A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

A lot of writers have expressed a desire to jump back into the fanfic world since the reappearance of our fave Fab Five. :) So here's a little something to put some AH! in your step! 

POP!Tober is an *NSYNC Fiction writing challenge that runs from October 1-31.  It is short, COMPLETE, stories that POP! 


Categories: Challenges, Group, Completed Het Stories, Complete Slash Stories Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass
Summary: So, there are a lot of superhero movies out and i just read the crunked series. All i ask is for a superhero story with at least one member of nsync with the powers or gifts. I personally prefer jc as the lead, but if its comedic, im all good for any of the guys. 1. More than 1000 words 2. One or more guys of nsync being a superhero or having super powers 3. Can have love interest 4. No nc-17 please. 5. Have fun with it.
Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

For February, we will be having a Valentine’s Day Challenge. 

Very simply, the challenge will be to write romance and post on February 14th. 

To participate, you may post a fully completed short story OR post a chapter update of a story you are currently working on – as long as the chapter focuses on some sort of love/romance.  The purpose of this challenge is to encourage writing new stories and updating current ones.  When posting, be sure to respond to the challenge so that we can keep track of everyone that participated. 

Happy writing!

Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

It's time for the 4th annual NF Secret Santa Story Exchange!  For this Exchange, you fill out a survey to express your preferences on how you'd like a story to be written for you.  In return, you also agree to write a story for someone else based on their preferences.   

As a writer, you agree to:

1.        Complete the story assigned in no fewer than 1,000 words

2.       Have it completed and posted on-time!  Due dates are December 20th - December 31st. 

3.       In the summary include “For my Secret Santa, _____” with their given penname

4.       Click “Respond to Challenge” and add your story this challenge’s list

Secret Santas are to remain anonymous until the story is posted!  They will be chosen at random and are divided according to preferences. 

Make sure to add to your contacts so you receive all relevant e-mails!

Happy Holidays! 

Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

Everyone seemed excited for new challenge so here is the Fall Into Fall 2012 Challenge!  This Challenge will run through the month of October.  Each writer will choose one day during the month as their own to post their story.  October 17th is Chris Kirkpatrick's birthday so any and all Chris lovers are welcome to choose that day. 

You can write any genre of story as long as it includes at least one *NSYNC member as a main character.  Stories should be at least 1,000 words and must be completed by the start of the day your posting day.   

To join the challenge, pick the day you'd like and e-mail with your pennname and the date of your choice.  On your posting day visit this challenge posting and choose "Respond to the Challenge" to link your story to the challenge postings. 

Happy writing! 

Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

drabble is an extremely short work of fiction...the purpose of the drabble is brevity, testing the author's ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in an extremely confined space. 

I'm proposing an on-going drabble challenge. Short, SHORT stories, 100 to 1000 words, any genre, featuring any member that is an *NSYNCer. Crossovers okay, slash okay, AU A-OKAY. Anything goes, so long as the story is shorter than 1000 words and stars an *NSYNCer in a major role.

The purpose of this challenge is just to encourage writing on a regular basis, to expand our minds past the 86 chapter story, to revisit visuals and short snippets of work. We get better by writing and writing and writing (and reading, but that's beside the point. ;)

Pick a theme, a prompt, a lyric, a photo, and give your mind over to the pulses of fiction- the snapshot of a scene. 

And have FUN!  

Categories: Challenges, Completed Het Stories, Complete Slash Stories Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass



This challenge is complete. Thanks to all of our Santa's! 


Categories: Challenges, Group, Completed Het Stories, Complete Slash Stories Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

Right about NOW it's about that time! Awesome August is back, and it's bad. The rules are just as you remember them, nice and simple: 

* Stories must star an *NSYNCer as the main character.

* Any Genre is fine. Crossovers are a-okay.

* Stories must be COMPLETE by the end of your featured day.

* There is no length limit, but we ask that stories be at least 1,000 words. 

* You MUST post your story on your given day. If you will be unable to do so, PLEASE LET US KNOW so that we can fill your slot!

* Signups are open until the month fills up. At that point we may double up on some days, but not until the month is full.

* REMINDER/HINT: JC's Birthday is AUGUST 8th. Signups for that day are UNLIMITED. Anyone who wants to write a story featuring JC is welcome!

 Joining this challenge is easy as 1,2,3.   

1. Pick a day, any day in the month of August. Challengers are limited to TWO days for this challenge until we get closer to August 1 and need to fill up days.

2. Send your date of choice to us via email ( or via twitter ( @nsync-fiction).


Once you've signed up, stir up those ideas and get to writing!  



Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass



It's HERE! Our Spring Challenge is locked and loaded and we're ready to hear from over 20 awesome *NSYNC-Fiction authors. The fun begings May 1! We still have a few slots open if you dare jump in!  

Here's how this works:

- On your designated day, post your story as normal. It's fine to post it piece by piece throughout the day, but PLEASE make sure it's COMPLETELY posted by the end of the day. 

