A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

This isn't an offical challenge with sign up slots and due dates. If you write a holiday themed fic, please add it to this challenge so we can keep the stories together and binge them appropriately.

If you're reading stories, PLEASE remember to leave a good word for the author, check back often for new stories and tell a friend (or six).


The Admins

Categories: Complete Slash Stories, Challenges, Group, Completed Het Stories Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass


It's time for the 4th annual NF Secret Santa Story Exchange!  For this Exchange, you fill out a survey to express your preferences on how you'd like a story to be written for you.  In return, you also agree to write a story for someone else based on their preferences.   

As a writer, you agree to:

1.        Complete the story assigned in no fewer than 1,000 words

2.       Have it completed and posted on-time!  Due dates are December 20th - December 31st. 

3.       In the summary include “For my Secret Santa, _____” with their given penname

4.       Click “Respond to Challenge” and add your story this challenge’s list

Secret Santas are to remain anonymous until the story is posted!  They will be chosen at random and are divided according to preferences. 

Make sure to add to your contacts so you receive all relevant e-mails!

Happy Holidays! 

Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass



This challenge is complete. Thanks to all of our Santa's! 


Categories: Challenges, Group, Completed Het Stories, Complete Slash Stories Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

 Summary: Welcome to the SECOND annual NF Secret Santa!

This is listed as a  challenge so it'd be easier to share stories when they're ready to post!

 First a little intro on how Secret Santas work: you submit your preferences on how you'd like your story to be written, it's a gift to you! By submitting, you are agreeing to write a story for someone else, is the gift from you.


As a writer, you agree to:

1. Complete the short story assigned in no fewer  than 1,000 words.

2. Have it completed and posted on time! Due dates are Dec 23 - Dec 31.

3. In the summary or story notes include "For my Secret Santa, ______" followed by the given penname.

4. Come back here and click "respond to challenge" and add your story to the list.

Secret Santas are to remain anonymous until the story is posted! They will be chosen at random after they are divided according to their preferences.

Make sure you add to your Anti-Junk mail list so you receive our emails in your inbox!  Ready to begin the season of giving (and getting???) Head on over to the Secret Santa post at STILLNSYNC [] and fill out the form.

You'll receive your secret santa assignment by email via NF on Nov 16th.  Please make sure you can receive email from your profile at Nsync fiction.



Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass

Yes, you read right. I challenge anyone to take part of the 100 Themes Challenge. All you have to do is start a story with each chapter being a different theme. Each chapter can be about a different character, can be from a different point of view, it can be about anything. It just has to be related to *Nsync (duh) and be creative. Any rating goes, it's your choice

Any questions, comments, concerns, don't hesitate to send me a message. Have fun!

*I don't want to post the list of themes here because it makes the page too long and the format ends up being wierd, so if you want the themes send me a message.



Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass