Orlando, Another Wasted Move? by Kaotyk

Hi, my name is Samantha Charpentier. Everyone calls me Jazzy, even my family and teachers. Every time music comes on, I 'jazz' out. I'm from Fitchburg, MA. My mom is FORCING me to move to Orlando. I think it's a wasted move. I'm leaving all my friends and family behind, other than my mom. I'll probably end up being miserable... Or will I? Here's my POV on the move, starting with when we hug our family and friends good-bye. The year is 1996, just before the New Year. 

Jazzy has dirty blonde hair in the very beginning. Her story starts after MMC and at the very beginning of *NSYNC. She's only going on 14 soon after moving to Orlando. What will she do? Who will she meet? What will she accomplish? Who will become her friends? Only one way to find out-read her stories. 

Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, General, Humor, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: Trivial Times
Chapters: 37 Completed: Yes Word count: 119390 Read: 62571 Published: Apr 23, 2011 Updated: Jun 30, 2011
Beautiful Tampa Beach by Kaotyk
Author's Notes:

Lynn, Andi and the guys (*NSYNC) are in Europe. Beach Day.


I wake up to a voicemail on my cell. It's 4am and I'm awake. I see I missed JC's call at 11:30 last night. I was out like a light. I check my voicemail (the guys taught me. Never had a cell in my life, so give me a break) and find out it's JC. "Hey, it's Josh. We landed just fine. We're alive. This is when you get your texting down to a science. Have fun with my family at the beach. Text me when you wake up. Love you guys." I smile, knowing they were safe. I grab my shower stuff, a bright teal bikini, shorts, and a tank top that had 'Hampton Beach, NH' written across the front of it. I had taken a bright blue sharpie and written 'August 96' on the back of the orange tank top. The shorts used to be a pair of jeans but I needed shorts last summer, so gramma helped me cut them so they weren't what she called 'skanky'. I get in the shower, wash up, get out, dry off, get dressed and go back in Heather's room. I brush out my hair and let it air dry, allowing my natural waves to appear over time as it dried. Yeah, other than my French and Blackfoot Indian heritages, it's all my dad left me with. It's almost quarter till five. I head downstairs and make myself some cereal, which Karen and Roy said I could do. They said as long as JC calls me a friend and am fair to everyone, I can eat when I visit (yes, even if it's just to check in and talk for five minutes).

I try my hand at texting. I send it to Chris. 'You up, spazznard?'

'Uh, duh'

'What time is it there?'

'Almost 11a'

'Haha its almost 5a'

'Text you later, interview in ten mins. Miss you all'

"Ok, miss you guys too'

It took me a couple minutes to type the first one, and what probably felt like forever to Chris for every answer I sent. I wake up Heather. "Heather."


"You should get in the shower before Tyler gets up."

She gets out of bed, grabs her clothes and bikini, and jumps in the shower. I get a text from JC, Justin and Lance. I get frustrated and call JC.

It rings once and he picks up. "Hey, Jazz."
"I can't text. No patience right now."

He laughs. "I know it took you twenty minutes to finish a five minute texting conversation."

I look annoyed as Tyler pops his head in the door. "You have more time texting than I have. That was my first one. I had to make sure it was spelled right."

Tyler mouths 'Josh?' and I nod. I hear Lance and Joey bombarding JC with questions. "You want me to tell them you need more practice texting before we send texts that close again?" He laughs again.

"Y'all are a-holes. You planned that."

He laughs even harder. "Joey and I did. Lance was texting you anyway."

"I know you guys have an interview in like 2 minutes, so I'm gonna let you go. Talk later?"

"Or text. You have to practice it anyway."

"Alright. Later."


We hang up and I yawn. Tyler's still standing in the doorway. "What's on ya mind?"

"Josh and the boys ok? Andi and Lynn safe?"

"Yes, they're all fine."

He nods and gets his clothes together and Heather comes back in her room. "Ready for Tampa?"

"A day at the beach with friends? I'm so ready for this."

Roy gets up and checks on us. "You girls ready?"

We look at each other, smile and nod. "Ready as we're gonna get."

"Thanks again, Mr. Chasez."

"Just call me Roy, Jazzy."

"Thanks, Roy."

We grab our beach bags and we head out. I go back to sleep during the hour and a half ride to the beach. We get there and Heather says, "Jazz, we're at the beach get up."

"I'm up." I stretch and we catch up with her parents and brother. We put our beach blanket a few feet away and we lay on the blanket talking about what it was like to live with Tyler and JC. After awhile, I start to feel a sunburn coming on. "Hey, Heather, I'm gonna go for a quick dip."

"Alright, I'll go with you."
"It's ok."
"You sure?"

"Yeah. I'll be back in a few."


