Broken Vow by Joeylance
Summary: Song Fic – Based on "Broken Vow sung by Josh Groban from "Closer" CD (Sony ATV Tunes LLC/Wallyworld Music ASCAP/Vita Mia Music SOCAN admin. By Sony/ATV Songs LLC BMI)
Categories: Completed Het Stories Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 8902 Read: 3686 Published: Jul 21, 2007 Updated: Jul 22, 2007

1. Chapter 1 by Joeylance

2. Chapter 2 by Joeylance

3. Chapter 3 by Joeylance

Chapter 1 by Joeylance
Author's Notes:
DISCLAIMER: I do not know or have I ever known the men from *Nsync, their business partners, family, etc. This is purely a work of fiction. Thought up in my own imagination; by me for the enjoyment of others.
Tell me his name
I want to know
The way he looks
And where you go
I need to see his face
I need to understand
Why you and I came to an end.

Tell me again
I want to hear
Who broke my faith in all these years?
Who lays with you at night?
While I’m here all alone
Remembering when I was your own

I let you go
I let you fly
Why do I keep on asking why?
I let you go
Now that I found
A way to keep somehow
More than a broken vow

"Who is he?!" Justin demanded loudly, bursting through the door of her office in the hospital without so much as a courtesy knock. "I want to know his name!"

Cassie looked up from her paper work on the desk to his angry face glaring at her from the doorway. She sighed, taking off her glasses and placing them on the desk as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. After another glance at him, she quietly walked over to him. Pulling him into the room before he could cause any more obvious of a scene, she shut the door quietly behind, then turned to face him.

"Please, keep your voice down," she said coolly, meeting his gaze. "I shouldn't have to remind you that this is a hospital. If you can’t keep a civil tone of voice, I shall have to ask you to leave."

His eyes were clouded with passion, but not the kind she was used to seeing. The last time she'd seen Justin this angry had been last night at her apartment. He'd flung her roses against the wall, shattering the vase. For added effect, he'd then had the gaul to throw the wadded up card at her, demanding to know who the flowers had come from. Her face hardened slightly at the memory; she hadn’t told him then and had no intention of doing so now. To defuse the situation, she gave him a neutral smile and motioned to one of the empty consultation chairs across from her desk.

Grudgingly, he moved to accept her offer. He knew, if things got out of hand, she would call security and have him thrown out. Swallowing the bile that was raising in his throat, he sat down in the chair.

Cassie returned to her place behind the desk and resumed her seat, folding her hands on top of the desk and looking squarely at him. "If you think you can conduct yourself in a grown-up manner, we can talk,"
she began softly. She then shook a finger at him in warning. "If not, you’re out of here." She realized, with a mental sigh, she didn’t hate him...she just didn’t love him anymore. " Now, why are you here?"

"Why am I here?!" he asked incredulously, his voice beginning to raise again. "I’m here, as if you didn’t know, because the final divorce papers were delivered to me this morning. Along with, I might add, your
wedding set."

He clenched one fist at his side, struggling to keep his voice at a level that at least wouldn't get him kicked out. A horrible thought then occurred to him, and he sneered at her. "Did you take lessons on how to hurt people from Annie? I mean, she is your new best friend."

"How can you be so cruel?" Cassie replied, managing to keep her own emotions under control. "You know the true story about that package, yet you want to think nothing but the worst of people."

"Well, the last few months haven’t done much to restore my faith in humanity," he snorted. "My wife up and leaves me for another man, then wonders why I feel hurt."

She shook her head. "Justin, how conveniently you re-write our history. You know perfectly well that-" The phone rang at that moment, cutting her off. "Plastic Surgery, Dr. Jamieson speaking." She paused for several seconds, listening intently. "Of course. I can be there in two minutes. Bye."

Cassie turned to face him again, the expression on her face one of half apology, half relief.

"I’m sorry, but an emergency has just come up." She was already starting past him for the door, talking as she gathered up her equipment. "I should be back in about half an hour. If you want to wait, feel free. If not, we can continue this discussion at a more appropriate time and place."

At the door, she turned to look at him again. "I’m sorry that things ended like this. I never meant to hurt you, and I truly mean that. Deep down, I don’t think you meant to hurt me either."

With that said she left the room, leaving him to ponder her words. Justin stared at the nameplate on her desk. Dr. Cassandra Jamieson. He had met Cassandra in April 2002, at the hospital when he and Chris had been visiting JC and Annie after the birth of their twins. She worked with Annie at Restoration Hope as a plastic surgeon and was everything that he, ironically, had never imagined he would want in a woman. She was older (about 10 years), highly educated, spoke three languages and had been completely unimpressed with his star status. She was 5’ 11" with emerald green eyes and dark brunette hair, not to mention drop dead gorgeous. He had peppered Annie with questions about her, who eventually mentioned to him that Cassie had an extremely bad history with men and to proceed with caution. She had even gone so far as to say that Cassie may seem strong, but she was very vulnerable. Not exactly, the type looking for a relationship with a man let alone someone as high profile as himself. Naturally, being how he was, Justin ignored her words and pursued Cassie anyway.

