Cattlelot by Bassra

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Author's Notes:
This was a little short story I created for my English class assignment back in 2000 - so it's an early piece of work! Bare with me here :)
As the early morning sun streamed through the cottage window, little birds were perched on the windowsill singing their song. I woke up to a beautiful morning. I believed that today is going to be a pleasant day. My hopes and beliefs were high and my sadness and anger were gone. I got changed and headed to the kitchen.

“Morning father, morning mother,” I greeted my parents. “Morning A.J.,” I said to my pug.

“Morning Vanessa,” my parents replied as I sat down.

After breakfast, I went of to do my daily chores with A.J. by my side. I weeded the garden, feed the chickens, collected the eggs and I started on my way into the forest to collect firewood for this evening’s fire.

On my travels, A.J. wandered off, so I went to follow him, just in case he wouldn’t get lost. I caught up to A.J. and was just about to turn around to head back when I suddenly fell down the side of a steep hill. The last thing I remember is my head hit the ground really hard and every thing went black.

I woke to find myself in a grand bedroom, with a high ceiling, windows and curtains that seemed to go on forever. Deep reds and deep blues coloured the room. I sat up and gazed around when I heard a knock on the door.

“Come in,” I responded to the knocks.

“I just came in to see how you are feeling, miss” replied a handsome young man with the greenest of green eyes and golden spiked hair.

“I think I am alright. Can you tell me where I am sir?” I asked him.

“Surely. You are in the castle of King Joshua II, at Cattlelot,” replied the man. “I’m so sorry… I didn’t introduce myself, I am Prince Lansten of Cattlelot… and you are?”

“Prince Lansten…” I started.

“Please, Lance,” he said.

“Prince Lance,” I began again, “My name is Vanessa.”

“Please to meet you Vanessa.” Lance replied politely.

“Umm, Prince Lance,” I said.

“Yes, Vanessa,” he replied.

“Can you tell me how I got here?” I asked him.

“Sure,” he replied. “I was going past on my horse when I saw you fall down the hill and hit your head. I quickly hopped off my horse to check if you were okay. You had blacked out, so I put you on my horse and brought you here for a bit of tender loving care. I left you for about 3 hours or so, came back and that is when you woke up.”

“I have to get back home! Where is A.J.?” I asked.

“A.J.” he asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

“My pug,” I replied.

“Oh, he is right here.” He walked over to the door, opened it and in ran A.J.

“I must go home. My parents are probably worried sick!” I said again. I hopped up and just about to walk when I had a major head spin and collapsed into Lance’s arms.

“You can’t go home yet,” he assured me. He brushed back my golden hair and stared in my blue eyes. I stared back. A bark from A.J. broke the stare.

He carried me over to the bed and placed me down and told me to get some rest and he walked out of the room. A few minutes later, a servant came in carrying a tray with a piece of cake, a pot of tea with a cup of milk, a bowl of sugar cubes, and a tea cup. She set the tray down on the table.

“Prince Lansten has requested you to have some cake and a cup of tea. Would you like anything else, my lady?” the servant asked.

“No thank you. I am fine.” I replied.

She left the room and I slowly headed for the table. I took my time drinking the tea, but in no time at all the piece of cake was gone. I sat there staring out the window. I watched the clouds go by, the rolling hill flow and the birds fly past. A.J. stood up and trotted over to lay himself at my feet only to be disturbed by more knocks on the door.

“Come in.” I responded.

“How are you doing Vanessa?” Lance asked as he walked over to me.

“Better,” I replied.

Lance sat down on the other chair. A.J. stood up and sat at Lance’s feet. A small giggle escaped my mouth. We looked at each other and we laughed. A few hours past as we told each other about our lives.

“I have to be getting home now,” I said.

“Meet me at the bottom of the stairs and I shall personally take you home.” He got up in one quick movement and went out of the room.

I greeted him at the bottom of the stairs with A.J. in my arms. He took me outside where one of his servants was holding a horse for him. We hopped on and set off into the sunset.

We arrived at my house. I invited him in to meet my parents. We all talked and laughed for about half an hour. As I walked him to his horse a long silence came over us.

“Thanks for helping me.” I said.

“Well it was a gentleman’s thing to do.” He was playing with the horse reins.

“Maybe, we’ll meet again.”

“I hope so.” He reached for my hand, picked it up and kissed the back of my hand. He gazed up at me and left his lips lingering millimeters from my hand. The gap between us closed in until there was no space between us. He lowered his head and kissed me on the lips. It was slow, yet passionate.

Before I knew what happened, he mounted his horse and looked back at me. “We shall meet again, my dear Vanessa.” With that, he rode off into the dark night.

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