Don't Wanna Try by QueenofSweet

Summary: After Justin breaks up with this long-time girlfriend Hollie, he comes crawling back when he can't go on without her. Will she wanna give their relationship another try?
Rating: PG starstarstarstar
Categories: Short Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Published: 05/12/04
Updated: 05/12/04

Don't Wanna Try by QueenofSweet
Chapter 1: Don't Wanna Try
Author's Notes:

"Don't Wanna Try"
](oooo)...don't wanna try, don't wanna try (try try)
(oooo)..don't wanna try no more
(ooo)..don't wanna try, don't wanna try, don't wanna try

Hollie sat in the drivers seat of her car, that stop a top a hill, over looking the beautiful ocean. Her blonde hair whipped around her face as the wind blew threw the open window. She slowly closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, willing the tears that threatened to fall to go away. All she could think about was the most painful experience of her life. And that pain never failed to shake her to the core.

She started her car and reversed off the hill and started to drive back home.

The memories were still fresh and clear in her mind. And they drifted her back to what had happen, only months ago.


I can't believe you had the nerve to say the things you said
They hurt so bad that they ended our relationship

"Justin.. please stop. You don't mean that," Hollie cried, desperately hoping the words that were pouring out of her boyfriends mouth were hurtful lies.

Justin turned around and stared at her. "I mean it Hollie. This relationship means nothing to me! And all the things that we ever did were worthless."

I can't believe it ..4 years go down the drain
Oh how I wish things would of happened so differently
I tried to save it so many times but you still couldn't see
You kept insistin' and resistin' that you would not fall again

"Four years Justin! You just wanna throw that away?!" Hollie screamed, pain breaking every part of her. It was screaming to be let out. Her naturally blue eyes turned a violent shade of green. Noting her anger and pain.

"Yes. So what Hollie! Four years is nothing!" Justin yelled back, now standing just an inch away from her.

"It was everything," she said softly. "It still is everything. Please.. we can work it out," she pleaded desperately.

"No Hollie. It's over." And with those words said, Justin walked away from her.


Hollie sighed softly as she got out of her car, which was now parked in the driveway of her small yet, beautiful house. Walking up to the door with her keys in hand, she was shocked to see the door open. Swallowing the lump in her throat she walked in. "Is there anyone here?" she asked shakily, picking up a bat that was placed just near the door.

Sniffles could be heard from the lounge room.

She slowly inched her way into the room. Gasping at the figure sitting on the couch, she dropped the bat. "Justin?" she whispered, all the air leaving her lungs.

Justin was sitting on the couch, crying into his hands. His shoulders were shaking as he looked up at her.

Tears fell from Hollies eyes. "What are you doing here?

And now you tryin' to tell me that your sorry
And your tryin' to come back home
Your tellin' me you really need me crying beggin both knees are on the floor
But baby I

Justin got down on the ground on his knees and wrapped his arms around her legs. "I'm so sorry Hollie!" He sniffled. "Please.. I need you. Take me back."

Hollie stumbled back a bit. Shocked that he would do this. "Justin. Don't do this. Not now. It's too late." She tried desperately to get his hands off her.

Don't wanna try, don't wanna try, don't wanna try no more
You keep insisting when you know our love is out the door
Don't wanna try, don't wanna try, cuz all we do is fight and say the things
I hurt you bad to when we both begin to cry
Don't wanna try, don't wanna try, I 'bout just had enough its been a rough road
Baby just let it go
Don't wanna try, don't wanna try, don't wanna try no more
Tell me whats the use of holdin' on when all we do is hurt our love

They both had tried to hurt each other. But Hollie didn't do and say some of the things Justin had did.

"Just let go Justin!" Hollie screamed, breaking away from him.

He looked up at her with pain in his eyes. "Hols.."

Her breathing begun to grow heavy. "Don't call me that. Never call me that Justin! Never!"

"Please.." his voice was strained. His whole body shook with sobs. His fingers ached to touch her as he held them out. "We've been through so much together Hollie. Don't you remember?"

Hollie shook her head and closed her eyes.


[Verse 2]
You and I had many conversations on the telephone
Talks about one day we having a place of our own
Wake up in the morning and have breakfast ready on the table

"Good morning sweetheart." Justin smiled at Hollie as she strolled into the kitchen.

Her blonde hair was thrown into a messy bun, and the baggy shirt she wore, which was Justins, fell off her shoulders. Her eyes sparkled as a smile formed on her face. "You made breakfast!"

Justin grinned (you know that crooked grin..that's the one) and ran his hand over his re-growing hair. "I did. And I hope you like it."

She sat down and picked up her fork. "You didn't put rat poison in it did you?" she giggled.

"No!" Justin laughed and pulled up a seat next to her. "Do we even have rat poison?"

Hollie smiled as he dropped a kiss on her cheek.

"I love you Hols," Justin whispered softly in her ear, sending chills down her spine.

She took a few quick bites of her breakfast and dropped the fork, before turning to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you too."

Justin moved forward and pressed his lips to the birthmark on her shoulder before kissing up her neck. His fingers danced on her back as his lips found hers. Their kissed were soft and sweet, before Hollie deepened the kiss as she moved to sit on his lap.

End flashback

But all of that just seems so far away from me
Had to wake up face reality
It all just seem to good to be true after all you put me through

She re-opened her eyes and looked at him. "It's all in the past Justin. It still hurts, but everyday I wake up and face it."

Justin stood up and walked over to her.

Hollie stood still watching his every move.

"Don't you love me?" His voice was soft. He looked into her eyes.

"I did. And a part of me will always love you J. But we are just gonna end up constantly hurting each other. I just don't wanna try anymore." She placed her hand on his cheek and he immediately grabbed it, holding it close. "I'm sorry."

Justins heart broke as he looked at her. "I'll always love you." He moved his hand as she did and took one last look at her, before walking out, again.

Hollie fell to the ground, emotionally drained. She breathed in deeply. "I'm sorry J..I just didn't wanna try anymore."

[..fading into beat]
(don't wanna try, don't wanna try)
(don't wanna try no more)
(don't wanna try, don't wanna try..oo)

(don't wanna try, don't wanna try)
(don't wanna try no more)
(don't wanna try, dont wanna try, don't wanna try no more ooo)

Song written by F. Bautista

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.

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