He was still picking at the wounds of his broken heart from Britney and, honestly, was no more ready for a relationship than Cassie. But it mattered little to him. He wanted this beautiful creature who stood before him, so he relentlessly worked 'til he had her as his own. He'd been like a beagle on the trail of a rabbit – single-minded and determined to get his quarry.

Justin remained sitting in the chair of Cassie's office, remembering vividly the night she had revealed her past to him. They had gone out to dinner and a movie, as she wasn't big on clubbing. As she'd put it, she hated large crowds. They had come home and were sitting on her sofa in her apartment. He began kissing her, but as it began to get more passionate, she backed away like always.

This confused him further. "What the hell is wrong?" he'd asked in a huff. "Every time we get into it, you shut me down. Why the wall? Don’t you want me?" He gave a little smirk. "Or do you just like to tease me?"

Cassie had jerked at his last words as if she'd been burned. "No," she murmured softly, tears brimming in her eyes. "It’s just…" Her voice trailed off as she looked down.

He took her chin and lifted it up so her eyes were looking into his.

"What is it?" he asked softly, wanting to kiss those tears away but knowing she'dprobably just push against him.

"I suppose I should have told you this a long time ago, but I was afraid," she began hesitantly. "But you, of all people, deserve an explanation."

"What is it, babe?" He paused awkwardly. "I know that Annie hinted that you haven’t exactly had a stellar history with men, but she never went into it."

"Annie is a dear friend. She says that I should have told you this awhile ago, but I was so ashamed." The tears in her eyes had started to fall.

Justin gathered into his arms and held her, relieved that she didn't resist him. Cassie cried for several minutes, then looked up at him with resolution in her eyes.

"I'm just going to say this as fast as I can." She managed a tiny smile. "This will be the Cliff Notes version, but there will not be an exam at the end. Please don’t interrupt 'til I'm finished. Okay?"

"Anything you want." he answered gently, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

She took a sip of her wine, then a deep breath and began. "When I was five years old, my daddy died. For a few years, it was just my mom and me. Then she married Bill a few weeks after my seventh birthday. He didn’t have much time for me, so I tried my best to stay out of his way. I worked hard in school and was quiet when he was home at night, so he wouldn’t notice me. Around the time I was about nine, he began hitting me if I messed up. I tried not to, but I was still a child. I never knew what would trigger his next explosion; it constantly changed. But the result was always the bruises to try and explain away when I had to go to school the next day. My own mother couldn't even stand up for me. She'd become an alcoholic after Daddy died, and all it got was progressively worse. But I learned to live with it. I mean, what choice did I have? It wasn't as if I could just pack up my bags and move out. I had no other family."

She paused and took a another deep breath. Justin was struck how flat her voice was. Not a hint of emotion crossed her face; she was unreadable and expressionless.

Cassie swallowed hard, then continued. "Anyway, on my thirteenth birthday, things began to...change. For one thing, I was no longer a child. Unfortunately, Bill began to notice. I tried wearing baggy clothes and slouching, but it didn’t work. He started coming up to me and saying 'Stand up straight'. Then he'd pull back my shoulders as he held me against him. Mom saw everything, as usual, and, also as usual, said

"One night, he came into my room. He had been drinking and I thought I was just going to get hit for some minor infraction. Instead, he tied my hands to the bedpost with scarves and put another scarf over my mouth. He said that he didn’t want the boys to have the first crack at me, that it was his 'right' as my 'dad' to get dibs. He chuckled, saying he'd break me in right, teach me the things that men wanted and liked." Cassie's voice hitched, but she managed to keep going. "I tried to protest, fight him off, but he hit me really hard. He mocked me. 'If you ever breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll send you to a juvenile home.' He laughed darkly, then said 'Where would your precious scholarship to that private school for next year go? Probably to someone more deserving, someone who wasn’t a tease.'"

At the word "tease", Justin cringed. Now he knew why she'd had such a reaction to the word.

But Cassie wasn't quite finished yet. "He said that if I ever told anyone, I could kiss me dreams goodbye. So...I let him. Again, what choice did I have?" Her eyes met his, searching for understanding and forgiveness in his gaze. She found it, but put a finger to his lips to prevent him from saying anything before she lost her nerve to finish the tale she'd begun. "So, for the next three years, I endured his coming into my room almost every night. Then, one day, the inevitable happened...I lost it at school. A male teacher came up behind me in the hall and touched my shoulder. It startled me so badly; I turned around and slapped him. I was taken to the office, where they were about to call my mother and stepfather. Something inside of me just snapped and I blurted out some of things I'd been enduring for the past three years. A social worker was called and that day I was rescued from my own home. I have never seen or spokento my stepfather since that day, except when I had to testify in court. My mother disowned me when he was sent to prison. She died two years later."

Cassie's voice took on an air of nostalgia. "The foster parents who eventually adopted me were all I could have ever hoped for and more. They loved me like I had never been loved before and treated me as if I truly was their own child. I love them so much, and I honestly don’t think I would have survived without them."

Another pause, another sip from her wine glass. "I fulfilled my dream to be a doctor. Because I had that goal, it was easy to avoid men. I was too busy; not to mention I also had neither the time or the inclination. Then, three years ago, I came here to Restoration Hope. I met Annie the first day and was so impressed with her gift. She is such a special woman and a wonderful friend. As time went on, I got to know JC. He was like no man I had ever met before. He, like my 'new' dad, made me see that not every man was like my stepfather. He treats Annie with such love and made me begin to dream again. I started to hope and long for a relationship like theirs, but then I realized that something like that comes along once in a blue moon. I mean, they practically define the term 'soul mates'. So, I thought, maybe something like Joey and Kelly, you and Britney, or Lance and his writer friend. I can’t seemto recall her name at the moment. But then, you and Brit broke up, and the next thing I know, you’re dating me."

Cassie took a breath to steady herself and looked pleadingly into Justin's eyes. "So my question to you is...why me? What do I have that you could possibly want, when you have your choice of anyone in the world?"
Chapter 2 by Joeylance
Author's Notes:
Like what you read? Let me know. Reviews are great.

Tell me the words I never said
Show me the tears you never shed
Give me the touch
The one you promised to be mine
Or has it vanished for all time

I let you go
I let you fly
Why do I keep on asking why?
I let you go
Now that I found
A way to keep somehow
More than a broken vow

Ring! Ring!

Cassie’s cell phone brought Justin abruptly back to the present. He debated for a moment whether or not he should answer it. After a brief argument with himself, he decided spying was fun and it was her fault anyway for leaving her phone alone in the room with him. Reaching across the desk and picking it up, he glanced at the caller ID. It said "Little Man". 'Damn,' he thought to himself, 'that’s Him...Cassie’s new man.' A new dilemma presented itself to him. Should he push the call button and confront the man that had destroyed his life or….

"Excuse me, sir? Are you supposed to be in here?"

Jumping at the voice, Justin, whirled around to see George, Cassie’s assistant, walking in the door. A bouquet of flowers was securely carried in the crook of his elbow.

"Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Timberlake," the young man apologized with a bit of a start. "I didn’t realize it was you."

He glanced around the office as he entered, setting the flowers on the filing cabinet before walking over to Justin.

Just before he got there, the latter quietly placed Cassie’s phone back down where he'd found it. 'So much for that idea,' he thought bitterly.

Justin put on his biggest ‘innocent’ smile as he looked at George.

"No, she was called out on an emergency. Said she'd probably be back in about half an hour, so I could wait for her here." His smile grew imperceptibly.

"Maybe I can help you," he offered graciously.

"No, that’s alright. I was just dropping off these flowers for her. Just delivered, you know." George gave him a curious look. "Now that I think of it, why didn't you just bring them in yourself?"

A thought occurred to him and he grinned. "Oh, get it. You probably wanted to surprise her. Am I right?"

"You got it," Justin lied, his smile taking on sinister proportions. "I’m just full of surprises."

"Well, I have to get back to work," George muttered, more to himself than Justin as he glanced at his watch and headed towards the door. "Good to see you again. Have a good day."

"The same." Justin waited until he was sure that George was well on his way down the hall, then went over to the flowers. Grabbing the card and reading the envelope showed Cassie's name written on the envelope. As he stood there trying to figure out a way to open the envelope without her finding out what he'd done, he noticed that it hadn't been sealed; only had the flap
inserted into the envelope. With trembling hands, he pulled out the card. It read: "See you tonight at 8:00 PM Your place Little Man"

"Dammit," he cursed softly, stuffing the card back into the envelope and replacing it on the holder. "Who the Hell is Little Man? I'm going to find out."

Rubbing the back of his neck and lost in thought, Justin jumped when he suddenly heard someone whistle shrilly behind him. He whirled around to find Annie struggling to get a stroller through the door of Cassie's office with William (or Wills, as most people called him) in the front and what looked to be something large and flat wrapped in brown paper occupying the back seat.

"Little help here would be nice," Annie admonished gently, still trying to wrangle the rogue stroller into its proper place.

"What can I do?" Justin asked solicitously, looking down at JC's son. Wills was the spitting image of his father, save for his eyes and hair which identified him as Annie's child too.

Noticing Justin looking at him, Wills threw up his pudgy little arms towards the man, begging to be picked up. "Unkie Justy! Unkie Justy!" Justin focused his attention back to Annie, who he realized was speaking to him again.

"You could take this painting and place it over on the sofa for me," she repeated, vaguely wondering what he had been thinking about.

Justin took it and placed it where she'd requested, then returned to her and Wills. She'd given up on getting the blasted stroller through the door and had opted to simply leave it in the hallway along the wall.

"Is that one of yours?" he asked, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at the wrapped object.

"No," she answered, picking up Wills, who was still calling for "Unkie Justy." She handed him to Justin, placing her hands on the small of her back and stretching after the transfer was complete.

"He is getting so big and heavy," she murmured, patting her son on the head. She then gave Justin a questioning look. "Not to be rude, but why, exactly, are you here? Wasn’t your divorce finalized today?"

"Yes," he growled quietly. "I came to talk to Cassie, but she was called out on an emergency.

