Still On My Brain by JustinsGurl83

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Chapter 6

Three months later

Cameron says to Justin one day you have to stop seeing Jen

"Why" he says

" Because you always spend time with her"

" I will not stop seeing her "

" Why because you are in love with her"

" What"

" I said are you in love with her"

Justin stood there silent

" That's what I thought Justin"

" Fine you want the truth Cam I am in love with her I have been

in love with her ever since I ran back into her okay"

" Fine then were over goodbye Justin" she says and kisses him

on the cheek.

" Go get the woman you love"

" Thanks Cameron" he says as he drives away to Jen's apartment

When he gets there Jen answers the door.

"Hi J"

" Hi Jen"

" What's the matter J"

" Cam and I broke up"

" Why I thought things were going great"

" Well I fell in love with another girl"

" oh who is she"?

" Um well it's you"

" What"

" I'm In love with you Jen"

" Justin I" she says and he leans in to her and kisses her

" Justin I get out"

" What"

" I said get out"

" Fine he says yelling at her and walking out the door.

Later on Kara comes in and says

" What's wrong Jen?"

" Justin's in love with me"

" And what did you say"

" nothing i told him to get out"

" Jen why did you say that"

" Because I was confused"

" Are you still"

" No I I'm in love with him"

" Then go to him and tell him"

" I will" she said waking out the door and driving to Justin's house

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