Author's Chapter Notes:
Hey Everyone!! Thank you all so much for the reviews and the congratulations on my wedding!! It was soo sweet and I truly appreciate it!! Well, I hope you like the new chapter!! Enjoy!
I should have known that agreeing to hang out with Justin that one day would be my downfall. I had every intention of that day being the extent of our friendship and certainly the last day that we’d spend together but Justin had other plans. I kid you not, he has been everywhere I have, asking me to hang out, play videogames, go shopping, watch movies…this list could go on forever. My patience is running thin and I’m getting close to giving in or punching him right the fuck out.

Thankfully, it’s already eleven o’clock at night and I’m cuddled into the corner of my couch on the bus. Now, my sweat pant clad legs are tucked underneath my body and I’ve got a blanket wrapped around my arms. I can already feel my body starting to unwind. The show tonight went off without a hitch and I’m so looking forward to the night alone.

Just as I allow myself to relax, I hear my phone vibrate against the table. My eyes practically roll to the back of my head because I already know who it is. Reaching over, I grab it and flip it open.


“I’m bored…” He states so blatantly.

“You called me for the fifth time today to tell me that?” I ask while falling back into my comfy spot.

“I haven’t called you five times today Addison…” Justin denies.

“Oh yes you have…check your call log…five times…”

I can hear him breathing deeply and he’s unwinding just as much as the rest of us from all the adrenaline and excitement of the show. “Ok…well like I said…I’m bored.”

“Well that sounds like a personal problem Justin…”

“Come on Addison…we haven’t even left the arena and I’m already bored…what am I going to do for the next 16 hours?”

“How about bothering some other poor sucker…I’ve already been the target five times today…” I whine…really now he’s starting to interrupt my relaxation.

“All right…well I’m coming over…” Justin states before the line goes dead…

“No…No…Justin??...Justin?” Seriously, now he’s getting dangerously close to getting knocked the fuck out.

I set my phone down against the table and unravel my legs while pulling the blanket up over my body. I’m fully preparing to let myself fall into a coma before he gets here. Maybe if I act dead, he’ll go away. The loud knock and the sudden shifting as he gets on my bus shoots that idea right out the window.

“Seriously, what the fuck does a girl have to do to get rid of you?” I whine while throwing the blankets away from my face.

As my eyes adjust to light, I see that he’s dressed in pajama pants and a plain t-shirt. His face is framed by a thin pair of wired glasses and he looks just about as exhausted as I feel.

“I told you…I still owe you a night of doing whatever you want…and baby I’m here ready and willing…” He starts to joke.

“Sick…” I say with a hint of disgust in my voice. “You have Jessica for that shit…by the way when is she coming to visit? When will I finally get a day alone?” I tease.

“You’d miss me too much…” Justin says before throwing himself against the back of my couch and tugging on the blanket that is secured in my grasp.

“You are out of your mind if you think you can get on my bus, crowd my couch and hog all of my covers.” I say while pulling back on the plush warmth. “Get yourself your own blanket and hop in a bunk because this couch is mine…” I demand while stretching myself out to cover all the open space.

Justin defiantly trudges over to the cabinets and retrieves his own blanket. I’m completely shocked when I hear the loud swish of the curtain to the bunks. Once I know he’s secured in a bunk, I allow myself to relax and fall into the deepest relaxation I’ve ever been in, in a long time.

Remember that voice of reason I was talking about a while ago? You know, the one that should come into play and tell me that I really shouldn’t be sleeping on Addison’s bus because even though my intentions are completely innocent…to most people this wouldn’t be considered in that same realm. I know I should be on my own bus, talking to my girlfriend on the phone and planning her visit soon but I don’t know…something about being with Addison has a calming effect on my body.

Addison brings me a sense of comfort because of the familiarity I share with her and even though she refuses to talk about Memphis…she’s still a reminder of home. I think that’s part of the reason for my attachment to her lately. There’s also the curiosity that is practically consuming my brain with what happened to her…what drove her into this closed off state. Nobody would ever believe that this girl used to run around with everyone in Memphis…laughing all the time and so full of life. Dance was her entire life back then and clearly all the practice and competition has paid off in a big way…but there’s so much about her that’s changed and I’m making it my mission to figure it out.