"Do you think that's really such a good idea? I mean, things are not all sunshine and roses between you two." She winced. "Sorry I used the roses imagery, but I heard about them this morning when Cassie showed up at our door at three, crying hysterically. The painting you referred to is hers."

"Cassie paints? I didn’t know that. Guess it's just something else I didn’t know about my wife." His voice turned bitter. "Or, should I say, ex-wife."

"Actually, she didn’t paint so much as scream, cry and throw paint at canvases for four hours in my art room. Luckily, the children were sleeping downstairs with JC in the guest room last night. They were having a "Sesame Street" night and all fell asleep on the bed. Under the circumstances, I thought it better to just leave them there. When Cassie arrived, I took her upstairs to my studio. Painting's great therapy, even if you're not good at it. I gave her some old clothes, some paints, laid down drop cloths and set up canvases for her. The one on the sofa is the one that she liked the best, said she wanted to hang it here in the office."

Annie turned thoughtful for a moment. "You know, for an abstract, it’s not too bad."

She fixed him with a serious glare.

"By the way, if I hear Linken Park’s "Numb" one more time in the next three months, it'll be too damn soon."

Justin looked at her and laughed. "Annie, you hardly ever swear, especially in front of the kids."

Wills was getting antsy, so he set him down on the floor. Annie walked over to the stroller, got some toys and handed them to him to play with.

Turning back to Justin, she continued. "I am the mother of two nineteen month old toddlers and the wife of JC, who is sometimes a bigger child than the twins. I have had the sum total of 3 hours of sleep, fought traffic to get over here and because of you, whether in a direct or indirect way, am going to be too tired to enjoy my evening to myself."

"I don’t understand." He shook his head in confusion. "I’m spoiling your evening?"

"Once a week, JC takes the children and I have a night to do whatever I want. It's a great time to read a grown-up book, watch a movie, paint, whatever I want. Tonight, all I want to do is study the back of my eyelids. And that's because I was comforting Cassie most of the night because of your childish outburst at her place," she finished angrily.

Annie paused, then continued. "You know, I'm not in the habit of saying 'I told you so', but I think in this case it's justified. You didn’t listen to me when I told you not to do this, and look how it ended up. Exactly as I hoped it wouldn't." Her voice was growing more frustrated. "God, you're so self-centered... sometimes, I just want to slap you back into reality!"

"No hit! Bad, bad," Willis scolded with all seriousness from his place on the floor, shaking his head adamantly.

Chagrined, Annie smiled softly at him. "Yes Wills, you're right. Hitting is bad."

Justin motioned to Annie and they sat down on the chairs by the desk. When they were seated, he started into his defense.

"Annie, I'm sorry that you were put out, but up until last night, Cassie was still my wife. I have a right to know who she's seeing," he added indignantly.

"Justin, you and Cassie haven’t been a couple since CFTC in Miami and you know why. I was there. Well, not there in the hotel room, but JC and I were at Challenge." She glared at him accusingly, her anger starting to spark again. "You were such a media whore and arrogant, conceited snot those few days, I wanted to…never mind," she finished, glancing over at
Wills happily playing on the floor.

Justin jumped in. "Annie, in my defense, I explained that to all of you. A lot of that was just publicity and media attention. It meant nothing."

"Correction", she countered. "You were a married man, yet you conducted yourself like the most eligible bachelor in the world. It was...disgusting. Do you know how much it hurt Cassie? You, of all people, know her fragile history. But you persisted in doing whatever struck your fancy."

"Look. Not just Joey and Kelly, but you and JC as well kept your marriages a secret. Why couldn’t I do the same?" Now Justin was getting angry as well. "Doesn't it seem just a little hypocritical of you, of all people, to be condemning me?"

"Our situations were different from yours. Joey and Kelly have been together forever, and JC and I had our reasons. Besides, Joey and JC weren’t seen with the 'starlet of the moment' on their arm every other week. Do you have any idea what it did to Cassie to pick up the newspaper and see you out cavorting with your latest flavor of the month?" she asked accusingly, staring into him with those eyes of hers. The ones that seemed to see right into his soul.

Annie couldn't hide the swift laugh of outrage that burst from her lips.

"And the excuse, that you were drunk and didn’t know what you were doing...that just sucked. Justin, my God, Cassie walked into your suite to surprise you and found that 'actress' about to give you a 'Monica'. If it had been me, you would never have to worry about babies keeping you up at night."

"Annie!" he laughed, albeit nervously. "You wouldn’t! You're the sweetest, kindest woman I know."

Annie leaned forward until she was very close to him, staring straight into his face. "Justin, have you ever seen JC really angry?" she asked quietly, so only he could hear her words.

"No," he confessed, uncomfortable with how close she was, "but I heard about the hotel incident from Lance and Joey."

"If you ever provoked me that much, I would make that incident seem like a Sunday school picnic."

He shuddered. "Remind me never to let it get that far."

"Oh, believe me, I will," she finished, her anger slowly submerging back inside as she sat straight again. "I will."

Just then, Wills came toddling over, chanting "ice cem, ice cem". Annie reached over, picking him up and putting him in her lap. "In a minute, sweetie," she promised, kissing the top of his head. Bracing herself, she stood with Wills in her arms. "Look, I have to go. We're meeting JC and Dena (Wills’ name for his sister) for ice cream. That is, if they're finished in the studio."

