Reviews For What You Wish For
Reviewer: Jessica Signed Date: 08/08/05 - 10:19PM Title: What You Wish For

This was a really well thought out story. I'm looking forward to reading the next one. Thanks for starting with Lance or I never would have read a single one.

Author's Response: thank you! i loved starting the series with lance - he's so much fun to write :)

Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 08/08/05 - 07:31PM Title: What You Wish For

"Face it, Rusty. I AM Story Lance. Your every romantic dream. Uh-huh, baby, right here, fulfilled in me,” he boasted, pointing to himself and nodding. Another great story! He sounded so cocky right there.

Author's Response: i loved being able to give lance a slightly cocky attitude!! :) thanks for the review

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