Still On My Brain by JustinsGurl83

Number of reviews: 14
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Chapter 18

In the Studio

While Justin is recording his cellphone rings.

" Hello"

" Justin it's Kara Jen's in the hosptial"

" Is she okay

" I don't know

" okay I am on my way"

When Justin gets to the hospital he sees a nurse at the desk and

she tells him where Jen is.

When he gets into Jen's room she is awake

" Justin thank god your'e here"

" I'm glad you're okay" he says and kisses her on the forehead.

" What happend"

" I fanited" she says as he grabs her hand.

A couple of minutes later Dr. Lockheart comes and says

" I have some bad news Jen"

" Oh god what is" Jen says

" Jen you had a miscarriage"

" What" Jen says dumbfolded

" You lost your baby i'm sorry" Dr Lockheart says and leaves the


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