I go straight for the ocean and can't wait to get in. I love the ocean. I go in and swim for a few minutes. I see 3 girls and a boy (brother and sisters?) playing in the water nearby. They have blonde (the younger two) and dirty blonde hair. I walk over to them because they're only up to the boy's waist deep, talking about something. I see the middle girl with her hands on her hips. The boy splashes her and she tries to block the water, laughing. "Aaron, stop."


"Oh, hi. You're new around here?"

"How can you tell?" I mentally smack myself.

"You're as red as a lobster."

"I'm originally from Massachusetts."

"I'm Leslie." We shake hands. "This is my older sister, BJ, my little sister, Angel, and my baby brother, Aaron."

"I'm not a baby."
She looks at him, annoyed. "I stand corrected, annoying little brother. We also have a big brother, Nick, but he's in Europe right now. He should be back by the time winter vacation comes around, mid-February."

"I'm Jazzy. Your brother is kinda cute."

She laughs. "Imagine him about 5'9", blue eyes and 15 right now."

I imagine it and smile. "Why?"

"That's Nick."

I smile. "Where do you guys live?"

"Here, in Tampa. This is our favorite beach."

"This is a beautiful beach."

"Where are you staying?"

"My mom and I just moved to Orlando."

"Really? Maybe our mom and dad will drive there so we can hang out."

"I can give you my number so you can call me. Do you wanna hang out next weekend?"

"Yeah, we can talk on the phone till then."

"I'll be right back. I can grab my little notebook and a pen. Where's your spot?"

She points to her parents (I hope) and they wave back to her. "That's our mom and dad. We're getting out of the water in a minute. We'll be over there."

"Cool meet you there."

"Ok." Aaron splashes her again and she splashes him back. They start laughing.

I run to my beach bag, grab my notebook, a pen and let Heather know that I made a few new friends. "How did you do that?"

I point out Aaron, Angel, Leslie and BJ. "They're siblings."

"Where's their beach blanket?"

I point to their parents. "Right there. That's their mom and dad."

"Ok, but make sure I can see you. If you get lost or hurt, Josh would never let me forget it."

"Ok. Thanks, Heather." I walk halfway down the beach to meet Aaron, Angel, BJ (what is her first name?) and Leslie. "Hey."
"Jazzy, come on. Come meet our mom and dad. You can meet Nick after he comes home. Might be a week before he does anything besides sleep when he gets home."

I laugh. "That's alright. Guys sleep alot."

"Unless they're Aaron. Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Older half brother."
"How far apart are you?"

"Almost 10 years."

"So he's already living on his own?"


We stop at their beach blanket. "Mom, Dad, this is Jazzy. This is our mom, Jane, and our Dad, Rob."

I shake their hands. "Nice to have met you."

Jane smiles and nods. "What's your real name, Jazzy?"
"Samantha Charpentier."

Rob looks at me. "Our last name is Carter. Do you have any relatives out this way?"

"No. I just moved from Massachusetts."

We sit there and talk about family and get to know each other. We exchange numbers and have PB&J sandwiches. Her mom is willing to follow the Chasezs back to Orlando so they can meet my mom. I'm nervous. I hope Ma is ok with meeting Jane, Rob, Leslie, Aaron, Angel and BJ. Just as I'm praying Ma is ok with it, BJ interupts my thoughts. "Jazzy, how'd you get your nickname?"
"My friends and family have been calling me Jazzy since I could cruise furniture because I dance when music plays. We dubbed it 'jazzing', well. my friend's older sister did."

"My first name is Bobbie."

"Makes sense. Just curious, does Nick have a girlfriend?"

"No, he doesn't. He's always busy, though. When he's home, he spends it with our family and some friends. He might even make time for us to go see you. We'll find out when we talk to him. Can we take pictures of you?"

"Sure." I sit back, like I would normally and I start laughing about what Aaron was saying. I hear Leslie wind her camera. "You got that on film."


Roy calls for me. "I gotta go."

I hear a camera wind five or six times. Aaron had a huge grin on his face. "Thank me later when Nick's your boyfriend."

I hang my head and shake it. "See you around." I go over to Roy. "Hey."

"Invite them over, if you want."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go on."

I walk back over. "Roy, my friends' dad said to invite you to get to know you."

Jane and Rob look at each other. "Ok. Could you help us?"

"Sure." I help them move over near our beach blankets. "Roy, Karen, Heather, Tyler, meet the Carters-Jane, Rob, Aaron, Angel, Leslie, and Bobbie. Everyone calls her BJ. Carters meet the Chasezs-Roy, Karen, Tyler and Heather. Josh is their older brother and is in Europe, just like Nick is."

