MrsTimberlake18 (Signed) on Jan 20, 2009 11:54 am (Chapter 15)
wow wow wow is all i can say lol :)

themuse (Anonymous) on Jan 20, 2009 03:25 am (Chapter 15)


This chapter had so many goodies all wrapped up in it. ;)

Thanks for the cute references, making JC's birthday wonderful afterall, and giving JC and Carly the big mOment that brought them to another level. Good job, honey! :)

azchickadee (Signed) on Jan 19, 2009 11:33 pm (Chapter 15)
oh my goodness!  It's about frickin' time!  lol.  I loved it!  Great chapter :)

Author's Response: Yes, yes, I know it took forever. I'm sorry. lol Thanks for reading and reviewing:)

themuse (Anonymous) on Jan 06, 2009 01:29 pm (Chapter 14)
Oh..I forgot to add that I found the texting rather adorable! :)

themuse (Anonymous) on Jan 06, 2009 01:26 pm (Chapter 14)

Can I please be Carly? K? Thanks!

But really, this chapter made me happy and I'm glad they've made it 'official'. Poor JC alone in bed...hopefully his girlfriend returns soon!

Nice job and as always, I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :)

Author's Response: Only if I can be Carly, too ;) And yes, the texting was fun to write. And cross your fingers for the next chapter! I've got some ideas up my sleeve!

champ (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 12:08 am (Chapter 14)
update soon!! good update...good story!!

Author's Response: Thanks so much for reading!

MrsTimberlake18 (Signed) on Jan 05, 2009 10:11 pm (Chapter 14)
ooo im dying for the  next chapter!  i understand how long-distance is. dont got a bf but i got a friend who lives in another city & i love when we get time to talk in his schedule. great chapter :)

Author's Response: Thanks for reading! And yes, I had to throw the long distance thing in there. Good things are always hard to come by. I'm already brain storming the next chapter! Will hopefully have it done by next week!

hp5010 (Signed) on Jan 05, 2009 09:39 pm (Chapter 14)
Woohoo, an update!!!  I wonder what Tyler's got up his sleeve...

MrsTimberlake18 (Signed) on Dec 24, 2008 02:21 pm (Chapter 13)
just read all of this. please continue!

Author's Response: Thanks for reading! I'm working on the next chapter right now!

themister10 (Anonymous) on Dec 02, 2008 08:21 pm (Chapter 12)
phewwww go you! loved the chapter, keep up the good work!

hp5010 (Signed) on Nov 25, 2008 10:39 pm (Chapter 1)

Hot!! but I don't have a good feeling about the missed phone call...

SJane (Signed) on Nov 25, 2008 09:54 pm (Chapter 12)
what a hot little showwer scene i loved it lol

but they way you ended that chapter got me wondering

themuse (Anonymous) on Nov 25, 2008 07:38 pm (Chapter 12)

1) Great update as always! 2) Nice beach scene. 3) I'm glad Tyler talked to Carly. 4) It's nice and fun to see that things mused in our musing sessions make it to the real chapters. 5) It's about time they got a little naughty. Bravo! 6) I love JC/Carly!

Happy Thanksgiving, love! :)

champ (Signed) on Nov 25, 2008 05:38 pm (Chapter 12)

great story..keep the chapters coming


hp5010 (Signed) on Nov 23, 2008 06:51 pm (Chapter 11)
great update.  Can't wait to hear what's happened that JC doesn't sing anymore.

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