She sighed. "I swear, Claudine has JC wrapped so tightly around that little finger of hers. They could listen to music together for hours. I wish I could have seen them in the studio today at home. Do you know he even had little earphones made for her?"

She walked over to the stroller and placed Wills in it just as JC came up carrying Dena. The girl was the image of her mother with JC’s eyes and hair color.

"Unkie Justy!" she squealed, reaching out to him.

He took her from JC, upon which she instantly wrapped her little arms around his neck and gave him a baby kiss on the cheek. "I love you, Unkie Justy!" She looked over at Annie. "You love Unkie Justy, Mommy?" she asked sweetly.

"Yes, Mommy loves Unkie Justy," her mother answered, taking Dena from Justin's arms. She then looked at him seriously. "Please, think about what I said, and believe me when I say it's better this way. I just hope that, in time, you'll come to realize that truth."

She kissed him softly on the cheek, then went out into the hallway to strap Dena into the other seat of the stroller.

JC came over and gave him a hug. "I’m sorry Justin, but I agree with Annie. Just know we'll be there for you too, if you ever need us."

"I know," Justin answered curtly. "Now go have your family time. I'll get a hold of you later."

"Later." With that, JC took the stroller from Annie in the hallway and left, her close to his side.

Justin stood there for several minutes, then chuckled darkly to himself. "I have a lot to do before eight."

Chapter 3 by Joeylance
I close my eyes
And dream of you and I
And then I realize
There�s more to love than bitterness and lies
I close my eyes
I�d give away my soul
To hold you once again
And never let this promise end

I let you go
I let you fly
Now that I know, I�m asking why
I let you go
Now that I found
A way to keep somehow
More than a broken vow

Justin called Chris first. After getting no answer, he remembered that the latter had said he was going to be out of town for a few days. He tried Lance next, but the little astronaut had a date with his writer girlfriend. Her plane was due in about half an hour from the Ukraine, where she'd been visiting her family, and nothing outside of the Earth's impending doom could distract him from getting to her. Joey was next, but he and Kelly had a play date/dinner with some of Brianna�s little friends.

Justin knew better than to call JC, mostly because Annie's earlier threat was still hanging uncomfortably over his head. Plus they'd just tell him stuff he didn't want to hear, such as the fact his plan was basically the equivalent of stalking.


Cassie was arriving home from work at about 6:30 PM. After a quick little romp with the neighbor's dog, which was perpetually getting out of its own apartment and setting up a stakeout outside hers, she retreated into the safety of her apartment with most of the mail from her mailbox still intact. She tossed the mail on a random table and went into the kitchen, kicking off her shoes on the way.

For once, she had remembered to go grocery shopping the day before, so dinner was already sitting in there. Tonight, it was going to be simple: steak with onions, peppers and mushrooms, buttered potatoes, and a tossed salad. Little Man had agreed to bring wine and dessert. Cassie drank a quick glass of water, then returned to the living room to check her mail. Nothing urgent there, so she dropped it on her desk.

Next came one of the more difficult decisions of the evening. The closet's open door seemed like a great laughing mouth as she stared at its contents, wondering what to wear. After debating for a few minutes, she decided on an emerald green sweater and blue jeans. Stripping off her work clothes and throwing them in the hamper, she walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

As she let the warm water hit her body, Cassie's thoughts were unavoidably drawn back to what had happened earlier. She was relieved, to say the least, when she'd returned to her office and found Justin gone. She really hadn't been up to talking to him again, still wasn't now. She'd smiled when she saw the flowers on the file cabinet, but decided they'd be safer at work. The painting was also staying at the office 'til she had a chance to take it to be framed. Annie had assured her it was good, but Cassie wasn�t so sure. It was mostly just black, red and grey paint she'd thrown at the canvas.

Her thoughts turned to Annie and she sighed. Annie was so supportive last night; such a great friend. To cheer her up, Annie had motioned to her during a break to come downstairs and see the Kodak moment in the guest room. Annie had already captured it on film, but wanted to share it with her friend. JC had been sprawled out on the bed on his back, sleeping contentedly. On his left had been Wills, with Daddy's arm wrapped around him. His right arm had cradled Dena, who had decided Daddy's chest was the place to be, her little thumb in her mouth.

It had been the only thing which made her smile last night.

Turning off the shower, Cassie wrapped a towel around herself, then brushed her teeth and dried her hair. She decided to forget hair gel, letting it fall naturally in its loose curls. Back in her room, she put on a little mascara and lip gloss, then spritzed on a bit of perfume before getting dressed. Not being able to decide which shoes to wear, she happily went barefoot.

Returning to the kitchen, she got out all the necessary dinnerware and set the table. Cassie decided to only put two candles on the table and not dim the lighting that much. After all, this was only a first date and she didn�t want to give off the wrong impression. She then picked out some music and put it in the CD player, turning it on so she could sing while getting dinner ready. She had a voice that was good in a group but not so strong on its own, so she saved her singing for herself.

