I rolled my eyes and kept looking at my menu pretending to ignore her and hoping she would get it. She didn’t. “The most popular place for paparazzi. I wonder what else Johnny has up his sleeve.”

“I guess you’ll have to wait and see,” I said and looked at her with a smirk she rolled her eyes and looked back at her menu before the waitress came back.

“What can I get you to drink?” she asked, causing both of us to look up. Jen smiled at her and closed her menu.

“I’ll take an orange juice with ice?” Jen asked and the waitress nodded, scribbling it down before looking at me.

“Okay, and what about you sir?” she wanted to know. I looked back down at my menu and wondered whether or not I should get a big fat beer. But then I heard a click of a camera and thought against it.

“I’ll have the same, but with no ice,” I grinned at the waitress who nodded and wrote it down, totally ignoring my charm.

“And are you ready to order?” the waitress wanted to know. Jen looked at me and I smiled back at her.

“Baby you ready to order?” I asked and she looked at me in utter shock.

"Yeah I will have an egg and cheese croissant and a fruit plate," she replied completely trying to ignore me but I knew it was an act. She handed her menu to the waitress and glanced at me, “What about you?”

"I will have eggs scrambled with wheat toast and bacon," I said running my finger along the page and closing the menu before handing it back to the waitress who smiled at us and told us she’d be right back with our drinks..

"Baby?” Jen asked once the waitress was out of sight and raised an eyebrow at me. “Where did that come from?"

"It’s called acting,” I stated and rolled my eyes at her. “We’re supposed to be married right?" She looked at me and said nothing, knowing I was right, before deciding to speak again. I groaned and wished she’d shut up.

“I am so excited,” she said and I nodded, pretending to be interested. “My best friend is coming." So that’s why she was all tossing and turning last night.

"I could tell you were tossing and turning all night," I told her, and she looked at me with a weird look I could read, as if it was a surprise I could hear her thrashing around in MY bed.

Suddenly Jen leaned into me and started to nibble under my ear, causing me to jump and try and pull away but she held on to my arm fast.

"There's a paparazzi behind a flower pot. Follow my lead," she whispered and replaced her lips with her thumb. I sat there dumbfounded for moment, letting the sensation run through my body, this girl was good at seducing people. No wonder Jayce fell for her so bloody fast.

I took in a deep breath and looked at her; she nodded before I timidly place a hand on her knee and kept it there. Licking my lips nervously until the waitress came back with our food.

“Um,” she cleared her throat to make her presence known and I jumped, “Here’s your food. Enjoy.” She laid down our breakfast in front of us, and Jen smiled before removing her thumb from its prior position and digging in and looking at me.

“Everything alright babe?” she asked with a smile and I gulped and nodded, grabbing my juice and downing half the glass. This was going to be a long ass brunch.

Nov 4, 2007

After brunch I found myself considerably calmer, I think it was due to the fact that Kia and Trace had decided to join us and I had a buffer between Jen and me. Even though it was limited.

We were going baby shopping, for her friend Crystal who was pregnant and coming to visit. Jen and Kia kept on gazing adoringly at all these baby things, making baby noises and gesturing over to me and Trace as they did so and I had restrain myself from rolling my eyes.

Now I would have fully rolled them if we hadn’t been followed by the paps that seemed to have tagged along behind us ever since we left the Ivy. We had to make a good impression.

So here we were, at the Beverly Hills Baby Boutique, shopping for baby stuff with paps all around and me trying to contain the yawn that was forming in my throat.

“So who’s the lucky daddy?” A sales associate in a baby blue tracksuit had come up to us and was grinning widely.

“Uh…” I began and looked at Trace who was trying to contain his laughter at the situation. I quickly pointed to him. “He is.”

“What?” Trace asked in shock, choking on his contained laughter, and the sales person looked at me suspiciously. I nodded my head for effect and swung an arm around Trace, patting his back.

“Yup,” I grinned and looked around me for Kia and Jen, “This lucky bastard’s gonna be a daddy!”

“Well…congratulations!” the sales associate smiled widely at Trace who glared at me and struggled to get out of my grasp. Pushing me away roughly only to be grabbed again by the sales associate who ushered him away to where there the cribs and such were located.

