Operation: Off With The Devil Horns by fauxami

Summary: You probably witnessed during 2001 when Chris Kirkpatrick let his face grace that beard in the shape of horns. Well this is a dark comedy in which two teenage girls decide to take action into their own hands... Written by Gina and Rod.
Rating: PG-13 starstarstarstarhalf-star
Categories: Long Stories
Characters: Other, TimberTrick, Unknown
Genres: Comedy
Warnings: adult language
Challenges: None
Series: None
Published: 09/26/04
Updated: 09/26/04

Operation: Off With The Devil Horns by fauxami
Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Author's Notes:

Disclaimer: This is a humour story. If you are offended because we pick on the nsyncer. Remember this, this is only for entertainment. We love the guys as much as you do. But if you still don’t like the idea of your ideal 'nsyncer being teased, then I suggest you to leave.

To all of the viewers, we want to let you know this idea sprung one day and didn’t wanted to leave us alone. If only this could be true.

Please do not try this at home. Without further ado, here’s our piece titled:

Operation: Off With the Devil Horns

Written by Gina and Rod

17 year old twin sisters Gina and Rod were hanging around their Orlando house one night. They were staring at a few NSYNC magazines in their bedroom and making jokes.

Gina: Look at this pic! Lance is SO hugging JC!

Rod: Let me see!

Gina: Oh, that one's nothing! Chris looks extremely slash in this picture!

*One of their younger sisters, 14 year old Chrissy, comes into their bedroom*

Chrissy: Hiya!

Gina: Hey Chrissy.

Rod: Hey girl. What's up? Where is everybody?

Chrissy: Nothing. Just making dinner with Niki and Momma. Skye is watching TV with Rachel. What's that you got there, Gina?

Gina: Nothing, just an NSYNC magazine. We're playing a game.

Chrissy: What kind of a game?

Rod: We have to see which NSYNCer looks the slashiest!

Chrissy: *her face lights up* Let me play!

*10 minutes later. Their mother, Momma Isolde, comes into the bedroom, followed by their other sisters Skye and Niki*

Momma Isolde: What's going on in here? Dinner is almost ready!

Rod: Nothing, we're just playing a game.

Gina: An NSYNC game. It's called 'Which NSYNC-er looks the slashiest?'

Skye: Sounds fun!

Niki: Let me in on it!

Rod: Fine by me.

Momma Isolde: Me too! But I hope there's no making fun of Chris. You know we worship Chris in this house!

Niki: I know. We all love Chris. Why do we worship Chris anyway?

Momma Isolde: *wistfully* He was my first boyfriend...

Chrissy: You went out with CHRIS KIRKPATRICK from NSYNC?!

Momma Isolde: Did I let that slip? Oops...oh well.

Skye: Tell us more!

Momma Isolde: Well, I met him after high school. We had lots of fun together...at least I had lots of fun. He seemed to be a bit afraid of me.

*The girls look shocked for a moment*

Momma Isolde: Then he got an idea to start NSYNC. We drifted apart, I guess. But I never forgot him.

*A voice is suddenly heard from downstairs. The youngest daughter is shouting*

Rachel: Something smells weird down here!

Momma Isolde: Will someone please check on her?

*Chrissy and Niki run downstairs. A minute later, there's more screaming*


Niki: Something's burning!

Chrissy: Rachel, stay away from the stove!

Momma Isolde: Oh dear. I better go check on them. Then, I'll drive you to volleyball practice, ok Skye?

Skye: Ok, I'll go get ready!

*Momma Isolde and Skye leave the room. Gina and Rod are now alone. They continue to look through magazines**

*Suddenly, Rod gasped and threw a single magazine across the room.*

Rod: Oh my gosh, Gina!

*Gina looks around stupidly*

Gina: Huh?! What is it? Did you swallow your gum?!

*Rod sighs*

Rod: NO GINA! The NSYNC magazine over there! Look what Chris Kirkpatrick has done to himself!

*Gina walks over to the magazine and picks it up. She flips through it and sees an NSYNC picture. Chris is in the picture with those dreaded DEVIL HORNS hanging from his chin*

Gina: Ugh, not those horns again.

Rod: Exactly. Who in their right mind would do such a thing to himself?

Gina: *shrugs* I dunno. Those horns must have a purpose, besides making me nauseous.

Rod: Yeah, let's just...wait a minute.

*Rod rubs her hands together*

Gina: Oh! You got an idea! C'mon, let's hear it!

Rod: Ok, we live in Orlando, right?

Gina: Uh....yeah, last time I checked.

Rod: And Chris lives in Orlando too, right?

Gina: I guess...

Rod: So, I was thinking...you wanna shave off those atrocious devil horns ourselves??

Gina: WHAT?! We promised Momma we wouldn't start trouble again! I mean, we WERE just arrested a month ago. Remember that incident with the police officer down at the mall...?

Rod: That wasn't our fault. We were "framed", remember?

Gina: Oh. Right. At least that's what the officers believed...

Rod: But if we end up in prison, we'll end up seeing our good friend Big Joe again. I wonder if he got out of jail yet.

Gina: *smiles* Oh, I'd like to see Big Joe! We haven't seen him since we ended up in the slammer a few months ago when we tried to steal that car.

Rod: That was one awesome car. But anyway, cutting off those devil horns is for a good cause! No one will find out!

Gina: You better be right.

Rod: When should all this take place?

Gina: The sooner, the better.

Rod: Tomorrow, then.


Rod: Yeah, why not?

Gina: Yikes. In that case, we have a lot of planning to do!

*The girls laugh. Then they plan what to do for their mission*

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.

This story archived at http://www.nsyncfiction.net/archive/viewstory.php?sid=3882