Reviews For I Try
Reviewer: Jinx Signed Date: 12/22/06 - 12:50PM Title: I Try

cute story and i loved that it didnt drag on.  The ending was very fitting.

Reviewer: justinzgirlkb Anonymous Date: 08/10/05 - 05:41AM Title: I Try

this was so, um yeah, i'd have to agree with hollie about the wild sex thing....;), really.... :)....good job.

Author's Response: hee would be a lot more fun than going straight to college :) thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Kitty Anonymous Date: 08/09/05 - 08:07PM Title: I Try

Yay! I loved the ending especially the last sentence lol I wonder what Justin said to that? Aww just too bad its the end. x

Author's Response: thanks for reviewing! and justin's's completely up to the imagination of the reader *evil grin*

Reviewer: Hollie Anonymous Date: 08/09/05 - 08:01PM Title: I Try

I'd so take the hot and wild sex option *lol*

Author's Response: lol, yes indeed... thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: lroberts Anonymous Date: 08/09/05 - 07:00PM Title: I Try

OMIGOD! I can only imagine Justin's face after that last sentance. Allison be all growed up. Anyways, YAY! Thank gawd. If they didn't hook up, I think I would have died. Yay for sickeningly sweet stories that we all love to read!

Author's Response: thanks! honestly, sometimes it's all about reading the sweet stories with happy endings :)

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