Still On My Brain by JustinsGurl83

Number of reviews: 14
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Chapter 8

Eight months later

Jen and Justin's realtionship has been going great. They went to

Tennesse to visit there families. They also went on a trip to

London England together. Now Justin has a question to ask Jen.

While they are sitting looking at pictures of when they were

younger on the couch.

" Jen can I ask you something?"

" Sure"

" Well will you move in with me?"

Jen thought for a moment and finally came out with an answer.

" Yes I will" she said and kisses him.

Just then there is a knock on the door. Justin answers it and it's


" Cameron what are you doing here"

" I have something to tell you J"

" Well what is it?"

" I'm peregant"

" What are you sure" he says

"Yea and it's yours"

Just then Jen walks in and says to Justin

" It's over for good this time goodbye" she says and leaves

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