About Tia &

I have been recieving emails this weekend about the closing of Tia's archive on

I will open registration for new members AFTER I get in touch with Tia. I need to be sure that she is serious about stepping down first. I do not want there to be any confusion between the two archives.

I will need someone who will commit to moderating the archive, as I will not have the free time to do so. But I will continue to pay for the hosting and domain name... that's not a problem anymore.

Please be patient while I try to figure this all out. I want what's best for everybody, no matter if that means keeping things the way they are... or changing it.

Hang in there everyone. :)

Vikki on 08/17/08 - 06:34PM ()

oh, vikki, thank you! talk her out of it, please!

Timberlake on 08/18/08 - 10:44AM

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