While she sang, she busied herself with preparing dinner. When the doorbell rang, her first instinct was to look at the clock. 7:45...he was early. Wiping her hands on a towel, Cassie walked to the door, checking her reflection in the mirror by the door before looking out the peep hole. No one was there. Cautiously opening the door, she smiled when she saw Baby Tugs (a Care Bear) sitting on the floor, its little blue arms wrapped around a bottle of her favorite Merlot wine. She picked up the Bear and saw a card attached. It read: "Everyone needs a little Tough Love. Please take me inside. Little Man"

She carried the Bear inside and placed him on the sofa, then put the wine on the counter. No sooner had she done this, the doorbell rang again. She opened the door this time to find a bouquet of silk roses in a plastic vase on the floor. This time, the card read: "These probably won�t break when thrown against a wall. Little Man" Laughing, Cassie took them inside and
placed them on the table.

The doorbell rang a third time. There was another Care Bear � Baby Hugs (the sister of Baby Tugs, for you Care Bear fans out there), along with a bag of DVDs from the video store. The card: "I love to hear you laugh. Hoping I can get you to snort. Little Man"

After placing the Bear and bag on the sofa next to the other, the door rang one last time. Cassie opened the door to find Little Man himself standing there, a pastry box in one hand and a single yellow rose in the other.

Grabbing him by his leather jacket, she pulled him into her apartment. Underneath the jacket, he wore black jeans and a black sweater.

"Are you completely deranged?" Cassie laughed, then shook her head. "You never cease to amaze me."

"Hey, that�s my purpose in life," he replied easily, giving her his little lopsided grin. "This is for you," he said needlessly, handing her the rose. "I only got one since this is our first date."

"Thank you." Cassie accepted it, holding it to her nose to inhale the sweet fragrance. "They're my favorite. My Daddy used to grow them." She let go of the bittersweet memory and brought herself into full "Hostess" mode.

"May I take your jacket? And I'll drop off the dessert in the kitchen." As he gave her the box, he dramatized its weight. "Feels like a box of rocks!" she chuckled. "What'd you bring anyway?"

"It�s a surprise," Little Man answered in all seriousness. "You won't know til' after you�ve eaten all your vegetables."

"Yes, father," she teased, placing the box on the counter.

"So, what can I do to help?" he asked, following her into the kitchen.

Cassie was already digging in the fridge.

"Want to grill the steaks while I finish off the potatoes?"

"Point me to the grill and it shall be done," he announced, then puffed out his chest a little. "Now, don't spread this around, but I'll have you know I�m the grilling king."

"Careful, Little Man," she warned playfully as she poked him in the stomach. "Wouldn�t want to make me deflate that ego."

They both laughed, then got down to the business of cooking. With the two of them working together, it was only several more minutes until everything was ready. Making sure Cassie was seated properly, Little Man took his chair and opened the wine.

"Hope you like this kind," he said, pouring out two glasses. "I took a cab over here because we're drinking. So if you want something else, it's either jump in your car and hope for the best or go down and try to get a cab."

Cassie smiled. "This is fine. But that is very thoughtful of you."

Her expression fell. "Justin always used to-"

Little Man held up a finger to her lips.

"None of that now," he said, removing his hand. "No talk of him. Let's just enjoy each other's company without dragging along the past for the ride."

"Okay, I promise."

Dinner was uneventful, both of them simply chatting, laughing and generally enjoying each other's company. When they were done, Little Man helped her clear the table and put the leftover food away. After loading up the dishwasher and neating up the kitchen, they decided dessert could wait until after a movie.

"I figured that today you needed to laugh," Little Man was explaining, "so I got some of my favorite funny movies. I wasn�t sure exactly what you'd like, so I brought a couple."

He dumped the bag's contents onto the coffee table. Cassie sat down on the sofa and started reading titles: "Clue", "Noises Off", "Monty Phyton and the Holy Grail", "Blazing Saddles", "The Silver Streak", "Young Frankenstein", and "The Blue Collar Comedy Tour".

Overwhelmed by the selection, she looked at him. "These are all good. What do you suggest?"

"How about we start with 'Clue'? It's really funny, not to mention one of Lance's favorite movies, but only about 12 people in the world have seen it."

"Sounds great." She popped it into the player. "Do you want anything else before we start?"

"No, I�m good." He smiled. "Now, sit back and be prepared to forget the day."

Cassie sat on the lounge chair while Little Man sprawled across the couch as they watched the movie. When it was over, Cassie stood and stretched.

"Thanks, I really needed that." She looked towards the kitchen. "Time for dessert? I�m dying to know what you brought."

They went into the kitchen where she started some coffee while he got out the plates. When the coffee was finished, Little Man nudged her towards the table.

"You go sit down. I'll bring it out."

Once she was seated, he spoke up again. "Now close your eyes. This is supposed to be a surprise after all."

Bringing in her plate and setting it down in front of her, he leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Open them."

Cassie opened her eyes and looked down. A piece of German chocolate cake with coconut frosting sat there, looking very German and coconutty and delicious.

"My favorite! How did you know?"

He tapped her on the head gently. "Hello! What do you have every time we have lunch together?" he answered, laughing.

