Still On My Brain by JustinsGurl83

Number of reviews: 14
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Chapter 13

Jen just looked at him and shock.

" What"?

" marry me Jen" he says and opens the box and shows her the


" Yes Justin I will marry you" she says and kisses him

" I love you Jen" he says as he slips the ring on her ring finger.

" I love you too Justin" as she says this Justin picks her up and

starts to carry upstaris into there bedroom.

" Justin what are you doing"

" taking my future wife upstairs to make love to her"

After they finish making love Jen says rolls over and lays her head

on Justin's bare chest and says " I love you"

" I love too" he says and kisses her

" J do you think it was love at first sight when we met?"

" Yes I do because if I didn't bump into you in high school I would

have never met my soulmate"

The next day at work Jen is sitting in her office working then

Kara comes in

" So Jen how was your Valentines Day"

" Fine Justin and I had dinner and made love all night"

" Aww that's so romantic"

" Yea my best Valentines ever"

" Jen why are you hiding your other hand?"

" I'm not "

Then Kara grabs her hand from behind her desk and sees the


" Jen what is this ring on your finger"

" It's nothing really" she said and tries to take her hand back

" Jen oh my god Justin proposed to you"

" Yes we are getting married"

" Congarts Jen" she says and gives her a hug

" Thanks we have not set a date yet"

A couple of days later Jen has been throwing up alot and goes to

the doctor.

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