Hours by SassyShortShyt

Summary: Katie Kirkpatricks' life is about to be turned upside down with the death of her older sister. Can the blooming friendship of one guy help ease her pain?
Rating: PG-13 starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Long Stories
Characters: Group
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: adult language
Challenges: None
Series: None
Published: 07/30/04
Updated: 07/30/04

Hours by SassyShortShyt
Chapter 1: heartbreak
Author's Notes:

12 hours. It’s been 12 hours since she had received the phone call. It had been 12 hours since the phone had gotten her out of bed. It had been 12 hours since she received the awful news. It had been 12 hours since she had started praying, hoping, wishing. Now, 12 hours later here she was, waiting in the hospital waiting room, waiting for news on her best friend. Her big sister.

She lifted her head, and looked around the room. Her mother was sitting in the corner, comforting her younger sisters. She looked at Emily, the older of the two, who was wearing the same expression she was sure she was. Worry. Hope. Sadness. And grief. Her older brother was pacing the floor, as his four friends, her other ‘brothers’ sat to the side, not knowing how to act. Her eyes traveled to JC, and her heart broke again at the look on his face. JC and Molly had been dating, un-known to the public. They have been together for a little over 4 years now. His expression worried her. He was just staring at the wall across from him, no emotion on his face. The clock on the wall was slowly ticking, as the minutes painfully slowly changed.

“ What is taking so damn long?” Kate looked up to see her brother continue to pace.

“ Chris?” Kate’s weak voice surprised her. Chris looked over at her, and she instantly felt tears come, as she saw the tears well up in Chris’s eyes. She stood up and walked into his arms. She felt his arms wrap around her, and she instantly felt safer.

“ She’s going to be ok? Right?” Kate asked as tears fell down her cheeks, and landed on Chris’s shirt. He didn’t answer. “Right?” she asked again.

“ I dunno, Katie. I dunno.”


It was a little over an hour later, and Katie sat in the cafeteria, lost in her thoughts.


2 weeks earlier…

“ I’m coming! Hold your horses!” Kate yelled frustrated as she walked into her house to here the phone ringing. Her arms were full of groceries, and her gym bag was falling off her shoulders. She quickly sat the groceries on the kitchen table, then dropped her gym bag on the floor, then raced for the phone in the living room.

“ Hello?” She answered breathlessly.

“I’m getting MARRIED!!!” she heard a squeal on the other side of the phone, and instantly knew who it was.

“ What?” She was sure her jaw was on the floor.

“ Josh proposed!!! I’m getting married!” A smile lit Kate’s face as she began squealing with her sister over the phone.

~~~End Flashback~~~

Kate smiled at the memory. That night her and Molly had talked on the phone for hours. Just talking. She sighed as she took a sip of her coffee.


The mourning of the accident…

Kate walked into the casual restaurant, looking for her sister. It was their annual lunch-in. Every first of the month the two met at a casual deli. She looked towards the back, and saw Molly sitting in their regular table. She walked over to the table and sat down across from her.

“ Let me see the ring!” Kate told her older sister. Molly’s face beamed as she showed her sister her left hand. Kate took her sister’s hand in her own, and looked up at her with a sad smile.

“ What? Is something wrong with it?” Molly asked frantically.

“No.” Kate answered weakly.

“ Then what’s wrong?”

“ You’re getting married. And I’m just so happy for you. I mean my older sister is getting married.” Kate said, with a smile gracing her features.

“Well not tomorrow.” Molly smiled.

“Yeah not tomorrow. Have you guys set a date yet?” Kate asked as she let go of her sister’s hand.

“ Well, we were thinking of a summer wedding. Cause, that’s the only time the guys will have more than like a month off.” Molly explained.

“A SUMMER WEDDING? Oh my God! That’s like 6 months away. We need to get your dress, and the tuxes, the flower arrangements, the rehearsal dinner set up, a Dj, a-”

“ Your maid-of-honor dress.” Molly interrupted her sister. Kate stopped her rambling.

“You want me to be your maid of honor?”

“Well duh! You‘re my sister, and I love you. Why wouldn’t it be you? Will you?”

“I love you too. And I’d be more than honored to be your maid-of-honor. Who is the best man? It’s not Chris right. Cause, knowing him, he’d trip me.” Kate said with a straight face. Molly chuckled.

“You’re right. He would. But, no, he’s not. I’m actually going ask him to give me away.”

“ Aww.that’s so sweet. But, back to my first question. Who’s Jace picking for the Best man gig?” Kate asked.

“ I think he was going to ask Tyler, but then again he could ask Justin.”

“Oh. Two cuties. Definently good choices.”

“ We need to find you a man!”

“Oh! No, no, no, and no. The last time I let you hook me up with someone, it was a DIASATER!!!” Kate said with wide eyes.

“It wasn’t that bad.” Molly said as she tried to keep herself from laughing.

“ You‘re telling me, a man who could of passed for a hairy ape wasn’t bad?” Kate asked her. Molly couldn’t hold it anymore and busted out laughing, causing Kate to join in with her.

~~~ End Flashback ~~~

Kate felt tears well up in her eyes. That was the last time she had spoken to her since the accident.


13 hours earlier…

: Ring, Ring:

Kate snuggled deeper into her pillow, wishing for the phone to stop ringing.