“Where’s Trace going?” Kia asked as she and Jen walked up and I shrugged, pretending not to know and looking at all the items they had accumulated in their arms.

“Are you done?” I asked, and Jen rolled her eyes at me as Kia looked back to her with a nod.

“Yeah we’re done,” Kia said and shifted the toys in her arms, “Let me just go get Trace.”

“Sure,” I grinned and watched her walk away hurriedly. Jen moved closer and kicked me with her foot, but I managed to jump out of the way.

“You are evil. You know that?” she asked, and I really couldn’t tell if she was mad or not. I shook my head and leaned against a toy bin nearby.

“Why?” I asked and raised an eyebrow at her, “Because I stopped rumors of us being pregnant?”

“What?” she asked as if I was completely cuckoos, and I nodded.

“Yup,” I replied and glanced over to where Kia had now been roped in by the sales associate with Trace. “That guy thought we were expecting, so I had to divert the attention otherwise we’d be in deep shit.” Jen sighed and shook her head.

“God you have a wild imagination,” she told me and I glared at her before turning my attention back to Trace and Kia, where Trace looked as if he was going to die. “Let’s go pay for this stuff then we can go.”

“You’re buying all that?” I asked in wonder as she began to walk away back to the check out. She nodded without looking back at me and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah,” she replied and reached the check out placing all the items down in front of her. “After all I am going to be Godmother.”

“Yeah but come on,” I said and pointed to the stack of ten stuffed animals, “How the hell is she going to take it back with her? You gonna buy her a plane?” Jen shook her head and slapped my shoulder as the woman behind the counter began scanning the items.

“No,” she replied and took out her wallet from her brown Guess purse, “Some of it will be kept here so when she comes to visit again…”

“Oh hell no!” I said and grabbed a few items in one swoop. “I will not have my house filled with this junk Jen. Just buy two or three items. You don’t need to buy the whole store for her ok?”

I began storming away, arms full of toys and clothes to put them back in their appropriate places while Jen told the sales lady to hang on with scanning her items and ran after me, grabbing my arm causing a lot of toys to fall to the ground.

“I would appreciate it if you weren’t such an ass to me,” she whispered in my ear as I bent down to pick up what I had spilt. I turned to look at her and grinned.

“Then where’d be the fun it that?” I asked and winked as I picked up a stuffed giraffe and looked at it. Ok that could stay. I handed it back to her and continued to replace the remaining items as she muttered things behind my back.

Nov 4, 2007

I let out a sigh of both relief and annoyment as I placed one of my red shirts into the suitcase only to have it thrown out angrily by Trace.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, glaring at him angrily and he just grunted, flopping down on the bed and crossing his arms across his chest.

"You know what an ass you can be sometimes?" Trace asked glaring back at me over his shoulder. I shook my head and replaced the sweater into the suitcase.

"And how is that?" I asked pretending to be oblivious and walking back over to the closet.

"Well to begin with you always treat your own wife like shit..." Trace began and I turned around to face him.

"I did not choose her as my wife," I hissed
angrily, "Remember that."

"And secondly," Trace continued ignoring my comment, "You always put yourself before other people. You don't care about anyone but yourself."

"Oh please," I replied rolling my eyes at him and placing a pair of jeans in the suitcase, "I don't always think about myself."

"Oh really?" Trace asked with sarcasm and finally stood up to look at me, "Well what about what you did to me and Kia today? Or do you not remember that?"

"Of course I remember," I retorted and crossed my arms over my chest, "But that's not the point is it? I was helping Jen out."

"Oh you were?" Trace asked and laughed sarcastically and I nodded.

"Yeah I was," I replied and stormed back over to the closet, "Do you know what would have happened if we let that sales person thought Jen was pregnant? The rumors that would have caused Johnny to have a hernia?"

"Yeah but I bet it would just help even more with this facade you two are putting up," Trace grumbled and I spun around to face him.

"Hey!" I snapped causing him to look up, "Don't forget you were the one encouraging it to Johnny just so you could get your hand in Kia's pants!"

"Don't talk about her like that!" Trace snapped back and I laughed angrily.

"I'll talk about her any way I like," I replied
and Trace clenched his fists by his sides in anger.