"I guess I�m predictable." She returned his laugh, grinning sheepishly.

"Only about dessert," he said as he took his seat across from her. "The rest of you is a mystery."

When they were finished, they cleaned up. Little Man then stood there, looking unsure. "Should I go or do you want to watch another movie?"

"Let�s watch one more," Cassie answered easily, smiling. "I don�t want this evening to end just yet."

Picking out "Monty Phyton and the Holy Grail", they settled down on the sofa together to watch.


Justin was parked outside her apartment building. He'd gotten slowed up by traffic and hadn�t arrived til' after 8:00. 'Damn,' he thought to himself. 'No problem, though. I�ll just wait here til' he comes out.'

As time went by, Justin became more and more impatient. Not to mention the effects most of a bottle of Captain Morgan with only a light dinner in his stomach. He glanced at his watch. Dismayed to see it was already 2:30 in the morning, he glanced up at the windows of Cassie's apartment. The lights were still on. What could they possible be doing at this hour? Every thought of what was going on only made him more belligerent, but seeing as how whoever this mystery guest was was still in the apartment, Justin had nothing to do but sit and boil in his own thoughts until he left.


Cassie woke up to find herself in Little Man's arms. Stretching, she glanced at the clock on the TV. 'Crap,' she thought. 'It's past two.

She nudged Little Man gently.

"Hey, wake up. It�s late, and I have to go to work in the morning."

Slowly he opened his eyes. Realizing he was holding her in his arms, he quickly released her, blushing slightly.

Cassie smiled. "It�s okay. It was actually very nice."

Little Man called for a taxi on his cell phone, then got up. Taking her hand in his, he headed for the door. Opening it, he turned around to face her. "Thank you, Cassie. For dinner and a truly memorable evening."

"Yes, it was nice." She smiled. "And just what I needed. I can�t thank you enough."

Little Man took her hand and kissed the inside of her palm.

"Good night. I�ll call you tomorrow." He turned to leave, then stopped. "By the way, do you want to go to JC and Annie�s for Thanksgiving? That is, if you don�t have any other plans."

Cassie put her hands to her face in mock horror. "Oh good Lord, please don�t tell me that Annie is going to cook!"

He laughed appreciatively. "No, her parents are going to be there. Though, I must say in her defense, she is getting better."

"You know," she laughed, "I always wondered why she and JC were so skinny."

"Ha ha, very funny." Little Man glanced at his watch. "Well, I should really be going. Bye."

With that, he turned and headed down the hall.


Justin looked up as a taxi pulled to a stop outside Cassie's apartment building. He had no way of knowing if the person coming down was Cassie's new little friend, but he decided that it probably was. He saw a shadowy figure come out from under the overhang of Cassie's building, heading
towards the cab.

"Now I can see who you are," he mumbled to himself drunkenly. "Come out into the light, you son of a bitch. Out into the light where I can see you. Just a little further. Come on, you can do it. Just a little..."

Justin trailed off as Little Man walked under the street light and opened the door to the taxi.

"You've got to be SHITTING me!" he screamed, staring at the taxi. "No way in hell! Do NOT tell me that THAT'S the person stealing my wife!"

He struggled to open his car door, but he couldn�t seem to make his hands work. By the time he got it opened, the taxi was pulling away.

He stood there for a moment, lost in his own rage, then glanced up at Cassie's apartment. The lights were still on...

Cassie was neating up when she noticed Little Man's jacket was still laying on the back of the sofa. She was picking it up as the door bell rang.

"I see you remembered you left your jacket..." she began, then trailed off and froze when she met Justin�s cold, furious glare.

She tried to close the door but wasn�t fast enough. Justin pushed past her and stormed into the room, slamming the door.

"You little bitch!" he screamed, and Cassie caught the strong, sickening scent of alcohol on his breath.

"How could I what? What are you talking about?"

"I just saw your...'lover'...leave." He spat out the words as if they were themselves poisoned.

"My what?!" Cassie was starting to get angry.

"You heard what I said!" Justin started pacing around, hands in his hair. "I mean, the ink isn�t even dry on our divorce papers! Sure don't waste any time, do you?!"

"First of all, keep your voice down." She had no idea what was wrong, but she knew it wouldn't be good for him to be caught in a situation like this. "It�s 3:00 in the morning."

"What are you going to do about it?" he sneered. "Call security?"

Suddenly, Cassie realized this was not a good situation to be in. Justin was clearly angry, that was easy to figure out. But he was also very drunk. There was no telling what might happen if he got worked up enough.

"Justin, can�t we talk about this like two rational adults?" she asked gently, hoping to distract him or at least diffuse his temper. "I promise, nothing happened, other than two friends having dinner and watching a movie."

"Friends?" Justin began venomously, stalking around the room. He yanked one of the Care Bears from the couch and held it by one foot in the air.

"Aww, look. Care Bears, your favorite. A friend who knows your guilty little fondness for these toys must be very special during this difficult time in your life." He dropped it back where he'd found it, then looked closer.

"Oh, it has a twin!" he exclaimed, grabbing the other one.

Justin continued holding the second Care Bear as he continued his search.