: Ring, Ring:

She sighed, as she reached for the phone. “You better have a good damn reason for calling me this late.” the other line was silent. “Hello?”


“Chris? Why are you calling me this late -”

“Molz was in an accident.” Kate sat straight up.


“It doesn’t look good Katie.”

“I’m on my way.” 2 minutes later, Kate was in her car, and on her way to the hospital.

~~~ End Flashback ~~~

Kate felt tears fall at the memory of the phone call. She had gotten the news that her sister was hit by a drunk driver, head on. She was pulled from her thoughts when she felt a hand be placed on her shoulder. She looked up and saw JC standing above her.

“She’s out of surgery. She’s asking for you.” that was all Kate needed to hear, before she was running down the hallway, toward the elevators. A few minutes later she reached the floor she wanted, and ran down the hallway, till she saw everyone in the waiting room. Well, everyone except her mother, Chris, and her sisters. She looked over at Lance, and he pointed down the hallway. She immediately began running again. She ran down the hallway, till she saw Chris leaning against the wall, his head down. Emily standing next to him. She stopped. Chris looked up at her, and she could see the tears streaming down his cheeks.

“Go.” Was all Chris told her. She nodded, and walked into Molly’s room. She saw her mom, sitting in a chair by Molly’s bed, crying, Taylor standing next to her, crying also. Her mom and sister looked up and saw her standing in the doorway. They silently got up, and left the room. On her way out, Bev placed a hand on Kate’s shoulder. Kate stood in the doorway for a minute, afraid to step in, and believe that her sister, her best friend, was lying in that bed.

She slowly made her way over to her sisters’ bed. Trying to hold back the tears that were willing to fall. She sat down in the chair, which her mother had occupied not even minutes before. She looked at her sister lying in the bed, and felt tears fall down her cheeks. She lifted her hand, and placed it on Molly’s cheek. She watched as her eyes weakly fluttered open.

“Hi.” Molly’s voice was weak and hoarse; it brought more tears to Kate’s eyes.

“Hi.” It was the only thing she could think of to say at that moment. “You really scared me, you know that right?”

“I’m sorry.” Molly took a deep breath, and squeezed her eyes shut as pain went through her body.

“Shh…don’t talk. I know it hurts. But, you‘re going to get better. We have a wedding to plan.” tears fell down her cheeks. She looked at her sister, and saw tears fill her eyes. She gently shook her head.

“I’m not going to make it T. They need me up there.”

“No. You are going to make it. I need you here. Do you hear me? Don’t leave me Le. Please don‘t leave me.”

“ I love you lil’ sis.”

“NO! Molz! Don’t! I need you!”

“Take care of Josh for me.”

“Why? You can do that. Cause, you’re not leaving me. You hear me. You’re not.”

“I’m not leaving you Katie. I’ll always be watching you.”

“ Molly no! I need you. I love you. Please.”

“ Bye.”

“Molly. Stop talking like that. You’re going to be fine.” All she got in return was the a long beep, telling her, her sister, her best friend, her dependent, was gone.

“MOLLY!!! NOOOOO!!! WAKE UP!!!” Kate screamed, as she started shaking her. Nurses and doctors flew in the room, followed by Chris. Chris walked over and pulled Kate off of Molly, and held her in his arms, as the nurses unhooked the machines, and the doctor called her T.O.D. ( Time Of Death)

“Let me go Chris! Molly! Come back!” Kate beat against Chris, as she tried to get him to let go.

“Shh. It’s going to be ok.” Chris tried to sooth his baby sister, as she fought against him.

“Molly! Come back! Do something!” she turned to the doctor’s, still fighting against Chris’s strong hold. “ Save her! Bring her back! Please! Save her! Please! Do something.”

“I’m sorry.” the doctor said, “ There’s nothing we can do.”

“Yes. There has to be. Please, just save my big sister. Please. We have to plan her wedding. I’m the maid-of-honor, just please. Save her.” Kate cried. She finally let down her fight against Chris, and broke down into his chest, as the nurses covered Molly’s body with a white sheet.

Kate sobbed into Chris’ chest, as he rubbed her back, and held her in his arms. He soon let the tears take over, and began to sob. A few minutes later they felt three sets of arms wrap around them, and instantly let them in on their hug. The remaining members of the Kirkpatrick family all cried together in that room. The room that held the last moments of the oldest sister, and daughter of their family. The room that held her last breaths, her last words, and her goodbyes to her loved ones. A few minutes later, Kate broke out of the hug, and ran out of the room. She ran down to the waiting room. She stood outside the door, and watched the guys. They didn’t know yet. She opened the door. All eyes looked at her. She walked over to JC. She looked at him, and shook her head, as tears freely fell from her eyes.

“No.” the words escaped from his lips as a whisper. “ No.” he repeated a little louder than the last, but still low. Kate watched as he fell to the floor, his head in his hands, as he sobbed. She fell down next to him, and took her into his arms, and continued to sob with him. Her sister, his fiancée, was gone, all because one person made the decision to get behind the wheel drunk. And, Kate was going to make sure that, that person paid for taking away her sister.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.

This story archived at http://www.nsyncfiction.net/archive/viewstory.php?sid=2689