"Yeah just like you do with Jen," Trace muttered and made his way to the door, "This just proves my point." I looked at him in shock and watched in silence as he left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Nov 4, 2007

"What??" I yelled as I flung open the door, still angry at Trace for what had happened an hour before and came face-to-face with a very shocked JC. Great, just what I needed.

"Woah man!" JC said and raised his hands in the air at my outburst, "Um, are you ok? I can come back..."

"No!" I snapped and swung the door fully open, taking in deep breaths, "What do you want Jayce? Jen's not here."

"Uh hey J," JC looked nervous and ran a hand through his hair nervously, "I actually wanted to see you."

"Why?" I asked and leaned against the door way, "Because you wanted to make sure she was no where around so you could ask my permission to take her out? Well my answer is no Jayce, you can't take out my wife." I was wired on anger and nerves from the past few days and JC could tell, he looked at me as if I was insane but took it all in stride.

"God you are crazy man," JC laughed nervously and tottered around from foot to foot.

"Why because I saw the truth with my own eyes?" I asked sarcastically, I really didn't need this crap from him.

"You didn't see anything," JC said and I shook my head.

"Actually that's where you're wrong. I saw a hell of a lot," I told him, "Especially when you leaned over and....."

"Oh shit," JC muttered interrupting my mantra and looking at his shoes as if he wasn't expecting that, "Look J I'm really sorry about that. It was just that there was a mood and it was late... I think we had a bit too much to drink. I really didn't mean to kiss her really I didn't." I stared at him in shock. Say what?

"Sorry, I think I just hallucinated. What?" I asked not noticing my voice rising as I did so. JC snapped his head up as soon as he head my question and turned beet red in the process.

"Oh shit you didn't know about..... crap," JC muttered and rubbed a hand over his face. "Shit."

"Yeah shit," I snapped and slammed the door shut in his face before either of us could say anymore and leaned against the door, taking in deep breaths. I was going to kill Jen and I needed a drink.

Nov 4,2007

"Jennifer!" I called as I entered the house and slammed the door behind me angrily. I heard voices coming from the living room and made my way there, stopping short in my tracks as I saw Kia and another woman sitting on the couch with no Jen.

"Justin," Kia stood up to meet me and gestured over to her friend. "This is Crystal, Jen and I's best friend from back home."

"Uh, hi," I smiled at her and gathered myself up, trying to keep my anger in check and walked over to them. "Nice to meet you."

"Same here," Crystal said taking my hand and giving me an icy stare. I looked at Kia.

"Kia where's Jen?" I asked and right on cue Jen stepped up behind us.

"I'm right here," she said holding up some juice and walking over to us, putting it down on the table.

"I need to talk to you," I told her.

"I'm listening," she said as she continued to pour the juice into glasses.

"In private," I hissed and grabbed her arm a bit roughly, pulling her out the room and not letting her respond.

"I'll be back," she told them and let me lead her up the stairs and into the bedroom, shutting the door behind us. "What's up?"

"Is there something you need to tell me?" I asked leaning against the dresser and crossing my arms across my chest, watching her like a hawk. She moved to the bed and moved my suit case to sit on the bed.

"Good luck on tour?" she questioned and I shook my head.

"Are you fucking JC?" I wanted to know getting straight to the point as I was on my last calm thread.

"Whoa! First of all don't use that language talking to me and second how did that come up in your crazy mind?" she asked me shocked and I glared at her.

"Just answer the fucking question," I said and she stood up.

"What did I say about using that language?" she said with fiery eyes, "And NO I'M NOT." But I knew she was lying.

"Did you kiss him?" I asked again, and silence filled the room. I gave her a satisfied smirk. "Thought so. So JC was telling the truth, you did kiss him."

"You're making it sound like I came on to him when actually it was the other way around!" she snapped and stood close to me so our noses nearly touched.

"Did you kiss him back?" I asked ignoring her statement, I wanted the truth.

"Yes." What? Why did she just confess? Is she serious? If I was her I would have lied like a banshee.

"You're a married woman! What are you doing kissing another man?" I asked angrily and she let out a sigh of frustration.

"Justin we're not really married!" She reminded me, but that was beside the point.

"So what?" I yelled at her, "It doesn't matter, you're acting like a fat ass hoe looking for her next trick, your grandmother would be proud!" And before I knew it I could feel a hot sting on my face. I had just been slapped.

