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It's TIME, NF! o/ 

I don't know about y'all but MY BODY IS READY for more Nsync-fiction. I know we're all a little (a lot) rusty, but we want to prime those pumps for our first big challenge of the year, AWESOME AUGUST! So, let's have a fun, low pressure event to kick off the summer and get some new stories on the archive. 



The one-shot challenge is just that... one shot. One scene, one complete story (or a grouping of stories). Max of 1000 words- no EPIC long tales, here. Stories must be complete when posted. You can have several chapters if you need them, but the point is to keep it short, nice and easy. 

Post as many as you like! Remember to:

1. Abide by the #1 rule at NF- This is NSYNC fiction, so stories must center at least one member of NSYNC

2. Add your story to this challenge so they're grouped together.

3. Read other stories and leave an encouraging comment- let authors know you're reading them and enjoy their stories.

4. Let us know when you've posted by tagging us at @nsyncfiction on twitter, facebook or instagram (also follow/friend us because we're cool).  

 *Begin posting stories June 1!

This challenge runs thru July 15th so that we have a little break before Awesome August. *

Categories: Challenges, Group Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass