Orlando, Another Wasted Move? by Kaotyk

Hi, my name is Samantha Charpentier. Everyone calls me Jazzy, even my family and teachers. Every time music comes on, I 'jazz' out. I'm from Fitchburg, MA. My mom is FORCING me to move to Orlando. I think it's a wasted move. I'm leaving all my friends and family behind, other than my mom. I'll probably end up being miserable... Or will I? Here's my POV on the move, starting with when we hug our family and friends good-bye. The year is 1996, just before the New Year. 

Jazzy has dirty blonde hair in the very beginning. Her story starts after MMC and at the very beginning of *NSYNC. She's only going on 14 soon after moving to Orlando. What will she do? Who will she meet? What will she accomplish? Who will become her friends? Only one way to find out-read her stories. 

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, General, Humor, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: Trivial Times
Chapters: 37 Completed: Yes Word count: 119390 Read: 60840 Published: Apr 23, 2011 Updated: Jun 30, 2011
July 18, 1998 by Kaotyk
I like jerseys and sometimes I pick on one of the guys and clip one of theirs to rock it for the day. "Anybody seen my Monstars jersey?" JC asks, I giggle to myself.
I'm sitting on his bed, clutching a pillow to the front of my body while an evil smile crosses my features. We're going to the Disney park soon to chill until they perform. 
Justin looks at me as I shake my head, causing my hair to cover my face. "Jazz," Justin says. I look at his baby blues through my hair. "Ask Jazzy."
My jaw slackens and JC grabs the pillow. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! My pillow," I cry out. 
"Joshua! Let her have her pillow," his mom scolds as I sit against the wall again.
"I can't find my Monstars jersey!" He crosses his arms and I smile smugly at him, looking around the room with my eyes. "You wouldn't know where it is, do you, Jazz?"
I attempt to play and look innocent. "No, I don't."
He looks in his suitcase again and I bolt down the stairs and hide behind Roy. "YOU LITTLE SHIT! YOU'RE WEARING IT! AHHH!" he screams after me as he flies down the stairs. "Where'd you go?" he asks, looking around like he's ready to bolt in my direction at any moment. I snicker and he disappears, tapping me on the shoulder. "Give it back." His hand is out.
I slap it and run into the backyard. "NEVER!"
"Lance, help me out."
"JC, it's your turn. She started this on my birthday. She's snagged a jersey from each of us and you just happen to be the last victim," James informs him, shrugging. "She always goes for the favorite one. You should've known she would get yours."
"Olly olly oxen free, Jazz!" Josh yells out to me.
I come from around the side of the house, my arms crossed and a pout evident on my face. "No fair!"
"It's my good luck jersey," he tells me, his jeans resting on his hips with his arms crossed and a glare in his eyes that even I can't argue with. He's called Daddy C for a reason.
"No, it's not!"
"Yes, it is."
"You're superstitious enough for all of us!"
"Just give me the jersey, Jazz," he says in an oddly calm tone.
"Just let some of my Irish rub off on your jersey and it cause more good luck to come to you," I recite from memory, having been told by Neenee that telling someone something similar to it would bless the item. Irish blessings can be confusing sometimes.
"Lance, what does she mean?"
"That the Irish are highly superstitious and naturally lucky. If you let her wear it, she's blessing it with more luck than that thing had before. My friend, Darren's, family is part Irish and takes pride in their Irish roots," he explains from the sliding doors.
"Oh, then you wear it," he tells me, hoping it is true. He goes inside and finds his Orlando Magic jersey, settling for second best.
"Hurry up, man! We have to be at the park in an hour!" Justin yells excitedly.
He spots me, our eyes meet for a split second, and we both smile before looking away. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, the smile never leaving my lips. "You have a crush on Justin!" Chris teases.
"No!" I shout defensively, the exposed skin of my upper body turning bright pink.
"Jazz and Justin like each other!" Chris screams, running through the Chasezs' house. Justin and I look at each other, smile shyly and blush even more.
JC steps outside and looks at us, across the yard from each other, crossing his arms over his chest. "Jazz! Justin! Come over here!" He looks pissed.
We walk over and I don't look up. "What's up?" Justin boldly asks.
"Do you like her?"
"Well, uh," he's nervous and I can hear it in his voice, "yeah."