"DON'T EVER EVER TALK TO ME THAT WAY OR MENTION MY GRANDMOTHER" she yelled and walked out of the room, slamming the door angrily behind her. I stood there in a mixture of shock and anger as I heard the door bell ring and took in a deep breath. I knew that could be Johnny and Trace, so I had to straighten up in case they heard the fight and Johnny got a hernia.

I stepped forward and walked over to the bed, closing up my bags and hauling them onto the floor before rolling them to the door. I left the room and went down the stairs just as Kia was talking to Johnny. She glared at me angrily then walked off into the living room.

Johnny looked between the two of us as Tiny stepped up and took my bags from me, I gave him a shrug and looked into the living room. Jen was sitting on the couch as Crystal rubbed her back gently. She looked up and caught me looking at her, and returned the look with a cold glare. I sighed and shook my head.

"Let's go," I told Johnny and walked past him to the awaiting car that would take me back on tour.

Nov 4, 2007

Johnny had decided that we needed to have a meeting with the record execs before we headed out for Australia. They wanted to know about figures and facts about how the tour was going and if we could add more dates.

I was still fuming mad, and not really paying attention as they were talking. Trace was still somewhat mad at me, but knew he had to suck it in in front of Johnny and the execs. Otherwise he was still an ass when no one was around.

"You better be listening," Trace hissed in my ear and I nudged him away, nodding aimlessly at whatever Johnny just said to show I was paying attention.

"So were gonna add an extra date?" I asked, pretending as if I knew what they were saying. Conversation stopped and Johnny turned to me.

"Yeah," he said and looked down at his papers, "In Abu Dubai on the 6th of Dec. You think Jen will be ok with that? Or do you want us to fly her out with your mom?"

"No," I shook my head and continued picking at my steak, "That's ok. I think she busy then anyways."

"You okay kid?" Johnny asked noticing my distracted look and leaned forward in his seat. I looked up at him then at the execs before answering. Everyone's eyes were on me.

"Yeah, just... you know just anxious to get back out there," I lied and everyone nodded, believing me.

"Well that's good to hear,"Johnny nodded and closed up his folder, indicating the end of the meeting, "Look kid if there's anything..."

"No everything's just great," I replied and gave him a fake smile, "Just great."

"Well then," Johnny replied and called over a waitress. "Let's have one more drink then we can head out."

Nov 4, 2007

"You know maybe you should call and apologize," Trace said as we walked up the stairs into the plane. I looked over my shoulder at him and rolled my eyes. We had arrived about an hour ago and got checked through to the runway where the private jet was waiting. I had become famous enough to get my own jet, I was still amazed by it.

"I'll call when we get there," I replied and turned to face forward, bending down so I could get through the door. "Give me time to cool down and think what to say to her."

"Why are you so mad anyways?" Trace asked as we entered the plane and made our way to our seats, I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him.

"What?" I asked, wondering how he could ask me that.

"I mean come on," Trace began with a shrug and took off the cap he was wearing, "You treat her like shit half the time, you even said yourself you couldn't care for her."

"Well firstly she's my wife, even though it's not by choice," I told him and turned away from him, surveying the plane for a good seat. "And secondly it's the principle of the matter."

"Yeah but the minute she finds any form of attention from anyone else you flip out," Trace pointed out and I sighed heavily. For once he had a point.

"I know okay?" I said and began moving forward again towards our seats, "But I mean it's just not right. To flirt with someone else other than your spouse once your married. It's disrespectful, even I know that. I mean I may not love Jen but I would never..."

"Mr Timberlake?" I was interrupted by one of the flight attendants as I sat down and took my seat. I looked up at her and smiled wearily.

"Yeah?" I asked her and she gave me a half smile.

"Uh, there are two men in uniforms wanting to speak with you out on the tarmac. Mr Wright asked me to come get you," the attendant replied nervously and I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Alright I'll be there in a sec," I told her and she nodded before hurrying back outside to relay the information to Johnny. I sighed and stood back up with Trace following suit. "I wonder what's up."

"Probably just some airport regulations or something," Trace replied and let me walk in front of him as we made our way back to the front of the craft. "You know how it is."