Rolling over in the bunk, I try to get comfortable in the tight space. I pull the covers up closer to my face and take a deep breath. I lay there silently for a few minutes, hoping sleep would overtake my body…or not. Reaching and pulling the curtain back, I already hop down from the bunk and walk back into living room where Addison is curled up on the couch.

“I can’t sleep in that bunk…”

“And that’s my problem because?” She responds before rolling over to face me.

“Come on…let me have the couch….” I plead and reach for her blankets.

“You touch my blanket again and I will break your hand off…” She snaps with a hint of playfulness in her voice. “There’s a couch over there Justin…and it’s calling your name…this couch on the other hand has called for me and I’ve already answered it.”

“Clever…” I respond while trudging over to the much smaller couch and throw the blankets down before falling into it and allowing my legs to spill over the ends.

“Good night Justin…” Addison says before disappearing underneath the blankets.



Why is it that when I start to feel like my life is on track and that I’m starting to feel comfortable in a situation my parents always find a way to shatter it? It’s like they have a crystal ball at home, watching…always knowing when to fuck with me. That has to be the sole reason for my mom’s call this morning. I can always count on them to steal my sense of security and rip away all trust that I try to build. Why do you think I’m so fucked up as it is?

I shuffle out of my cocoon of blankets and make my way into the back room on my bus, trying not to disturb Justin in the process. “Mom…seriously what is your problem?” I say with anger rising.

“Addison, you’ve been in Los Angeles and touring for almost two years straight…you don’t even bother to come home anymore…not to mention the lack of phone calls…”

The tension is rising in my body and I can feel it creeping up through my shoulders into my neck. I give my shoulders a slight roll while closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. “Do you seriously want to have this conversation, mom?”

“Well it’d be the most I’ve heard from you in weeks…” She says with a huff.

“Whatever mom…give me a fucking break…why can’t you just let me be? If I want to talk to you, I’ll call…If I want to come back to Memphis, I will. But guess what; I don’t want to go back…I don’t feel like calling…why can’t you just let it go?”

“We don’t deserve to be treated this way, Addison Miller…” My mom starts to scold.

“Yeah, well I didn’t deserve to be lied to for eighteen years either and then just be told out of the blue on my birthday because you felt it was the “right time”…Listen, I’m not in the mood to talk about this…I gotta go.” I say, slamming the phone closed and letting my head fall to my hands. Why do they do this to me…why make me relive all of this pain every time? I’m so tired of it…I’m so tired of being reminded. I just want to forget it all…I just want to be left alone…with the one person that I know can never hurt me…myself.

My cell phone is grasped tightly in my hands and my head is resting awkwardly on my fists when a soft knock at the door breaks me from my thoughts.

“Addison…” Justin calls out gently.

“Yeah…I’m fine…sorry if I woke you…” I say before standing up and opening the door. The image before me is one to make me smile despite my terrible mood, Justin’s hair is smashed on one side of his head and his clothes are all twisted around his body.

“Wait a second…is Addison actually apologizing?” He says with a hint of playfulness.

“Don’t get too excited…” I respond while a small smile plays at my lips.

“Are you ok?” He asks with concern.

“Yeah...don’t worry about it. Listen…I’m not really having such a great morning now…and I kind of want to be alone.”

A look of concern washes across Justin’s face before he responds. “What kind of a friend would I be if I left you alone then, Addi? Come on…the bus is pulling into a town…let’s go get some breakfast and if you want to talk…I’m here…if not, that’s ok too.”

My head is practically screaming not to go along with this plan but another part of me wants to reach out to someone…to something…for understanding, for security and mostly for comfort. My shoulders slump forward and I let out a rush of air before nodding my head yes and following in step behind Justin. Maybe just this once…it’s time I let someone be a friend.

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