Brothers by musiccrazedjazzy
Summary: His life was simple until now, now it's complicated when he meets his long lost brother.

* this will be on hiatus until I get inspired*
Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: General
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 4683 Read: 6806 Published: Jul 16, 2011 Updated: Sep 28, 2011
Chapter 3 by musiccrazedjazzy
Author's Notes:
This is a short one, I finally got bit by the inspiration bug.
Later that day Nick woke up from taking a nap as he heard a child's voice floating from down the hall. Deciding to investigate, He followed the voice into the tv room. Poking his head into the room and saw his brother sitting on the floor with the little girl from the picture."

"What else did you do at school?" JC asked with genuine interest.

The little girl put her hand to JC's cheek "Daddy, I got a gold star for reading. Wanna see?" she asked with excitement.

With equal enthusiasm JC nodded his head "yeah, sugar show me what you got." 

Nick watched the interaction his brother had with the little girl, he only hoped that one day he could be father and have moments like this with his own children. Deciding to make himself known, Nick cleared his throat.

JC and the little girl both turned to see Nick "hey, sorry to interrupt I just wanted to meet the girl I have been hearing so much about."

Looking between her father and the man who looked alot like him, the little girl turned to JC as she buried her face into his neck as she sat on his lap. JC chuckled "honey, don't be shy, he's really nice."

The little girl shook her head "no, I don't want to go."

JC's eyes softened even more "sweetheart he's not taking you anywhere, I promise."

Satisfied by her father's promise, the little girl faced Nick shyly. "hi." 

Nick knelt down at the girl's level "hi, you must be Lisa, I'm Nick. I knew your daddy when we were your age."

Lisa giggled "daddy's not 5, he's" she thought for a minute then turned to her father and loudly whispered "daddy, how many are you?"

JC chuckled "I'm thirty five honey, but what Nick means is we knew eachother a long time ago."

Shrugging her shoulders Lisa looked back to Nick "you look like daddy, but someone colored on you." she said as she pointed to the tattoo of a lion on Nick's arm.

Laughing Nick sat on the floor "yeah, I'm your daddy's twin."

Not needing anymore details Lisa smiled "wanna watch a movie with us?"

Nick smiled "sure kid, what are we going to watch?"

Lisa jumped and clapped her hands "yay, daddy he's going to watch with us."

JC went over to the tv "I heard, ok what do you want to watch sweetie?"

Lisa thought for a minute then went over to a cabinet where JC kept some movies "daddy I wanna watch you." she said as she pointed to where the DVD of her father's career were kept.

Rolling his eyes, JC whined "oh Lis you have watched that enough, how about that repunsel movie?"

Turning to her father with a pout Lisa shook her head "I wanna see the boat song." 

Giggling from the couch, Nick watched his brother try but unsuccessfully to sway his daughter. JC's exasperated blue eyes turned to Nick "hey, wait til your kid wants to watch you make an idiot out of yourself with crazy outfits." that only caused Nick to laugh harder.

JC shook his head "ok, fine we'll watch that movie."

Lisa cheered as she ran over to the couch and sat next to Nick. "Daddy sings in this one." she whispered to Nick.

Nodding his head Nick smiled at the little girl who shared her father's eyes, and smile. "really? Wow that's cool."

Nodding her head Lisa's smile grew as the DVD started "yeah, shh daddy's going to be on."

JC came and sat on the other side of his daughter, she placed herself comfortably on his lap. "when this is over I want you to go put your pj's on and brush your teeth alright?" JC spoke in a fatherly tone.

Nodding her head Lisa snuggled closer to her daddy. "start the movie daddy." with that the trio watched the Pay Per View Concert.
End Notes:
Aww isn't that cute?
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