I nodded and reached the door, crouching back down so we could exit the plane and walk back down the stairs. As I did so I saw Johnny standing on the tarmac with two police officers, talking in hushed tones by a squad car.

"Johnny?" I called from the bottom of the stairs as I began walking over. Johnny stopped what he was doing and turned to face me, his face looking somber. "Johnny what's wrong?"

"Justin," he said and glanced behind me noticing Trace too as we reached him. "Uh, this is Officer Maloney and Officer Jacobs..."

"Mr Timberlake," the shorter of the two officers walked up to me and extended her hand. "I'm Officer Maloney. So you know a Miss Jennifer Hudson?"

"Timberlake," I corrected and looked at the officer confused, "Yes she's my wife..."

"Well I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this sir," the officer replied but Johnny cut in, walking up to me and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Justin," he began and looked at me straight in the eyes, "There was an accident..."


Nov 4, 2007

"Jen are you ready?" Justin yelled from downstairs. I was putting the last finishing touches on my makeup, adding lip gloss. I made my way down stairs wearing skinny jeans a black turtleneck and a black sweater with black knee high boots. "Finally," he said when we headed out to the garage.

"Oh please don't act like you never took a while to get dressed." I snapped back as he unlocked the car and I opened the car door.

"Not thirty minutes," Justin said buckling up. I stepped up into the truck so I could get in I noticed Justin staring at me. What an idiot.

"Are you done staring or can we go now?" I asked. Justin quickly turned on the car, trying to avoid my gaze.

"I wasn't staring," he stated looking straight ahead and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Sure you weren't," I laughed and reached over to pat his leg in reassurance. I noticed his jittery behavior when he opened the garage door, and gate. Pulling out I notice a black SUV following us. "They don't miss a beat
do they?"

"Apparently not," he commented. "Not if they want 'the shot' ."

The drive was quiet and we eventually pulled up to our destination. The Ivy, the most popular place for celebrities to be seen. Justin stopped in front of Valet the gentleman opened my door to help me out of the car. Flashes and clicking were going on all around me and I'll admit, I was a little nervous. I mean the pap's and I have always got along but I'm use to 4 or 5 not 20. Justin grabbed my hand roughly and led me into the restaurant.

"Mr Timberlake." The host smiled as we entered the restaurant I smiled back. "We have a table ready for you and the missus, right this way." The host seated us out side on the patio and handed us menus I chose to take this time to speak.

"Ivy huh?" I asked. Justin just rolled his eyes continued to look at his menu. I continued to talk. "The most popular places for paparazzi I wander what else Johnny has up his sleeve."

"I guess you'll have to wait and see," Justin said with a smirk. Our waitress made her presence known.

"What can I get you to drink?" the waitress asked.

"I'll take orange juice with ice?" I asked and the waitress scribbled it down then looked toward Justin.

"Okay and what about you sir?"

"I'll have the same, but with no ice," he replied looking at her with a grin and I rolled my eyes at him.

"And are you ready to order?" the waitress asked I looked at Justin.

"Baby you ready to order?" he asked me and I was in total shock "Baby?"

"Yeah I will have and egg and cheese croissant and a fruit plate?" I handed the waitress my menu.

"I will have eggs scrambled with wheat toast and bacon." Justin replied running his finger along the page then snapping it shut and handing it to the waitress who took it from him and left.

"Baby?" I asked and raised my eyebrow once the waitress was out of earshot. "Where did that come from.?"

"It's called acting," he said as if I was dumb, "Were supposed to be married right?"

"I am so excited my best friend is coming." I said swaying in my chair.

" I could tell you were tossing and turning all night," Justin replied sarcastically and I sighed, knowing I was not going to get anywhere with him.

I noticed the video camera behind a flower pot before Justin did and decided to use this chance to mess with his head. I leaded into his neck and nibbled at his skin under his ear. Justin tried to pull away but I grabbed his arm.

"There's a paparazzi behind a flower pot, follow my lead." I whispered in his ear and replaced my lips with my thumb. Justin looked at me and placed his hand on my knee. The waitress came back with out food

"Here's your food enjoy." Justin looked in dazed.

"Everything alright babe?" I asked with a smile, he nodded and downed half his orange juice in reply.

