Still On My Brain by JustinsGurl83

Number of reviews: 14
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Chapter 11

Later that night in bed Jen and Justin are just enjoying

eachother's company.

" I'm never letting you go agian Jen" he says while he has his

arms around her.

" Well don't let me go J"

" Jen you're coming to see my family with me next week right"

" Yes I am"

Next week

" Hi mom" Justin says

" Hi sweetie how are you"

" I'm great"

" Hi Lynn" Jen says and gives her a hug

'' So now your back together for good"

" Yes we are" Justin says

" So Jen how's your job going?"

" it's going great"

A couple of days later while Jen is sitting in her office the phone


" Hi Kara what's up

" Want to meet me for lunch?"

" Sure"

At the resteraunt

" So how are things with Justin going"

" great"

" How's the sex"

" Kara how dare you aske me that"

" What it's just a question"

'' Okay fine we've done it in every room of the house"

" really Justin must be happy"

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