Reviews For One Fine Day
Reviewer: Jinx Signed Date: 12/22/06 - 11:57AM Title: One Fine Day

Sweet, cute and to the point.

Reviewer: lroberts Anonymous Date: 08/09/05 - 06:20PM Title: One Fine Day

See, if Justin was my brother's best friend, I woulda jumped him as soon as I hit puberty. Of course, he's not, so I can't, but this is a good story. *goes off to read the next part*

Author's Response: LOL :) yeah, that woulda been the same time i woulda jumped him... Allison has so much more restraint than i do!

Reviewer: Kween Anonymous Date: 08/07/05 - 10:54PM Title: One Fine Day

That was really brave of her. Update soon, pretty please with honey on top.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review -- the second part of series/trilogy/set is called "Dreams" and will be a different story, not another chapter, but it should be up tomorrow, yay!

Reviewer: Kitty Anonymous Date: 08/07/05 - 07:19PM Title: One Fine Day

Hey! Great start so far, the ''loving the brothers best friend'' idea sort of reminds me of me, lol. I can't wait for the next part. and yay i'm 1st to review. Anyways I hope you update soon x

Author's Response: Thanks! Having crushes on your brother's friends is the big perk of brothers...or cousins in my case :)

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