Nov 4, 2007

After brunch Justin and I headed to a Beverly Hill Baby Botique called Bel Bambie. Kia called to see if she and Trace could join us. It was really exciting picking out baby clothes and toys, Crystal has been going through a hard time with Curtis I wanted to get her something I knew would cheer her up.

I picked out a couple of baby onesies one had "I party naked" written on the front, another said "It was the dog" also a pink one that said "sweet child." I didn't know the sex of the baby so I picked them in different colors. Kia picked out some toys. Two stuffed animal dogs, an orange stuffed sea horse,a turtle, a lobster, and a really cute giraffe named Sprinkles. Kia and I walked up to Justin.

"Where's Trace going?" she asked Justin just shrugged.

"Are you done?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. He was so selfish sometimes. "Yeah were done let me just go get Trace."

“Sure,” Justin grinned and watched her walk away hurriedly. I moved closer and tried to kick him but he moved away quickly.

“You are evil. You know that?” I asked, and he shook his head leaning against a nearby toy bin.

“Why?” he asked raising an eyebrow at me, “Because I stopped rumors of us being pregnant?”

“What?” she asked, okay now he had completely lost it. I think all that alcohol had destroyed some brain cells.

“Yup,” he replied and glanced over to where Kia was talking to the sales assistant with Trace. “That guy thought we were expecting, so I had to divert the attention otherwise we’d be in deep shit.”

“God you have a wild imagination,” I told him shaking my head and he glared at me angrily before turning his attention back to Trace and Kia, where Trace looked as if he was going to die. “Let’s go pay for this stuff then we can go.”

“You’re buying all that?” he asked with shock and I nodded, wondering why he was asking. Of course I was, I had them in my hands didn't I?

“Yeah,” I replied and reached the check out placing all the items down on the counter. “After all I am going to be Godmother.”

“Yeah but come on,” he said and pointed to the stack of ten stuffed animals, “How the hell is she going to take it back with her? You gonna buy her a plane?” Ok now he was really stupid. I shook my head and slapped his shoulder as the woman behind the counter began scanning the items.

“No,” I replied and took out my wallet, “Some of it will be kept here so when she comes to visit again…”

“Oh hell no!” he said and grabbed a few items from the counter I glared at him in embarrassment. “I will not have my house filled with this junk Jen. Just buy two or three items. You don’t need to buy the whole store for her ok?” Then he turned around and began replacing items, I glanced at the sales lady who smiled apologetically at me.

"Sorry," I told her and glanced at the items, "Can you hold on a sec?"

"Sure," she nodded and I smiled at her gratefully before running after Justin and grabbing his arm as I caught up to him causing him to stop and spill some things on the floor.

“I would appreciate it if you weren’t such an ass to me,” I whispered in his ear as he bent down to pick up what had fallen. He then got up and grinned at me.

“Then where’d be the fun it that?” he asked and winked as he picked up a stuffed giraffe and looked at it. "Ok we can keep that." He handed the giraffe to me and continued replacing the items on the shelf.

"Stupid moron," I muttered angrily under my breath and stormed back to the counter to pay, he was such an ass.

Nov 4, 2007

I was headed over to the airport to pick up Crystal. Tiny escorted me because I didn't know the area very well. Justin stayed home to finish packing.

"Crystal flight comes in at 3 so we should be on time." I said. Tiny sat behind the wheel and I sat on the passengers side making small talk. "What seems to be the problem with him is that I have been nothing but kind. I helped him when he was drunk and all I get in return is rude remarks."

I was so tired of everything that had happened over the past month, I was ready to call it quits.

"He'll get over it," Tiny said trying not to get in the middle of our marriage.

"Well maybe this break will be good for us. We could use the space," I said as Tiny pulled up in front of the airport. I was looking for Crystal when I spotted her wearing a cute black cap and leather jacked belly poking through and black ugg boots. "There she is." I didn't wait for the car to come to a complete stop before I opened the door. "Crystal!"

"Jenny!" She called back as she turned to face me with a smile. We both hugged each other she looked so well like everything was ok.

"How are you?" I asked holding on to her hands.

"I'm good. Jet lagged but good," she replied and I grabbed her carry on bag and Tiny grabbed her other suit case. I lead her to the car and Tiny put the bags in the trunk. Crystal sat behind Tiny in the backseat I sat in the middle "So you have been busy." She was referring to Justin and I. "So is it true. Are you marred?" I showed her my ring and she screamed. "It's gorgeous he did a really good job." Tiny pulled off and headed toward the freeway. "You didn't dishonor our pact did you?"