- Come back to this challenge, click on "Respond to the Challenge" and choose the story you just posted. This links all of the entries together so people can read the It's Gonna Be May entries at once if they like.

- Enjoy your day of Pimping! We'll link to your story on twitter and encourage readers to come on by and read you.  

- Please read other author's work as time allows and take the time to drop them a line and let them know that you enjoyed it!  

That's it! So, with that said, Bring on MAY 1st! Let's get it ON!  

Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

 Summary: Welcome to the SECOND annual NF Secret Santa!

This is listed as a  challenge so it'd be easier to share stories when they're ready to post!

 First a little intro on how Secret Santas work: you submit your preferences on how you'd like your story to be written, it's a gift to you! By submitting, you are agreeing to write a story for someone else, is the gift from you.


As a writer, you agree to:

1. Complete the short story assigned in no fewer  than 1,000 words.

2. Have it completed and posted on time! Due dates are Dec 23 - Dec 31.

3. In the summary or story notes include "For my Secret Santa, ______" followed by the given penname.

4. Come back here and click "respond to challenge" and add your story to the list.

Secret Santas are to remain anonymous until the story is posted! They will be chosen at random after they are divided according to their preferences.

Make sure you add to your Anti-Junk mail list so you receive our emails in your inbox!  Ready to begin the season of giving (and getting???) Head on over to the Secret Santa post at STILLNSYNC [] and fill out the form.

You'll receive your secret santa assignment by email via NF on Nov 16th.  Please make sure you can receive email from your profile at Nsync fiction.



Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass
Summary: This totally came out of my watching Go, Diego Go! with my son but I think it's funny and challenge anyone to try. I want to see you write a story where the male lead is having trouble finding a companion because he is the star of a children's television show. Make him like Barney or Mr. Rogers, go wild! This could be hilariously funny, morbid, romantic, do what you please.
Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

POP!Tober is an *NSYNC Fiction writing challenge that runs from October 1-31.  It is short, COMPLETE, stories that POP! 

1. Obviously, the story needs to be about an *NSYNCer or the group. You can include anyone you want, as long as the main character is a member of *NSYNC

2. This works the same as Awesome August- a brand new story everyday. October 17th is Chris' birthday, so anyone who wants to write a Chris centric story is encouraged to sign up on that day. 

3. There is no length minimum or maximum, no genre limits, but your story must be COMPLETE by the end of your assigned day. 

4. I've included some prompts that you can use if you need a boost. If you use a prompt, please mark it in your story notes. Check the Stillnsync forum for the list of prompts! 

5. Signups are open September 1- September 30 or until the challenge is full. 

Sign up at StillNSYNC here:; OR 

You can also tweet @nsyncfiction with your date selection OR

Send an email to


Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

This challenge is revamped from the annual Popslash Awesome August challenge on Livejournal. I've brought it here to NF so that Het writers can get in on the fun! 

The purpose of the challenge is to encourage writing, first of all. Second of all, to produce 30 days of *NEW* fiction!  

The Rules:

>The story can be any length, any genre, about any member, or the whole group.

>No limits except it must be COMPLETE. A shortie, a longie, a visual, a ficlet...

>It must be fiction and it must be *NSYNCified. Can you involve other bands, actors, actresses, etc? YES. The main character must be an *NSYNCER. 

This challenge is now FULL! OMG! How awesome are you guys?!

 *Awesome August is now complete and was a raging success! Thanks to all of our authors and readers!  


Challengers :



Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

You may be one of the lucky NF'rs following my crazyness on Twitter. If so, you know exactly what this challenge is all about... so get busy *wink* and start typing!

If not, I shall explain!

Talking to my BFF, the conversation over graphic sex scenes on tv or in movies turned into "would you ever watch him in a real life sex-tape if it ever leaked?" 

Of course my pervy brain later on Nsync-ified this and I posed the question to fellow nsync fans on my Twitter.

Needless to say... the majority said YES (some with certain conditions!)



1. Write a visual (erotic, pervy, smutty, however you like it) with one of the guys making/filming a sex tape. He can be watching a sex tape too, but I think the first option can be more fun.

2. he can be alone or with a girl... surprise us.

3. Add a twist (a surprise, something creative)! Because its fun and always unexpected.... and it'll make your story stand out from the rest because i'm hoping this challenge gets A LOT of responses! :)


I do want to add a due date... I want authos to fee free to add to this challenge whenever they can, but let's say Valentines Day? Or before if you're as excited as I am lol!

Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

Yes, you read right. I challenge anyone to take part of the 100 Themes Challenge. All you have to do is start a story with each chapter being a different theme. Each chapter can be about a different character, can be from a different point of view, it can be about anything. It just has to be related to *Nsync (duh) and be creative. Any rating goes, it's your choice

Any questions, comments, concerns, don't hesitate to send me a message. Have fun!

*I don't want to post the list of themes here because it makes the page too long and the format ends up being wierd, so if you want the themes send me a message.



Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass