Still On My Brain by JustinsGurl83

Number of reviews: 14
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Chapter 5

Two days later Jen and Justin have a picnic in the park.

"So Jen how long have you been here in Cali?"

"five years"

" Wow I just brought a house here two years ago"

" How was your world tour"

" It was great espically seeing Christina Aguilera for three months"

" I caught both of your shows at Staples Center one night and

I loved it"

" Thanks Jen"

" So how is your realtionship with Cameron going?"

" It's not that serious yet we have only been dating fo four months"

" Oh my last realtionship lasted 8 months"

" Jen your beautiful and loving person" he said

" Thanks J" she said blushing

'' All the guys that broke up with you are crazy Jen"

" And Britney Spears is crazy for cheating on you"

There was a slience between the two.

" Well J I have to go but call me ok" she said walking out the door

" Ok bye Jen" he said watching her get in her car.

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