"Oh, a rose. A single rose in a vase." He paused, studying it. "How romantic."

He swung the Care Bear around and sent the vase flying to the floor, then dropped the bear on top of the crushed flower.

"I could just gag," he growled darkly, turning to the kitchen.

He picked the bottle of wine out of the recycling bin. "Been drinking, dear? Oh look, it's your favorite too. Your little friend is doing admirably."

He dropped the bottle back into the bin where it broke. Justin then sniffed the air.

"I smell chocolate." he noticed the pastry box on the counter and ripped it open. "German Chocolate Cake, yet another one of your favorite things in the world."

He slammed it into the garbage can, then whirled on her. "For just a friend, he certainly knows a lot about your likes."

Justin's voice lowered as he advanced on her. "But does he know what turns you on? Can he turn you to jelly with his touch like I used to?"

"Justin, please. I really think you should go. This isn't getting us anywhere."

Cassie backed away from him, reaching for the door. Before she got there, he grabbed her and pushed her up against the wall, holding her by the shoulders.

"So, did you sleep with him?" He laughed harshly, his breath blasting her in the face. "No wait, you never do anything on a first date. You�re not a tease." He leaned closer. "Although I don�t see why not. It doesn�t have anything to do with your virginity."

Cassie lifted her hand to slap him, but he caught it.

"Oh no, we�ll have none of that." A very horrible smile curved his lips. "I have any idea. For old times sake, since we haven�t been with each other since July. How about a farewell f***?"

She certainly didn't agree with that at all.

"Please Justin, don�t do this," she pleaded, trying to break away from his grip. "I beg of you."

"Oh, I�ll have you begging," Justin sneered, taking hold of her wrists and dragging towards her bedroom.

"Please! Stop!" Cassie tried to break away, but his grip was like iron.

Justin led her into the room, then shoved her onto the bed. He followed her, straddling her waist. pinning her hands above her head, he starting kissing her. She tried fighting him, but he was too strong. He traced a finger down her throat, keeping her wrists trapped with his other hand.

"Does he know the spot that makes you moan? Is it" He kissed her there, but Cassie was too terrified to respond.

Angry with her lack of response, Justin suddenly had a wicked idea.

"You know what I really want?" he whispered, unbuttoning his jeans. "Something that you never would give me."

He sat up, pulling her with him. Grabbing her by the hair, he began to push her down as she cried hysterically.

Cassie began murmuring under her breath. Justin leaned closer.

"Speak up. I didn't quite catch that." He pulled her head back by the hair, closing in on her face. "Care to repeat that little comment?"

Her eyes were closed, tears streaming down her cheeks. In a quiet, little girl voice, she sobbed: "Please, Bill. I promise, I won�t tell anyone. I�ll be good. Just please...please don�t make me do that."

This had a most extraordinary effect on Justin. His head snapped up as if he'd been slapped. He leapt off the bed, barely making it to Cassie's toilet before he began retching violently. After he had emptied the contents of his stomach for the third time, he flushed. After throwing water on his face and gargling with Cassie's mouthwash, he made his way back to the bedroom.Cassie was curled up on the bed, her knees drawn under her chin. She rocked back and forth softly, crying as she hugged herself. Justin went to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, but she shrank from his touch, retreating further against the headboard.

Justin collapsed on the floor on his hands and knees, tears streaming from his eyes.

"Cassie, what did I do? I almost..." The thought of it made him sick, and he had to resist the urge to vomit again. "I can't believe it. I'm such asshole. I was so angry to think that you didn't love me anymore, but you really tried to make things work. I was just stubborn, I couldn't even love what I was right in front of me."

His breath hitched in his throat. "Please, forgive me."

"Justin," Cassie murmured softly, her voice muffled by her knees. "I think it would be best if you leave. We can talk about this tomorrow. Right now, I can�t bear to look at you."

She hugged herself tighter. "Please go away."

"Will you be alright?" he asked, picking himself up off the floor. "I hate to leave you like this."

"You're the reason I'm like this right now." Her words stung, but her voice wasn't harsh. "I'll be fine by myself. Just, please...get out."

Justin zipped up and buttoned his jeans. With one last look at her, he walked out of the room.When Cassie heard the front door close, she began sobbing again.

Ten minutes later, the door bell rang.

"Oh God, WHAT NOW?!" she screamed to the empty room, forcing herself off the bed and towards the door. But when she opened it, she was so relieved to see who it was that she grabbed him fiercely around the waist, clinging to him like a life-line.

Chris Kirkpatrick caught her, carefully shuffling her back into her apartment so he could close the door behind them. "I forgot my jacket," he began, confused, but Cassie shook her head adamantly.

"Don't say anything. All I want is for you to hold me and promise never let go," she sobbed, burying to bury her face in his chest.

"Whatever you want," he whispered, resting his chin on the top of her head.

After several minutes, Chris broke the silence.

"I saw Justin downstairs. He looked pretty blitzed." He looked at her seriously. "Did he cause you any trouble?"

Cassie hesitated, then shook her head.

"Nothing I can't handle." She smiled as she looked into his eyes. "But with you around, I know I can take anything he throws at me."

THE END - Fini
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