JC Chasez
Past Featured Story

What happens when the one that got away comes back, but you already have everything?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 92
Wordcount: 223858 - Hits: 7960
Complete?: Yes - Published: Nov 23, 2022 - Last Updated: Jun 05, 2023 -

Breana has a one in a lifetime encounter. Will she make it count or will she dwell in the past and cause her own self descruction? Will she allow JC to show her just what she's been missing?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Group, JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: General

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 5572 - Hits: 97
Complete?: No - Published: Mar 30, 2024 - Last Updated: Mar 30, 2024 -
Past Featured Story

Fan encounter

Categories: Challenges, Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: General

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1478 - Hits: 166
Complete?: Yes - Published: Aug 08, 2019 - Last Updated: Aug 08, 2019 -

He had sworn to himself that he would play the gentleman. After all, she was his friend's baby cousin. But playing the gentleman was also a role that he - JC Chasez, the sexually-deviant rakehell of the group - was not used to. His eyes, like the eyes of most of the men at the party, stalked her around the dance floor and when she shot him a gaze that burned with temptation, JC knew better than to continue playing a role that he knew he would never be very good at.

His acting ability only extended so far. 

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2142 - Hits: 1009
Complete?: Yes - Published: Aug 05, 2012 - Last Updated: Aug 05, 2012 -
This isn't a love story.  This isn't even a like story.  This is a story about how the company you keep can make or break you.  How the relationships you build can define your existence, or destroy it.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, General

Series: None
Chapters: 4
Wordcount: 15593 - Hits: 9906
Complete?: No - Published: Oct 31, 2010 - Last Updated: Nov 05, 2010 -

JC and Liz have been friends since forever until a song changed everything.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 5
Wordcount: 16341 - Hits: 3628
Complete?: No - Published: Nov 14, 2013 - Last Updated: May 13, 2014 -
Selfish by Laina (R) [Comments - 1]
What happens when JC can't get over the feelings he has for Lance?

Categories: Complete Slash Stories
Characters: JC Chasez, Lance Bass
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Celebrity/Celebrity

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1410 - Hits: 1446
Complete?: Yes - Published: Aug 27, 2008 - Last Updated: Aug 27, 2008 -
Past Featured Story For my Secret Santa, Whit1210!  I hope you enjoy this; I have never seen Serendipity so I had to read plot spoilers and just dive into it!

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Romance
Challenges: *NSYNC-Fiction Secret Santa 2012

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2995 - Hits: 621
Complete?: Yes - Published: Dec 31, 2012 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2012 -
Can one bad decision take away what JC wants most in life?

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Angst

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1172 - Hits: 1288
Complete?: Yes - Published: May 12, 2007 - Last Updated: May 12, 2007 -
Country superstar Rachel Bass was involved in a car accident that left her unable to hear. With her world tossed upside down an old friend reenters her life showing her that love is all that matters.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 30
Wordcount: 131395 - Hits: 29221
Complete?: Yes - Published: Jan 22, 2014 - Last Updated: Jun 18, 2014 -
*Part 5 of the Doctor, Doctor series* JC's fear of needles has seriously gone too far this time.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Humor

Series: Doctor, Doctor
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1714 - Hits: 293
Complete?: Yes - Published: Feb 15, 2016 - Last Updated: Feb 15, 2016 -

Never felt so lonely, i wish that you could show me love..

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 3386 - Hits: 1821
Complete?: Yes - Published: Jul 12, 2011 - Last Updated: Jul 12, 2011 -

“When you come back, I won't be here.”
She said and gently pulled me near
“If you wanna talk, you can call
And, no, it's not your fault.”

I just smiled and said “Let go of me,
Now, there's something I just gotta know
Did someone else steal my part?”
She said it's not my fault

Then my heart did time in Siberia
Was waiting for the lie to come true
'Cause it's all so dark and mysterious
When the one you want doesn't want you too

- "Siberia" by Backstreet Boys

 Sequel to: Justin, JC, The Basement, & Me

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, General, Humor, Romance
Challenges: Valentine's Day Challenge

Series: JT, JC, and Me.
Chapters: 15
Wordcount: 46669 - Hits: 24232
Complete?: Yes - Published: Sep 25, 2011 - Last Updated: Dec 18, 2013 -
Twelve years ago today, they made history. Today, on the day that they all remember every year, something has happened. And it makes Justin reach out for the one person he's let go of, and now struggles to keep. 

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Group, JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, General

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2663 - Hits: 1017
Complete?: Yes - Published: Mar 25, 2012 - Last Updated: Mar 25, 2012 -
Skin Deep by Mel514 (PG-13) [Comments - 8]

"Her beauty has never faltered in my eyes but I know there are moments where she doesn’t feel that way. She swears she has imperfections, even though I’ve looked high and low and can’t seem to find them. It’s times like these when I take it upon myself, to remind her just exactly how sexy she is, all insecurities aside."


JC takes it upon himself to remind the one he loves that her beauty is still there, regardless of what she sees. 

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2849 - Hits: 1475
Complete?: Yes - Published: Apr 01, 2009 - Last Updated: Apr 01, 2009 -