When Kia, Crystal, and I were in high school we made a pack to wait until we were married to have sex. Unfortunately Kia couldn't wait.

"No I did not dishonor our pact," I said and Crystal looked at Tiny

"Hi I'm Crystal and your name is?" she asked, Tiny looked at her in the review mirror and smiled.

"Tiny Justin's bodyguard," he answered and she smiled back.

"Well it's nice to meet you Tiny."

"Same here," he replied and continued to concentrate on the road. It was quiet for a while before Crystal broke the silence.

"Curtis decided to give up his rights," she said with no emotion.

"What? Crystal I am so sorry," I said rubbing her hand. Crystal took off her hat.

"Jen we all knew that this was going to happen." Crystal looked at Tiny then turned to me. "Jenny I want to ask you something."

"Sure sweetie anything," I said and she looked at me with deep eyes before taking a deep breath.

"I want you to take care of Sara if something was to happen to me," she said and I looked at her confused

"Who is Sara?" I asked and Crystal smiled, placing a hand on her belly.

"Sara is the baby's name. It's a girl," she replied with a grin. I looked at her and placed a hand over hers and rubbed her belly.

"Of course I will." I said, and she laughed a few moments later.

"Anyway what is that heffa up to?" she asked referring to Kia. I laughed

"She is getting her freak on with a white man," I said and Crystal looked at me in shock.

"What!? and she was the one that said she would never betray her black men." Crystal said and I nodded.

"I will give you more details at home." I said taking a glance at Tiny.

"This is the one time I wish I wasn't pregnant because I sure could use a drink." We both laughed

Nov 4, 2007

Crystal, Kia, and I were sitting in the living room drinking our sparkling white grape juice and having a good laugh.

"Kia you're always the one to drink the last bit," Crystal said with a laugh.

"Crystal you got a lot nerve you had four glasses." Kia said sipping her drink, laughing along with her.

"Yeah and I will be peeing all night," Crystal replied causing us all to laugh.

"Ladies relax I will get some more," I said between laughs and got up, heading to the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen I heard the front door slam louder than usual.

"Jennifer!" Justin yelled and I rolled my eyes. He is always slamming that door, I thought. I stood quietly and waiting for a moment before picking up the juice from the fridge and opening up, then I headed back out.

I entered the living room just in time to hear Justin ask, "Kia where's Jen?"

"I'm right here," I said holding the juice and looking at him wearily. He looked like a mad man.

"I need to talk to you," Justin said, pointing a finger at me and I nodded.

"I'm listening," I said walking over to the couch. Whatever he wanted to say he could say in front of Kia and Crystal.

"In private," Justin hissed in my ear grabbing my hand and leading me up stairs.

"I'll be back," I said behind me and let Justin lead me up the stairs. Justin led me to the bedroom and shut the door. "What's up?"

"Is there something you need to tell me?" He asked leaning against the dresser, I moved his suit case to sit on the bed.

"Good luck on tour?" I asked, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Are you fucking JC?" he asked glaring at me.

"Whoa, first of all don't use that language talking to me and second how did that come up in your crazy mind?" I asked back and he shook his head angrily.

"Just answer the fucking question," he said and I stood up.

"What did I say about using that language?" I asked him angrily, "And NO I'M NOT." He was insane.

"Did you kiss him?" he asked again, and silence filled the room. I didn't know how to answer that. "Thought so. So JC was telling the truth, you did kiss him."

"You're making it sound like I came on to him when actually it was the other way around!" I snapped suddenly, not really knowing where I got the strength to do so, and stood close to him, face to face.

"Did you kiss him back?" he asked ignoring my statement, and I paused, wondering what to say.

"Yes," I finally confessed knowing there was no point in lying. Besides what did he care?

"You're a married woman! What are you doing kissing another man?" he asked and I looked up at him. Was he serious?

"Justin were not really married!" I reminded him, holding up a finger at him.

"So what?" he asked back, "It doesn't matter, you're acting like a fat ass hoe looking for her next trick, your grandmother would be proud!" I stared at him, not believing what he just said. How dare he? And before I knew it my palm had moved across his face it hurt.

"DON'T EVER EVER TALK TO ME THAT WAY OR MENTION MY GRANDMOTHER" I yelled and walked out of the room. I slammed the door behind me and as I did so the door bell ranged when I came down stairs.

"Jen is everything ok?" Kia asked as I walked into the living room.

"Can you get the door please?" I asked her with a weak smile and sat down on the couch.

"Sure." Kia nodded getting up and walking to the door.

"Hi Johnny, Trace." I heard her say as Crystal sat beside me on the couch and rubbed my back.

"Hey is Justin ready?" Johnny asked her.

"I think so he should be down in a minute," Kia replied and right on cue Justin came down, his bags in tow. Tiny walked in and grabbed his bags as Justin looked in the living room to see Crystal rubbing my back while I had my head in my hands. I looked up just in that moment for a second and we locked eyes.

"Let's go" Justin said and walked out the door.

Nov 4, 2007

The ladies and I headed out to Koi, which is one of my favorite resturants in L.A. It felt so good to have my best friends with me, we had so much to talk about.

"How did this all happen?" Crystal asked as she took a sip of her water.

"Well..." I began, taking a sip of water as well. "Justin and I were seeing each other and he asked me to marry him and I said yes."

"How long were you seeing him?" Crystal asked curiously and I knew I had to lie. I felt bad lying to her but I had signed a contract that I couldn't break.

"A month," I answered.

"Wait didn't he break up with Jessica before he married you?" Crystal questioned surprised and I swallowed hard, luckily Kia saw this and swooped in.

"Yes, but Jusitn chased Jennifer. I mean he literally chased her," Kia supplied and I smiled at her gratefully.

"Yeah he did and I got suckerd for it," I faked a laugh and so did Kia, soon the waiter brought us our food.

"So have you come up with a name for the baby?" Kia asked, changing the subject.

"Sara it's a girl. I haven't thought of a middle name yet but she will have my last name," Crystal said picking at her steak.

"I can't believe that ass did what he did to you after you been together for eleven years," Kia told her stabbing her baked potato.

"Well it does hurt to know that my child won't have a father and a mother in the home and I didn't get the chance," Crystal said sadly and I patted her shoulder.

"Don't say that the perfect man will show up out of no where," I assured her and she looked at me with a smile.

"Yeah like yours did?" She asked and we all laughed before she turned to Kia. "Kia girl what have you been up to?"

"Nothing really just taking care of Jen's buisness," Kia said trying to avoid the subject.

"So Trace and you have nothing going on?" Crystal asked raising an eyebrow and Kia looked at me appalled.

"Dang Jen you can't keep your mouth shut can you?" she teased and I shrugged my shoulders.

"She asked and I told," I replied and Kia sighed while Crystal laughed.

"No she can't. Remember the time in church when we had to remember our parts for the Christmas play and the day of the play Kia forgot everything?" she asked and we laughed remembering everything that happened all those years back, not knowing that in a couple hours everything would fade way.

Nov 4, 2007

"Girl don't worry about it I'm sure he will get over it," Kia assured me with a smile. The girls and I were on our way home from the movies. It had been raining ever since we left the cinema and I was feeling miserable, but I didn't know why.

Even though Justin and I weren't really married and it was just on a piece a paper, we still had some sort of feelings towards each other even if they were confusing.

"All marriages go through rough patches. Communication is the key," Crystal said, she was sitting in the passenger's side of the car.

"Yeah and now when Justin gets back you two can have hot makeup sex." Kia said with a smirk, trying to cheer me up. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"This is all coming from a woman who's marriage is pretty much over and a woman who doesn't know what or who she wants," I said bitterly, but stopped as soon as I realized what I'd said. "Ladies I sorry I didn't mean..."

"It's ok we understand your just hurting right now," Crystal said as we came to a light and stopped. The rain was coming down really hard and I could hardly see where I was going.

"I'm not really hurting so much as pissed off," I told them and Kia laughed patting my shoulder.

"Honey it's the same thing," she said and I shrugged. The light turned green and I hit the gas.

"Jen watch out!" Crystal screamed and I swung my head to the left only to see a big four by four heading right for us.
This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=563