“You need to leave” Justin said, “You’re making this a hell of a lot harder than it has to be”
“Just get the girl to sign the contract. Then you’ll be done with it. You won’t have to deal with her or this kid ever again”
“It’s not just a kid dude, he’s my kid”
“You don’t know that”
“Yes I do” Justin said seriously, “If you keep bothering her she’s going to sell the story to some magazine just so you’ll leave her alone about signing it” They were both quiet for a few seconds, “Look, honestly, you need to just let me handle this. And if you don’t I’m going to have to look for a new team”
The men left when they heard Justin threaten to fire them and Justin hoped that would work. Although he disliked those men very much he didn’t want to fire them, but he knew he easily could and they would leave him alone forever. Justin walked slowly to the nursery. He opened the door to see his mother sitting on the floor along with Isabella who had her head resting on his mother’s shoulder and Aidan in her arms. He sat down next to Bella and took a deep breath, throwing his head back, “They’re gone”
“Thank you” Bella said softly
“No, I’m sorry they’re just… I don’t know. They’re not going to come back. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, don’t worry about them, alright?”
“Yeah” Bella said softly
“I think that we need to take you shopping sweetie” Lynn said, hoping that would cheer her up, “You have absolutely nothing up here. You need to get a rocking chair and I want to get him some clothes and a dresser and a better changing table”
“You don’t have to do that”
“We want to” Lynn said with a smile, “We’ll go in a little while alright?”
“Do you want to wait for Vin to come home and he can watch Aidan?” Bella looked over at Justin, “Or we could take two cars”
“No way, don’t worry about that” Lynn answered for her son
“It’s fine” Justin said as he stood up, “I really don’t think anyone is going to think I’m here. And I don’t care if they do. I’m taking my boy shopping”
They spent the day shopping for all things for the baby. Isabella felt like a princess, everything they looked at they bought without even looking at the price tag. The nursery was going to be amazing, and the most comfortable room in the apartment. Aidan had more clothes than she knew what to do with.
Later that night, Bella sat in the nursery unpacking all the clothes and Justin sat at the kitchen table with his mother while cleaning up after dinner.
“How am I supposed to tell her?” Justin asked his mother as he played with the fork in front of him
“You just have to tell her. Just tell her that you love her and you know you’ve been acting weird and just tell her why. Just tell her that you were afraid to tell her because you love her and you don’t want to hurt her and this is it. She’ll understand. She’ll be angry at first but she’ll understand. She loves you”
“Yeah” Justin said softly, “I’m going to go see if Bella needs help” he walked into the nursery and stopped at the door as he watched Bella sitting on the floor folding all the clothes that they bought that day, “Need help?”
“Sure” Bella smiled as Justin sat down next to her, “Thank you so much for everything, you really didn’t have to do all this”
“Yeah, no problem. Stop thanking me” he laughed, “So I’m going… back to LA for a couple days, but I’ll be back”
“Oh. OK”
“I’ll be back I just have to take care of some stuff” Bella nodded her head, “With uh… Christine”
“Are you still dating her?” Justin nodded his head, “What does she think about Aidan?”
“She doesn’t know”
“You didn’t tell her?”
“No, I’m… that’s why I’m going back”
“Oh gosh” she said softly, “Good luck”
“Yeah thanks” Justin let out a chuckle, “I’m scared to death”
“She’s going to dump me, I can feel it”
“Maybe not”
“Would you dump me?”
“Yes” Bella answered honestly causing Justin to laugh, “But that’s because I don’t love you. If she loves you maybe she won’t”
“So if you loved me you wouldn’t?”
“I don’t know” she answered softly as she continued folding the clothes. They sat in silence for a few seconds before she spoke up again, “I didn’t know you were with her. I would have never…”
“It’s not your fault” he broke in, “I take full responsibility”
“I know but still”
“Don’t even think about it” he said sincerely, “My mother is going to stay a little to help you out. I’ll be back; I just have some things I need to take care of”
“OK” Bella nodded her head, “Good luck, seriously. I hope everything works out alright for you”
“Thanks. it will be alright” Justin said as he picked up his son and sat on the chair, “I feel like if she can’t deal with it then too bad. I mean, I have a son. That’s a good thing”
Bella smiled as she looked over at Justin who was unable to keep his eyes off of their son. She was really impressed about the way he was acting, surprised even. She never thought he would even come to see him right away, forget about staying here for a few days. Then he’s planning on coming back, it’s almost too good to be true.
“I’m going to go see how your mother is doing and I’ll leave you alone with him” Bella said softly as she walked into the kitchen to see Justin’s mother washing dishes, “What are you doing? You don’t have to do that, you’re a guest”
“Sweetie, I am here to help you. I’m not your guest”
“Yes, but I don’t want you to have to do all this” Bella said as she grabbed a towel and started to dry the dishes
“It’s not a problem” she smiled, “Where is Justin?”
“Saying goodbye to Aidan”
“Poor boy, he’s so nervous”
“Do you think she’ll break up with him?”
“I don’t know” she shrugged and sat down at the kitchen table, “She’s a nice girl but… I just think that they’re going different places in life”

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