A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Ride it, ride it, ride it, ride it, ride it... giddy up! Giddy up!


Ok I'm done singing, but geesuz JC Chasez is trying to kill me. This Halloween he was a COWBOY and took a really hot pic with these two girls *is jealous* lol!


So it's oozing of challenge potential! 

1. gotta be NC-17

2. threeway... obviously.

3. stay loyal to the photo (meaning use the cowboy/indian costumes!)

4. make it a story (yes sex is good, but a little story around it is always nice too lol!)

5. dont get too creative, I'm not asking for an ol' western fic here. Keep it at the party, or after the party, or during the party... lol!


that's it! I'm not picky! Run with it... have fun, make it good and don't be scared to make it as naughty, kinky, smutty as you like lol! :)

Categories: Challenges Characters: JC Chasez

No I have not turned Anti-Justin! lol! But I'm a slut and sometimes I enjoying having secret rendezvous with the other sparkly boys. Who can blame me? :)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

To write a story (short or chapters) with a "SYNC" member as the lead.

1. JC, Chris, Joey, or Lance as the lead ... duh.
2. its has to be posted after today's date, it cant be a story you've already started... cheater! lol!
3. Justin can be in the story, I'm not crazy! but as a minor character k? No big role or anything.
4. it can be as short or as long as you want... though honestly, chapter stories are my favs *wink wink*.

I'm putting out this challenge in hopes that some really talented Justin authors take it up. T

Categories: Challenges Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass
Summary: I was thinking that someone could make a series called "Schizophrenic." It could have visuals/one chapter stories with titles from every song on the album. (starring JC of course;]) The problem is I cant write that smutty stuff for the NC17 rated kinda songs. :p ;]

so i decided to post my idea here and see what people think.
Categories: Challenges Characters: JC Chasez