Roy, Rob, Jane and Karen start talking about JC and Nick. I roll my eyes and strike up a conversation about embarrassing moments and birthdays. Leslie says hers is June 6, Bobbie's is Janurary 12, Aaron and Angel are twins and theirs is December 7, and Nick's is January 28. Leslie talks about how Aaron pranked Nick on his 15th birthday. "Nick was so mad at us. He didn't talk to us for two days."

I laugh as my cell phone rings. I pull it out of my bag and look at it. JC has such bad timing. "Excuse me." I answer it. "Yeah, Josh."

"Just making sure you're having fun."

"Meet anyone new?"

"Yeah, I met Nick, um, what's your guys' last name again, Leslie?"


"Thanks. Nick Carter's family. His brother, sisters and parents."

JC busts out laughing like a hyena. "He's in the Backstreet Boys."

"In the what?"

"It's a pop group of guys, just like me, Justin, Joey, Lance and Chris. They're also based out of Orlando. Know what? Just get to know him, he's a cool kid."


"You're probably just going to do it either way. When does he get back to Florida?"

"Middle of next month."

"I can find out from Johnny exactly when and let him know to make sure to call and talk to you before that."

"Ok. Thanks. You're a good friend."

"As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

"Alright, thanks. Call you later?"




We hang up. "That was Josh. He knows your brother. They have the same manager."

Leslie perks up, smiling. "Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah. Josh said he'd try to have your brother call me. If he doesn't, I guess I'll just meet him when he comes home."

She smiles and it worries me. It's the kind of smile that tells you that person has a plan forming in their mind. I didn't know whether to worry or be happy. "Well, my mom is gonna wanna meet your parents. Maybe even you."

"That's ok." She quickly changes the topic to school and I notice that she and Bobbie are trading glances and watching me out of the corner of their eyes. I don't really think of it.

Roy stands up and asks me, Tyler and Heather to help him and Karen pick up. I notice the Carter clan doing the same, they were following us to Orlando to meet my mom. "Jazzy, your mom gets home around when?"

"Usually by 4:30ish."

"That means she's been home for almost an hour. Make sure she's aware you're being dropped off and the Carters are coming to meet her."
I nod. "Ok." I pull my phone out and call my house.


"Ma, I made some more friends and they would like to meet you."

"Is it like the other night?"

"No, Ma. Just a family. Six people and their oldest isn't home right now."

"That's fine. When?"

"In the next two hours? They're following us from Tampa."

"I suppose."

"Thanks, Ma. We're just leaving the beach in Tampa as we talk." We had already packed up the stuff and we're putting it in the Chasezs' car.

"See you in the next couple hours."

"Love you, Ma."
"Love you too."

We hang up. "Roy, my mom says it's fine with her."

"Then it's settled."

We pile into the cars and I fall asleep ten minutes into the ride. Tyler gently shakes me. "You want me to stay with you?"

"Please? I wanna walk back to your house."

He nods. "Nervous?"

"Only because I have to make sure my mom meet every one of my friends that I make here."

"It gets easier."

"You sure?"


The Carter clan get out of their van and walk up to me. "If you say so, 'Ler." I smile at them. "This way." I unlock the front door and walk in. "Ma?"

"Give me a second, I'll be right out." Sounds like she's in the kitchen.

"Have a seat." I motion to the living room set I've grown up seeing in the living room. "I'll be right back." They nod and sit down. I turn on my heel and walk in the kitchen to give my mom the run down of what I know. I point each one of them out, giving her their names, ages (the kids' of course), and what I knew about Nick (holding back that he's in a band, of course). We walk out and I introduce them to one another. "I believe they can have Nick meet you when he comes back home."

Ma nods and smiles. "That's fine. So what do you do for work?"

They go into detail about their jobs. "What do you do for work yourself, Vikki?"

She tells them about the IRS and cuts it short. "I don't mean to be rude but I think we should cut this short. Jazzy and I have to get up early." She grabs a piece of paper and writes the house number on it. "Why don't you call me in the morning and we can set something up for the kids? Maybe next weekend?"

Jane's eyes light up. "Of course. Maybe you and I could get coffee or have brunch together."

"We'll see about that. Keep in touch." They shake hands and the Carters leave. I walk back over to Ma and hug her. "They seem nice. I'm sure Nick is a sweet boy. You can spend time with their kids."

"Thanks, Ma."

Ma looks at the couch she had been standing next to the whole time, finally realizing Tyler was there. "Hey, Tyler." She pats his shoulder. "You two seeing each other?"

My mouth drops open and I'm shocked that she'd ask him that. Tyler smiles. "No, we're not. Josh asked me and Heather to make sure she stays safe and out of trouble while he's not here."

"Oh, why would he do that?"

"He treats her like he does me and Heather, like family."

"He seems to be protective of her, like a couple of her cousins."

"Probably because he knows that she's not from here and could use the moral and emotional help. Someone to look after her when you can't."

"When is that?"

"When she's not home or with you." Tyler pulls out the Chasez charm.

Ma caves, smiling back at him. "You two better get over to your house before it gets too late, Tyler."

"Yes, we should." He emphasizes 'we' a bit too strongly.

I snap out of it and tell my mom I'd see her in the morning. We get three houses down the road. I run my hand over my hair, knowing it's tangled from swimming and letting it dry with out brushing it. "I can't believe she'd ask that." We talk about why my mom would say that and when I would start dating. We talked about what we liked in the opposite gender, what attracts us, what catches our eye, and what the turn offs are.

We walk in his parents' house, laughing. "Mom, Dad. Jazz and I just got back. We're gonna go talk while we lay on the hammock."

I see Roy come from around the corner. "Alright. Take a couple blankets out there. It's a little chilly."

"Thanks, Dad." He grabs some blankets and we go lay on the hammock, talking to the point of near exhaustion.

My cell phone rings and I don't recognize the number. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Leslie. I got someone on the phone that you definintely wanna get to know."

I snap up on the hammock, almost causing it to flip over, wide awake. "Who might that be?"

"My older brother, Nick."

Then I hear his voice and almost melt, not even caring or remembering that Tyler is laying right near me. "Um, hi. I'm Nick. Les, I don't even know why I let you talk me into this."

"Hi, I'm Jazzy."

"Wow. You sound beautiful."

"You sound cute too."

"Les, you can hang up now. I'll talk to her."

"You're welcome, Nick."

"Yeah, thanks." I hear Leslie hang up. "So, tell me what you look like. Aaron says you're breath-takingly beautiful."
"Awww, that's so sweet. They took some pictures of me at the beach today. I'm about five feet tall, dirty blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, I have freckles that go from one cheek bone to the other, size 5 jeans, long legs, tomboyish, my hair goes halway down my back."

"What about your body type?"

"Athletic. I love to dance and I have to keep in shape to dance. I have big hips and a little apple shaped butt, or so I've been told by my guy friends back home."

"Oh, wow. Do you have a body shape?"

"I've been told that I have an hourglass body."

"I'm 5'10", blonde hair, mushroom cut, blue eyes, freckles that show up when I'm in the sun too long where you have yours, I sing, I dance, and I guess I have a pretty well toned athletic body."

I picture this. "Jeans and jersey with sneakers or dressy?"
"Jeans, jersey and sneakers, baby." I laugh. "I love your laugh. I'm laying in my bunk and you got me smiling."

"You're welcome. Why are you in a bunk?"

"I'm on a tour bus, touring Europe."

"It must be beautiful."

"It is." He's talking so softly. "It's also like 3:30 in the morning here."
"Oh. I can let ya go so you can sleep."
"That's ok. I'd rather talk to you. I can't fall asleep anyway."

I giggle. "Ok. Do you like sports?" I realize he's a guy, of course he does.

"Football and basketball."

'Bingo! Something in common! I'm gonna have to thank his sister!' "I like football. It's more fun to play football."

"Touch football?"

"That's for sissies. Tackle football."

"You really are a tomboy. Cool. Maybe after I get home we could meet up?"

"I'd love to. I live in Orlando, though."

"I can see if my mom would let me stay with Howie or something. My friends and I have a group and my mom lets me stay with them sometimes. I'll call my parents and ask tomorrow."

"I guess that will work. How close do they live from my mom's?"

"From what Aaron and Leslie tell me, about three blocks away."

"Wow, that's pretty close."

"Yeah, it is. Maybe we can become pretty close friends."

"I hope so." Nick and I talk for a couple more hours before Roy comes out and tells me and Tyler it's time to get to bed cuz it's almost 11:30.

"Well, I have to let you go because Howie, Brian and Kevin are up. They're looking at me like they wanna kick my butt. I'm glad I have today off. Can I call you later?"

"Sure. 407-237-9735, I'm learning how to text. If you text me, I'm not very good at it."

He laughs. "I'm not, either. I'm getting pretty good at it, but not that good."

I laugh. "Maybe you can help me learn?"

"Sure. I gotta let you go and I'll call you later. I look forward to talking to you."

"Ok. Bye." We hang up and I get off the hammock, heading straight for Heather's room. I sit in her moon chair after I text Chris. 'Just talked to Nick. He's nice. Just friends.'  I think about what we could do to get to know each other.

End Notes:

Just finished it. LOL. Thank you for all the reviews! I take them all as constructive criticism. Thank you for reading!

This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=2037