It's been months and not a single song has been recorded, what does Lou have in mind? What does Johnny expect from the Boys?
What about 'Drya and AJ? What does Chris have to say? What is JC thinking? Justin begins to hate Nick and AJ, but why? Joey is worried more than JC is, over what?
What do the four guys have to do with 'Drya, AJ and the Backstreet Boys' future?
'Drya has trusted AJ and he's been good to her for far too long, he's bound to fuck up sometime. She's been confiding in Brian and Kevin, bonding with Nick and acts more like Howie's baby sister with each passing day.
On the other hand, she's pulling away from Joey, Justin, JC, Britney and Christina while confiding in Chris so that he's informed of everything; just in case she may need rescuing someday.
Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick,
JC Chasez,
Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe,
Series: Love Is A Confusing Emotion
Chapters: 55
Wordcount: 92156 -
Hits: 63856
Complete?: Yes -
Published: Apr 23, 2012 -
Last Updated: May 03, 2012 -