"Jazz, do you like him?" I nod. "Look at me and answer."
I look in his eyes. "Yes," I answer, barely above a whisper.
"Is this harmless flirting or are you two going to take this further?"
"Flirting, man," Justin replies.
"I'm not ready for another relationship," I tell him, my eyes falling to the ground again.
"Flirting is fine, but don't let it effect the group. It starts to effect his concentration negatively, don't doubt that I will put a stop to it. Let's get to the park," JC sternly informs us. "Am I clear?" he questions as we walk around the side of the house, us following.
"Yes," I answer.
"Crystal," Justin says.
We pile into the van and go to the park, dividing up to go on rides. Justin, James, and myself are in one group which leaves JC, Joey and Chris in the other.
Justin isn't much older and when I first met him, I didn't like him and it took time to realize how much I do like him. He used to be so annoying and irritating to me, like I was to JC. Justin and I slip away from James to hold hands and share small kisses, the quick pecks. We find the store and try on different hats, taking pictures. "Have you been jet skiing?" he inquires.
"No, I've been inner tubing and loved it."
"You'll love jet skiing then!" he tells me, tugging me toward James. "Lance!"
"Yeah? Where have you two been?" he questions, turning around to see us running full speed at him and his arms crossed, upset with us.
"It doesn't matter where we went to. We should grab the others and get some jet skis! She's never done it!" Justin's so adorable when he gets excited like this. I smile at the sight.
James eyes me curiously. "You want to try jet skiing?"
"Sure, you know I'll try anything once."
"Who are you going to ride with?"
"I want to ride with Justin."
His chest puffs out. "I'll make sure she stays safe, come on!"
"Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeeeee, Jaaaaammmmmmeeeeessss?" I whine, my eyes pleading and clasping my hands together.
He lets out a breath and his body sags a little. "Fine," he caves, his hands up in a defensive position.
I shriek and jump around hugging him and Justin. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!" Did I mention that I've never even SEEN a jet ski?
"Ok, let me call JC," he says, pointing to the picnic table near him. We walk over to it and sit. "Justin and Jazz want to go jet skiing. Yes. She's never been on one. She wants to ride with Justin. I noticed," he glances at me. "I have no clue, they haven't said anything to me, either. Not even her. I swear. Ok, sure. See you in ten." He smiles at us. "In ten minutes we'll go jet skiing, just have to wait for the other three."
Justin and I start talking about jet skiing and the few minutes fly by. "Let's go, you two," JC tells us. We walk the few minutes to the lake and get ready on the jet skis.
My arms wrap around Justin's body and leans back to whisper in my ear. "I could get used to this, baby," he makes sure to press his lips to my cheek as he pulls away.
"Justin!" I playfully smack his beautifully sculpted abs.
"Ready?" he asks.
"Let's do this!" 
He starts the jet ski and my arms tighten around him. "Relax! You're with me!" he yells over the screaming of the water, air and jet ski's motor.
"Don't be. I'm not. Enjoy it." He takes a tight turn and I scream before bursting into laughter. "Better now?"
"I love it. Do it again!" 
He turns it in a tight circle. "Speed demon?"
"Go full throttle!"
"Speed demon!"
"Hell yeah!"
"You're not the laid back type all the time, are you?"
"Nah, if I were, I'd be a stick in the mud like James and JC! Do it! Go full throttle!"
He drives the jet ski to the far end of the lake and stops for a few seconds, signals to the guys he's going to speed across the lake. James and JC come up beside us. "Not with her on it, you're not," JC warns.
"She wanted me to," Justin tells him.
"Are you insane, Jazz?" James asks, overly concerned.
"Justin, do it," I encourage him, my arms holding him tighter and pulling my bikini clad body closer to his.
"She told me I should," he argues, his right hand rests on mine and he pats my hands. "What baby wants, baby gets," he recites from 'Dirty Dancing'. He forces the throttle as high as he can, making us speed across the large lake. I shriek in surprise, it quickly turning into laughter. "Hold tight, I can't stop in time. I have to turn out of it. Ready?" he quickly rambles.
"Do it." 
He yanks the handlebars to turn it, slowly killing the throttle enough to slow down but not stop. "You ok?" he asks, rubbing my hands with one of his as we slowly ride across the other half of the lake back to where a very shocked and surprised James and JC sit on their jet skis.
"Are you out of your minds?" James asks us.
"Did you not hear me?" JC inquires, mad at us.
"I told him to do it. I wanted to experience it. I LOVED it!" I tell them. "Yes, I'm out of my mind and we heard you. I'm fine!"
The engines on our jet skis idling, JC scowls. "Don't do that again."
"He said do it again!" I joke and Justin laughs.
"We came to have fun, guys," Justin reminds them.
"Since you two are being such sticks in the mud, we should go inner tubing," I suggest.
JC agrees and James' eyes bug out. Justin and I ride over to Joey and Chris, smiling. "She wants to go inner tubing."
Chris smiles, evil. "You're willing to ride a snow tube being pulled at speeds that these things can go?"
"She jet skied with me, so it's only fair."
"Come on, J."
We ride to the dock and get ready. He goes to take off his vest. "Keep it on, trust me." He smiles and nods at me, the boat pulling up beside the six of us.
"Inner tubing party for six?" the guy asks us.
"Yessir," I answer tersely. JC, Justin and James being the only ones nervous. "Don't be a bunch of babies," I say, latching my hands on Justin and James' vests and pull them forcefully on the boat. Chris and Joey grab JC, forcing him on the boat and we pull away from the dock. "How many can go at one time?" I yell over the volume of the boat.
"Two!" the man answers.
"I'll take Justin! Chris, you take JC! Joey, you take James!" They nod, agreeing to it. The boat stops in the middle of the lake and toss out the inner tubes. 
I grab Justin's hand. "I don't know about this," he says, scared.
"Come on, ya baby!"
"I'm not being a baby!"
"Then let's do this!"
We get on the inner tubes and I smile at him. "What do I do?" he asks me.
"See the handles?"
"You grab those and hold on as tight and long as you can. If you let go and fall off, the water will sting. I do this with 'Renny back home with no protection, part of why I swim so good."
"How bad does it sting?"
"After a few rounds, parts of your body go numb."
"Holding tight?"
"Yeah," he chokes out, scared out of his mind.
"Go, go, go!!!" the boat roars forward and I start laughing, enjoying the ride around the outer edge. Justin screams for the first minute before he realizes it's almost like a jet ski and starts laughing, hooting and hollering with me. He loses grip and hits the water HARD. I let go and swim to him, we kiss quickly and smile. I rest my arms around his neck from behind, kicking my legs to help us stay above the water. We're treading the water and the boat pulls up, allowing us to climb up. "You liked it?"
"It's kind of like jet skiing, just can't control how you move or the speed," he analyzes.
"Pretty much," I agree, using my hair to semi dry my dark honey colored locks.
He watches me hand the vest to James as he and Joey get ready. "Dude, vest," Joey reminds Justin.
He hands over his vest to Joey. We sit, cuddled up to each other, on the bench and start whispering about who's house I'll stay at tonight. After we do a round of inner tubing, we head to get ready for the concert. Chris holds up two pairs of coveralls. "Camouflage or jean?"
"Camo, of course," I tell him, rolling my eyes.
Justin holds up two pairs of pants and I point to the baby blue ones. "Your favorite color," I state, forcing him to smile. James asks me about his shirt, JC has me choose his shoes and Joey needs an opinion on his hair. "Spiked, ham." They get their five minute warning and the older four wait by the stairs for the back of the stage. 
Justin holds back a few seconds, pulling me close as soon as they're out of sight. "Can I have a good luck kiss from you, seeing that you're Irish?"
"Yes," I reply, my arms circling his neck. I quickly kiss him and he waves as he jogs over to the other four, smiles on our lips. Chris and Joey look between Justin and I, I force myself to shrug my shoulders. Justin weasels out of answering because they're called on stage. 
They set it off and rock it like they own the place! "Great job, guys!" I announce, hugging them and ensure Justin is the last to be hugged. He hugs me the longest, whispering in my ear about me baking him brownies. They talk about how it feels to be welcomed with open arms in Orlando, home. Justin and I stay at James', I go to the kitchen and bake the chocolate and butterscotch chip marble brownies. I make three batches and we enjoy one of them as we kick back, watching a movie, relaxing.
This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=2037